Health Care - we gotta fix this shit...

Well I'm not as liberal as SmokeAlib and belive America CAN do it better than other countries, in our own way.

If Republicans would stop trying to sabotage Obamacare because it happens to be passed by Obama and instead work constructively with Democrats we can fix this (and much more).
Did you see trump on the campaign trail last week? He actually warned those in attendance that Dems would kill Obamacare if they took control.


You are correct. What always gets lost in this discussion, is that ACA was a foundation meant to be built upon. In exchange for expensive protections written into the law, insurance companies were given guarantees by the Fed. govt. in the event of catastrophic claim numbers.

A risk corridor program that has been protecting Medicare for decades, along with a cost sharing plan that would help insurers with losses, with money from insurers with gains.

Both were de funded by House Republicans for political purposes. We can only guess what premiums would be if such tactics weren't employed. trump took further steps to kill the law, all while claiming 'I won't be blamed'.

I think the voters commented about fault on election day.
I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.
Complex issue. But you are correct. A 'for profit' healthcare system doesn't work.

How do people that are retired have 5% taken from their paychecks? Do self employed people pay 10%? Medicare fraud is perpetrated by providers, not patients.

Start with a public option, when anyone can purchase Medicare plans to rival private insurance. It will help Medicare, and it will be a great option for younger/healthier people who don't use doctors/meds at the same rate as others.

You do realize that Medicare has both deductibles and coinsurance. Plus the premiums would have to be much, much higher for women to make it work, and you know we can't have that!

All insurance has deductibles and coinsurance. The difference with Medicare, is that the admin. fees are a fraction of those in the private insurance sector.

Hell, it ought to be. If we move to "Medicare for All" the insurance companies will no longer have to appeal to customers to make a profit, they'll just have to lobby government, and they're pretty good at that. That should represent a significant savings. Should. But whadya bet they pocket most of it as windfall? Why not, they'll have a captive customer base.

More than likely the government would make a bigger push than they already do to encourage Medicare Advantage plans and let the insurance companies basically take it over.

Maybe. But they don't need it. They make plenty of money from straight Medicare.
I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.
Complex issue. But you are correct. A 'for profit' healthcare system doesn't work.

How do people that are retired have 5% taken from their paychecks? Do self employed people pay 10%? Medicare fraud is perpetrated by providers, not patients.

Start with a public option, when anyone can purchase Medicare plans to rival private insurance. It will help Medicare, and it will be a great option for younger/healthier people who don't use doctors/meds at the same rate as others.

You do realize that Medicare has both deductibles and coinsurance. Plus the premiums would have to be much, much higher for women to make it work, and you know we can't have that!

All insurance has deductibles and coinsurance. The difference with Medicare, is that the admin. fees are a fraction of those in the private insurance sector.

Right now, Medicare has the highest risk demographic. When you add low risk customers to the pool, it brings costs down considerably. What's the worst that can happen? It's never been tried before. If nobody wants the product, then Medicare will continue as it does now.

First of all my expertise is having worked with Medicare for over 20 years I KNOW how Medicare works!

A) You have NO idea about ADMINISTRATION FEES. Medicare agency processes NOT ONE claim of 1 billion claims paid and that's why admin fees are a fraction!
B) Medicare signs a contract with Medicare Administrative Contractors that process the claims. Again they absorb the "cost"!
C) Medicare also signs contracts with Medicare Advantage companies paying an average of $800/month and the MAs take care of everything and BETTER
then Medicare.

Now Medicare will be DEPLETED not my words but the Trustees!

Trustees Reports

Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees

Page 1..
Social Security and Medicare together accounted for 42 percent of Federal program expenditures in fiscal year 2017.

Both Social Security and Medicare will experience cost growth substantially in excess of GDP growth through the mid-2030s
due to rapid population aging caused by the large baby-boom generation entering retirement and
lower-birth-rate generations entering employment
The Trustees project that the combined trust funds will be depleted in 2034, the same year projected in last year’s report.

The Trustees project that the HI Trust Fund (Part A hospital) will be depleted in 2026, three years earlier than projected in last year’s report
At that time dedicated revenues will be sufficient to pay 91 percent of HI costs.

Now I'm shouting: Do you idiots know that without doing anything... that in 2026...8 years from now
if you are under Medicare and again nothing happens...and you go to the hospital... Medicare will pay not only right now just 80% (because you idiots don't seem to know that the individual right now pays the other 20%!!)

but in 2026 that 80% will be 72% paid by Medicare AND YOU will pay 28% !
So without doing anything... YOU when under Medicare after age 65 will be paying 8% more... Or
something will happen!

Again the solution is NOT adding less than 5 million people into the system which IS what you idiots keep saying should be done!

I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.
Complex issue. But you are correct. A 'for profit' healthcare system doesn't work.

How do people that are retired have 5% taken from their paychecks? Do self employed people pay 10%? Medicare fraud is perpetrated by providers, not patients.

Start with a public option, when anyone can purchase Medicare plans to rival private insurance. It will help Medicare, and it will be a great option for younger/healthier people who don't use doctors/meds at the same rate as others.

You do realize that Medicare has both deductibles and coinsurance. Plus the premiums would have to be much, much higher for women to make it work, and you know we can't have that!

All insurance has deductibles and coinsurance. The difference with Medicare, is that the admin. fees are a fraction of those in the private insurance sector.

Hell, it ought to be. If we move to "Medicare for All" the insurance companies will no longer have to appeal to customers to make a profit, they'll just have to lobby government, and they're pretty good at that. That should represent a significant savings. Should. But whadya bet they pocket most of it as windfall? Why not, they'll have a captive customer base.
Insurance companies would be removed from the equation, save for those who want to pay for private insurance as a backup plan, or a primary plan.
We're discussing the proposal to nationalize health insurance. Try to follow along.
Uh, how's about you go fuck your ignorant self?
ACA is as good as we're going to do... At least until Democrats get 60 votes in the Senate... We canTinker ACA enough that it will be just about as good as nationalizing it.

Before you jump into a thread and make an idiot of yourself, try reading the OP. We're not discussing ACA. We're talking about the suggestion that we should adopt single payer, not ACA.
Single Payer has a lot of advantages but getting there would be difficult if not impossible without a phased approached.

The easiest and most painless way to get to single payer is to simply extend the Medicare minimum age requirement. For example, we could extend the minimum age in 5 year increments every 5 years. In 50 years, everyone over 20 would be on single payer. The final step would be to pickup the children and remainder of the population. With the exception of supplemental insurance, Medicare would replace essential all private insurance, Medicaid, and most VA healthcare. This plan would give the insurance companies, the government and the healthcare industry time to make changes in the business model.

With Single Payer, everyone is covered. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or you are poor. In a single payer system, health care is a right instead of being treated as a privilege.

Rates are the same. Patients don’t need to worry about a doctors deciding to charge them $320 per hour for a visit because their health insurance allows for that maximum. There aren’t different rates for people who are insured vs. those who are uninsured either. Rate consistency allows medical providers to know exactly what they’ll receive and patients know they will receive the care they need.

Cost go down in single payer system. Serious diseases can be caught earlier. Economies of scale reduce costs. Healthcare billing and claim processing is simplified. Insurance costs are eliminated. Administrative overhead (also known as “transaction costs”) consumes one-third of current health spending in the U.S. which can be all but eliminated.

Today Healthcare providers compete by eliminating completion through mergers, acquisitions, and formation of networks. Making cost comparison is more often than not impossible under our current system. If you ask almost any healthcare provider what your cost will be for a costly procedure you are most likely going here it all depends. In many cases, hospitals will refuse to provide you with costs figures.

Contrary to popular belief, single payer provides more opportunity for competition than our current healthcare system. In a single payer system, providers compete based on quality of service provided and features they offer that the competition does not offer.
First of all you need to remove the socialist cock out of your mouth...
Who pays for all this shit? Why must the healthy pay for the unhealthy?
As with any government run program fraud will always be rampant...
What about Choice? Why force people that want nothing to do with socialist entitlement programs into them? especially when they can’t afford them and will not benefit them.

The money you're paying now for VA, Medicaid, Tricare. It shifts from these programs and everyone under one roof. No different than now.
Do you think auto insurance would go down, if they didn't have to pay for medical coverage for accidents?
ACA is as good as we're going to do... At least until Democrats get 60 votes in the Senate... We canTinker ACA enough that it will be just about as good as nationalizing it.

Before you jump into a thread and make an idiot of yourself, try reading the OP. We're not discussing ACA. We're talking about the suggestion that we should adopt single payer, not ACA.
Single Payer has a lot of advantages but getting there would be difficult if not impossible without a phased approached.

The easiest and most painless way to get to single payer is to simply extend the Medicare minimum age requirement. For example, we could extend the minimum age in 5 year increments every 5 years. In 50 years, everyone over 20 would be on single payer. The final step would be to pickup the children and remainder of the population. With the exception of supplemental insurance, Medicare would replace essential all private insurance, Medicaid, and most VA healthcare. This plan would give the insurance companies, the government and the healthcare industry time to make changes in the business model.

With Single Payer, everyone is covered. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or you are poor. In a single payer system, health care is a right instead of being treated as a privilege.

Rates are the same. Patients don’t need to worry about a doctors deciding to charge them $320 per hour for a visit because their health insurance allows for that maximum. There aren’t different rates for people who are insured vs. those who are uninsured either. Rate consistency allows medical providers to know exactly what they’ll receive and patients know they will receive the care they need.

Cost go down in single payer system. Serious diseases can be caught earlier. Economies of scale reduce costs. Healthcare billing and claim processing is simplified. Insurance costs are eliminated. Administrative overhead (also known as “transaction costs”) consumes one-third of current health spending in the U.S. which can be all but eliminated.

Today Healthcare providers compete by eliminating completion through mergers, acquisitions, and formation of networks. Making cost comparison is more often than not impossible under our current system. If you ask almost any healthcare provider what your cost will be for a costly procedure you are most likely going here it all depends. In many cases, hospitals will refuse to provide you with costs figures.

Contrary to popular belief, single payer provides more opportunity for competition than our current healthcare system. In a single payer system, providers compete based on quality of service provided and features they offer that the competition does not offer.
First of all you need to remove the socialist cock out of your mouth...
Who pays for all this shit? Why must the healthy pay for the unhealthy?
As with any government run program fraud will always be rampant...
What about Choice? Why force people that want nothing to do with socialist entitlement programs into them? especially when they can’t afford them and will not benefit them.

The money you're paying now for VA, Medicaid, Tricare. It shifts from these programs and everyone under one roof. No different than now.
Do you think auto insurance would go down, if they didn't have to pay for medical coverage for accidents?

We're discussing the proposal to nationalize health insurance. Try to follow along.
Uh, how's about you go fuck your ignorant self?
ACA is as good as we're going to do... At least until Democrats get 60 votes in the Senate... We canTinker ACA enough that it will be just about as good as nationalizing it.

Before you jump into a thread and make an idiot of yourself, try reading the OP. We're not discussing ACA. We're talking about the suggestion that we should adopt single payer, not ACA.
Single Payer has a lot of advantages but getting there would be difficult if not impossible without a phased approached.

The easiest and most painless way to get to single payer is to simply extend the Medicare minimum age requirement. For example, we could extend the minimum age in 5 year increments every 5 years. In 50 years, everyone over 20 would be on single payer. The final step would be to pickup the children and remainder of the population. With the exception of supplemental insurance, Medicare would replace essential all private insurance, Medicaid, and most VA healthcare. This plan would give the insurance companies, the government and the healthcare industry time to make changes in the business model.

With Single Payer, everyone is covered. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or you are poor. In a single payer system, health care is a right instead of being treated as a privilege.

Rates are the same. Patients don’t need to worry about a doctors deciding to charge them $320 per hour for a visit because their health insurance allows for that maximum. There aren’t different rates for people who are insured vs. those who are uninsured either. Rate consistency allows medical providers to know exactly what they’ll receive and patients know they will receive the care they need.

Cost go down in single payer system. Serious diseases can be caught earlier. Economies of scale reduce costs. Healthcare billing and claim processing is simplified. Insurance costs are eliminated. Administrative overhead (also known as “transaction costs”) consumes one-third of current health spending in the U.S. which can be all but eliminated.

Today Healthcare providers compete by eliminating completion through mergers, acquisitions, and formation of networks. Making cost comparison is more often than not impossible under our current system. If you ask almost any healthcare provider what your cost will be for a costly procedure you are most likely going here it all depends. In many cases, hospitals will refuse to provide you with costs figures.

Contrary to popular belief, single payer provides more opportunity for competition than our current healthcare system. In a single payer system, providers compete based on quality of service provided and features they offer that the competition does not offer.
First of all you need to remove the socialist cock out of your mouth...
Who pays for all this shit? Why must the healthy pay for the unhealthy?
As with any government run program fraud will always be rampant...
What about Choice? Why force people that want nothing to do with socialist entitlement programs into them? especially when they can’t afford them and will not benefit them.

The money you're paying now for VA, Medicaid, Tricare. It shifts from these programs and everyone under one roof. No different than now.
Make it an opt in, For the people that want to participate. It does not require everyone to participate...
That way Those that do not want to participate are automatically excluded from enrollment
Make it an opt in, For the people that want to participate. It does not require everyone to participate...
Those that do not want to participate or automatically excluded from enrollment

They're never going to do this. The entire point is control.
Make it an opt in, For the people that want to participate. It does not require everyone to participate...
Those that do not want to participate or automatically excluded from enrollment

They're never going to do this. The entire point is control.
Unfortunately this is true, Any type of socialize medicine is all about control of the individual by the collective
ACA is as good as we're going to do... At least until Democrats get 60 votes in the Senate... We canTinker ACA enough that it will be just about as good as nationalizing it.

Before you jump into a thread and make an idiot of yourself, try reading the OP. We're not discussing ACA. We're talking about the suggestion that we should adopt single payer, not ACA.
Single Payer has a lot of advantages but getting there would be difficult if not impossible without a phased approached.

The easiest and most painless way to get to single payer is to simply extend the Medicare minimum age requirement. For example, we could extend the minimum age in 5 year increments every 5 years. In 50 years, everyone over 20 would be on single payer. The final step would be to pickup the children and remainder of the population. With the exception of supplemental insurance, Medicare would replace essential all private insurance, Medicaid, and most VA healthcare. This plan would give the insurance companies, the government and the healthcare industry time to make changes in the business model.

With Single Payer, everyone is covered. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or you are poor. In a single payer system, health care is a right instead of being treated as a privilege.

Rates are the same. Patients don’t need to worry about a doctors deciding to charge them $320 per hour for a visit because their health insurance allows for that maximum. There aren’t different rates for people who are insured vs. those who are uninsured either. Rate consistency allows medical providers to know exactly what they’ll receive and patients know they will receive the care they need.

Cost go down in single payer system. Serious diseases can be caught earlier. Economies of scale reduce costs. Healthcare billing and claim processing is simplified. Insurance costs are eliminated. Administrative overhead (also known as “transaction costs”) consumes one-third of current health spending in the U.S. which can be all but eliminated.

Today Healthcare providers compete by eliminating completion through mergers, acquisitions, and formation of networks. Making cost comparison is more often than not impossible under our current system. If you ask almost any healthcare provider what your cost will be for a costly procedure you are most likely going here it all depends. In many cases, hospitals will refuse to provide you with costs figures.

Contrary to popular belief, single payer provides more opportunity for competition than our current healthcare system. In a single payer system, providers compete based on quality of service provided and features they offer that the competition does not offer.
First of all you need to remove the socialist cock out of your mouth...
Who pays for all this shit? Why must the healthy pay for the unhealthy?
As with any government run program fraud will always be rampant...
What about Choice? Why force people that want nothing to do with socialist entitlement programs into them? especially when they can’t afford them and will not benefit them.

The money you're paying now for VA, Medicaid, Tricare. It shifts from these programs and everyone under one roof. No different than now.
Make it an opt in, For the people that want to participate. It does not require everyone to participate...
That way Those that do not want to participate are automatically excluded from enrollment

Ok, Ok, Ok you can opt out. We get it you want nothing to do with health insurance in any form or fashion. I do believe the board would go along and let you sit out, no one cares about you.
Ok, Ok, Ok you can opt out. We get it you want nothing to do with health insurance in any form or fashion. I do believe the board would go along and let you sit out, no one cares about you.

I don't think they would. Again, this isn't about compassion.
Insurance companies would be removed from the equation, save for those who want to pay for private insurance as a backup plan, or a primary plan.

Uh, no. That's not how Medicare works. They just farm it out to private insurance companies who have lobbied government for the favor.

Big 5 insurers depend on Medicare, Medicaid for growth in enrollment, profits

Here's more info if you're interested:

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || Center for Medicare Advocacy
Insurance companies would be removed from the equation, save for those who want to pay for private insurance as a backup plan, or a primary plan.

Uh, no. That's not how Medicare works. They just farm it out to private insurance companies who have lobbied government for the favor.

Big 5 insurers depend on Medicare, Medicaid for growth in enrollment, profits

Here's more info if you're interested:

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || Center for Medicare Advocacy

Yes, I knew that.
Insurance companies would be removed from the equation, save for those who want to pay for private insurance as a backup plan, or a primary plan.

Uh, no. That's not how Medicare works. They just farm it out to private insurance companies who have lobbied government for the favor.

Big 5 insurers depend on Medicare, Medicaid for growth in enrollment, profits

Here's more info if you're interested:

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || Center for Medicare Advocacy

Yes, I knew that.

I was responding to Howard Roark - who had claimed that "Insurance companies would be removed from the equation." If Medicare for All is what we're going for, they'll be right in middle of things. And, as long as they keep their lobbyists well paid, shoveling in the profits.
Insurance companies would be removed from the equation, save for those who want to pay for private insurance as a backup plan, or a primary plan.

Uh, no. That's not how Medicare works. They just farm it out to private insurance companies who have lobbied government for the favor.

Big 5 insurers depend on Medicare, Medicaid for growth in enrollment, profits

Here's more info if you're interested:

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || Center for Medicare Advocacy

Yes, I knew that.

I was responding to Howard Roark - who had claimed that "Insurance companies would be removed from the equation." If Medicare for All is what we're going for, they'll be right in middle of things. And, as long as they keep their lobbyists well paid, shoveling in the profits.

Oh, sorry. I sort of skimmed over his post.

First of all my expertise is having worked with Medicare for over 20 years I KNOW how Medicare works!
Great. Then you should know that I'm right.

A) You have NO idea about ADMINISTRATION FEES. Medicare agency processes NOT ONE claim of 1 billion claims paid and that's why admin fees are a fraction!
B) Medicare signs a contract with Medicare Administrative Contractors that process the claims. Again they absorb the "cost"!
'Absorb'? You mean the costs for administration just disappear from the books? I don't believe that.

Sure...Medicare funding is lumped into FICA, so 'Medicare' doesn't have to 'pay' for collections/management of it's funding.

Now Medicare will be DEPLETED not my words but the Trustees!

Trustees Reports

Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees

Page 1..
Social Security and Medicare together accounted for 42 percent of Federal program expenditures in fiscal year 2017.

Both Social Security and Medicare will experience cost growth substantially in excess of GDP growth through the mid-2030s
due to rapid population aging caused by the large baby-boom generation entering retirement and
lower-birth-rate generations entering employment
The Trustees project that the combined trust funds will be depleted in 2034, the same year projected in last year’s report.
All the more reason for a public option. Add a low risk demographic to the pool, and much of the problem changes. As well, as simple increase to FICA liability is the obvious answer. ~$116,000 is too small, especially given the shifting life expectancy that wasn't present last century.

Now I'm shouting: Do you idiots know that without doing anything... that in 2026...8 years from now
I don't know anyone who is saying 'do nothing'. Public Option is a good first step, coupled with increased FICA liability.

Again the solution is NOT adding less than 5 million people into the system which IS what you idiots keep saying should be done!
You're just shouting for the sake of shouting.
Before you jump into a thread and make an idiot of yourself, try reading the OP. We're not discussing ACA. We're talking about the suggestion that we should adopt single payer, not ACA.
Single Payer has a lot of advantages but getting there would be difficult if not impossible without a phased approached.

The easiest and most painless way to get to single payer is to simply extend the Medicare minimum age requirement. For example, we could extend the minimum age in 5 year increments every 5 years. In 50 years, everyone over 20 would be on single payer. The final step would be to pickup the children and remainder of the population. With the exception of supplemental insurance, Medicare would replace essential all private insurance, Medicaid, and most VA healthcare. This plan would give the insurance companies, the government and the healthcare industry time to make changes in the business model.

With Single Payer, everyone is covered. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or you are poor. In a single payer system, health care is a right instead of being treated as a privilege.

Rates are the same. Patients don’t need to worry about a doctors deciding to charge them $320 per hour for a visit because their health insurance allows for that maximum. There aren’t different rates for people who are insured vs. those who are uninsured either. Rate consistency allows medical providers to know exactly what they’ll receive and patients know they will receive the care they need.

Cost go down in single payer system. Serious diseases can be caught earlier. Economies of scale reduce costs. Healthcare billing and claim processing is simplified. Insurance costs are eliminated. Administrative overhead (also known as “transaction costs”) consumes one-third of current health spending in the U.S. which can be all but eliminated.

Today Healthcare providers compete by eliminating completion through mergers, acquisitions, and formation of networks. Making cost comparison is more often than not impossible under our current system. If you ask almost any healthcare provider what your cost will be for a costly procedure you are most likely going here it all depends. In many cases, hospitals will refuse to provide you with costs figures.

Contrary to popular belief, single payer provides more opportunity for competition than our current healthcare system. In a single payer system, providers compete based on quality of service provided and features they offer that the competition does not offer.
First of all you need to remove the socialist cock out of your mouth...
Who pays for all this shit? Why must the healthy pay for the unhealthy?
As with any government run program fraud will always be rampant...
What about Choice? Why force people that want nothing to do with socialist entitlement programs into them? especially when they can’t afford them and will not benefit them.

The money you're paying now for VA, Medicaid, Tricare. It shifts from these programs and everyone under one roof. No different than now.
Make it an opt in, For the people that want to participate. It does not require everyone to participate...
That way Those that do not want to participate are automatically excluded from enrollment

Ok, Ok, Ok you can opt out. We get it you want nothing to do with health insurance in any form or fashion. I do believe the board would go along and let you sit out, no one cares about you.
No, an opt out means nothing.
People need to opt in to programs like socialize medicine, that way no one is automatically enrolled in the shit
Insurance companies would be removed from the equation, save for those who want to pay for private insurance as a backup plan, or a primary plan.

Uh, no. That's not how Medicare works. They just farm it out to private insurance companies who have lobbied government for the favor.

Big 5 insurers depend on Medicare, Medicaid for growth in enrollment, profits

Here's more info if you're interested:

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || Center for Medicare Advocacy

Yes, I knew that.

I was responding to Howard Roark - who had claimed that "Insurance companies would be removed from the equation." If Medicare for All is what we're going for, they'll be right in middle of things. And, as long as they keep their lobbyists well paid, shoveling in the profits.
Insurance companies would be removed from the equation, save for those who want to pay for private insurance as a backup plan, or a primary plan.

Uh, no. That's not how Medicare works. They just farm it out to private insurance companies who have lobbied government for the favor.

Big 5 insurers depend on Medicare, Medicaid for growth in enrollment, profits
Not true. You're citing supplemental insurance coverage. As I mentioned in the post you quoted
Insurance companies would be removed from the equation, save for those who want to pay for private insurance as a backup plan, or a primary plan.

Uh, no. That's not how Medicare works. They just farm it out to private insurance companies who have lobbied government for the favor.

Big 5 insurers depend on Medicare, Medicaid for growth in enrollment, profits

Here's more info if you're interested:

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || Center for Medicare Advocacy

Yes, I knew that.

I was responding to Howard Roark - who had claimed that "Insurance companies would be removed from the equation." If Medicare for All is what we're going for, they'll be right in middle of things. And, as long as they keep their lobbyists well paid, shoveling in the profits.
Insurance companies would be removed from the equation, save for those who want to pay for private insurance as a backup plan, or a primary plan.

Uh, no. That's not how Medicare works. They just farm it out to private insurance companies who have lobbied government for the favor.

Big 5 insurers depend on Medicare, Medicaid for growth in enrollment, profits
Not true. You're citing supplemental insurance coverage. As I mentioned in the post you quoted

No, it's true. I'm not saying you're stupid or anything. It's a common misconception.

33. Medicare is a Private–Public Partnership || Center for Medicare Advocacy

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