Heartbroken mom of trans teen: my once beautiful daughter is now bearded, homeless, and sterilized

A secret big government lover you are!

Now lets have uncle sam take kids from homes he doesn't like.

Just admit you have an agenda and want the government to support it with weapons and tax dollars. Then we can move on and debate the issue.

Promoting a mental illness in your kids is child abuse. Full Stop.

Did the heartbroken mother talk a minor into the surgery? Is that what we're talking about?

Don't know, don't care. Transgenderism is a mental illness that's suddenly gained acceptance by the mainstream left in their never ending quest to find new classes of victims to claim are being oppressed. You're taking advantage of crazy people to push an agenda and it's really fucked up.

I find butt sex uninteresting but I don't want to regulate it between concenting ppl.

If you are for big government and want to regulate sex change surgeries thatvs consistent at least. I'm kinda of a personal freedom libertarian so I'm not that interested in ppl's sticks and holes.

Yeah I mean it's not as if the overall wellbeing of society effects you in any way. Might as well legalize pedophilia and cannibalism while we're at it, huh?

Nah, you missed the theological point.

What you do with your stick or hole doesn't concern a libertarian like me.

If you start trying to do something with another person's stick or hole it becomes a concern if they are not concenting. If it affects a minor doubly so.

For a libertarian, I LOVE the death penalty btw. Once a person starts hurting others the gloves are off.
One could easily argue that children within twisted and confused LefTard homes could probably be better off within 'the system'.

A secret big government lover you are!

Now lets have uncle sam take kids from homes he doesn't like.

Just admit you have an agenda and want the government to support it with weapons and tax dollars. Then we can move on and debate the issue.

Promoting a mental illness in your kids is child abuse. Full Stop.

Did the heartbroken mother talk a minor into the surgery? Is that what we're talking about?

Don't know, don't care. Transgenderism is a mental illness that's suddenly gained acceptance by the mainstream left in their never ending quest to find new classes of victims to claim are being oppressed. You're taking advantage of crazy people to push an agenda and it's really fucked up.

I find butt sex uninteresting but I don't want to regulate it between concenting ppl.

If you are for big government and want to regulate sex change surgeries thatvs consistent at least. I'm kinda of a personal freedom libertarian so I'm not that interested in ppl's sticks and holes.

You "personal freedom", self proclaimed Libertarian wackos seem to always be the ones who induce the need for new legislation to stop your no boundaries, anything goes bullshit. A civilized first world society has to operate within boundaries, limitations and by a deep sense of morality, values and decency....All things you hate.
Promoting a mental illness in your kids is child abuse. Full Stop.

Did the heartbroken mother talk a minor into the surgery? Is that what we're talking about?

Don't know, don't care. Transgenderism is a mental illness that's suddenly gained acceptance by the mainstream left in their never ending quest to find new classes of victims to claim are being oppressed. You're taking advantage of crazy people to push an agenda and it's really fucked up.

I find butt sex uninteresting but I don't want to regulate it between concenting ppl.

If you are for big government and want to regulate sex change surgeries thatvs consistent at least. I'm kinda of a personal freedom libertarian so I'm not that interested in ppl's sticks and holes.

Yeah I mean it's not as if the overall wellbeing of society effects you in any way. Might as well legalize pedophilia and cannibalism while we're at it, huh?

Nah, you missed the theological point.

What you do with your stick or hole doesn't concern a libertarian like me.

If you start trying to do something with another person's stick or hole it becomes a concern if they are not concenting. If it affects a minor doubly so.

For a libertarian, I LOVE the death penalty btw. Once a person starts hurting others the gloves are off.

Yeah ok but lets say when transgenderism becomes fully accepted in society then a new fetish comes about. People who like to eat people. Would you be ok with someone willingly undergoing surgery to remove arms and legs so their partner can have a snack?
Heartbroken mom on trans teen: "My once-beautiful daughter is now bearded, homeless, and sterilized." | The Bridgehead
Of all the emails I receive from readers, some of the most heart-breaking ones come from parents whose children struggle with rapid onset gender dysphoria, or ROGD. They are confused and heartbroken, and their children are often confused and heartbroken, as well. One mother ended her email to me with a sentence I’ll never forget: “If I had known the world was going to get so bad, I don’t think I would have had kids.”

What the poor kids go through after having a great leftist pos con job telling them how wonderful they will feel once they take the plunge and change sexes!! Hey PHD holders you stupid mother fkres are destroying these kids you idiots. You morons tells these parents and kids this political geared bs for you own selfish reasons. Your as guilty as the pigs who change the sex of these kids.

Those who can't understand it all are quick to deny it are those who fear what is real and who reality freaks snowflakes out they instantly deny something it's easiest to do for most deniers.

I mean reallyeeeee this is self destruction in multiple ways. it should seriously be banned from any PHD MEDICAL HOLDING IDIOT NOT TO BE ALLOWED TO PERFORM A SURGERY LIKE THIS UNTIL THE CHILD REACHES AGE 25 at least!!!!!
I'm guessing Rachael Maddow's mother feels kinda like that too.

Did the heartbroken mother talk a minor into the surgery? Is that what we're talking about?

Don't know, don't care. Transgenderism is a mental illness that's suddenly gained acceptance by the mainstream left in their never ending quest to find new classes of victims to claim are being oppressed. You're taking advantage of crazy people to push an agenda and it's really fucked up.

I find butt sex uninteresting but I don't want to regulate it between concenting ppl.

If you are for big government and want to regulate sex change surgeries thatvs consistent at least. I'm kinda of a personal freedom libertarian so I'm not that interested in ppl's sticks and holes.

Yeah I mean it's not as if the overall wellbeing of society effects you in any way. Might as well legalize pedophilia and cannibalism while we're at it, huh?

Nah, you missed the theological point.

What you do with your stick or hole doesn't concern a libertarian like me.

If you start trying to do something with another person's stick or hole it becomes a concern if they are not concenting. If it affects a minor doubly so.

For a libertarian, I LOVE the death penalty btw. Once a person starts hurting others the gloves are off.

Yeah ok but lets say when transgenderism becomes fully accepted in society then a new fetish comes about. People who like to eat people. Would you be ok with someone willingly undergoing surgery to remove arms and legs so their partner can have a snack?

That's pretty out there. U thought a good one up. Certainly someone somewhere has that fetish though.

My first thought is if you aren't expecting a disability check from me afterwards, I don't care. Maybe we'll have to ban folks who signed up for active military duty from doing it if we are getting that contrived.

Remember, small government here. I'm not using the power of the police to make sure you have to live and enjoy the final stages of cancer.
If you are for big government and want to regulate sex change surgeries thatvs [sic] consistent at least. I'm kinda [sic] of a personal freedom libertarian so I'm not that interested in ppl's [sic] sticks and holes.

If they only affected themselves, then you might have a point. But the consequences of this madness are not confined to those who practice it, or who voluntarily have any part in it.

We have girls and women being compelled to share restrooms, dressing rooms,locker rooms, showers, and such, with degenerate male perverts who claim to be “transgender”. We have children being brainwashed into thinking themselves to be the opposite of their true sex. We have this sick, twisted agenda being taught to children in public schools.

And those of us who object to any of this are being told that we are the ones with whom something is very wrong.

This madness is poison, not just to those individuals who choose to partake of it, but to the whole of society.
Heartbroken mom on trans teen: "My once-beautiful daughter is now bearded, homeless, and sterilized." | The Bridgehead
Of all the emails I receive from readers, some of the most heart-breaking ones come from parents whose children struggle with rapid onset gender dysphoria, or ROGD. They are confused and heartbroken, and their children are often confused and heartbroken, as well. One mother ended her email to me with a sentence I’ll never forget: “If I had known the world was going to get so bad, I don’t think I would have had kids.”

What the poor kids go through after having a great leftist pos con job telling them how wonderful they will feel once they take the plunge and change sexes!! Hey PHD holders you stupid mother fkres are destroying these kids you idiots. You morons tells these parents and kids this political geared bs for you own selfish reasons. Your as guilty as the pigs who change the sex of these kids.

Those who can't understand it all are quick to deny it are those who fear what is real and who reality freaks snowflakes out they instantly deny something it's easiest to do for most deniers.

I mean reallyeeeee this is self destruction in multiple ways. it should seriously be banned from any PHD MEDICAL HOLDING IDIOT NOT TO BE ALLOWED TO PERFORM A SURGERY LIKE THIS UNTIL THE CHILD REACHES AGE 25 at least!!!!!
I'm guessing Rachael Maddow's mother feels kinda like that too.


It goes on and on..."Before mind virus & after mind virus"
If you are for big government and want to regulate sex change surgeries thatvs [sic] consistent at least. I'm kinda [sic] of a personal freedom libertarian so I'm not that interested in ppl's [sic] sticks and holes.

If they only affected themselves, then you might have a point. But the consequences of this madness are not confined to those who practice it, or who voluntarily have any part in it.

We have girls and women being compelled to share restrooms, dressing rooms,locker rooms, showers, and such, with degenerate male perverts who claim to be “transgender”. We have children being brainwashed into thinking themselves to be the opposite of their true sex. We have this sick, twisted agenda being taught to children in public schools.

And those of us who object to any of this are being told that we are the ones with whom something is very wrong.

This madness is poison, not just to those individuals who choose to partake of it, but to the whole of society.

BUT, what if some nut decides eating the body and blood of christ is madness? Wanna give them that power?

Governemnt theory here, not what I think is right or wrong on a personal level.

I think booze and pot are dangerous and for lazy ppl. Doesn't mean I don't also think they shouldn't be legal until you get in trouble with each.

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