Hello from Oklahoma, USA

Hi Amadeus
Welcome and glad to have you join us.
When you finish cleaning up the Religion forum, maybe by then I will have cleaned my room. Potterhead2021 and I are in a dead heat for last place in that contest!

Your prayers, wisdom and positive criticisms are most welcome here.

Thank you for blessing us with your presence and fellowship.


(But stay out of the Flame Zone, lest you clean up the lost bastions of hell and leave tortured souls no place to wallow in torment....)
Hi Amadeus
Welcome and glad to have you join us.
When you finish cleaning up the Religion forum, maybe by then I will have cleaned my room. Potterhead2021 and I are in a dead heat for last place in that contest!

Your prayers, wisdom and positive criticisms are most welcome here.

Thank you for blessing us with your presence and fellowship.


(But stay out of the Flame Zone, lest you clean up the lost bastions of hell and leave tortured souls no place to wallow in torment....)
Thank you for your kind and blessed welcoming. Some others have not been so. I expected it but still it is a shock to see it....
Jesus wept!
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to our humble little abode.

You will be expected to do KP duties on Thursdays. Otherwise, have fun.
Yes, I remember in particular the long hard days of KP at Fort Ord, CA and at Fort Monmouth, NJ before LBJ sent me to serve SE Asia, not on vacation. Long ago now and far away.

Give God the glory!
........... :welcome: I'm also a fellow Okie
I was born here but taken away to Calif before the end of WWII by my mother. My father remained in Oklahoma until his death. I returned to Oklahoma to stay in 1987 with my wife and children.
Hi Amadeus
Welcome and glad to have you join us.
When you finish cleaning up the Religion forum, maybe by then I will have cleaned my room. Potterhead2021 and I are in a dead heat for last place in that contest!

Your prayers, wisdom and positive criticisms are most welcome here.

Thank you for blessing us with your presence and fellowship.


(But stay out of the Flame Zone, lest you clean up the lost bastions of hell and leave tortured souls no place to wallow in torment....)
Thank you for your kind and blessed welcoming. Some others have not been so. I expected it but still it is a shock to see it....
Jesus wept!
Nawww. That is just their retarded way of saying hi to the new kid. Just showing off the level of free speech we have here.

You can post as much as you want, you can preach and totally say and speak whatever is on your mind and heart, as long as one line of comment relates to the OP topic. So if you want to stop in the middle of action and pray to save or deliver someone from evil, you can, just follow the rules.

(Some forums have different rules, so just read the instructions per each. The Mods wisely created and offer different places for different functions. The Clean Debate Zone is for threads where the author wants to stay strictly on topic. So if you don't like class clowns jumping in with Jim Carrey comedic relief and heckling, you can post there. Or maybe we can have threads or rules that anyone caught derailing or bullying will be preached to and prayed over to change their heart and ways!

But if you want to jump in and watch people ripping each other up like the Three Stooges on crack, the Flame Zone is the least moderated with practically no rules to break. I even go there to mess with my buddies with mean haikus, like a comedy Roast. If you started praying to save souls there, who knows, you might turn that into a clean comedy zone as well. No holds barred. If they mess with you, why can't you go into their badmouth zone and pray and preach there to torment them back.)

I don't know if you get into politics, like me and your other Texas neighbors who think we run our own country and have the right to secede or split into 5 states or 5 parties. But I post in both the Politics and the Religion forums, mostly about Restorative Justice approaches and solutions and more universal inclusion, because I am also an advocate of Constitutional free speech/free exercise, due process protections, ethics and education as the language I use most to express the meaning of Christian faith and practice.

I can get as political as the Founding Fathers, but I try to stay inclusive and not scare anyone off with my ideas about what America's legacy and responsibilities are concerning church and state law. I believe we are destined to change the world, and that is why God gave us both Christian foundations to reform the church and Constitutional foundations to revolutionize govt.

If you can handle both of that, you can count on me to back you up even if the hecklers come in to mess with us and throw in some silly comic relief now and then.

Just so it doesn't get too pedantic inti demogoguery with all the serious religious and political discussion, where we can go as deep or as personal as you want to make this. People were complaining the Religion section was getting derailed with Trump politics or personal slams, so I think you are an answer to prayers to clean that up and stay Centered. We can do a lot more good and achieve much better focus with your help and input!

Thanks again Amadeus It makes all the difference to have you and Potterhead2021 and Ziggy, and JohnDB and Michael1985 here.
You may even inspire the Heathens to behave. If they don't want you praying to Jesus to send demons to drive them over the cliff like pigs. We have the Flame Zone for that! You can send them there, in Jesus name. Amen!

Enjoy, and maybe I will save the long boring sermons for our buddies on the other board. And spare the people here who prefer watching a good catfight between "libtards and wingnuts" while nice folks like me try to play peacemaker and stick to Constitutional solutions that don't violate anyone's beliefs but will include all parties equally.

I'm from Houston, where Harris County has the most politically and culturally diverse history all thrown together. So my posts can go all over the place when I talk with different people.

Glad to have you here, and just tag me on any post or thread you want me to respond to, or PM me if you have questions.

I hope you start some new threads, too.
Just jump right in, be yourself and bring sanity and reason into hotbed of both free thinkers mixed with free speech made possible by the best team of Mods on the planet.

If Facebook was run by these professional volunteers, we would have world peace and all the hellraisers having fun in their own purgatory away from everyone else working to save humanity and the planet.

Go for it! Let's save the world!
One post, one person at a time.
Last edited:
Hi Amadeus
Welcome and glad to have you join us.
When you finish cleaning up the Religion forum, maybe by then I will have cleaned my room. Potterhead2021 and I are in a dead heat for last place in that contest!

Your prayers, wisdom and positive criticisms are most welcome here.

Thank you for blessing us with your presence and fellowship.


(But stay out of the Flame Zone, lest you clean up the lost bastions of hell and leave tortured souls no place to wallow in torment....)
Thank you for your kind and blessed welcoming. Some others have not been so. I expected it but still it is a shock to see it....
Jesus wept!
Nawww. That is just their retarded way of saying hi to the new kid. Just showing off the level of free speech we have here.

You can post as much as you want, you can preach and totally say and speak whatever is on your mind and heart, as long as one line of comment relates to the OP topic. So if you want to stop in the middle of action and pray to save or deliver someone from evil, you can, just follow the rules.

(Some forums have different rules, so just read the instructions per each. The Mods wisely created and offer different places for different functions. The Clean Debate Zone is for threads where the author wants to stay strictly on topic. So if you don't like class clowns jumping in with Jim Carrey comedic relief and heckling, you can post there. Or maybe we can have threads or rules that anyone caught derailing or bullying will be preached to and prayed over to change their heart and ways!

But if you want to jump in and watch people ripping each other up like the Three Stooges on crack, the Flame Zone is the least moderated with practically no rules to break. I even go there to mess with my buddies with mean haikus, like a comedy Roast. If you started praying to save souls there, who knows, you might turn that into a clean comedy zone as well. No holds barred. If they mess with you, why can't you go into their badmouth zone and pray and preach there to torment them back.)

I don't know if you get into politics, like me and your other Texas neighbors who think we run our own country and have the right to secede or split into 5 states or 5 parties. But I post in both the Politics and the Religion forums, mostly about Restorative Justice approaches and solutions and more universal inclusion, because I am also an advocate of Constitutional free speech/free exercise, due process protections, ethics and education as the language I use most to express the meaning of Christian faith and practice.

I can get as political as the Founding Fathers, but I try to stay inclusive and not scare anyone off with my ideas about what America's legacy and responsibilities are concerning church and state law. I believe we are destined to change the world, and that is why God gave us both Christian foundations to reform the church and Constitutional foundations to revolutionize govt.

If you can handle both of that, you can count on me to back you up even if the hecklers come in to mess with us and throw in some silly comic relief now and then.

Just so it doesn't get too pedantic inti demogoguery with all the serious religious and political discussion, where we can go as deep or as personal as you want to make this. People were complaining the Religion section was getting derailed with Trump politics or personal slams, so I think you are an answer to prayers to clean that up and stay Centered. We can do a lot more good and achieve much better focus with your help and input!

Thanks again Amadeus It makes all the difference to have you and Potterhead2021 and Ziggy, and JohnDB and Michael1985 here.
You may even inspire the Heathens to behave. If they don't want you praying to Jesus to send demons to drive them over the cliff like pigs. We have the Flame Zone for that! You can send them there, in Jesus name. Amen!

Enjoy, and maybe I will save the long boring sermons for our buddies on the other board. And spare the people here who prefer watching a good catfight between "libtards and wingnuts" while nice folks like me try to play peacemaker and stick to Constitutional solutions that don't violate anyone's beliefs but will include all parties equally.

I'm from Houston, where Harris County has the most politically and culturally diverse history all thrown together. So my posts can go all over the place when I talk with different people.

Glad to have you here, and just tag me on any post or thread you want me to respond to, or PM me if you have questions.

I hope you start some new threads, too.
Just jump right in, be yourself and bring sanity and reason into hotbed of both free thinkers mixed with free speech made possible by the best team of Mods on the planet.

If Facebook was run by these professional volunteers, we would have world peace and all the hellraisers having fun in their own purgatory away from everyone else working to save humanity and the planet.

Go for it! Let's save the world!
One post, one person at a time.
Thanks for the long but to the point welcoming words. Really I do like one thing in particular about this place better than any of the Christi designated ones: The closer to real freedom of speech you mentioned. Many things I do not like to read and my skin is not always thick to handle them with no pain or desire for something better [better as I see it], but here things can be said. In those places people lost their right to speak because they stepped on the wrong toes. They might say it was God's toes, but who is able to see God's toes? Maybe He has none!

On the political scene I have opinions, but I override a lot within myself and the names of many of the players are either unknown to me or I know little more than the name or a few biased observations made by forum members. People speak of 'truth' with regard to politics and then assure us that most of the news outlets cannot be trusted. I do not trust them either, but take what I hear, hopefully, with a grain of salt. What is the truth? That was Pilate's question but too many in politics presume because the are on the 'right' side they and their sources have it or are closer to it than any opposition...

Nice to see you again.
I received an invitation from one friend who advised me that another friend was here. First things first for me are seeking His kingdom and His righteousness.
Welcome to USMB, Amadeus. Hope you enjoy the boards. :icon_sjung: (My best impression of your namesake and my favorite classical musician.)
I received an invitation from one friend who advised me that another friend was here. First things first for me are seeking His kingdom and His righteousness.
Welcome to USMB, Amadeus. Hope you enjoy the boards. :icon_sjung: (My best impression of your namesake and my favorite classical musician.)
While I do like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, when I took that name, I have never heard of the composer. I was a Roman Catholic needing a name for my pending confirmation close to 70 years ago. I found the name in a book the nuns had available for that purpose. It means simply, "love God". After my confirmation I never used the name for anything for many long years after leaving the RCC. It was perhaps 20 years ago when I started frequenting Internet forum that I took that name again as my own.

Give God the glory!

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