Head of LGBTQ Dems of Maryland gets graphic and solicits 14-year-old boy...


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013


Isn't everyone here totally shocked?
Montgomery County MD is where I live. These sexual deviants and their focus on underage is not helping the LBGTQ cause.
I think it's all a part of their cause.

They are proud to expose themselves naked to children in their faggotparades and they also celebrate MAPS.

Here you go. Listen to thisfaggot.

Just wait until we get the hard core sex trafickers and "players "exposed .
The world will be shocked how many there are .
Millions .
We literally will not have the prison spaces to kennel them .

Maybe we need to re-think whether there are categories of filth that dictate euthanasia as the best solution .
Just wait until we get the hard core sex trafickers and "players "exposed .
The world will be shocked how many there are .
Millions .
We literally will not have the prison spaces to kennel them .

Maybe we need to re-think whether there are categories of filth that dictate euthanasia as the best solution .
They're canceling everyone that is exposing them by one way or another way and the moronic monkeys that vote democrat that post here all know it. They don't care. Which make them evil and makes them not worthy of one ounce of pity.

Movies like Sound of Freedom, resisted by hollywood to be distributed. Movie made 5 years ago, put out last year and then smeared by the msm and the left.

Even though it was the absolute true story about sex trafficking of children as told by the agent Tim Ballard.

Why was that greatly resisted by hollywood and the msm? Why was it attacked and ignored by those losers?

They then of course went to their playbook of discrediting Tim Ballard by women ALL OF A SUDDEN accusing him of sexual misconduct. Not when these things supposedly happened.

It's right out of their usual playbook and they do it virtually every time.

Much how like when Russell Brand destroyed msnbc representing all of the msm and their utter bullshit..

Then shortly after that "some woman" accused Brand of sexually assaulting her in 2006. Yes, nearly 20 years later and this "trauma" the woman supposedly experienced waited only until after Brand was impacting the cabal of propaganda and bullshit.

Always accusing others of that which they are guilty of, is one of the pillars of the socialist march.
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He was already let go from his volunteer position with the Maryland Democratic party. The Republicans on the other hand nominated an adjudicated sexual abuser as their Presidential candidate. You folks really need to get you some self awareness.
Major fail on a false equivalency attempt. The people advocating for legalized sexual relationships between adults and children are from the Democrat side of the aisle.

Clinton had numerous claims of sexual abuse. Biden got accused of going beyond abuse and into assault with a former staffer. If you want to do battle with equivalencies, here is where you need to do it; not with the liberal sexual deviants.

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