Healthcare vs Gun rights; I have a right to both; Should you subsidize BOTH for me??

I think SCOTUS set the groundwork for a state run firearms exchange.

Obamacare was passed so people who couldnt afford healthcare. ..which is very expensive. ..could now afford it. Via a subsidy and state exchange. Its a RIGHT.

Well...owning a gun is a right. But like healthcare. ...they're expensive. So...its a parralel argument. I have a right...which I cant afford to exercise. The state should subsidize that. And heck...maybe even mandate ownership.

And unlike healthcare, the 2nd Amendment is actually in the constitution......... is now a civil right. are gun rights. 2nd Amendment.

SCOTUS just upheld Obamacare. Tax the well enable to have nots to get healthcare.

Well...I cant afford an AR-15. Or an H&K pistol.

I think the Warren Buffett and George Clooney...should have to pay a large fine....err...I subsidize my ability to bear arms.

There should be a state exchange. Like healthcare. Have a large allotment of arms. Maybe not the best like Smith & Wessons. But decent a Kahr or DPMS.

That way...everyone has access to a good legal firearm...for cheap on the state exchange. $100 AR-15s. $50 .45 cal pistols.

And....mandate everyone owns a gun. Make them list it on their taxes. Afterall...its a civil right.

Crazy? Nope. Mandatory rifle ownership was once law in the US.

No one has a "right" to healthcare; you truly are an ignorant loon.

Oh. But isnt that the left's stance? Everyone has a right to healthcare?

Sure can't swing a cat at any liberal gathering without hitting someone spewing it.......... is now a civil right. are gun rights. 2nd Amendment.

SCOTUS just upheld Obamacare. Tax the well enable to have nots to get healthcare.

Well...I cant afford an AR-15. Or an H&K pistol.

I think the Warren Buffett and George Clooney...should have to pay a large fine....err...I subsidize my ability to bear arms.

There should be a state exchange. Like healthcare. Have a large allotment of arms. Maybe not the best like Smith & Wessons. But decent a Kahr or DPMS.

That way...everyone has access to a good legal firearm...for cheap on the state exchange. $100 AR-15s. $50 .45 cal pistols.

And....mandate everyone owns a gun. Make them list it on their taxes. Afterall...its a civil right.

Crazy? Nope. Mandatory rifle ownership was once law in the US.

No one has a "right" to healthcare; you truly are an ignorant loon.

THANK YOU C_Clayton_Jones
Glad I'm not the only one on the Left saying this!

Now, will you stand with me to speak out and correct the other Left leaders
who ARE saying that health care is a Right, including Obama and the Texas Democratic Platform:

Obama: Obama defends health-care law calling health insurance a right - The Washington Post

“In the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one should go broke just because they get sick,” Obama told a friendly audience at the college in Largo. “In the United States, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few, it is a right.”


Texas Democrats believe health care is a right, not a privilege reserved for those able to pay
for it."
This is a BELIEF. And while everyone has rights to express BELIEFS, these have no place in govt where others do not share these BELIEFS. The prolife BELIEVE life beginning at conception has inherent Rights to Life, but the left contests this as a free choice to believe and enforce. If we are going to treat the Right to Life as an optional choice not to endorse through govt, we should treat the Right to Health Care the same way. Otherwise C_Clayton_Jones we risk Discriminating on the Basis of Creed by endorsing some beliefs on rights and not others; either we need to agree what are Constitutional rights, or keep those a private choice as Beliefs and neither establish nor deny them through govt where it conflicts with Beliefs of others.
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Sure can't swing a cat at any liberal gathering without hitting someone spewing it..........

Or without getting protested by PETA.
For not swinging a free-range organically-grown spayed cat from the shelter.
Last edited: is now a civil right. are gun rights. 2nd Amendment.

SCOTUS just upheld Obamacare. Tax the well enable to have nots to get healthcare.

Well...I cant afford an AR-15. Or an H&K pistol.

I think the Warren Buffett and George Clooney...should have to pay a large fine....err...I subsidize my ability to bear arms.

There should be a state exchange. Like healthcare. Have a large allotment of arms. Maybe not the best like Smith & Wessons. But decent a Kahr or DPMS.

That way...everyone has access to a good legal firearm...for cheap on the state exchange. $100 AR-15s. $50 .45 cal pistols.

And....mandate everyone owns a gun. Make them list it on their taxes. Afterall...its a civil right.

Crazy? Nope. Mandatory rifle ownership was once law in the US.

No one has a "right" to healthcare; you truly are an ignorant loon.

THANK YOU C_Clayton_Jones
Glad I'm not the only one on the Left saying this!

Now, will you stand with me to speak out and correct the other Left leaders
who ARE saying that health care is a Right, including Obama and the Texas Democratic Platform:

Obama: Obama defends health-care law calling health insurance a right - The Washington Post

“In the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one should go broke just because they get sick,” Obama told a friendly audience at the college in Largo. “In the United States, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few, it is a right.”


Texas Democrats believe health care is a right, not a privilege reserved for those able to pay
for it."

clayton just posts to criticize....he doesn't like to engage if you show he is an idiot.....

“SCOTUS just upheld Obamacare”


The Court let stand a provision of the ACA authorizing subsidies allowing Americans to afford health insurance, having nothing to do with the Second Amendment, guns, or the Constitutionality of the Act.

You're as ignorant as you are ridiculous.

Had the Court ruled the other way the ACA would remain in place with Congressional republicans scrambling to amend the Act to reauthorize the subsidies – the Court did you and others on the right a big favor by upholding the subsidies, but you're too much of a blind partisan hack to see it.

“SCOTUS just upheld Obamacare”


The Court let stand a provision of the ACA authorizing subsidies allowing Americans to afford health insurance, having nothing to do with the Second Amendment, guns, or the Constitutionality of the Act.

You're as ignorant as you are ridiculous.

Had the Court ruled the other way the ACA would remain in place with Congressional republicans scrambling to amend the Act to reauthorize the subsidies – the Court did you and others on the right a big favor by upholding the subsidies, but you're too much of a blind partisan hack to see it.

Hi C_Clayton_Jones
The Justice on the Court are not doing EITHER side a favor
by failing to acknowledge the right to marriage, the right to health care, etc are BELIEFS
and the Federal Govt is not authorized to establish, deny, rule or regulate matters of BELIEFS.

We need to seriously get out of denial and recognize these as BELIEFS.

You seem to get that "health care is not a right"
Do you see that some people believe this so inherently, they assume it as a "truth"
and do not leave room for others to believe in this or choose it freely as we expect of religious beliefs.

Why do we treat political beliefs as something we can force on each other by law,
but yell when religious beliefs are pushed through govt. Why are political beliefs different, why can't those
have equal respect for free choice and let people govern under the beliefs they choose and let others have their beliefs?

Are we afraid of the work it would take to separate these beliefs and have separate policies?
Where are we getting we have the right to take one sides' BELIEFS and mandate them for the entire nation.

Isn't that against the establishment clause of the First Amendment and the equal protection in the
Fourteenth Amendment or protection from discrimination by creed under Equal Civil Rights.

When are we going to agree to treat political beliefs with the same respect and separation from govt as religioius beliefs.
. is now a civil right. are gun rights. 2nd Amendment.

SCOTUS just upheld Obamacare. Tax the well enable to have nots to get healthcare.

Well...I cant afford an AR-15. Or an H&K pistol.

I think the Warren Buffett and George Clooney...should have to pay a large fine....err...I subsidize my ability to bear arms.

There should be a state exchange. Like healthcare. Have a large allotment of arms. Maybe not the best like Smith & Wessons. But decent a Kahr or DPMS.

That way...everyone has access to a good legal firearm...for cheap on the state exchange. $100 AR-15s. $50 .45 cal pistols.

And....mandate everyone owns a gun. Make them list it on their taxes. Afterall...its a civil right.

Crazy? Nope. Mandatory rifle ownership was once law in the US.


Well, we subsidize the guns and WMD for the military.
And we pay for the health care of govt officials (too bad we don't pay for proper health
care for the Veterans we send to war to come back in worse shape and needing more help)

Why not have EVERYONE sue to have the SAME health care benefits as everyone in govt?
Since we are paying for all this, why not create jobs for ALL of us where we qualify for the
SAME benefits package as all the people who PASSED the health care policies, giving themselves the best.

Why not take the PRECEDENCE set by Gays who fought to be "equal"
and now ALL of us demand to be EQUAL with govt officials?

Is that where this is heading?
For EVERYONE to demand "equal special rights" in order to finally be treated as "equal" human beings?

Well....what you're saying is we would agitate and protest ourselves into supposed total equality. Not equal opportunity alone. But equal results. Equal standard of living. Equal to the point of mass conformity and commonality.

Kinda like communism. But the leftist Americans would surely not have a long term goal way they're. a second...

I suggest we split it up by party, and let people organize whatever kind of benefits programs they want by their own party.

So organize teams with each of our Congressional and State reps, either by party or by Women's Teams and Men's Teams, and create jobs for each participant who wants to help that govt office to reform prisons, health care, campuses, Vet housing, restitution for rape victims or for organized drug trafficking under RICO (by which citizens can claim the property abused for RICO crimes as restitution to the victims and community and build schools and media centers to generate jobs and funding for that district instead of crime that sends people to prison at 50K per year).

With the money saved, this can be paid into the community in terms of educational internships and jobs providing public service in education, health care, crime prevention, conflict resolution to solve political or legal conflicts, etc.
The more money saved by resolving conflicts, we don't waste on bad govt or empty campaign promises that don't solve anything.

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