Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

You are the one who the police should put in a cage like the rabid animal you are and then die there or be put down.
You don't even realize what you've done. I can't save you from yourself. I've had enough of your sick judgment of me. GOD have pity on you .Karma is a bitch. Try to have a good day for a change, I plan on it.
I’m pretty sure I called your bullshit out with a reaction. Sorry you wanted more, die mad about it - but please die soon.
No, you did not reply to post 242. And I know why, I finally hit you where it hurts your false or fake belief that you are pro-lifer. You are just a very hateful person.
No, you did not reply to post 242. And I know why, I finally hit you where it hurts your false or fake belief that you are pro-lifer. You are just a very hateful person.
I did reply. “Fake news.”

You are fake news, and your nonsense is unwelcome. That is the consistent reply you should always receive.
No one is “pro-choice.”

You assholes are just pro-abortion, pro-death, pro-violence against those you hate.

The decision to have an abortion should be between the Woman and her Doctor. The state has no right to decide for her. All that crap about wanting the Government to decide health care you people bloviated about for upteen years so much bull shit.

You and your ilk are NOT Pro-Life, you are Anti-Woman.
No, you did not reply to post 242. And I know why, I finally hit you where it hurts your false or fake belief that you are pro-lifer. You are just a very hateful person.

Fascist ReNaziKlans hate being pinned down, they are all about deflection and misdirection. These snowflake assholes are about projection on to others.
The decision to have an abortion should be between the Woman and her Doctor.

Scum who kill their own patients or their relatives on purpose for money are NOT doctors and they should die in prison, as should their clients.

The state has no right to decide for her.
The state should ban premeditated aggressive homicides like abortions as murder and proceed accordingly.

All that crap about wanting the Government to decide health care you people bloviated about for upteen years so much bull shit
Irrelevant, moron. Abortion is the opposite of healthcare.

You and your ilk are NOT Pro-Life, you are Anti-Woman.
You have zero evidence for this nonsense defamatory claim, asshole.
You can cite all the articles you want. They're exceptions to the rule. Extremists cease upon articles like this to promote their agenda. Please do not be deceived.

I literally linked the top reasons given for abortions. Health…the reason for last resort, ranked 7th on the list.

All of the other reasons are “I got pregnant and can’t financially handle it, so I’m getting an abortion “, or “I got pregnant and right now is not a good time, so I’m getting an abortion.” Things like that.

Last resort to me would entail that you’ve gone down every avenue and this is the only one that will work. As evidence by the videos I posted, these people didn’t exhaust all of their options, so they found out they were pregnant…and trotted on down to the clinic and got it taken care of.

Now sure, I’m not suggesting that every case is like this. I’m sure there are women who would desperately love to go down another route, but the cavalier way the left talks about abortion, I don’t think they are really concerned about it.

Besides, the left doesn’t even believe it’s a baby, not even a life, they believe it’s just tissue, a lump of cells. That being the case, why would they even be worried about abortion as a last resort? It’s not worth anything to them so it’s not a stretch to think they wouldn’t use it as a first resort and think nothing of it…kinda like a day at the nail spa.
I did reply. “Fake news.”

You are fake news, and your nonsense is unwelcome. That is the consistent reply you should always receive.
Yeah, none of those "real " murders of actual people never occurred. Keep living in your delusional world. Or is it that you can't accept some violent act you've perpetrated yourself against someone. www.cnn.com " A brief history of anti-abortion violence. " Dec 1, 2015 The article covers 300 acts of extreme violence, including arson, bombings, murders, attempted murders, and kidnappings. One case in particular, I found very interesting. The case of Robert Lewis Dear, in.2015 he stormed into a Planned Parenthood and murdered 3 people. When the police arrested him all he could talk about was " baby parts " . I remember when that anti-abortion group tried to frame Planned Parenthood with that fake video about them selling baby parts ( Charging for organ donations is illegal. ) It was the perfect time to lock those people up as the terrorists they are. Too bad they didn't. Instead they made a very suspectable, ignorant man pay the price for them.
I literally linked the top reasons given for abortions. Health…the reason for last resort, ranked 7th on the list.

All of the other reasons are “I got pregnant and can’t financially hI'andle it, so I’m getting an abortion “, or “I got pregnant and right now is not a good time, so I’m getting an abortion.” Things like that.

Last resort to me would entail that you’ve gone down every avenue and this is the only one that will work. As evidence by the videos I posted, these people didn’t exhaust all of their options, so they found out they were pregnant…and trotted on down to the clinic and got it taken care of.

Now sure, I’m not suggesting that every case is like this. I’m sure there are women who would desperately love to go down another route, but the cavalier way the left talks about abortion, I don’t think they are really concerned about it.

Besides, the left doesn’t even believe it’s a baby, not even a life, they believe it’s just tissue, a lump of cells. That being the case, why would they even be worried about abortion as a last resort? It’s not worth anything to them so it’s not a stretch to think they wouldn’t use it as a first resort and think nothing of it…kinda like a day at the nail spa.
I'm sorry you're so foolish. The United Nations lists these same things as Economic Health and Well-being and all are valid reasons for having an abortion. No one needs your permission . It is a person's right to choose their own health care. You only have a right to your own choice. And free nations aren't suppose to interfere with the personal rights of their citizens.
i told this feller that i don't care what any woman does, it is this fanatical blood lust by these kooks when it is obvious you re murdering a fucking human being
Last post was good, this one is iffy at best. Hope you realize who the bad guys really are.
You just ask God the right questions and he'll give you the answers. Maybe start with, What should I repent for?
Only tribal gods want you to repent. Shame and guilt are 2 of the mainstays that help keep them alive.
I don't support abortion. Women and men were designed to go forth and multiply. Women do not have the right to murder their unborn. In the end they will be judged.
And you don't think the multiplying thing was / is a little bit overdone. All of the major problems we are facing today are the result of human overpopulation
We're destroying the entire planet. What if abortion never existed. This world would be dead already.
I don't support abortion. Women and men were designed to go forth and multiply. Women do not have the right to murder their unborn. In the end they will be judged.
The complete quote from Genesis 1:28 And GOD blessed them, and God said unto thee. Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it : and have Dominion over the fish of the sea, and of the foul of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Translation go for and multiple to the ends of the earth. That mission was completed 14,000 years ago when the American " natives " reached the tip of South America. Replenish the earth = do not rape the earth. Which is all we've done since the Industrial Revolution started. etc. etc. The world is approaching 8 billion souls. In a world that worked with mother nature and a world of people that worked for the common good that would be no problem. Estimates are, that properly managed ( in a perfect world ) this world could handle 25 billion souls. But that is not the reality. War, disease, famine, murder, abuse, hatred and ignorance are all very much alive. Like or not what you view as an evil, abortion has helped save the human race and this planet from death.
And you don't think the multiplying thing was / is a little bit overdone. All of the major problems we are facing today are the result of human overpopulation
We're destroying the entire planet. What if abortion never existed. This world would be dead already.
That's what wars are for. War is population control.
That's what wars are for. War is population control.
So is abortion. A necessary " evil " if you want to look at it. Did you know if no abortions occurred in the U
S. Our population in this country would be close to 500,000,000 now and if there were no abortions anywhere in the world vast portions of India, China and A usefrica would be dead zones. And our population in the U.S. would be closer to 730,000,000. Because of the 15,000,000 immigrants every year. Starvation would be happening here. Multiply the millions facing famine today by a factor of 10 or 15 and you have an absolutely horrible picture. All environments would be degraded, most of the world would be barely liveable. Not s pretty picture at all. This is the future you are supporting.
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