'Hell to pay': Anonymous Republican warns DeSantis that he runs against Trump in 2024 at his own peril, adding "Trump made Ron!"

Not only have they ran against Capital Punishment for the last 40 years or so.

Now they have added defund the police, and no bail.

Will White Surburban women side with the party of keeping them safe, or the party of putting them in jeopardy?
I don't think any D governor has opposed cap punishment unless a maj in his/her state already agreed. I may be wrong on that, but that's my recollection.

I thought Kasich in Ohio tried to have it both ways, in saying he supported the DP and then granting clemency.
Yes. Blue States will support keeping Roe in their states.

The dems will be running in blue states on what was the status quo and supported by a maj of state voters. The gop will be running in red (and more importantly purple) states on the changed law that rape and incest victims can now be forced to carry fetuses to term.

They won't be keeping Roe, they would be legislating State level laws protecting abortion rights, as getting RID of Roe intends to do.

by your logic those purple states will be running on laws similar to NY and California that allow abortion for whatever reason up to birth, and possibly after it.

Both sides can play semantics games.
They won't be keeping Roe, they would be legislating State level laws protecting abortion rights, as getting RID of Roe intends to do.

by your logic those purple states will be running on laws similar to NY and California that allow abortion for whatever reason up to birth, and possibly after it.

Both sides can play semantics games.
I think most blue states would simply enact abortion law as it existed prior the the Sup Ct allowing states to outlaw abortion in totality.

I may have misunderstood what you were posting and if so, sorry. OF course Roe is no longer "good law," in that Casey literally set up a new analysis in saying the State had an interest in potential life, but most people, imo, refer to Roe as the principle that women do have some right of choice a state cannot cross.
Yes. Blue States will support keeping Roe in their states.

The dems will be running in blue states on what was the status quo and supported by a maj of state voters. The gop will be running in red (and more importantly purple) states on the changed law that rape and incest victims can now be forced to carry fetuses to term.

I repeat

100% do not understand the story.
I don't think any D governor has opposed cap punishment unless a maj in his/her state already agreed. I may be wrong on that, but that's my recollection.

I thought Kasich in Ohio tried to have it both ways, in saying he supported the DP and then granting clemency.

Half of the states have either abolished the Death Penalty or have a Governor imposed moratorium

Is that what you meant?
There are some single-issue voters -
do elections turn on that issue?
make no mistake about this, the gop has now defined itself as the party of no abortions for rape and incest. The GOP created this as a single issue. Before this, it was a "reasonable restrictions" issue.
make no mistake about this, the gop has now defined itself as the party of no abortions for rape and incest. The GOP created this as a single issue. Before this, it was a "reasonable restrictions" issue.

It might be 110%.
W. Was a figure head Chaney actually ran things. W is actually a good guy. A guy you would like to have a beer with just not a great President. Trump on the other hand is just an all around piece of trash.

I think Bush 43 was a “good guy” in that you would enjoy hanging out with him. Obama ‘s like him and his family

But whether he was calling the shots or not, he made some bad decisions that cost us BIGLY
make no mistake about this, the gop has now defined itself as the party of no abortions for rape and incest. The GOP created this as a single issue. Before this, it was a "reasonable restrictions" issue.

Do you know what a state is?
Do you know how laws are made?
Do you know what a legal vacuum is?
make no mistake about this, the gop has now defined itself as the party of no abortions for rape and incest. The GOP created this as a single issue. Before this, it was a "reasonable restrictions" issue.
Once they owned the courts, Republicans went all in

Most courts don’t support radical change. All bets are off with this 6-3 Conservative court
No national ban. The gop will have to run on states being able to force rape and incest victims to give birth. That's what overturning Roe in totality does.

Democrats will run stories of 12 year old incest victims being forced to give birth

Republicans Will have to defend it
I think most blue states would simply enact abortion law as it existed prior the the Sup Ct allowing states to outlaw abortion in totality.

I may have misunderstood what you were posting and if so, sorry. OF course Roe is no longer "good law," in that Casey literally set up a new analysis in saying the State had an interest in potential life, but most people, imo, refer to Roe as the principle that women do have some right of choice a state cannot cross.

Nah. they are going full tilt, allowing full term abortions if the health of the mother is "at risk", not their life is at risk, just health. And they don't define health, and they reduce the number of doctors required to sign off on it.

You do know NY State limits abortion on demand to 24 weeks already, right?

So Mississippi is moving that to 15 weeks, and everyone loses their minds....
Honestly I hope he runs as vice president to trump. He would make an excellent counter balance to trump personality wise. Then I hope he runs for president after that.

Trump could be the bulldozer we need to clear out the rubble for 4 years and desantis could move in after that to build and maintain.

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