Health Care Is A Right Not a Privilege!

The medical industry...

..too big to fail.

The insurance industry, in any case. PPACA is essentially a bailout of corporate health insurance. They painted themselves into a corner, and we taxpayers get to bail them out. It's the American Way.
The medical industry...

..too big to fail.

The insurance industry, in any case. PPACA is essentially a bailout of corporate health insurance. They painted themselves into a corner, and we taxpayers get to bail them out. It's the American Way.

Just another example of what the collaboration between our government and big business can produce.

You'd think we could concieve dinosaurs given the strange combinations of DNA we create.

Agreed, healthcare is a right.....that you can pay for if you want it.

I just commented in another thread that I hate when the debate is framed as "Right v privelige," but let me play devils advocate here.

When Bill shatters his leg and doesn't have insurance and will die without care... Let him die?

WRONG WRONG WRONG. Let's make it clear -YOU can't even identify the real problem so your opinion is pretty worthless! Bill cannot be denied medical care for his broken leg that if left untreated would kill him and doesn't EVER need INSURANCE to get it treated or ever have the ability to pay for it to get it treated! Your example was totally irrelevant and unrelated to the real problem.

Let's start by NOT pretending health INSURANCE is the same thing as medical CARE -much less lie and pretend it is the same as QUALITY care. Certain people try to pretend these are all one and the same things -but they provably are NOT. There is a DELIBERATE attempt to constantly mingle one with the other for purposes of DECEPTION. And it is a very effective one.

In fact there is an inverse correlation in the prevalence of the former to the decline in the two others. All Brits now have government health insurance. But their government has started denying even curative treatment to those citizens it has decided just aren't worth the money. In other words, even if it would cure the individual of their disease, even if it would improve the quality of their life -what matters under universal health insurance becomes the best financial interests of GOVERNMENT. And NEVER AGAIN the best interests of the citizen himself first. Which is why mortality rates for all sorts of common conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, breast and prostate cancers are all rising in the UK. They still pay for it and far more than they would if they paid it directly -but they sacrifice control and eventually the quality of their life. It becomes a system where when the average individual reaches the point in life where he finally really does NEED it the most -is when he will most likely be denied ACCESS to it. But hey, I'm sure he will be told what a real bargain he got by over valuing the service itself, convinced paying more than 8 times as much for it as he would have voluntarily paid for it if he paid for it directly was a real bargain -because hey, when he was younger he could go see the doctor for "free" when he had a cold so the doctor could tell him it would go away on its own - but denied a hip replacement which would have improved the quality of his life and allowed him to live out the remainder of his life far more independently. But was instead forced to live out the rest of his time in a wheelchair which takes years of life expectancy from someone and ended up dependent on others for that remaining time to boot. What a bargain. We can all only hope to experience it for ourselves so we can comfort ourselves with knowing how much we wasted on being able to see a doctor when we didn't NEED one only to be denied access to one when we did.

By its very nature, when the best interests of the individual who still pays for it even indirectly and the best interests of government who merely collects that money conflict -it is the individual who will always lose, with government putting a dollar amount on the value of that individual's life and demanding the individual accept it. No matter how valuable the individual himself finds his own life to be, HIS opinion becomes irrelevant when he isn't paying for it directly. Even though he not only PAID for that government health care, he paid more than 8 times as much for it than if he had paid for his own medical care directly. Are you too anxious to see nearly half your income disappear down the rat hole known as "government provided health care insurance" so that you too can receive a poor return on your money? ROFL

When people DO pay for it directly instead of handing control over to a third party, the quality of that person's life becomes PARAMOUNT. Which is the foundation for the vast majority of our medical advancements. Something that is not even particularly important to third party payees -including government. Once the foundation of improving the quality of life of people and trying to return an individual to be as independent as possible regardless of their age is stripped from our medical system -so is quality of care. The primary purpose of our medical system is NOT to save lives -because most people never see a doctor to save their life. Its primary purpose is to treat the sick and return them to at least their previous level of health, productivity and independence and IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE even when cure is not possible. Obama has openly said he wants to change that to a system that exists for the purpose of keeping healthy people healthy. Something that is impossible. Seeing a doctor when you have nothing wrong will not prevent you from getting sick. And you won't need the specialized services of a doctor UNTIL you are sick. Except for that teeny, minute group no doctor will be able to tell you are sick before YOU DO. So Obama has said he wants to fundamentally change our medical system from one that exists to improve the quality of life for sick people in order to return them to a more productive life as soon as possible -to one that exists primarily for the benefit of people who don't need it at all. Which is exactly what it becomes with universal government run health insurance. It is certainly cheaper to treat healthy people than it is to treat sick people, isn't it? So why not fundamentally change our medical system to one that exists for THEM instead?

So which are you wanting to pretend is the "right" here? That you have a "right" to the services of another person because you over-value the services they do? The vast majority of people could go their entire lives and lead normal lives without seeing a doctor -what they use doctors for is to make their lives more COMFORTABLE. Not because their existence is at stake. Only a small fraction NEED medical care just to survive. So let's not mix apples and oranges on that either.

Or do you mean to argue that you have a right to own a health care INSURANCE POLICY that will allow you to pretend your health care is free by forcing you to pay as much as 8 times more for your medical care than you would have VOLUNTARILY chosen to pay for it if you had just paid for it directly instead of paying a third party to pay your medical bills? Which is it here? Keep in mind insurance companies can't exist unless they get you to pay them MORE to pay your medical bills than it actually costs. And you already have a RIGHT to own a health insurance policy if, like anything you want to buy -you can pay for it. You are really talking about whether you have a "right" to insist everyone ELSE get one too -and THAT you have no right to demand. Especially when it provably makes the cost of MY medical care more expensive. So which of all these so-called rights do you REALLY think your discussing here with a stupid example like that when THAT isn't even a problem in this country???? People aren't being tossed in the road to die from their broken leg and nothing under discussion will change that -so why use an example that doesn't have a fucking thing to do with ANYTHING? It only only tells me you are incapable of even being able to hold a rational discussion because you clearly don't even know the root source for our problems in the first place!

In reality you already do have a right to purchase heath insurance which means you will likely pay 8 times more for medical care than you would have VOLUNTARILY chosen to pay for it if you just paid for it directly. What people like you REALLY mean in this debate is to claim a "right" to force everyone ELSE to spend 8 times more for THEIR medical care than they would have voluntarily chosen to spend on it too! No such right.

We don't have a deteriorating medical system. We have a deteriorating health insurance system because it is THIS industry that is the root cause of spiraling medical costs and it is causing damage to our medical system. Not the other way around. And yet people like you think the prescription to fix it is by not destroying the health insurance industry. But by destroying the medical care system instead. Oh sure -perfect sense! If you lack any critical thinking skills, that is.

The problem is not with the quality of your medical care in this country and it is not with access to medical care. Did you realize that OUR medical system is responsible for more than 95% of ALL medical advancements worldwide? Which we share with the entire globe. NOT the Cuban, not the French, not Chinese and for sure not the UK or Canadian ones -but sure, its OURS you see as "deteriorating" and believe it needs to be fundamentally changed to look like a proven INFERIOR one like they have in Canada or the UK???? Are you for real? It is people like you who try to pretend owning a health insurance policy is the same as improving the quality of medical care and an "improved" medical care system and it is one of the biggest fucking LIES going around! The source of the problem is with the cost of HEALTH INSURANCE -which is linked to the increased costs its very existence has caused in medical services. It is the existence of health insurance that is the root cause of the problem because the only way for health insurance companies -including government -to take in more than it pays out is by charging YOU more than you would have paid for it directly. If you doubt that, then tell me why you think we don't have insurance for food where you can buy an insurance policy and it lets you go to the grocery whenever you want and take out as much food as you want. Hey if you think that should work with medical services, it should work for ANYTHING you want in life. But we don't do that because when you substitute "medical care" with ANY other goods or service -you instantly realize how fucking stupid it is to pay 8 times more for a good or service to a third party than you would VOLUNTARILY choose to pay for it if you paid for it directly. Yes, there are such things as catastrophic medical costs -but the vast majority of us will never have them. Are we REALLY so stupid we can't figure out a way to assist those who do come across catastrophic costs that would financially wipe them out -without wiping out ourselves at the same time?

If you NEED medical care, you can get it and the quality of that care is outstanding regardless of your ability to pay for it. If you need to see a doctor in this country -your wait time to see one is a fraction of how long people in Canada or the UK will wait. Which can be as long as 2 1/2 YEARS. Which is why in the UK their mortality rates for all sorts of things like high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, breast and prostate cancers have started rising. When you have to wait a long time to see a doctor, what ails you will either go away on its own. Or it gets worse and more resistant to treatment and you are more likely to end up in poorer health or even dead.

We have a health INSURANCE problem in this country -and that problem is affecting the costs of medical care. NOT the other way around. The medical system is NOT the root cause of the problem -and if you can't even identify the root cause of the problem, then ANY suggestions or demands on how to fix it is FLAWED, based on incorrect assumptions and guaranteed to make it WORSE. Health insurance guarantees you will pay at least 8 times MORE for your medical care by inserting and paying a third party to use that money to pay your bills and then pocket the rest as profit -than if you just paid for your medical care yourself. The very existence of health insurance is THE root cause of spiraling medical costs which did not exist UNTIL the existence of health insurance coverage for routine medical care. Do you really need me to walk you through why it is inserting a MASSIVE industry in between you and the person giving you their medical services does this? Really can't figure that out?

I'll be glad to walk you through it -but see if you can get through it on your own before coming back here and insisting the only possible answer to a health INSURANCE problem in this country which drives up the costs of medical care -is to destroy the single most productive and top quality medical system on the planet and replace it with one that when everything is functioning as intended (which becomes increasingly rarer) -is a mediocre one. Our system is the BEST on the planet with no close second. Ours is responsible for more than 95% of all medical advancements ON THE PLANET -which we then share globally. Destroying our system because people like YOU can't figure out the true source of the problem -is sheer stupidity and one in which BILLIONS will pay the real price.

We have a HEALTH INSURANCE problem -one that if we don't fix it, will destroy our medical system, the finest on earth. The proper solution to this problem is NOT to pretend the source of the problem itself lies in the medical system which is struggling to overcome the problems INDUCED by the very existence of health insurance and still remain the best in the world in spite of the existence of this problem causing and destructive health insurance industry. Unless you too have a real need to start seeing our own mortality rates for high blood pressure, diabetes, breast and prostate cancers, stroke etc. all start rising again insisting the source of the problem is the medical care system itself instead of properly identifying the real source of the problem is paramount in FIXING IT. Since the source of the problem isn't in the medical care system itself, pretending destroying that will somehow "fix" it is really stupid.

So this entire discussion is really about the people who are claiming they have a "right" to demand everyone pay more than 8 times more for their medical care than they would have VOLUNTARILY chosen to pay for it if they paid for it directly instead of indirectly. NO SUCH RIGHT EXISTS.

This is so well said.

I wish others (including myself) were so thoughtful.
How is YOUR healthcare EVERYONE'S problem, unless you're Typhoid Mary?

OHHHH Jesus, Joseph, and Mary! What the hell does that mean?

You don't understand English? His healthcare, and YOUR healthcare, mean nothing whatsoever to me and my life, unless one of you is planning to contract something contagious and run around being Patient Zero and infecting other people, rather than getting off your dead, lazy asses and taking care of your problem yourself.

And frankly, if one of you IS planning to be Typhoid Mary, my solution wouldn't be to pay for the doctor to treat you. It would be more along the lines of paying for the bullet.

You are without a doubt, one of the most hateful people I've ever encountered. And btw....fuck you. I have a full-time job and a PPO. You don't know a damned thing about me, or the others you insult. You'd better pray to God, or burn some incense to whatever god or golden calf you worship, that you will always have your health. Because if you ever become suddenly seriously ill, (like I did 3 months ago) you're going to go through it alone....that is, if you talk to and treat people-(that you encounter face-to-face) like you do in here.

You're a miserable soul, and seem to get morbid satisfaction out of making others miserable. I've paid my dues and paid into the system for 19 years. So if I suddenly need some help, I've certainly paid enough in to be entitled to SOME of the money that I've contributed.

I work in healthcare, so I see this stuff played out, on a daily basis. I kind of feel sorry for you. You're so miserable that you can't see through the fog of your own ignorance.

Good health and good luck wishes to you, because karma's a bitch. How will you feel when you're potentially facing your own mortality? I can tell you from personal experience-what you think is important, becomes irrelevent....kind of like the hate that you spew in here. Everything is black or white to you. And if someone disagrees with you, or finds your posts comical, you automatically label them as a lazy, deadbeat, welfare-cheating, liberal, communist, etc... Along with your charming vocabulary full of profanity.

I'm sorry that you've reached this level of misery in your life, that you have to come in here and take it out on people who are actually trying to have civil discussions with others.:cuckoo::evil:
Health care is not a right.

It is, often, a benefit.

It is a service.

If one needs it and cannot afford it, it is often provided for with the generosity of other people's money.

Health care is, in some ways, a privilege.

But, as noted in this very thread, there is nobody in this country who will not receive emergency care in an -- emergency.

This does not necessarily cover all illness. Holy cow. Who would have imagined that life can be hard and even cruel sometimes? Does life kinda suck sometimes? Yes.

Does the Constitution -- or any institution of man -- guarantee us freedom from undesired suckiness?

If so, please share the source. I can't find it spelled out in the text of the Constitution or even in the darkest corners of its umbras and penumbras.
Congress makes all kinds of laws based upon the premise that pushing workers into unions makes a better working environment for the worker.
And then bans their own employees from doing so.
Health care is not a right.

It is, often, a benefit.

It is a service.

If one needs it and cannot afford it, it is often provided for with the generosity of other people's money.

Health care is, in some ways, a privilege.

But, as noted in this very thread, there is nobody in this country who will not receive emergency care in an -- emergency.

This does not necessarily cover all illness. Holy cow. Who would have imagined that life can be hard and even cruel sometimes? Does life kinda suck sometimes? Yes.

Does the Constitution -- or any institution of man -- guarantee us freedom from undesired suckiness?

If so, please share the source. I can't find it spelled out in the text of the Constitution or even in the darkest corners of its umbras and penumbras.

I agree and providing health care as a benefit takes away the individual has to be responsible for the costs of their health care.
And the for profit private health care market understands that very well and runs their business model accordingly.
As a result of that we pay 3 times more for the same health care as all other countries with private health care.
With a population that is about half as healthy as those other countries.
The current system is fucked. We are a fat, lazy, diabetes prone country as a result of benefits provided- "My health care is free so why do I care what it costs" system.
As described in this thread and dozens of others, genius. YOU and ME and EVERY OTHER paying customer are subsidizing the bills of the non-paying customers. Do try to keep up. :thup:

And that is why obamacare is no different then what we have now. So long as the majority will not pay a red cent into the system.. the ones who will be paying will have to carry them. Same thing we have now... except the ones who will be paying in my opinion will be getting less for their money and what they had before.

Actually, Obamacare does the opposite of what you insinuate. There will be more people paying, not less.

You're entitled to your opinions, but not your own facts. :thup:

Suuuure there will. Because telling people, "You'll be taken care of whether you work or not" ALWAYS makes more of them step up to the plate and start working their butts off. :cuckoo: Just like spending 5 trillions dollars on bullshit was BETTER for the economy, not worse.

What color is the sky in CrazyLiberalLand, anyway? And just how long do you delusional freaks expect the rest of us to listen to you tell yourselves lies and pretend that you're sane, reasonable adults instead of psychos?
Long boring wall of text not read.

You should really read to the end of a thread before running your mouth. I never said Bill was going to be denied care, and nobody thinks he is. The point is, that unless you're willing to deny him care, spouting off that everyone needs to pay for their own is worthless.

I am quite willing to deny him care.

Can we get back to a free market system now ?

That's two...TWO... In the thread who say they're willing to deny care.

Virtually everyone on the right spouts off about how everyone has to pay, but so far you and Syrenn are the only two that have the brass to say yes, deny him care. Kudos to both of you - Seriously.

But you need to understand, 1. nobody in the governing process has brought this to the table, and 2. This phenomenon is not exacerbated by Obamacare, in fact Obamacare is likely to reduce the instances. In theory, that's why it works. In practice, we'll all have to find out together.

Try it this way, if your tiny little liberal brain can stretch far enough to wrap around the concept.

No one's really DENYING him jack shit. But we're perfectly willing to allow him to do without if his lazy ass isn't willing to get it for himself. "Denying" would mean - in RealityLand, as opposed to CrazyLiberalLand - actively keeping him from getting care no matter what he did. Only in CrazyLiberalLand is refusing to pay for a total stranger's medical care DENYING him medical care. You're lazy-ass, selfish buddy Bill is more than welcome to get his broken leg fixed . . . as long as he pays for it. If HE doesn't care enough to pay for it, why should I?

Get your lazy, greedy liberal hands out of my pockets. My kids need that money more than you do, and unlike you, THEY matter to me.
OHHHH Jesus, Joseph, and Mary! What the hell does that mean?

You don't understand English? His healthcare, and YOUR healthcare, mean nothing whatsoever to me and my life, unless one of you is planning to contract something contagious and run around being Patient Zero and infecting other people, rather than getting off your dead, lazy asses and taking care of your problem yourself.

And frankly, if one of you IS planning to be Typhoid Mary, my solution wouldn't be to pay for the doctor to treat you. It would be more along the lines of paying for the bullet.

You are without a doubt, one of the most hateful people I've ever encountered. And btw....fuck you. I have a full-time job and a PPO. You don't know a damned thing about me, or the others you insult. You'd better pray to God, or burn some incense to whatever god or golden calf you worship, that you will always have your health. Because if you ever become suddenly seriously ill, (like I did 3 months ago) you're going to go through it alone....that is, if you talk to and treat people-(that you encounter face-to-face) like you do in here.

You're a miserable soul, and seem to get morbid satisfaction out of making others miserable. I've paid my dues and paid into the system for 19 years. So if I suddenly need some help, I've certainly paid enough in to be entitled to SOME of the money that I've contributed.

I work in healthcare, so I see this stuff played out, on a daily basis. I kind of feel sorry for you. You're so miserable that you can't see through the fog of your own ignorance.

Good health and good luck wishes to you, because karma's a bitch. How will you feel when you're potentially facing your own mortality? I can tell you from personal experience-what you think is important, becomes irrelevent....kind of like the hate that you spew in here. Everything is black or white to you. And if someone disagrees with you, or finds your posts comical, you automatically label them as a lazy, deadbeat, welfare-cheating, liberal, communist, etc... Along with your charming vocabulary full of profanity.

I'm sorry that you've reached this level of misery in your life, that you have to come in here and take it out on people who are actually trying to have civil discussions with others.:cuckoo::evil:

You are, without a doubt, flattering yourself that I care about being seen as "hateful" by someone who thinks she could EVER have a right to take other people's hard-earned money for herself, because she "has a right" to it. Please disabuse yourself of the misconception that YOU are any sort of admirable, or even decent, human being whose liking and approval is sought by ANYONE. The more you talk, the more repulsive I find you, and the more grateful I am that I'm incapable of ever saying something noxious enough to be viewed as "nice" in the evil, through-the-looking-glass world you live in.

Don't you worry about whether or not people love me, twat. I know lots of decent, sane, good people who are deserving of being treated with respect. You just aren't among them. I don't waste courtesy on evil trash.

The more you talk, the more convinced I am that I'm right in saying that your continued existence is worth nothing to anyone but you. I look at people like you and think, "Saving THAT is what you want to take money away from my children for? Fuck THAT." Bravo for your ability to make your opponents' case for them, just by your toxic, whining existence.

So let me just say it again, in case I haven't been clear up until now: if you get sick, buy your own healthcare or die. You add nothing to anyone else's life by existing.
Either of you two ladies like a chocolate?

Willfully spreading a killer disease and the death penalty as a consequence doesn't sound that far off does it?
Long boring wall of text not read.

You should really read to the end of a thread before running your mouth. I never said Bill was going to be denied care, and nobody thinks he is. The point is, that unless you're willing to deny him care, spouting off that everyone needs to pay for their own is worthless.

I am quite willing to deny him care.

Can we get back to a free market system now ?

Oh if only we could deny annoying people care. It isn't just welfare-moochers who abuse the system. 911 gets calls regularly from patients with constipation, "I've vomited once", "my back has been hurting for two weeks, but I need an ambulance at 4 AM.".....

And the self-righteous, "personal responsibility" people do it just as often as those in section 8 housing. is a right. I have a duty to act. I cannot turn down a patient, regardless of the issue. Insurance or not...ability to pay or not. Whether I've slept in 20 fucking hours or not, and you stubbed your yellow crusty toenail.
You don't understand English? His healthcare, and YOUR healthcare, mean nothing whatsoever to me and my life, unless one of you is planning to contract something contagious and run around being Patient Zero and infecting other people, rather than getting off your dead, lazy asses and taking care of your problem yourself.

And frankly, if one of you IS planning to be Typhoid Mary, my solution wouldn't be to pay for the doctor to treat you. It would be more along the lines of paying for the bullet.

You are without a doubt, one of the most hateful people I've ever encountered. And btw....fuck you. I have a full-time job and a PPO. You don't know a damned thing about me, or the others you insult. You'd better pray to God, or burn some incense to whatever god or golden calf you worship, that you will always have your health. Because if you ever become suddenly seriously ill, (like I did 3 months ago) you're going to go through it alone....that is, if you talk to and treat people-(that you encounter face-to-face) like you do in here.

You're a miserable soul, and seem to get morbid satisfaction out of making others miserable. I've paid my dues and paid into the system for 19 years. So if I suddenly need some help, I've certainly paid enough in to be entitled to SOME of the money that I've contributed.

I work in healthcare, so I see this stuff played out, on a daily basis. I kind of feel sorry for you. You're so miserable that you can't see through the fog of your own ignorance.

Good health and good luck wishes to you, because karma's a bitch. How will you feel when you're potentially facing your own mortality? I can tell you from personal experience-what you think is important, becomes irrelevent....kind of like the hate that you spew in here. Everything is black or white to you. And if someone disagrees with you, or finds your posts comical, you automatically label them as a lazy, deadbeat, welfare-cheating, liberal, communist, etc... Along with your charming vocabulary full of profanity.

I'm sorry that you've reached this level of misery in your life, that you have to come in here and take it out on people who are actually trying to have civil discussions with others.:cuckoo::evil:

You are, without a doubt, flattering yourself that I care about being seen as "hateful" by someone who thinks she could EVER have a right to take other people's hard-earned money for herself, because she "has a right" to it. Please disabuse yourself of the misconception that YOU are any sort of admirable, or even decent, human being whose liking and approval is sought by ANYONE. The more you talk, the more repulsive I find you, and the more grateful I am that I'm incapable of ever saying something noxious enough to be viewed as "nice" in the evil, through-the-looking-glass world you live in.

Don't you worry about whether or not people love me, twat. I know lots of decent, sane, good people who are deserving of being treated with respect. You just aren't among them. I don't waste courtesy on evil trash.

The more you talk, the more convinced I am that I'm right in saying that your continued existence is worth nothing to anyone but you. I look at people like you and think, "Saving THAT is what you want to take money away from my children for? Fuck THAT." Bravo for your ability to make your opponents' case for them, just by your toxic, whining existence.

So let me just say it again, in case I haven't been clear up until now: if you get sick, buy your own healthcare or die. You add nothing to anyone else's life by existing.'re just angry at me because you've driven the legs of your chair through your pressboard floor.
ANd here are two articles to illustrate the problem he denies will happen

If I'm the "he" you're referring to, quote whichever post you're referencing so I can at least have some idea of what it is you think I've been saying.
I think the title needs to be "Should Health Care be a Right and Not a Privilege"

Since it is a privilege and not a right.
by Healthcare Blue Book

The cost of an appendectomy, average, where I used to live.


The bulk of the price is a 4-day admission...probably on a med/surg floor. Pretty minor surgery.

by Healthcare Blue Book

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting


If you think it's a wise choice to walk around without insurance, I hope that you have plenty of savings. This isn't counting the additional costs such as follow-up and so on that you will encounter.

If you're over 50 and you don't have health insurance (by choice), and you have a cardiac history in your family. You'd better start saving.
I think the title needs to be "Should Health Care be a Right and Not a Privilege"

Since it is a privilege and not a right.

Health care is not a privilege. It is not something that is only available to a few. Health care is available to everyone in this country.

Everyone has the same access to the same health care by the same doctors and the same hospitals.... health care is not kept for the privileged few.

Everyone has the right to pay for the health care they want to receive.
Long boring wall of text not read.

You should really read to the end of a thread before running your mouth. I never said Bill was going to be denied care, and nobody thinks he is. The point is, that unless you're willing to deny him care, spouting off that everyone needs to pay for their own is worthless.

I am quite willing to deny him care.

Can we get back to a free market system now ?

Oh if only we could deny annoying people care. It isn't just welfare-moochers who abuse the system. 911 gets calls regularly from patients with constipation, "I've vomited once", "my back has been hurting for two weeks, but I need an ambulance at 4 AM.".....

And the self-righteous, "personal responsibility" people do it just as often as those in section 8 housing. is a right. I have a duty to act. I cannot turn down a patient, regardless of the issue. Insurance or not...ability to pay or not. Whether I've slept in 20 fucking hours or not, and you stubbed your yellow crusty toenail.

Constipation, along with dehydration and a couple of other things are considered one of the 4 silent killers in residential care.

I haven't worked in the business for a while, so I can't remember the rest of them, but I do remember those two.

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