Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

No, but I helped pay for my daughter to become one. and have discussed the subject with her and several of her collegues. You don't have to be a doctor to research the development stages of the heart.
You don't have a daughter that is a doctor. Why should I believe you when you have posted so much false information on this site?
Hate break it to you fuck face, it is NOT up to you to decide who is and who is not "A Fellow American".

It is never up to you or your sickening ilk to decide that. I love my country (you love your party). I served my country, the Traitor sided with Pooty against the United States.

Take you mistaken air of non-existent superiority and shove up your fat pimpled ass!!!
Actually, yes it is. And any far Left kook who was in the military has disgraced the uniform
No, the only thing you've shown is your ignorance and inconsideration for women.

I don’t know how you can say that. 40% cite financial reason followed by 36% as “not ready”

That’s not ignorance, it’s just reading the numbers. Those numbers are backed up by the flippant and cavalier way the left regards abortion and the pregnancy in general.

Why didn’t you answer the other questions? I’m curious how you would answer that, because if you say that pregnant women should have those protections, then you have to admit that she is indeed carrying a baby and not a lump of cells.

so, what say you?
You do realize that at the base of it all YOU are a cluster of cells, just many more.

So… hey, you cool with being murdered if you’re an inconvenience to your mom? You’re just a cluster of cells
What do a fertilized egg, a blastula, an embryo and a fetus have in common - none of them are a person. No person = no murder.
Do you realize how idiotic you sound. Sorry, but it's not worth talking to you anymore. Good bye.
Oh good, please shut up and fuck off forever, as you are equally as vile as your ideological cousins throughout history who enslaved those they hated or committed other acts of mass slaughter agains them.
I don’t know how you can say that. 40% cite financial reason followed by 36% as “not ready”

That’s not ignorance, it’s just reading the numbers. Those numbers are backed up by the flippant and cavalier way the left regards abortion and the pregnancy in general.

Why didn’t you answer the other questions? I’m curious how you would answer that, because if you say that pregnant women should have those protections, then you have to admit that she is indeed carrying a baby and not a lump of cells.

so, what say you?
I stick with the United Nations Human Rights Charter on Abortion. Which states, " the right to life, begins at birth. " ( Not before ). Abortion is a right. And women do not have to even state the reason for having one.
I stick with the United Nations Human Rights Charter on Abortion. Which states, " the right to life, begins at birth. " ( Not before ). Abortion is a right. And women do not have to even state the reason for having one.
The UN is horrific, worse than useless, an absolute waste of resources, and has no authority.

So it seems fitting you would “stick with” something as described above.
Oh good, please shut up and fuck off forever, as you are equally as vile as your ideological cousins throughout history who enslaved those they hated or committed other acts of mass slaughter agains them.
I'm going to try to explain this one more time. My views on abortion are my own views. I am not part of any pro-choice group or have their agenda. I do not take it personally. I just feel no matter what, the government and the courts have no right to get involved in the personal affairs of a woman. You, on the other hand, seem to be in some group advancing the agenda and take everything about the issue personally. The name-calling calling is pathetic. So you lose all objectivity on the subject. You really need to take a deep breath, step back and exam how you approach this subject in order to carry on a worthwhile discussion of it.
The UN is horrific, worse than useless, an absolute waste of resources, and has no authority.

So it seems fitting you would “stick with” something as described above.
Of course, and they're always saving all those starving children; millions upon millions of them. They don't have any sense at all, they should have figured it out by now. They're just going to grow up and multiple the problem. Life is so messy ! What a pain. Unlike you, they value human life. You pretend to.
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Of course, and they're always saving all those starving children; millions upon millions of them. They don't have any sense at all, they should have figured it out by now. They're just going to grow up and multiple the problem. Life is so messy ! What a pain. Unlike you, they value human life. You pretend to.
the UN hates America and Israel with a passion. Every Turd World and Euroweenie Socialist shithole has far more influence.
the UN hates America and Israel with a passion. Every Turd World and Euroweenie Socialist shithole has far more influence.
Now I know you two are both crazy ! Although I prefer the road John F. Kennedy took in dealing with the greatest problems facing this world - enabling people to save themselves through teaching and making resources available to them ; the United Nations is doing a fairly good job. If they would change their motto to J. F. K.'s they'd be great. Essentially it was this, " Give a man a fish and he eats for 1 day, teach a man to fish and he eats for life."
Hitler said the same about the Jews and other "undesirables" Fucking Far Left Commie. I bet when you were in 'Nam you aided and abedded the VietCong just like John McShitstain did.
The important difference is those people already did exist, they already had lives and each one of them were a person. The embryonic stages of human beings have no history and they do not qualify as a person. Again you're assuming things about me. I said I enlisted during the Vietnam War. I never said I was in the Vietnam War. They kept me stateside the whole time. I helped deliver over 500 babies. I was the head of the medics in OB/ GYN at the base hospital. I saw more blood than any of the men who went to Nam. Fortunately it was good blood. And you have the nerve to attack John McCain like trump did. trump is a coward and has no honor. I do not know but I'm begining to think you are to. To quote you, " True " soldiers don't put down their own.
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The important difference is those people already did exist, they already had lives and each one of them were a person. The embryonic stages of human beings have no history and they do not qualify as a person. Again you're assuming things about me. I said I enlisted during the Vietnam War. I never said I was in the Vietnam War. They kept me stateside the whole time. I helped deliver over 500 babies. I was the head of the medics in OB/ GYN at the base hospital. I saw more blood than any of the men who went to Nam. Fortunately it was good blood. And you have the nerve to attack John McCain like trump did. trump is a coward and has no honor. I do not know but I'm begining to think you are to. To quote you, " True " soldiers don't put down their own.
McShitstain sold out the country. But then again he was the type of RINO "Republican" you would support because he supported the far Left agenda 100%.

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