Zone1 Hello everybody.

hello - this is certainly an eclectic group for sure.
Not really. It's all white people, mostly all guys. Mostly conservative by a 9-1 count (or probably more) in my observation. Practically everyone is American, except 3-5 regular Brits/Canadians.

Those numbers basically mirror what you see on American news sites.

Pretty close count.

Leftists want everyone to think they are the majority here, but it ain't so.

There is one person here who is vainly trying to portray that.

Remember when the news websites shut down their comments sections? They did it because the comments were a 9-1 ratio (or more) in favor of conservatives. They were skewering the liberal article writers.

Anyway, welcome, Portal . My observation is that most people here are decent, but certainly not all. A lot of forums have just become a catharsis for frustration. I'm just here to laugh. :777: :777::777:

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