Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

I see you continue to describe yourself.
No projection here, dickcheese. Just you. I got your number and putting it on display as I flay you down to your essence.

Although I am concerned about this issue, I am not directly affected by it in any way.

Again, doubling down on the “I don’t own a cotton plantation, so it’s none of my business” rhetoric.

It’s everyone’s business. That line of thinking is beyond foolish, it is hateful. It is lazy bigotry.
No projection here, dickcheese. Just you. I got your number and putting it on display as I flay you down to your essence.

Again, doubling down on the “I don’t own a cotton plantation, so it’s none of my business” rhetoric.

It’s everyone’s business. That line of thinking is beyond foolish, it is hateful. It is lazy bigotry.
I can handle your repeated attempts to make personal attacks against me. No problem, but your ludicrous comparisons aren't worth addressing at all !
I can handle your repeated attempts to make personal attacks against me. No problem, but your ludicrous comparisons aren't worth addressing at all !
You pro-aborts are the same as slavers and genociders.

Your arguments are the same, your hate is the same, you are the same.
That is immaterial, it only matters what the woman involved thinks about that and hopefully she does not acknowledge it is that. But, especially in many late term abortions, that is not the case, the woman involved is forced to.make that choice because of unforseen circumstances. These cases are exceptionally difficult as it is,abortion laws only multiple the suffering, needlessly. To be forced to bring a horribly deformed or otherwise impaired child into the world is a crime to me. It only magnifies and prolongs the suffering.

So, then you are suggesting that “science” is up to the opinion of the woman carrying the baby? I mean, that’s literally what you are saying. One woman can believe it’s a baby, and another woman can believe it’s a lump of cells.

Thats not how science works. Also, I asked what YOU think, and you gave your answer when you said: “and hopefully she does not acknowledge it is that”.

So, because you, and many lefty’s do not believe it’s a baby, then do you believe that women deserve any special protections or privileges when pregnant? If someone negligently causes them to lose the pregnancy, should they be able to sue for killing their baby?

the pro choice crowd always brings up the “it’s horrible to bring to term a deformed baby”, or other difficult circumstances, as if those are the predominant reasons for abortion. I’ve already shown that most abortions are done out of convenience, not for health reasons.
It's not a heartbeat at six weeks. It's a group of cells that sporaticaly pulse, and eventually will become part of a heart. The sound is not the sound of a heartbeat. It's electronically generated by the equipment being used.
Okay.. and?
So the so-called " heartbeat " anti-abortion laws are based on a lie. There are no formed chambers ( an actual heart ) pumping blood .
So when something is in the normal process of forming it is 100% not that and can be destroyed?

Is that your logic?
So the so-called " heartbeat " anti-abortion laws are based on a lie. There are no formed chambers ( an actual heart ) pumping blood .
By the way, the heart beat is begun by electrical pulses by the RA node in the heart genius. If it weren’t for that the heart wouldn’t beat/pump (unless you install an artificial pacemaker that does the same thing)

So saying a heart beat isn’t electrical
Pulses is incorrect
By the way, the heart beat is begun by electrical pulses by the RA node in the heart genius. If it weren’t for that the heart wouldn’t beat/pump (unless you install an artificial pacemaker that does the same thing)

So saying a heart beat isn’t electrical
Pulses is incorrect
The electrical impulses are there, unfortunately it's inefficient because there is no chambered heart .
But electrical impulses are part of a heartbeat. So… it makes sense to refer to it as that.
Listen to yourself, you are attempting to say it's a heartbeat when a heart does not yet exist. What is wrong with this picture ? It's as bad as saying there's a " baby " in the vagina before it's even born. What exists is a fertilized egg, a blastula, an embryo or a fetus. All other terms are irrelevant to what actually exists. You have become a victim of right-wing propaganda on this issue.
You are NOT my fellow American. You are the enemy, and shall be treated as such.

Hate break it to you fuck face, it is NOT up to you to decide who is and who is not "A Fellow American".

It is never up to you or your sickening ilk to decide that. I love my country (you love your party). I served my country, the Traitor sided with Pooty against the United States.

Take you mistaken air of non-existent superiority and shove up your fat pimpled ass!!!
But electrical impulses are part of a heartbeat. So… it makes sense to refer to it as that.


At six weeks all there is a cluster of cells, there is no heart, there is no brain, there are no lungs.

Read your basic 10th. Grade Biology to understand this.

At six weeks all there is a cluster of cells, there is no heart, there is no brain, there are no lungs.

Read your basic 10th. Grade Biology to understand this.
You do realize that at the base of it all YOU are a cluster of cells, just many more.

So… hey, you cool with being murdered if you’re an inconvenience to your mom? You’re just a cluster of cells
It's not a heartbeat at six weeks. It's a group of cells that sporaticaly pulse, and eventually will become part of a heart. The sound is not the sound of a heartbeat. It's electronically generated by the equipment being used.
You are not a doctor.
You are not a doctor.
No, but I helped pay for my daughter to become one. and have discussed the subject with her and several of her collegues. You don't have to be a doctor to research the development stages of the heart.

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