HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million!


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf
But, that means the "majority" that voted for Hillary will be deported! Hardly fair.
What will we do with all the extra cash flow after eradication?
Hahaha....Let me guess Lefties....improve the welfare system by paying Guadalupe and ShaQuita more for their seven children and four baby daddy's?
Why does the left think the deportation of 8 million illegal aliens is feasible?
But, that means the "majority" that voted for Hillary will be deported! Hardly fair.

This is real. Trump signed executive order 13768 that will make feasible the deportation of the vast majority of illegals in our country. I have no idea why this thread was locked and hope the above commentary is sufficient. I mean, really, what else is there to say?

Video here with reference material: HE WASN’T KIDDING! Trump Revealed New Plan, Deport 75% of Illegals, 8 million! – InvestmentWatch

Or just read it for yourself here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-30/pdf/2017-02102.pdf
It was closed because the rules state you need original content. The above may suffice to keep it open but you still have failed to provide a direction for the discussion. Are you for or against for instance.

It is also worth noting that I cannot find anywhere anything that substantiates the 75% figure, the 8 million people figure or anything even close to what you are seeming to claim in the op.

Did you actually read the order that you linked?
But, that means the "majority" that voted for Hillary will be deported! Hardly fair.


I am pretty sure who ever photoshopped this does not understand the physics of a Trebuchet.

That's not what it is. It's a decapitation sling.

It could be called an 'oreo cookie'. Physics is physics.
lol. I don't think he got what you were referring to. Or he thinks those guys are REALLY strong - like Hulk strong.
The video itself says "75% of CRIMINAL illegals. Since when is removing a CRIMINAL a problem?
The order, on the other hand, does not. It does plainly state that criminals will be prioritized as they should. I did not see anything relating to a percentage or a quota that they are trying to fill. The only real impactful things mentioned here (though they are very big items) is the order to start withholding resources from sanctuary cities and the addition of up to 10,000 new ICE agents.
It was closed because the rules state you need original content. The above may suffice to keep it open but you still have failed to provide a direction for the discussion. Are you for or against for instance.

It is also worth noting that I cannot find anywhere anything that substantiates the 75% figure, the 8 million people figure or anything even close to what you are seeming to claim in the op.

Did you actually read the order that you linked?
I not only read, but I go further and actually research for myself. The figure comes directly from the center of immigration studies. Check it out yourself...

President Trump's Executive Order puts Americans first; at least 75% of Illegal Aliens Eligible for Deportation
But, that means the "majority" that voted for Hillary will be deported! Hardly fair.


I am pretty sure who ever photoshopped this does not understand the physics of a Trebuchet.

That's not what it is. It's a decapitation sling.

It could be called an 'oreo cookie'. Physics is physics.
lol. I don't think he got what you were referring to. Or he thinks those guys are REALLY strong - like Hulk strong.

Texas Tech has a reasonable freshman physics course. Mike could sit in on it.

I am pretty sure who ever photoshopped this does not understand the physics of a Trebuchet.

That's not what it is. It's a decapitation sling.

It could be called an 'oreo cookie'. Physics is physics.
lol. I don't think he got what you were referring to. Or he thinks those guys are REALLY strong - like Hulk strong.

Texas Tech has a reasonable freshman physics course. Mike could sit in on it.
I don't need to know anymore about physics.
I am pretty sure who ever photoshopped this does not understand the physics of a Trebuchet.

That's not what it is. It's a decapitation sling.

It could be called an 'oreo cookie'. Physics is physics.
lol. I don't think he got what you were referring to. Or he thinks those guys are REALLY strong - like Hulk strong.

Texas Tech has a reasonable freshman physics course. Mike could sit in on it.
I don't need to know anymore about physics.

that's good since you know nothing about any type of science.
I am pretty sure who ever photoshopped this does not understand the physics of a Trebuchet.

That's not what it is. It's a decapitation sling.

It could be called an 'oreo cookie'. Physics is physics.
lol. I don't think he got what you were referring to. Or he thinks those guys are REALLY strong - like Hulk strong.

Texas Tech has a reasonable freshman physics course. Mike could sit in on it.
I don't need to know anymore about physics.

This could be useful for leverage and momentum during sex.

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