Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

You mean become a whacked out Leftist loon like you? fuck that! You are an unpatriotic traitorous Commie.
Again you are incorrect, I enlisted and served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. But you can keep making a fool and bigot of yourself if you want to, you're only hurting yourself. Also, it sounds like you're the one who's whacked out. I don't think you're a traitor ( yet ) just misguided about what America stands for and what it's all about.
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Again you are incorrect, I enlisted and served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. But you can keep making a fool and bigot of yourself if yourself if you want to, you're only hurting yourself. Also, it sounds like you're the one who's whacked out. I don't think you're a traitor ( yet ) just misguided about what America stands for and what it's all about.
I KNOW what it SHOULD stand for. That was taken away when prayer was removed in 1962 no thanks to that bitch Madeline Murray O'Hair.
That is immaterial, it only matters what the woman involved thinks about that and hopefully she does not acknowledge it is that. But, especially in many late term abortions, that is not the case, the woman involved is forced to.make that choice because of unforseen circumstances. These cases are exceptionally difficult as it is,abortion laws only multiple the suffering, needlessly. To be forced to bring a horribly deformed or otherwise impaired child into the world is a crime to me. It only magnifies and prolongs the suffering.
And 100% of them are all for selfish convenience. Abortion is the very epitome of selfishness.
You mean become a whacked out Leftist loon like you? fuck that! You are an unpatriotic traitorous Commie.
I don't believe you'd ever make a good Democrat, you don't even believe they exist and you don't seem to believe in most of the freedoms that make the United States the great nation is. You might want to turn down your rhetoric a bit and learn to actually debate. That's what this forum is for, not venting and ranting one's emotions. It's all up to.you. Have a good night.
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I don't believe you'd ever make a good Democrat, you don't even believe they exist and you don't seem to believe in most of the freedoms that make the United States the great nation is. You might want to turn down your rhetoric a bit and learn to actually debate. That's what this forum is for, not venting and ranting one's emotions. It's all up to.ypu. Have a good night.
There are no "good" Democrats, they are all evil scumbags deserving of every bit of venom REAL Americans can spew at them.
I KNOW what it SHOULD stand for. That was taken away when prayer was removed in 1962 no thanks to that bitch Madeline Murray O'Hair.
I went to a public grade school and high school that was roughly 40% Catholic, 40% Protestant, 15% Russian Orthodox and 5% Jewish. Most of our teachers were Protestant, I remember hearing only the Protestant version of the Lord's Prayer every morning. However incorrect, it was the tradition and of the day. Today we know better.
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There are no "good" Democrats, they are all evil scumbags deserving of every bit of venom REAL Americans can spew at them.
You just reaffirmed that you are an extremist and a bigot. Are you sure that's the image you want to project.
I went to a public grade school and high school that was roughly 40% Catholic, 40% Protestant, 15% Russian Orthodox and 5% Jewish. Most of our teachers were Protestant, I remember hearing only the Protestant version of the Lord's Prayer every morning. However incorrect, it was the tradition and f the day. Today we know better.
Oh sure. This is why the country is the epitome of sexual immorality.
Oh sure. This is why the country is the epitome of sexual immorality.
You're attempting to equate religiosity with morality. Some of the most immoral people that ever lived were religious people ; the same could be said of non-religious people. Thus there is no correlation between the two. Also morals are not static, they change with time therefore not a good measure to rate anyone on. Ethics do not change and reflect a better evaluation.
You're attempting to equate religiosity with morality. Some of the most immoral people that ever lived were religious people ; the same could be said of non-religious people. Thus there is no correlation between the two. Also morals are not static, they change with time therefore not a good measure to rate anyone on. Ethics do not change and reflect a better evaluation.
Wrong! The Bible is the ONLY objective arbiter on morality that should and MUST be followed.
That is immaterial, it only matters what the woman involved thinks about that and hopefully she does not acknowledge it is that.
“It doesn’t really matter whether or not you think negroes are human beings, it only matters what cotton plantation owners think about that and hopefully they just choose to hire them for a decent wage instead of forcing them to work as perpetual property.”

That’s you.
Only difference is theirs is a flat out lie. Plus they employ violence, True Christians do not.
They say the same things to their people. Obviously, the truth lies somewhere in-between. At this time in history, however, it would appear the Islamic fascists far outnumber their Christian counterparts and wreak more havoc.
“It doesn’t really matter whether or not you think negroes are human beings, it only matters what cotton plantation owners think about that and hopefully they just choose to hire them for a decent wage instead of forcing them to work as perpetual property.”

That’s you.
No, you thought that sick comparison up all on your own. I couldn't even imagine going there in my darkest thoughts. You really need some professional help.
No, you thought that sick comparison up all on your own. I couldn't even imagine going there in my darkest thoughts. You really need some professional help.
Yeah, you couldn’t think of an obvious 1:1 comparison on your own because you are a blind, hateful zealot, and you are incredibly stupid.
Yeah, you couldn’t think of an obvious 1:1 comparison on your own because you are a blind, hateful zealot, and you are incredibly stupid.
I see you continue to describe yourself. Although I am concerned about this issue, I am not directly affected by it in any way. I believe allowing those who are directly involved in it to handle their own predicaments is the best policy. No one should get emotional about this. Not even those in the situiation. It does no good.

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