Help a Yank understand Australian government.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Help a Yank understand Australian government.

Do you have committees that report to their legislative chambers as a whole, or do the non-majority parties each depend only upon their own “shadow” cabinets that inform their individual parties’ members? Help a Yank understand you. Respectfully, Supposn
Guessing few Aussies around here. You might have more luck on an Aussie forum.
We used to have a few Australians around here, then they had that awful hot weather and the whole continent was on fire it seemed. Perhaps they are rebuilding all that was lost.
Help a Yank understand Australian government.

Do you have committees that report to their legislative chambers as a whole, or do the non-majority parties each depend only upon their own “shadow” cabinets that inform their individual parties’ members? Help a Yank understand you. Respectfully, Supposn
We have committees in Australia which make recommendations to the sitting government of the day and then that government ignores such recommendations.
We have committees in Australia which make recommendations to the sitting government of the day and then that government ignores such recommendations.
Jake Winker Frogen, I’ve been referred to this, UK Parliament link, which further led me to these links: First reading (Commons) - UK Parliament , Second reading (Commons) - UK Parliament , Committee stage (Commons) - UK Parliament , and Report stage (Commons) - UK Parliament .

These are the questions that occurred to me after I was referred to the link, UK Parliaments, UK and its regions. I suppose there are many similarities between United kingdom’s and the Australian parliament. Can you or other participants within this forum please help me understand your parliamentary systems.

At the end of the [House of Commons second reading] debate, the Commons decides whether the Bill should be given its second reading by voting, meaning it can proceed to the next stage.
[If the bill passes the house’s 2nd reading, it’s passed on to a committee?

How is the proper committee for each bill chosen? How are memberships of the committees’ chosen?

May the committee “kill” a bill and prevent it to be subject to a 3d reading by the house, or must they return the bill to the house along with the committee’s analysis of the drafted bill which they had received?

Are there separate Houses of Commons for England, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and the UK, or all MPs may participate in those regions’ entire governments and are there are separate sessions for each of them which occur in the same physical chamber of the same building?
Respectfully, Supposn
Help a Yank understand Australian government.-TopicTitle

They have these people called "adults" who support COVID restrictions, and monthly payments to citizens, and all sorts of other cool stuff.
Help a Yank understand Australian government.-TopicTitle
They have these people called "adults" who support COVID restrictions, and monthly payments to citizens, and all sorts of other cool stuff.
AFrench2, I have some understanding of Australian voters. It’s what effectively manages your parliament that I need more to understand.

The USA Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate leader of their chamber’s majority parties, can effectively prevent any bill from being brought to their chambers’ floors as a vote upon a specific proposed federal law. Does your Prime minister or any other member of your parliament effectively wield similar powers?
Respectfully, Supposn

The original ideas for government legislation come from various sources. They may result from party policy, perhaps announced during an election campaign, from suggestions by Members and Senators or from interest groups in the community. Many proposals, especially those of a routine nature which may be thought of as matters of administrative necessity, originate in government departments.

In whichever way a proposal originates it is considered by Cabinet or the Prime Minister and, if agreed to, the Minister responsible has his or her department arrange preparation of a bill.

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We have committees in Australia which make recommendations to the sitting government of the day and then that government ignores such recommendations.
Jake Winker Frogen, I’ve been referred to this, UK Parliament link, which further led me to these links: First reading (Commons) - UK Parliament , Second reading (Commons) - UK Parliament , Committee stage (Commons) - UK Parliament , and Report stage (Commons) - UK Parliament .

These are the questions that occurred to me after I was referred to the link, UK Parliaments, UK and its regions. I suppose there are many similarities between United kingdom’s and the Australian parliament. Can you or other participants within this forum please help me understand your parliamentary systems.

At the end of the [House of Commons second reading] debate, the Commons decides whether the Bill should be given its second reading by voting, meaning it can proceed to the next stage.
[If the bill passes the house’s 2nd reading, it’s passed on to a committee?

How is the proper committee for each bill chosen? How are memberships of the committees’ chosen?

May the committee “kill” a bill and prevent it to be subject to a 3d reading by the house, or must they return the bill to the house along with the committee’s analysis of the drafted bill which they had received?

Are there separate Houses of Commons for England, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and the UK, or all MPs may participate in those regions’ entire governments and are there are separate sessions for each of them which occur in the same physical chamber of the same building?
Respectfully, Supposn

All very good questions, unfortunately, I cannot answer in that detail as politicians or even the process does not interest me as it once did.

Now I am more into poetry.

I can tell you anything you want to know about Walt Whitman and Li Po.

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