Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
Womens onna rampage!...
U.S. nuns crack back at Vatican crackdown
Jun 01, 2012 - The sisters have their dukes up.
Leaders of the umbrella group of 55,000 U.S. nuns and sisters that was rebuked by the Vatican in April for failing to be doctrinally in line, is now fighting back. The Leadership Conference of Women Religious, today blasted the Vatican report as a cause of "scandal and pain" and "greater polarization" in the church. Their leaders will go to Rome June 12 "to lay to rest misrepresentations" about them, said LCWR spokeswoman Sister Annmarie Sanders. They are set to meet with Cardinal William Leveda, head of the Vatican's Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith which issued the critique, and Archbishop Peter Sartain of Seattle, who was named by the CDF to take over the running of the group.

Reuters summarized the April report as a "stinging doctrinal assessment," accusing the women of promoting political views at odds with their Bishops and blasting them for listening to speakers on hot topics such as the oridination of women or the scope of ministry to homosexuals. The sisters and nuns were told to spend less time on social justice campaigns and more time stepping up to the microphones against gay marriage and abortion. To make that stick, the Vatican, in announcement quoting no women, named Sartain rewrite the LCWR statutes and supervise their meetings and to investigate their "relationships with politically active groups," Reuters said.

The LCRW, whose motto is "We risk being agents of change within church and society" had initially stayed silent until their Washington DC board meeting this week. But even if the LCWR was quiet, the public was not. Some Catholics applauded the rebuke and praised traditionalist orders that are not part of LCWR. Meanwhile, others howled that the sisters they treasured had been slammed. There was even a Twitter showdown as both sides tried to dominate #whatsistersmeantome.

The LCWR release today calls the Vatican assessment "based on unsubstantiated accusations and the result of a flawed process that lacked transparency. Moreover, the sanctions imposed were disproportionate to the concerns raised and could compromise their ability to fulfill their mission. The report has furthermore caused scandal and pain throughout the church community, and created greater polarization." Sanders said that, as sad as they were over the CDF report, "We are very, very postive that, in this important time for the church, there is great solidarity among our members and Catholic sisters as a whole that we will move through this time together."

Nuns gettin' sassy with Pope Benny...
US nuns won't 'compromise mission'
10 August 2012 - US nuns who have come under fire from the Vatican say they will hold further talks with church leaders, but will not "compromise their mission".
The Vatican has said the Leadership Conference of Women Religious violated church teaching on birth control and homosexuality, among other issues. The group made the announcement at the end of a national meeting. Church officials have appointed three US bishops to oversee an overhaul of their organisation. LCWR is the largest organisation of nuns in the US, representing 80% of the 57,000 nuns in the United States.

'Starting point'

Sister Pat Farrell, the group's leader, said they would continue discussions with the bishops "as long as possible, but will reconsider if LCWR is forced to compromise the integrity of its mission". The board will first meet with Seattle Archbishop Peter Sartain, to begin what is said to be a five year process. "Dialogue on doctrine is not going to be our starting point," Sister Farrell said. "Our starting point will be about our own life and about our understanding of religious life."

Representatives from both sides met in June, after a Vatican report accused the nuns of adopting "certain radical feminist themes". The nuns, who say they have been unjustly criticised, returned to the US at the end of the talks to decide what to do next. The BBC's David Willey in Rome says that despite the Vatican's hopes for constructive talks, the nuns have shown little desire for compromise.

They were understandably hurt, he said, at being told to mend their ways by the Vatican at a time when the US Church has lost credibility over sexual abuse scandals involving priests. The nuns also knew they had the support of many ordinary Catholics in the US, who had been organising vigils outside churches. After the report was released, there were protests outside the Vatican embassy in Washington, and over a hundred members of the US Congress sponsored a resolution to commend the nuns for their service.

BBC News - US nuns won't 'compromise mission'
The Vatican has said the Leadership Conference of Women Religious violated church teaching on birth control and homosexuality, among other issues.

violated church teaching ...

teachings or politics - any women interests involved by women ???

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