Hell Yeah! Somebody's Gotta Say It

Republicans don't support trying to remove a President any President for trivial reasons based on a strictly partisan basis that used to be something Democrats belived as well.

Lying about a blow job sound familiar?
That talking point does that’s not why he was impeached and 31 House Democrats voted with Republicans to proceed with impeachment on Bill Clinton there was also bipartisan support on his acquittal in the Senate. There was no bipartisan support for impeaching Trump in the House and a few Democrats voted against it and it appears it will be the same in the Senate later today.

It was because he lied about a blow job. From white water to lying about a BJ.

That's a lie.

The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remai...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?
Lying about a blow job sound familiar?
That talking point does that’s not why he was impeached and 31 House Democrats voted with Republicans to proceed with impeachment on Bill Clinton there was also bipartisan support on his acquittal in the Senate. There was no bipartisan support for impeaching Trump in the House and a few Democrats voted against it and it appears it will be the same in the Senate later today.

It was because he lied about a blow job. From white water to lying about a BJ.

That's a lie.

The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remai...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?
Lying about a blow job sound familiar?
That talking point does that’s not why he was impeached and 31 House Democrats voted with Republicans to proceed with impeachment on Bill Clinton there was also bipartisan support on his acquittal in the Senate. There was no bipartisan support for impeaching Trump in the House and a few Democrats voted against it and it appears it will be the same in the Senate later today.

It was because he lied about a blow job. From white water to lying about a BJ.

That's a lie.

The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remai...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?

Lol, even ewe know that has nothing to do with Clinton's impeachment.
That talking point does that’s not why he was impeached and 31 House Democrats voted with Republicans to proceed with impeachment on Bill Clinton there was also bipartisan support on his acquittal in the Senate. There was no bipartisan support for impeaching Trump in the House and a few Democrats voted against it and it appears it will be the same in the Senate later today.

It was because he lied about a blow job. From white water to lying about a BJ.

That's a lie.

The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remai...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?
That talking point does that’s not why he was impeached and 31 House Democrats voted with Republicans to proceed with impeachment on Bill Clinton there was also bipartisan support on his acquittal in the Senate. There was no bipartisan support for impeaching Trump in the House and a few Democrats voted against it and it appears it will be the same in the Senate later today.

It was because he lied about a blow job. From white water to lying about a BJ.

That's a lie.

The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remai...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?

Lol, even ewe know that has nothing to do with Clinton's impeachment.

You seem a lost cause....for the weak-minded, indoctrination seems to be indelible.

"After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice."

How many other sources will result in you screeching "is not....isssssssss nooottttttttttt!!!"

And, of course, now even the Leftist media admits what we said all along....that he is a rapist,too.
It was because he lied about a blow job. From white water to lying about a BJ.

That's a lie.

The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remai...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?
It was because he lied about a blow job. From white water to lying about a BJ.

That's a lie.

The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remai...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?

Lol, even ewe know that has nothing to do with Clinton's impeachment.

You seem a lost cause....for the weak-minded, indoctrination seems to be indelible.

"After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice."

How many other sources will result in you screeching "is not....isssssssss nooottttttttttt!!!"

And, of course, now even the Leftist media admits what we said all along....that he is a rapist,too.

Ewe do know that a Senate trial is not the same as a courtroom right?
That's a lie.

The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remai...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?
That's a lie.

The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remai...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?

Lol, even ewe know that has nothing to do with Clinton's impeachment.

You seem a lost cause....for the weak-minded, indoctrination seems to be indelible.

"After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice."

How many other sources will result in you screeching "is not....isssssssss nooottttttttttt!!!"

And, of course, now even the Leftist media admits what we said all along....that he is a rapist,too.

Ewe do know that a Senate trial is not the same as a courtroom right?

What does your post have to do with that which it linked to?

Don't make me ram another truth home.
We laugh, because you've said that for 4 years.....and yet here he is......you haven't scratched him.....with all your bullshit, most of it's stuff you guys do and try to pin it on him.....so which candidate is going to beat him? (this will be hilarious)

He is the third president in US history to be impeached. I'd say that's a scratch. Name a democrat if you want to know who will beat trump.

Nah he's gonna be acquitted with bipartisan help. And he's gonna rub it in your faces.....God I love that man, he fucks you guys left and right and you're so impotent. Now tell me who is going to be the one who beats Trump?

The help won't be bi partisan. And because the senate did this republicans will be held to account as trump loses. Name a democrat and that is who will beat t rump. trump is fucking America. That means you just as much as anyone else. Name a democrat and that is who will beat trump..
Wait so you're saying there will be no democrats to vote for acquittal? The senate will not be held accountable, the house will. They could have called Bolton and didn't....They didn't even subpoena him, man you have to stop living in your bubble. Trump has improved America. What are you on?
Lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics and asians
More women work than men
Best unemployment for women in 60+ years
Most Mfg jobs in over 20 years
Just signed the USMCA and ripped up NAFTA
Just made a deal with China and has one with the EU
Made our allies pay more for NATO, instead of sticking us with the bill
Moved the embassy to Jerusalem and WW3 did not start
Killed Soleimani and WW3 did not start...in fact Iran does not want to fuck with Trump
Withdrew from the awful Iran deal and Paris deal
Working with North Korea and WW3 did not start, even after talking shit to them, like they do to us
Building a wall
Got Mexico to help us stop immigrants from coming here
We have a President that tells leaders to their face what he wants and what we are willing to do and not play games, and they now respect us and listen aka he LEADS
Passed criminal justice reform where people don't get fucked for low level crimes.
He destroyed ISIS to where they are jack shit and they wont fuck with him, they might talk some shit, but they wont do a thing
He gets RESULTS, he doesn't just keep Washington happy with bullshit, he gets stuff done.
After all this bullshit, I bet he actually tackles spending in the 2nd term, now that they have fired all their ammo, he can gut stupid programs and not give a fuck, because those people cant do a fucking thing about it.

This guy is a fucking legend......he's don't more than the past 5 Presidents combined and it's not even close

trump has done none of those things. His presidency has been a failure. WW3 was not coming. ISIS was beat when trump took office. North Korea increased it's missile and nuke capacity, black unemployment was going down for 7 years before trump took office, we've had 11 years of sustained job growth, more than 7 before trump took office. Corey Booker wrote, co sponsored and fought for the criminal justice reform bill. Like I said, all those like you can do is repeat what trump and hannity tell you.

Again you're full of shit. WW 3 was promoted by your leftwing media for several things (that I listed). ISIS was not beat, they controlled almost half of Iraq and Obama did nothing to get rid of them. We had weak growth, partly because you guys love taxes and regulations that are not necessary, but that keeps your politicians rich. As for the crime bill, Trump is the one who pardoned Alice Johnson, Obama could have, but didn't, Trump is the one that promoted and signed that bill, Obama did not.
I agree with this guy 1000 percent and it's just about damn time somebody said this.

Republicans Believe the United States Is So Weak That It Couldn't Handle Removing Trump from Office

There are so many arguments that Republicans make regarding the impeachment of Donald Trump that range from blatant bullshit to explosive diarrhea. The laughably hypocritical cries of "Democrats hate this president" are lost every time Trump himself calls Democrats "traitors" who "hate the United States" and are "radical left" "socialists." And, yes, we all remember how Republicans acted like a lynch mob when it came to Barack Obama. So, you know, go fuck each other with your "hate" accusation.

The one that pisses me off more than any other is that "Democrats want to overturn the 2016 election." On the most basic level, this is utterly and completely false. We don't rewind to November 2016 and declare Hillary Clinton the winner. Goddamn Mike Pence becomes president. Every judge fisted through Mitch McConnell's Senate sphincter still has their job, including odious cuntfleas Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Shit, everyone Trump appointed would probably be safer in their jobs than if Trump remains president. And, frankly, Republicans are more obsessed with 2016 now than Democrats are because they know, they fucking know, that Trump's victory is illegitimate and they have to do everything in their power to not let that fact become viral.

But even beyond, you know, facts, there is an insult to the American people in the assertion that somehow Trump's impeachment and removal from office would so upset Americans that they couldn't take it. It's like they want us to think that, for some reason, Donald fuckin' Trump, who is an overloaded garbage barge in an ill-fitting suit, is so intrinsic to the existence of the United States that the republic would crumble without him. And, surely, some of his most loyal chuds would have to learn to live without the center of their universe, but they can hock all that MAGA gear for cash for more oxy to ease the pain.

You know what would happen if Trump were removed? We'd all fucking breathe a sigh of relief, even a whole lot of Republicans. It'd be like the guards at the end of the film The Wizard of Oz after the Wicked Witch is melted, when the previously cruel men bow down and thank Dorothy for ridding them of her. Jesus, we'd all treat Adam Schiff like a god for freeing us.

"You want to overturn the 2016 election"? That ship has sailed. But you know which ship is still in port? The fucking 2018 election. You know what happened there? Republicans got reamed out in the House of Representatives. You know why? Because Americans wanted to see Donald Trump impeached. I've said it before: The message of 2018 was to go after the dumb orange motherfucker in the White House.

So, no, dicks, we're not overturning the 2016 election. We're honoring the results of the 2018 one. You got a problem with that shit? Take it up with Alexander Hamilton. Amend the Constitution. Otherwise, suck on Article 1.

The Rude Pundit: Republicans Believe the United States Is So Weak That It Couldn't Handle Removing Trump from Office
I have a different take.

Democrats KNOW they are so weak that they have NOBODY to run against Trump who can win, so they MUST try to take him out BEFORE the election or he will certainly win in a landslide.

Seriously, Democrats. Can you PLEASE at least make it interesting? Give us hope that you are capable of putting forward a candidate that is worthy of my vote.

Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?
Yes he lied to cover up the affair. The abuse of power was because he was trying to use his office to cover it up.


Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?

Lol, even ewe know that has nothing to do with Clinton's impeachment.

You seem a lost cause....for the weak-minded, indoctrination seems to be indelible.

"After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice."

How many other sources will result in you screeching "is not....isssssssss nooottttttttttt!!!"

And, of course, now even the Leftist media admits what we said all along....that he is a rapist,too.

Ewe do know that a Senate trial is not the same as a courtroom right?

What does your post have to do with that which it linked to?

Don't make me ram another truth home.

Again, what does the trial in the Senate have to do with the court trial?

Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?

Is that what the court said when it took away his law license?

Lol, even ewe know that has nothing to do with Clinton's impeachment.

You seem a lost cause....for the weak-minded, indoctrination seems to be indelible.

"After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice."

How many other sources will result in you screeching "is not....isssssssss nooottttttttttt!!!"

And, of course, now even the Leftist media admits what we said all along....that he is a rapist,too.

Ewe do know that a Senate trial is not the same as a courtroom right?

What does your post have to do with that which it linked to?

Don't make me ram another truth home.

Again, what does the trial in the Senate have to do with the court trial?

Can you quote where anyone conflated the two?


So....you brought that up to change a painful subject?
When trumps policies catch up to us, You might want to find another forum.

They HAVE caught up to us and the results are AWESOME!

Why do you find great things happening to our country as offensive?

Is it because Trump's policies are 180 degrees opposite of yours and his are working and yours have historically failed?
Lol, even ewe know that has nothing to do with Clinton's impeachment.

You seem a lost cause....for the weak-minded, indoctrination seems to be indelible.

"After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice."

How many other sources will result in you screeching "is not....isssssssss nooottttttttttt!!!"

And, of course, now even the Leftist media admits what we said all along....that he is a rapist,too.

Ewe do know that a Senate trial is not the same as a courtroom right?

What does your post have to do with that which it linked to?

Don't make me ram another truth home.

Again, what does the trial in the Senate have to do with the court trial?

Can you quote where anyone conflated the two?


So....you brought that up to change a painful subject?

Did ewe not bring up that Clinton lost his law license? Did the Senate take that away?
You seem a lost cause....for the weak-minded, indoctrination seems to be indelible.

"After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice."

How many other sources will result in you screeching "is not....isssssssss nooottttttttttt!!!"

And, of course, now even the Leftist media admits what we said all along....that he is a rapist,too.

Ewe do know that a Senate trial is not the same as a courtroom right?

What does your post have to do with that which it linked to?

Don't make me ram another truth home.

Again, what does the trial in the Senate have to do with the court trial?

Can you quote where anyone conflated the two?


So....you brought that up to change a painful subject?

Did ewe not bring up that Clinton lost his law license? Did the Senate take that away?

Articulate your point if you are able.
Ewe do know that a Senate trial is not the same as a courtroom right?

What does your post have to do with that which it linked to?

Don't make me ram another truth home.

Again, what does the trial in the Senate have to do with the court trial?

Can you quote where anyone conflated the two?


So....you brought that up to change a painful subject?

Did ewe not bring up that Clinton lost his law license? Did the Senate take that away?

Articulate your point if you are able.

I did ewe won't answer.
I agree with this guy 1000 percent and it's just about damn time somebody said this.

Republicans Believe the United States Is So Weak That It Couldn't Handle Removing Trump from Office

There are so many arguments that Republicans make regarding the impeachment of Donald Trump that range from blatant bullshit to explosive diarrhea. The laughably hypocritical cries of "Democrats hate this president" are lost every time Trump himself calls Democrats "traitors" who "hate the United States" and are "radical left" "socialists." And, yes, we all remember how Republicans acted like a lynch mob when it came to Barack Obama. So, you know, go fuck each other with your "hate" accusation.

The one that pisses me off more than any other is that "Democrats want to overturn the 2016 election." On the most basic level, this is utterly and completely false. We don't rewind to November 2016 and declare Hillary Clinton the winner. Goddamn Mike Pence becomes president. Every judge fisted through Mitch McConnell's Senate sphincter still has their job, including odious cuntfleas Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Shit, everyone Trump appointed would probably be safer in their jobs than if Trump remains president. And, frankly, Republicans are more obsessed with 2016 now than Democrats are because they know, they fucking know, that Trump's victory is illegitimate and they have to do everything in their power to not let that fact become viral.

But even beyond, you know, facts, there is an insult to the American people in the assertion that somehow Trump's impeachment and removal from office would so upset Americans that they couldn't take it. It's like they want us to think that, for some reason, Donald fuckin' Trump, who is an overloaded garbage barge in an ill-fitting suit, is so intrinsic to the existence of the United States that the republic would crumble without him. And, surely, some of his most loyal chuds would have to learn to live without the center of their universe, but they can hock all that MAGA gear for cash for more oxy to ease the pain.

You know what would happen if Trump were removed? We'd all fucking breathe a sigh of relief, even a whole lot of Republicans. It'd be like the guards at the end of the film The Wizard of Oz after the Wicked Witch is melted, when the previously cruel men bow down and thank Dorothy for ridding them of her. Jesus, we'd all treat Adam Schiff like a god for freeing us.

"You want to overturn the 2016 election"? That ship has sailed. But you know which ship is still in port? The fucking 2018 election. You know what happened there? Republicans got reamed out in the House of Representatives. You know why? Because Americans wanted to see Donald Trump impeached. I've said it before: The message of 2018 was to go after the dumb orange motherfucker in the White House.

So, no, dicks, we're not overturning the 2016 election. We're honoring the results of the 2018 one. You got a problem with that shit? Take it up with Alexander Hamilton. Amend the Constitution. Otherwise, suck on Article 1.

The Rude Pundit: Republicans Believe the United States Is So Weak That It Couldn't Handle Removing Trump from Office
The Trumpsters think Fat Donnie is Hot shit on a Golden platter, but he's nothing but Cold diarrhea on a Paper plate.

Comrade traitor, do you intend to take up arms after Trump wins reelection and the Americans retake the house?
What does your post have to do with that which it linked to?

Don't make me ram another truth home.

Again, what does the trial in the Senate have to do with the court trial?

Can you quote where anyone conflated the two?


So....you brought that up to change a painful subject?

Did ewe not bring up that Clinton lost his law license? Did the Senate take that away?

Articulate your point if you are able.

I did ewe won't answer.

As you are unable to articulate a point, see if this helps.

1. He was impeached for lying and getting others to lie.

2. He is recognized today as a rapist, just as we on the Right said.

3. He sold our missile technology to Red China for 'donations.'

4. Under his auspices his crime family sold a large chunk of America's uranium to Russia for a huge bribe.

5. Hillary entered the family business, and sold access as the Sec'y of State....and taught Quid Pro Joe how to do it.

Louis Joseph Freeh served as the fifth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from September 1993 to June 2001.
Louis Freeh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Freeh had another reason for wanting to outlast Clinton. It was the 1996 Khobar Towers terrorist attack in Saudi Arabia, where 19 U.S. servicemen died and more than 370 were wounded.

President Clinton had sent the FBI to investigate and promised Americans that those responsible would pay. "The cowards who committed this murderous act must not go unpunished. Let me say it again: we will pursue this. America takes care of our own. Those who did it must not go unpunished," the president said.

But Freeh says the President failed to keep his promise.

The FBI wanted access to the suspects the Saudis had arrested but then-Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar said the only way to get access to prisoners would be if the president personally asked the crown prince for access.

Freeh says Clinton did not help him. He writes in his book:

"Bill Clinton raised the subject only to tell the crown prince that he understood the Saudi's reluctance to cooperate, and then he hit Abdullah up for a contribution to the Clinton Presidential Library."

"That's a fact that I'm reporting," says Freeh.

It's a strong charge. And 60 Minutes wanted Mr. Clinton's side of all this. He declined to talk to 60 Minutes, but told his spokesman to say: "The assertion that he asked the Saudis for funding for his library while he was president is absolutely false."

And Clinton's former national security advisor, Sandy Berger, told us that Mr. Clinton did press the Saudis to cooperate with the FBI.

Freeh says to get access to the Saudis' suspects, he eventually sought help from another president, the first President Bush. "Former President Bush, at my request interceded with the Saudis, spoke to Crown Prince, now King Abdullah, asked for his assistance and it happened just like that."

The FBI concluded that Iran had orchestrated the Khobar attack, but Freeh said the White House did not want to pursue the prosecution, because Iran had just elected a new president and Clinton hoped to improve relations with Iran.

"I was very disappointed that the political leadership of the United States would tell the families of these 19 heroes that we were going to leave no stone unturned and find the people who killed them, to give that order to the director, because that's the order that I got, and then to do nothing to assist and facilitate that investigation. In fact to undermine it," says Freeh."
Ex-FBI Chief On Clinton's Scandals

"...he hit Abdullah up for a contribution to the Clinton Presidential Library."

It's always about the money for this corrupt couple.


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