Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

So is abortion. A necessary " evil " if you want to look at it. Did you know if no abortions occurred in the U
S. Our population in this country would be close to 500,000,000 now and if there were no abortions anywhere in the world vast portions of India, China and Africa would be dead zones. And our population in the U.S. would be closer to 730,000,000. Because of the 15,000,000 immigrants every year. Starvation would be happening here. Multiplr the millions facing famine today by a factor of 10 or 15 and you have an absolutely horrible picture. All environments would be degraded, most of the world would be barely liveable. Not s pretty picture at all. This is the future you are supporting.

I blame the mothers of the current abortion rights supporters. To bad mothers couldn't imagine their git would support abortion or they might have grabbed them by the heels and bashed their heads on a fence post at the hog pen.
I blame the mothers of the current abortion rights supporters. To bad mothers couldn't imagine their git would support abortion or they might have grabbed them by the heels and bashed their heads on a fence post at the hog pen.
We all are the problem. Blaming certain people for their behaviors is just a scapegoat mechanism. People are basically not very smart. They easily give in to their worst natures. Mankind in this world never figured it out that a stranger is simply a friend you haven't met yet, sharing is better than hoarding, cooperation is better than conflict. Humans simply don't have enough humanity to live up to their destiny. I am glad I have been able to.lesd my last life here before the great fall that awaits mankind far to soon. I lived at a time that presented the best hope for it and have been witness to the downfall since that time. Those who survive may well wish they hadn't. Best wishes and good luck to all of you.Thanks.
You have no humanity. You, like every other far Left kook are an immoral, evil, piece of amphibian shit.
I like amphibians. They are beautiful creatures. Especially enjoy the Tiger Salamanders we have around here.
Sounds like you are the one with very little humanity. To judge your fellow Americans so unfairly and harshly, nothing to be proud of. An extremist point of view.
There is no wisdom from the Left, moronic boob.
I like amphibians. They are beautiful creatures. Especially enjoy the Tiger Salamanders we have around here.
Sounds like you are the one with very little humanity. To judge your fellow Americans so unfairly and harshly, nothing to be proud of. An extremist point of view.
You are NOT my fellow American. You are the enemy, and shall be treated as such.
No. I am a true American Patriot, unlike you and the rest of your diseased filth who want to twist and contort this country into a Socialist shithole.
Sounds like you would benefit from taking a melatonin and a Viagra and see if you can jerk off before you fall asleep.
No. I am a true American Patriot, unlike you and the rest of your diseased filth who want to twist and contort this country into a Socialist shithole.
" True " American is that anything like a "True " Christian ? That generally means they're just more arrogant and ignorant than the rest. AKA " Full of shit ! "
Not arrogant, confident in the only Absolute Truth of Scripture. And the ONLY true Americans don't vote for whacked out Communist policies like you do.
WOW! You're cursed with the double whammy of all extremist problems. You assume a lot about me, I 'm just learning about you and I already know a lot more about you than you could ever know about me. I believe it would be very sad to be you. You can only help yourself however, hope you're able to heal yourself.
I'm sorry you're so foolish. The United Nations lists these same things as Economic Health and Well-being and all are valid reasons for having an abortion. No one needs your permission . It is a person's right to choose their own health care. You only have a right to your own choice. And free nations aren't suppose to interfere with the personal rights of their citizens.

Do you believe it’s a baby?
WOW! You're cursed with the double whammy of all extremist problems. You assume a lot about me, I 'm just learning about you and I already know a lot more about you than you could ever know about me. I believe it would be very sad to be you. You can only help yourself however, hope you're able to heal yourself.
You mean become a whacked out Leftist loon like you? fuck that! You are an unpatriotic traitorous Commie.
Do you believe it’s a baby?
That is immaterial, it only matters what the woman involved thinks about that and hopefully she does not acknowledge it is that. But, especially in many late term abortions, that is not the case, the woman involved is forced to.make that choice because of unforseen circumstances. These cases are exceptionally difficult as it is,abortion laws only multiple the suffering, needlessly. To be forced to bring a horribly deformed or otherwise impaired child into the world is a crime to me. It only magnifies and prolongs the suffering.

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