Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

Repent, for what. Sounds like one of your problems. You've got a lot of them. You don't seem to know where you are or where your from and all those delusions. It's amazing you found this site and are able to try to discuss an issue.
You just ask God the right questions and he'll give you the answers. Maybe start with, What should I repent for?
My first question was what is the true nature of the universe. I figured that's a good begining.
Oh, I got this 1... if you choose to listen. You are the universe. Everything caporioral is God put through different rules of "physics".
Oh, I got this 1... if you choose to listen. You are the universe. Everything caporioral is God put through different rules of "physics".
Maybe you do, maybe you don't. That's why I asked the question about the nature of our reality first. Most people in this world couldn't begin to fathom what our true reality is.
It really isn't an issue that can or should be put up for debate or vote. It should simply be understood that the woman is a person, a citizen, a taxpayer and should not have her person subjected to this intrusion by the opinions of others.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda....It doesn't matter a fig.....It's not a "woman issue" but a legislative matter that needs to be solved one way or the other.

Anything else is either just single-issue ideologue BS or a attempt to keep it out of the hands of the voters for political gain.

The dumb shit gop for the holy-rollers and the slag dems for using it as a wedge issue.....I say put it to rest for good and all and let it fall where it may.
Maybe you do, maybe you don't. That's why I asked the question about the nature of our reality first. Most people in this world couldn't begin to fathom what our true reality is.
It helps to fathom infinity and the property's of energy.
Why ? Abortion is a last resort choice. It's only used after other options are no longer available.


Look up “shout your abortion” on YouTube.

Three-quarters said that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities, about two-thirds said they could not afford to have a child and half said they did not want to be a single parent or had relationship problems.

This issue lists health reasons 7th on the list, and pretty much the only “last resort” reason given.

Not financially prepared40%
Not a good time36%
Issues with partner31%
Need to focus on other children29%
Interferes with future plans20%
Not emotionally or mentally prepared19%
Health issue12%
Unable to provide a “good” life12%
Not independent or mature enough7%
Influence from family or friends5%
Don’t want children3%

Besides, that really wasn’t my point. My point was, the left is demanding that abortion be available at any time, free, and they don’t even consider it a baby anyway, so, IM suggesting that it be a first option for women on the left.

I’m basically switching gears here, I …. Me ….. think we should be encouraging dems to get abortions…..exercise your freedom! Get rid of those unwanted lumps of tissue. Aside from relieving a lot of women the strain of dealing with carrying unwanted tissue in their bodies, we can also get rid of unnecessary regulations and laws around women’s protections for pregnancy.

I mean, since it’s not a baby…then there is no need for your employer to give you any special time off before the birth….errr…shedding of body tissue?? We can get rid of prenatal care…because you don’t do prenatal care in tissue lumps, you generally just have them surgically removed….which is what I’m suggesting!

I’m looking out for the egg producers….wait….you can’t call it an egg…that would imply a baby.

Uhh….I’m looking out for the female….cell tissue producing??…people….
Shoulda, coulda, woulda....It doesn't matter a fig.....It's not a "woman issue" but a legislative matter that needs to be solved one way or the other.

Anything else is either just single-issue ideologue BS or a attempt to keep it out of the hands of the voters for political gain.

The dumb shit gop for the holy-rollers and the slag dems for using it as a wedge issue.....I say put it to rest for good and all and let it fall where it may.
I agree in part, but given the current political instability, this might be the trigger for extremist right-wing nuts to attempt to secede from the Union and that would be a pure and utter disgrace on their part. This is why extremism is so bad.

Look up “shout your abortion” on YouTube.

This issue lists health reasons 7th on the list, and pretty much the only “last resort” reason given.

Not financially prepared40%
Not a good time36%
Issues with partner31%
Need to focus on other children29%
Interferes with future plans20%
Not emotionally or mentally prepared19%
Health issue12%
Unable to provide a “good” life12%
Not independent or mature enough7%
Influence from family or friends5%
Don’t want children3%

Besides, that really wasn’t my point. My point was, the left is demanding that abortion be available at any time, free, and they don’t even consider it a baby anyway, so, IM suggesting that it be a first option for women on the left.

I’m basically switching gears here, I …. Me ….. think we should be encouraging dems to get abortions…..exercise your freedom! Get rid of those unwanted lumps of tissue. Aside from relieving a lot of women the strain of dealing with carrying unwanted tissue in their bodies, we can also get rid of unnecessary regulations and laws around women’s protections for pregnancy.

I mean, since it’s not a baby…then there is no need for your employer to give you any special time off before the birth….errr…shedding of body tissue?? We can get rid of prenatal care…because you don’t do prenatal care in tissue lumps, you generally just have them surgically removed….which is what I’m suggesting!

I’m looking out for the egg producers….wait….you can’t call it an egg…that would imply a baby.

Uhh….I’m looking out for the female….cell tissue producing??…people….

You can cite all the articles you want. They're exceptions to the rule. Extremists cease upon articles like this to promote their agenda. Please do not be deceived.

Look up “shout your abortion” on YouTube.

This issue lists health reasons 7th on the list, and pretty much the only “last resort” reason given.

Not financially prepared40%
Not a good time36%
Issues with partner31%
Need to focus on other children29%
Interferes with future plans20%
Not emotionally or mentally prepared19%
Health issue12%
Unable to provide a “good” life12%
Not independent or mature enough7%
Influence from family or friends5%
Don’t want children3%

Besides, that really wasn’t my point. My point was, the left is demanding that abortion be available at any time, free, and they don’t even consider it a baby anyway, so, IM suggesting that it be a first option for women on the left.

I’m basically switching gears here, I …. Me ….. think we should be encouraging dems to get abortions…..exercise your freedom! Get rid of those unwanted lumps of tissue. Aside from relieving a lot of women the strain of dealing with carrying unwanted tissue in their bodies, we can also get rid of unnecessary regulations and laws around women’s protections for pregnancy.

I mean, since it’s not a baby…then there is no need for your employer to give you any special time off before the birth….errr…shedding of body tissue?? We can get rid of prenatal care…because you don’t do prenatal care in tissue lumps, you generally just have them surgically removed….which is what I’m suggesting!

I’m looking out for the egg producers….wait….you can’t call it an egg…that would imply a baby.

Uhh….I’m looking out for the female….cell tissue producing??…people….

Also that select list of reasons for having an abortion doesn't sound very accurate, even though most of those reasons are valid and no doubt prevented a lot of child abuse from ever happening in the first place. No child, no foul so to speak. Your opinion about their validity is irrelevant, the United Nations stance on abortion is clear. There are many reasons NOT to bring children into this world and only one good reason to do so.
Oh, I got this 1... if you choose to listen. You are the universe. Everything caporioral is God put through different rules of "physics".
Everything physical right down to the very atom is 99.9999999999996 % empty space. I no longer remember who said it but they said, " When the physical world is broken down into it's elements, the end result is that it appears more as a thought than anything else. "
You can cite all the articles you want. They're exceptions to the rule. Extremists cease upon articles like this to promote their agenda. Please do not be deceived.
Fuck you, liar.

"Shout your abortion" is the pro-abort norm.

The mask is off. You cannot wear it any longer.
Fuck you, liar.

"Shout your abortion" is the pro-abort norm.

The mask is off. You cannot wear it any longer.
You are talking about extremists, both sides have them. The few women I know who've had abortions didn't really want anyone to know or telecast about it in the media. Extremists like you are the exception not the rule.
You are talking about extremists, both sides have them. The few women I know who've had abortions didn't really want anyone to know or telecast about it in the media. Extremists like you are the exception not the rule.
Again, lies.

The mask is off.

You cannot return to the facade now.
Has no bearing on anything, because the very fact that it's a human, uhhhh is enough to protect the human being from being mercilessly slaughtered by an uncivilized SOCIETY in which now promotes the idea that medical science needs sacrificial lamb's for their medical science, and what better way to get those lambs then through reckless women believing lies ??? So just as the Nazi's did it, they went for it with it's irrational reasoning, and America has pushed for it as a new trend, but history has a horrible way of repeating itself.

A medically induced miscarriage is hardly a "slaughter"

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