
My Daddy told me that if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. Is that the way it is with you?

In defense of the OP, I didn't interpret his post as meaning that he doesn't stand for anything.

I guess this gets back to what the definition of a "moderate" is. Is it someone who is indecisive and waffles back and forth on the issues....or is it someone who feels strongly on issues, but each individual issue could alternately be a left one or a right one.

Like me...

I'm pro-gun ownership, anti-abortion, pro-capitalism, pro-military, pro-oil drilling....

But at the same time I'm also...

Anti-death penalty, anti-religion in government (within common sense bounds), anti-Iraq war, pro-right to die, pro-legalization of certain drugs...

*shrug* I don't know what that makes me. I consider myself a conservative, but on some issues I've been accused of being a liberal. 9 times out of 10 I vote for the conservative candidate though.

Thank you. I'm glad someone in here isn't trolling or needs hooked on phonics. I only respond negatively when I get an obviously trolling or inciting post.

I think citizens are becoming too polarized, which leads to very little progress. All it is is one team gets a turn, the other team play blame game. Then the next team gets a turn, the others play the blame game. If people learned to think for themselves for each issue, we may just get somewhere.

Look buddy, you either have to choose the Red team or the Blue team. There are no other 'teams'. (Haven't you ever played Halo? Jeez!) And if you're not a member of the Red team, then you MUST be a member of the Blue team and vice versa. And if you vote for a 3rd party, then you are most definitely WASTING your vote. Someone will be along shortly to assign you to a Reeducation camp.
Welcome to USMB

Are you joining the Red or the Blue forum? :eusa_shhh:

Or sitting in the middle... :popcorn:... enjoying the match?
Welcome Antipartisan..

If it makes you feel any better, I've seen far more abusive welcomes.

One conservative Gal mentioned emoticons, poor Gal and I liked her too.
My Daddy told me that if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. Is that the way it is with you?

In defense of the OP, I didn't interpret his post as meaning that he doesn't stand for anything.

I guess this gets back to what the definition of a "moderate" is. Is it someone who is indecisive and waffles back and forth on the issues....or is it someone who feels strongly on issues, but each individual issue could alternately be a left one or a right one.

Like me...

I'm pro-gun ownership, anti-abortion, pro-capitalism, pro-military, pro-oil drilling....

But at the same time I'm also...

Anti-death penalty, anti-religion in government (within common sense bounds), anti-Iraq war, pro-right to die, pro-legalization of certain drugs...

*shrug* I don't know what that makes me. I consider myself a conservative, but on some issues I've been accused of being a liberal. 9 times out of 10 I vote for the conservative candidate though.

Thank you. I'm glad someone in here isn't trolling or needs hooked on phonics. I only respond negatively when I get an obviously trolling or inciting post.

I think citizens are becoming too polarized, which leads to very little progress. All it is is one team gets a turn, the other team play blame game. Then the next team gets a turn, the others play the blame game. If people learned to think for themselves for each issue, we may just get somewhere.

Shit, thats the first time someone has accused me of NOT trolling.

Damn, I'm ruining my rep.
My Daddy told me that if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. Is that the way it is with you?

In defense of the OP, I didn't interpret his post as meaning that he doesn't stand for anything.

I guess this gets back to what the definition of a "moderate" is. Is it someone who is indecisive and waffles back and forth on the issues....or is it someone who feels strongly on issues, but each individual issue could alternately be a left one or a right one.

Like me...

I'm pro-gun ownership, anti-abortion, pro-capitalism, pro-military, pro-oil drilling....

But at the same time I'm also...

Anti-death penalty, anti-religion in government (within common sense bounds), anti-Iraq war, pro-right to die, pro-legalization of certain drugs...

*shrug* I don't know what that makes me. I consider myself a conservative, but on some issues I've been accused of being a liberal. 9 times out of 10 I vote for the conservative candidate though.

Thank you. I'm glad someone in here isn't trolling or needs hooked on phonics. I only respond negatively when I get an obviously trolling or inciting post.

I think citizens are becoming too polarized, which leads to very little progress. All it is is one team gets a turn, the other team play blame game. Then the next team gets a turn, the others play the blame game. If people learned to think for themselves for each issue, we may just get somewhere.

Enoujgh of this hokey-pokey. Sit back and relax. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Roll your shoulders a couple of times. Scratch your head. Totally relax. Now, go ahead and tell us what's on your mind. By the way, welcome to the playground.
My Daddy told me that if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. Is that the way it is with you?

In defense of the OP, I didn't interpret his post as meaning that he doesn't stand for anything.

I guess this gets back to what the definition of a "moderate" is. Is it someone who is indecisive and waffles back and forth on the issues....or is it someone who feels strongly on issues, but each individual issue could alternately be a left one or a right one.

Like me...

I'm pro-gun ownership, anti-abortion, pro-capitalism, pro-military, pro-oil drilling....

But at the same time I'm also...

Anti-death penalty, anti-religion in government (within common sense bounds), anti-Iraq war, pro-right to die, pro-legalization of certain drugs...

*shrug* I don't know what that makes me. I consider myself a conservative, but on some issues I've been accused of being a liberal. 9 times out of 10 I vote for the conservative candidate though.

Thank you. I'm glad someone in here isn't trolling or needs hooked on phonics. I only respond negatively when I get an obviously trolling or inciting post.

I think citizens are becoming too polarized, which leads to very little progress. All it is is one team gets a turn, the other team play blame game. Then the next team gets a turn, the others play the blame game. If people learned to think for themselves for each issue, we may just get somewhere.
Being antipartisan would imply that one is against partisanship, meaning not only that one should not blindly favor what the group one identifies with favors on any given issue but should also be against any group that displays a call for partisanship. That simply means one cannot in good conscience join a group that includes partisans.

Being nonpartisan is a lot easier. That way, one can be a member of a partisan group and still vote against the grain.
Hello. As the username implies, I am not a member of any political party. I try and judge candidates, issues, and events on a case by case basis; based on as many facts as I can find including and beyond mainsteam news.

Oh, if only I had a dollar for every time a new member posted tripe similar to this declaration non-partisanship...

Forgive me if I don't take you at your word. I'll wait and draw my own conclusion as to your degree of partisanship, or lack thereof.

Tell us, who did you vote for in the last Presidential election?

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