Zone1 hello from an idiot

OP, if you'd like to join my coterie of weepy pout-stalker bitches, this is the kind of butthurt post you'll have to make constantly.
Your false labeling system is as unpersuasive as you are. You really suck at this manboob. You might consider the Democrap Underground as a safe zone so you don’t have to hide under your bed so much.
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But at least I'm not as idiotic as most people :)

well, most of the time anyhow
Don't be so hard on yourself. The idiocy label is usually reserved for those who voted for Trump twice.

No idiots allowed on this board
Christian rock?

I heard someone once say that

Stop right there. I don't give a hoot one way or the other what people think and say about me. They're just random people on the internet, let them think what they want. That's why I didn't get too hurt when somebody in this thread decided to blow up at me for no reason whatsoever and no Death Angel, for once I'm not talking about you.

Just because it's an opinion.

You're good. Just a dumb motherfucker like the rest of us . Likk Mee . OK ?
Now go fuck yourself and have a great evening.
Thoughts and prayers(shit like that)

Hey, why so harsh? I don't remember them saying anything to you.
I voted for Trump and plan to vote for him again. The libs say that is idiotic but, hey, they are libs. Who cares? We care what morons think?

I like DeSantis but Trump seems to be what is called for in these trying times. What about you?

I would vote for Trump, and I agree- he could help us out in these wretched times. But I think he may have become to poison to win or even lead effectively. It'll be more moronic antics from the devient left 24/7/365 and that's not good for anyone.

I'd love to hear their high pitched squeals if he won again though. ;)
OP, if you're looking for a SafeSpace where Trump cult sore-losers will give each other emotional support by weeping on each others' shoulders, you've found the right place. This thread would have told you that.

Just like this says a whole lot about you.
I would vote for Trump, and I agree- he could help us out in these wretched times. But I think he may have become to poison to win or even lead effectively. It'll be more moronic antics from the devient left 24/7/365 and that's not good for anyone.

I'd love to hear their high pitched squeals if he won again though. ;)
"There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth."

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