Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

McShitstain sold out the country. But then again he was the type of RINO "Republican" you would support because he supported the far Left agenda 100%.
Actually he was very middle-of-the-road road politician and he knew politics was a give and take proposition where compromise was necessary. Sorry, he wasn't a selfish, deceitful republican like many are today. He had honor and pride in this country, not allegiance to a madman's agenda to tear this country apart and replace it with a punitive, hateful country that hates and abuses some it's citizens and overindulges those that support him. Forget the country it doesn't matter. That was trump's agenda.
And also, in G-d's economy, abortionists, and those who support them will have that millstone tied around their necks and be thrown into the Lake of Fire unless they repent.
You are the most pathetic excuse for a Christian I've ever seen. I know you think you are, but if you harbor all this hatred that is not possible. You are only fooling yourself.
McShitstain sold out the country. But then again he was the type of RINO "Republican" you would support because he supported the far Left agenda 100%.
I looked it up for your benefit, during trump's presidency John McCain voted with the republicans 83 % of the time. Those are the facts. So it was just another lie trump put out there.
McShitstain was always an enemy Democrat. And 83% is unacceptable. A true Republican votes for the agenda 100% of the time.
You do not understand how democracy works, it's a give and take proposition, compromise between the two main political parties is essential otherwise nothing gets done. Anyone who votes with either party 100% of the time is an extremist and they don't do anybody any good.
You do not understand how democracy works, it's a give and take proposition, compromise between the two main political parties is essential otherwise nothing gets done. Anyone who votes with either party 100% of the time is an extremist and they don't do anybody any good.
Compromise =surrendering to the enemy, which are the DemocRATs.
What do a fertilized egg, a blastula, an embryo and a fetus have in common - none of them are a person. No person = no murder.

A third trimester fetus is certainly a person, nearly all think so (besides rabid abortion-crazed selfish leftists).

And nobody was addressing the parts. You evaded my post and just started a new conversation with yourself.

You said because something is a clump of cells, we can kill it. I pointed out that a group of cells is what you are. Then you ran and started that weird unprompted debate with yourself.

Care to address your creepy logic? You think your mom could murder you if she wanted because you’re a group of cells?
Now you want to attack people who want to have children. Is there no end to this insanity.
The insanity is not being able to control your sexual urges then killing a human as a resort, or fertilizing an egg and then freezing it
As soon as what a woman carries comes out anything buit human let me know and quit engaging in semantics
All I said was the term embryo applies to all mammals not just humans

Which by the way is a scientific fact.

YOU on the other hand start talking about men being pregnant and birthing children which just displays your ignorance.

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