Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska

I agree in part, but given the current political instability, this might be the trigger for extremist right-wing nuts to attempt to secede from the Union and that would be a pure and utter disgrace on their part. This is why extremism is so bad.
LOL.....That's more than a bit overblown.

I can think of many better reasons for a partition other than the citizens of a state (say like TX) giving abortion a green light.

Such a event would not be along state lines anyway, it would be population centers (cities/blue burbs) against the red hinterlands but that's a discussion for another day.
No one is “pro-choice.”

You assholes are just pro-abortion, pro-death, pro-violence against those you hate.
I tried to look up violence against pro-life people and organizations but nothing came up. When I did the reverse search violence against pro-choice people and organizations, dozens of articles about pro-lifers came up murdering abortion clinic personnel, nurses and doctors. Just in the US 12 people, including 4 doctors were murdered by pro-lifers. Destruction of property, bombings, arson, vandalism threats to people,includes stalking,assault,attempted murder, murder, and threats by the thousands. I think that should tell you your people have a real problem and many belong in mental institutions, prisons and / or prisons for the mentally insane.
LOL.....That's more than a bit overblown.

I can think of many better reasons for a partition other than the citizens of a state (say like TX) giving abortion a green light.

Such a event would not be along state lines anyway, it would be population centers (cities/blue burbs) against the red hinterlands but that's a discussion for another day.
You misunderstood, these pro-life people are mostly extremists. If they think nothing of murdering doctors and nurses and blowing up or setting fire to clinics. When these abortion laws go by the wayside they might get very unhinged. I wouldn't put anything past them. They are worst than the regular terrorists, they actually believe they are doing good.
You misunderstood, these pro-life people are mostly extremists. If they think nothing of murdering doctors and nurses and blowing up or setting fire to clinics. When these abortion laws go by the wayside they might get very unhinged. I wouldn't put anything past them. They are worst than the regular terrorists, they actually believe they are doing good.
It's you that seems a bit unhinged.
i told this feller that i don't care what any woman does, it is this fanatical blood lust by these kooks when it is obvious you re murdering a fucking human being
These so-called pro-lifers are the worst of the worst, to actually murder human beings and not feel any remorse.
These so-called pro-lifers are the worst of the worst, to actually murder human beings and not feel any remorse.
Cease your projecting defamation this instance you vile POS.

Your claim is batshit insane. We murder no one - the people you support in murdering human beings are the worst of the worst, and then you.

If you actually contribute to these killings and are accessory to any of these homicides, well then there is no distinction, then you are a monster who should be jailed until dead or executed.
You are correct. It's more of a flutter action by the tissues that will become a heart. Thanks.
Do you know anything else that flutters until it becomes a human heart? By you’re logic you should be able to name thousands.
Do you know anything else that flutters until it becomes a human heart? By you’re logic you should be able to name thousands.
How about trillions. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. That should explain it for you.
You don’t think for yourself - you parrot nonsense from NARAL and Planned Parenthood uncritically. You’re a moronic zealot.
I noticed you fully ignored post 242. Shrewd move, if you got away with it. Can't take the truth,I understand. Your side is made up.of mostly lies.
I noticed you fully ignored post 242. Shrewd move, if you got away with it. Can't take the truth,I understand. Your side is made up.of mostly lies.
I’m pretty sure I called your bullshit out with a reaction. Sorry you wanted more, die mad about it - but please die soon.
I’m pretty sure I called your bullshit out with a reaction. Sorry you wanted more, die mad about it - but please die soon.
You just can't handle the truth. You have to be one of the sickest minds on here. Why do you want more children in this world, so you can torture them. Now I understand you completely. I'd report you to the police if I could,they know how to deal with threatening creeps like you. It would be nice to stop some murders before you commit them. Nothing but hatred and anger,how do you live with yourself.
You just can't handle the truth. You have to be one of the sickest minds on here. Why do you want more children in this world, so you can torture them. Now I understand you completely. I'd report you to the police if I could,they know how to deal with threatening creeps like you. It would be nice to stop some murders before you commit them. Nothing but hatred and anger,how do you live with yourself.
You are the one who the police should put in a cage like the rabid animal you are and then die there or be put down.

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