Health of the candidates

Should presidential candidates be required to take a complete physical and release the results

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Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
The title of the article below is accurate. Clinton's health concerns can no longer be considered a conspiracy theory in view of several incidents. In the same light, Trump will be our oldest president when and if he is elected. I have opined elsewhere that this is HRC's election to lose, and her team's refusal to release information pertinent to the electorate is a fundamental political error that shows disrespect to the voters. I think Trump can do almost nothing new to win the election on his own. But he can win it by toning down his rhetoric, appear presidential, and let Clinton continue to make bad mistakes.

All candidates from now on must take and release the results of a full physical examination. John Hopkins U would be more than willing, I am quite sure, to offer such services free of charge.

A Conspiracy Theory No Longer at Worries About Hillary's Health a Conspiracy Theory No Longer
The title of the article below is accurate. Clinton's health concerns can no longer be considered a conspiracy theory in view of several incidents. In the same light, Trump will be our oldest president when and if he is elected. I have opined elsewhere that this is HRC's election to lose, and her team's refusal to release information pertinent to the electorate is a fundamental political error that shows disrespect to the voters. I think Trump can do almost nothing new to win the election on his own. But he can win it by toning down his rhetoric, appear presidential, and let Clinton continue to make bad mistakes.

All candidates from now on must take and release the results of a full physical examination. John Hopkins U would be more than willing, I am quite sure, to offer such services free of charge.

A Conspiracy Theory No Longer at Worries About Hillary's Health a Conspiracy Theory No Longer

I agree.


Also Mental Health Evaluation should be given and released. ( All Candidates )
When I found out that GW had Lyme Disease and never gave up power during that time period I was furious. I'm still spitting bullets thinking about it.

I voted yes. For the highest office in the land? On the planet? Damn straight that the people have a right to know.
I would love to know as much as I can about any candidate, including medical and health issues. With that said, I don't think we will be getting any of those things from these canidates. From Hellary's standpoint, if she has serious issues, which I suspect she does, she will never allow those issues to become public especially with the race tightening according to recent polls. And what is there to gain for the orange clown to release his? His health is not really even an issue, and certainly not questioned to the extent hers is. People are more interested in his tax return. Besides, I wouldn't trust either of them to allow full disclosure anyway.
All the above make great points. The arrogance of both candidates astounds me, but knowing why they are such a reaction is silly. They are astoundingly arrogant.

This election season seems to be another step toward a new grass roots up progressive revolution, right and left, for changing the politics of how we choose presidents.
no, we have a system in place to deal with this.

besides, it would all be media fodder
All the above make great points. The arrogance of both candidates astounds me, but knowing why they are such a reaction is silly. They are astoundingly arrogant.

This election season seems to be another step toward a new grass roots up progressive revolution, right and left, for changing the politics of how we choose presidents.

Jake a bi partisan rant here. I just put this up in another thread and it would service your thread as well. If there is any job application in the world, on this planet that deserves a medical evaluation it's for the Presidency of the USA eh?
no, we have a system in place to deal with this. besides, it would all be media fodder
Nothing says we can't improve the system, and we have media firestorm right now.
invading someones privacy isn't an improvement.

however, I'll concede, that they should be able to pass the basics to get into the Airforce or Navy. The physical requirements aren't high but a sharp mind and stable emotions are.

also, no one gets to present their results to the public, simple statement "I passed", will suffice.
I would love to know as much as I can about any candidate, including medical and health issues. With that said, I don't think we will be getting any of those things from these canidates. From Hellary's standpoint, if she has serious issues, which I suspect she does, she will never allow those issues to become public especially with the race tightening according to recent polls. And what is there to gain for the orange clown to release his? His health is not really even an issue, and certainly not questioned to the extent hers is. People are more interested in his tax return. Besides, I wouldn't trust either of them to allow full disclosure anyway.

Just a quick aside. Please tell me you know and understand that the media tints Trump in his photos. The clowns are the media playing this juvenile game.
Candidates health is not a requirement under the Constitution.

Make up your own mind, FFS!

Shouldn't it be CF in the sense that we have powerful meds now that affect the patient and if that patient happens to be the President shouldn't we know? And shouldn't we know who the hell is treating him or her?

I've put up about how I feel about GW having Lyme Disease and having it hidden from us. I'm still spitting bullets. Who the hell was really running the show in those latter years when he wimped out? Daddy with Clinton? GH and Bill were best of buddies. What really happened in those last couple of years of GW's time in office?

It gets you wondering.

ETA: JFK. He was on serious pain killers and stimulants. Did they affect his judgement?
Good luck amending the Constitution
They put the responsibility in the voters hands for a reason...

But if as a voter you are unaware as to the drugs the applicant for the Presidency is taking?

JFK had an arsenal of drugs. And we've only just found that out over the past few years. He was seriously stoned out. Downers and amphetemines. SP?
Candidates health is not a requirement under the Constitution.

Make up your own mind, FFS!

Shouldn't it be CF in the sense that we have powerful meds now that affect the patient and if that patient happens to be the President shouldn't we know? And shouldn't we know who the hell is treating him or her?

I've put up about how I feel about GW having Lyme Disease and having it hidden from us. I'm still spitting bullets. Who the hell was really running the show in those latter years when he wimped out? Daddy with Clinton? GH and Bill were best of buddies. What really happened in those last couple of years of GW's time in office?

It gets you wondering.

ETA: JFK. He was on serious pain killers and stimulants. Did they affect his judgement?

Where do you draw the line AS A PREREQUISITE FOR POTUS?
Look at the shit JFK was on. Here's an article that should scare the shit out of anyone reading it. He was freaking stoned out.

"And they add telling detail to a story of lifelong suffering, revealing that many of the various treatments doctors gave Kennedy, starting when he was a boy, did far more harm than good.

In particular, steroid treatments that he may have received as a young man for his intestinal ailments could have compounded—and perhaps even caused—both the Addison’s disease and the degenerative back trouble that plagued him later in life.

Travell’s prescription records also confirm that during his presidency—and in particular during times of stress, such as the Bay of Pigs fiasco, in April of 1961, and the Cuban missile crisis, in October of 1962—Kennedy was taking an extraordinary variety of medications:

steroids for his Addison’s disease;

painkillers for his back; anti-spasmodics for his colitis;

antibiotics for urinary-tract infections; antihistamines for allergies;

and, on at least one occasion, an anti-psychotic (though only for two days) for a severe mood change that Jackie Kennedy believed had been brought on by the antihistamines."

The Medical Ordeals of JFK
Candidates health is not a requirement under the Constitution.

Make up your own mind, FFS!

Shouldn't it be CF in the sense that we have powerful meds now that affect the patient and if that patient happens to be the President shouldn't we know? And shouldn't we know who the hell is treating him or her?

I've put up about how I feel about GW having Lyme Disease and having it hidden from us. I'm still spitting bullets. Who the hell was really running the show in those latter years when he wimped out? Daddy with Clinton? GH and Bill were best of buddies. What really happened in those last couple of years of GW's time in office?

It gets you wondering.

ETA: JFK. He was on serious pain killers and stimulants. Did they affect his judgement?

Where do you draw the line AS A PREREQUISITE FOR POTUS?

Not as a prerequisite CF.

Medical evaluation as required by any job applicant. As the President's employer I believe you have a right to know the condition of your applicant.
And think of the potential of control of the President via medications. National security.

This doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy knowing JFK was on "pep"pills. Dr. Feelgood.

"He was under the care of an allergist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, an orthopedist, and a urologist, along with that of Janet Travell, Admiral George Burkley,

AND Max Jacobson, an émigré doctor from Germany who now lived in New York and had made a reputation by treating celebrities with “pep pills,” or amphetamines, that helped to combat depression and fatigue.

Jacobson, whom patients called “Dr. Feelgood,” administered amphetamines and back injections of painkillers that JFK believed made him less dependent on crutches …"

Special. So who's doping Hillary?

The Medical Ordeals of JFK
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I would love to know as much as I can about any candidate, including medical and health issues. With that said, I don't think we will be getting any of those things from these canidates. From Hellary's standpoint, if she has serious issues, which I suspect she does, she will never allow those issues to become public especially with the race tightening according to recent polls. And what is there to gain for the orange clown to release his? His health is not really even an issue, and certainly not questioned to the extent hers is. People are more interested in his tax return. Besides, I wouldn't trust either of them to allow full disclosure anyway.

Just a quick aside. Please tell me you know and understand that the media tints Trump in his photos. The clowns are the media playing this juvenile game.

And you know this how?

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