Help me get the Truth.

So which truth is true?

  • The documents were planted.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • The documents were declassified.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • The documents were secured as part of his official personal papers.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Stop picking on Trump.

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
Ok. Your argument is that the things Trump has said, they don’t matter. Like the moron caught speeding he is shouting that it isn’t fair to target him and ignore the other speeders.
What on Earth are you talking about? The fact is, Biden's home was raided and the DOJ found hidden classified docs and took them back. Trump's home was raided and the DOJ found hidden classified docs and the DOJ took them back. One person is charged. The other isn't.
Photo taken by FBI in August 2022
View attachment 796405

Photo taken by Trump Staff amongst others
View attachment 796404

Other photos here:

BTW, Classified and Nuclear documents are NOT going to be shown to the public for obvious reasons.
Those are boxes, not documents.

What on Earth are you talking about? The fact is, Biden's home was raided and the DOJ found hidden classified docs and took them back. Trump's home was raided and the DOJ found hidden classified docs and the DOJ took them back. One person is charged. The other isn't.

Actually Biden wasn’t raided. His people searched and found some documents. They invited the FBI in to search to insure there were no more.

There was no need to get a warrant. Biden cooperated. There was no need to conduct a raid. Biden invited the FBI in and the appointment of a Special Prosecutor has been done in that case too.

If you didn’t have false equivalency you would be bereft of anything to post.
Actually Biden wasn’t raided. His people searched and found some documents. They invited the FBI in to search to insure there were no more.

There was no need to get a warrant. Biden cooperated. There was no need to conduct a raid. Biden invited the FBI in and the appointment of a Special Prosecutor has been done in that case too.

If you didn’t have false equivalency you would be bereft of anything to post.
Biden's home was raided and more classified documents were found.

Then there wasn’t a subpoena issued, and Trump’s lawyer didn’t notify the Feds that there were no documents? None of that happened?
The DOJ disregards subpoenas all the time. They could have called the former president and arranged a meeting but they wanted a dramatic entrance to make a political point.
The DOJ disregards subpoenas all the time. They could have called the former president and arranged a meeting but they wanted a dramatic entrance to make a political point.

Oh FFS. The DOJ learned the reply on the Subpoena was a lie. There were more documents. They asked and asked again and again for the documents and were told there were none. Finally they decided to get a warrant.

This entire process took a year. Letters requesting. More insistent letters and calls. Some documents surrendered including classified documents. You guys want to act like one Tuesday out of the Blue the FBI got a wile hair up their ass.
The Constitution never intended for unelected traitors at CIA and FBI to have power over the elected President.

The American people have the right to know that Oswald was framed for JFK, but the CIA doesn't want us to, and hence we "don't."

This debate over Trump's documents originates there. The Zionist Fascist traitors at CIA who did 911 and many other things do not want us to know. We elect a President who wants us to know, and the courts side with the traitors...

This is how Zionist Fascism gets away with

USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983
2020 election fraud

because there is a network of unelected traitors committed to keeping Americans misinformed, and those are exactly who is after Donald Trump on this completely bogus and hypocritical documents case...

Did Jack Smith and his wife invest in gold, oil, the long bond and defense stocks on 910?
Did Karen Gilbert?

The Zionist Fascist tells Americans = YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW

You're not wrong.
Oh FFS. The DOJ learned the reply on the Subpoena was a lie. There were more documents. They asked and asked again and again for the documents and were told there were none. Finally they decided to get a warrant.

This entire process took a year. Letters requesting. More insistent letters and calls. Some documents surrendered including classified documents. You guys want to act like one Tuesday out of the Blue the FBI got a wile hair up their ass.

The indictment doesn't mention classified documents, only documents with classified marking, which could include de-classified documents.
Here's the truth:

Bill Clinton can hide government secrets in his sock drawer and not be charged because he is allowed to take any government information he wants.

Hillary Clinton can purposely delete 30,000 emails against a subpoena and purposely destroy records on devices and not be charged.

Joe Biden, after being found to have classified documents in New Jersey that he had taken for decades, months later was found to be hiding more classified documents in his home garage. The DOJ raided that home and took back classified documents he had been hiding and Biden was not indicted.

The DOJ raids Trumps home, takes classified documents he had been hiding, and is indicted.

We have a weaponized DOJ that makes decisions due to political bias.

Of course
No intelligent person would dispute that.
You do not even know what a deep state is.

Where was that "deep state" before Trump and others in the GOP started spiting those words right and left after 2016?

Nowhere to be found.

Get a clue. AFTER Trump.

Eisenhower warned us about them.
I understand that you are very ignorant.
Your almost always wrong.
This time 100% factually wrong.
What on Earth are you talking about? The fact is, Biden's home was raided and the DOJ found hidden classified docs and took them back. Trump's home was raided and the DOJ found hidden classified docs and the DOJ took them back. One person is charged. The other isn't.

Try to get your facts straight.
See post #5 by one of my favs: poster EMH

That's MAGA!

Also MAGA are these folks:

I pick this....
nawwww.....that kid is a mensa compared to the op
These two, poster Rust Cohle & poster Sloopy, offer the forum their ridicule of a Down Syndrome boy. Using him as a meme to illustrate stupidity.
I suspect there are real people, sincere earnest people within the MAGA movement who think that poster Cohle & Sloopy are crudely and rudely out of line......and sincerely wish that kind of thinking and folks of that character were not linked to MAGA.

But Rust Cohle and Sloopy made it so. They made that diminishment of civil norms part of the MAGA schtick.
That is a very sad and repellant version of MAGA.
In my humble opinion.


you stupid twat.
You are a piece of shit pussy. Fuck You, too.

On the other hand, those three quotes above (by poster Duke) illustrate the more usual version of MAGA. Crudely vulgar, inarticulate, ill educated, ill-raised, poorly socialized. I recognize that is a cliche' for who the MAGA movement embraces.

And it is true I do not know if there is data backing up that widely held cliche' about the quality and character of MAGA.
But it sure seems there likely would be.

Again, in my humble opinion.
Really, see post #5 (by forum favorite, poster EMH).
It's a hoot!

But also note, earnest poster EMH ain't alone.
He has a cult-sister, so to speak., in poster Billiejeens.
She agrees with EMH! (Billiejeens to EMH: "You're not wrong."

What does she agree to?
Well, go back up and read post #5.

I love this bar!
Really, see post #5 (by forum favorite, poster EMH).
It's a hoot!

But also note, earnest poster EMH ain't alone.
He has a cult-sister, so to speak., in poster Billiejeens.
She agrees with EMH!

What does she agree to?
Well, go back up and read post #5.

I love this bar!

He's not wrong.
Most of those are knowledge- in the public domain.
Your posts indicate that you have a very simple and simplistic way of thinking.
You were an easy mark for your Cult Leaders.
See post #5 by one of my favs: poster EMH

That's MAGA!

Also MAGA are these folks:

These two, poster Rust Cohle & poster Sloopy, offer the forum their ridicule of a Down Syndrome boy. Using him as a meme to illustrate stupidity.
I suspect there are real people, sincere earnest people within the MAGA movement who think that poster Cohle & Sloopy are crudely and rudely out of line......and sincerely wish that kind of thinking and folks of that character were not linked to MAGA.

But Rust Cohle and Sloopy made it so. They made that diminishment of civil norms part of the MAGA schtick.
That is a very sad and repellant version of MAGA.
In my humble opinion.


On the other hand, those three quotes above (by poster Duke) illustrate the more usual version of MAGA. Crudely vulgar, inarticulate, ill educated, ill-raised, poorly socialized. I recognize that is a cliche' for who the MAGA movement embraces.

And it is true I do not know if there is data backing up that widely held cliche' about the quality and character of MAGA.
But it sure seems there likely would be.

Again, in my humble opinion.
roflmfao....quadruple you and your maga nonsense

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