HELP: ICE question, thinking about calling ice on the illegals at my job

And when you look for another, better restaurant job, you have two choices, find a place that doesn't hire illegals, or continue your crusade to shut down more anti-American employers.

Iā€™d like to hold a press conference and say I refuse to work until Boston rids itā€™s self of illegals but no one would show up lol
Call NDLON, (National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), they would! And then the employers would know where to come as well. :71:

I think your action would be counter productive to the purpose. It would be helping them.

At that point, NDLON would just encourage others of your mindset to also boycott work so more day laborers could take your place in an effort to further bring down wages and more quickly integrate the NAU.

You would, by your very actions, be doing their work for them in the destruction of the USA.

nice. :45:
The fact that you are even asking us....


you know perfectly what to do with the scum!..ok?
I do! But I donā€™t want to not work for 2 months, and Iā€™m not trying to be murdered by because of a dish washer..
I just want this fcuk to be deported

Youā€™re just a sackless, chicken shit little pussy. You are whining and bitching here begging for ā€˜adviceā€™ because you know will NEVER do anything - ever - in the real world, you fucking coward.

Are you opposed to the deportation of illegals?

With due process, of course not.
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
How are you sure they are illegal? Did you see their work visas or are you assuming they are illegal? Or is it illegal to be Latino?

so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
How are you sure they are illegal? Did you see their work visas or are you assuming they are illegal? Or is it illegal to be Latino?
These are caravan scum
How are you sure they are what you say?

What do you think the odds are that he/she isnā€™t illegal if he/she canā€™t speak English?
Us sane folks are right most of the huh?
Golly! Language skills as a determination of legal status!

That ought to hold up in court!

ā€œLanguage skillsā€?
Funny how you whackos take such pride in dumbing yourselves down and playing stupid....plain weird
The fact that you are even asking us....


you know perfectly what to do with the scum!..ok?
I do! But I donā€™t want to not work for 2 months, and Iā€™m not trying to be murdered by because of a dish washer..
I just want this fcuk to be deported

Youā€™re just a sackless, chicken shit little pussy. You are whining and bitching here begging for ā€˜adviceā€™ because you know will NEVER do anything - ever - in the real world, you fucking coward.

Are you opposed to the deportation of illegals?

With due process, of course not.

Haha...ā€due processā€ that because you know our due process has no teeth?
If I broke into your home and refused to leave Iā€™m sure youā€™d hate to see me thrown out without ā€œdue processā€....right? Youā€™d prefer a court forces you to allow me stay for two years while itā€™s all ā€˜sorted outā€™....right?
The fact that you are even asking us....


you know perfectly what to do with the scum!..ok?
I do! But I donā€™t want to not work for 2 months, and Iā€™m not trying to be murdered by because of a dish washer..
I just want this fcuk to be deported
Heā€™ll find new hires. He doesnā€™t want to be out of business anymore than you do.
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
You had better do a better job of washing dishes if you don't want to lose your job.
The fact that you are even asking us....


you know perfectly what to do with the scum!..ok?
I do! But I donā€™t want to not work for 2 months, and Iā€™m not trying to be murdered by because of a dish washer..
I just want this fcuk to be deported
Heā€™ll find new hires. He doesnā€™t want to be out of business anymore than you do.
It would take months to find help,, and he would have to pay higher wages
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
You had better do a better job of washing dishes if you don't want to lose your job.

Thatā€™s awfully American of you...Iā€™m sure youā€™re an awesome citizen.
Americans should never have to worry about loosing their job to wetbacks.
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
You had better do a better job of washing dishes if you don't want to lose your job.
Do you have autism ?
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
You had better do a better job of washing dishes if you don't want to lose your job.
Do you have autism ?
No, I couldn't afford it...
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
I don't understand, if you are already working there, why do you need work? Aren't you both working there, and don't you have seniority?
If they arrest the entire kitchen we will be closed for months

. . . and this restaurant is probably, knowingly hiring illegals with fake documentation? And they will be shut down?


That will teach them a lesson. As for you, stop being a hypocrite like the internationalists and "progressives." Do your beliefs mean anything, or do they only go as far as your wallet is concerned? Stand up for your principals.

Maybe before you blow the whistle, update your resume, save up a month's rent, and bills, etc., get a letter of recommendation from your immediate supervisor, and alert any friendly folks in the restaurant that feel the same as you about this issue, before you go and drop the dime. Strategize this move.

It is employers like this that are part of the problem, and the only way they ever learn and the nation can have the corruption rooted out is if the change STARTS with the grass roots.

For I have said it before, and I will say it again. The establishment left AND right have no plans to solve this, quite the reverse actually. This place is a corporate police state democracy, the candidate are pre-ordained and "democracy," is an illusion. They have made it known since the 90's that they want to create an economic and political union in North America, just like the EU in Europe. If this doesn't appeal to you? What are YOU going to do?

If you think a wall is going to be built with the current representation, and with the current judiciary? You are nuts. They will have their NAU, whether the folks want it or not, it is just a matter of if it happens in 25, 50 or 100 years time.
I can't believe you swallowed OP's bait.
He's making up the whole thing, Mister Beale. Nothing in jits' story makes any sense whatever. It's just trolling for hatred. He lives on it.
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
I don't understand, if you are already working there, why do you need work? Aren't you both working there, and don't you have seniority?
If they arrest the entire kitchen we will be closed for months

. . . and this restaurant is probably, knowingly hiring illegals with fake documentation? And they will be shut down?


That will teach them a lesson. As for you, stop being a hypocrite like the internationalists and "progressives." Do your beliefs mean anything, or do they only go as far as your wallet is concerned? Stand up for your principals.

Maybe before you blow the whistle, update your resume, save up a month's rent, and bills, etc., get a letter of recommendation from your immediate supervisor, and alert any friendly folks in the restaurant that feel the same as you about this issue, before you go and drop the dime. Strategize this move.

It is employers like this that are part of the problem, and the only way they ever learn and the nation can have the corruption rooted out is if the change STARTS with the grass roots.

For I have said it before, and I will say it again. The establishment left AND right have no plans to solve this, quite the reverse actually. This place is a corporate police state democracy, the candidate are pre-ordained and "democracy," is an illusion. They have made it known since the 90's that they want to create an economic and political union in North America, just like the EU in Europe. If this doesn't appeal to you? What are YOU going to do?

If you think a wall is going to be built with the current representation, and with the current judiciary? You are nuts. They will have their NAU, whether the folks want it or not, it is just a matter of if it happens in 25, 50 or 100 years time.
I can't believe you swallowed OP's bait.
He's making up the whole thing, Mister Beale. Nothing in jits' story makes any sense whatever. It's just trolling for hatred. He lives on it.
Nothing in the real world would make sense to you lol keep reading your romance novels
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
Turn yer boss in for hiring them.
The fact that you are even asking us....


you know perfectly what to do with the scum!..ok?
I do! But I donā€™t want to not work for 2 months, and Iā€™m not trying to be murdered by because of a dish washer..
I just want this fcuk to be deported
Heā€™ll find new hires. He doesnā€™t want to be out of business anymore than you do.
It would take months to find help,, and he would have to pay higher wages
He might have to pay a fair wage and hire Americans?

How horrible.
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking Iā€™m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell heā€™s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. Iā€™m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
Turn yer boss in for hiring them.
Why they were givin work identification numbers from Democrats? Arrest democrats
The fact that you are even asking us....


you know perfectly what to do with the scum!..ok?
I do! But I donā€™t want to not work for 2 months, and Iā€™m not trying to be murdered by because of a dish washer..
I just want this fcuk to be deported
Heā€™ll find new hires. He doesnā€™t want to be out of business anymore than you do.
It would take months to find help,, and he would have to pay higher wages
He might have to pay a fair wage and hire Americans?

How horrible.
I know you would hate that.. your latta will go up lol

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