Help me understand the purpose for the Trounce on Trump business today

He did incite the riot.
"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
You whimpering simpering snowflake. There isNothing there inciting violence. There is a request for affirmation of American values which you libs find offensive

No. It was a goading to march to the Capitol and do his dirty work of strong-arming politicians to overturn the election for him. The entire speech was a match tossed in a pool of gasoline.
And yesterday, day before, everyday, but now it's bigly. What I mean is, why exactly has mass PROG-view come to the conclusion Trump incited the "riot" at the Capital & subsequent impeachment etc.?

Just a thought, if Trump did something to hang a hat on, wouldn't this "SIEGE" of Democracy and such come by more than a few hundred crazies, Trump supporters, non-Trump supporters, project managers (cough!), anarchists, spectators and that? I mean after all, Trump has his supporters, they came out in the millions while Biden entertains his basement & nobody shows up anyhow. How many people were outside the capital that day anyway, I've yet to read about it, have you?
We came to this conclusion after he first questioned the election result for 2 months, choose to hold a rally where he and his surrogates on mass said to these people to go to the capitol and "be strong", "have a trial by combat", and to those in the Capitol to "be a hero, because otherwise, they would come to their backyard". As a response, those supporters went to the Capitol and had that trial by combat.

Using violence in order to stop the confirmation of a Democratically elected leader in order for another leader to take his place is called an insurrection. If the person that goaded on those people just happens to be the leader they wanted to be installed; that leader is culpable, hence the impeachment.

Trump said "be strong" and "have a trial by combat"?

Mercy me. I'm sure glad Trump didn't say “If They Bring A Knife To The Fight, We Bring A Gun” like Obama did that time.

That might have turned out icky.
And yesterday, day before, everyday, but now it's bigly. What I mean is, why exactly has mass PROG-view come to the conclusion Trump incited the "riot" at the Capital & subsequent impeachment etc.?

Just a thought, if Trump did something to hang a hat on, wouldn't this "SIEGE" of Democracy and such come by more than a few hundred crazies, Trump supporters, non-Trump supporters, project managers (cough!), anarchists, spectators and that? I mean after all, Trump has his supporters, they came out in the millions while Biden entertains his basement & nobody shows up anyhow. How many people were outside the capital that day anyway, I've yet to read about it, have you?
We came to this conclusion after he first questioned the election result for 2 months, choose to hold a rally where he and his surrogates on mass said to these people to go to the capitol and "be strong", "have a trial by combat", and to those in the Capitol to "be a hero, because otherwise, they would come to their backyard". As a response, those supporters went to the Capitol and had that trial by combat.

Using violence in order to stop the confirmation of a Democratically elected leader in order for another leader to take his place is called an insurrection. If the person that goaded on those people just happens to be the leader they wanted to be installed; that leader is culpable, hence the impeachment.

Trump said "be strong" and "have a trial by combat"?

Mercy me. I'm sure glad Trump didn't say “If They Bring A Knife To The Fight, We Bring A Gun” like Obama did that time.

That might have turned out icky.
Guess what, whatever Obama said didn't result in a storming of the Capitol and the death of several people. So by all means try to draw these stupid equivalencies.
There is a request for affirmation of American values which you libs find offensive
American values, huh?

They were demanding Pence decide on his own that the certified results of the election and the electors votes sent to Congress didn’t count and that the electors that no one in the state actually chose, the electors who just so happen to vote for Trump and himself were the real electors.

Trump was demanding that Pence decide on his own who people voted for rather than listen to the voters themselves.

That is not an American value.

Oh, and for failing to do so, the crowd erected gallows and chanted hang Mike Pence.
He did incite the riot.
"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
You whimpering simpering snowflake. There isNothing there inciting violence. There is a request for affirmation of American values which you libs find offensive

No. It was a goading to march to the Capitol and do his dirty work of strong-arming politicians to overturn the election for him. The entire speech was a match tossed in a pool of gasoline.
He exercised his free non violent speech rights but you only want speech that quells your aberrant emotions. Again, abdication of Your responsibilities and placing that on others which is the core of liberal disintegration
And yesterday, day before, everyday, but now it's bigly. What I mean is, why exactly has mass PROG-view come to the conclusion Trump incited the "riot" at the Capital & subsequent impeachment etc.?

Just a thought, if Trump did something to hang a hat on, wouldn't this "SIEGE" of Democracy and such come by more than a few hundred crazies, Trump supporters, non-Trump supporters, project managers (cough!), anarchists, spectators and that? I mean after all, Trump has his supporters, they came out in the millions while Biden entertains his basement & nobody shows up anyhow. How many people were outside the capital that day anyway, I've yet to read about it, have you?
We came to this conclusion after he first questioned the election result for 2 months, choose to hold a rally where he and his surrogates on mass said to these people to go to the capitol and "be strong", "have a trial by combat", and to those in the Capitol to "be a hero, because otherwise, they would come to their backyard". As a response, those supporters went to the Capitol and had that trial by combat.

Using violence in order to stop the confirmation of a Democratically elected leader in order for another leader to take his place is called an insurrection. If the person that goaded on those people just happens to be the leader they wanted to be installed; that leader is culpable, hence the impeachment.

Trump said "be strong" and "have a trial by combat"?

Mercy me. I'm sure glad Trump didn't say “If They Bring A Knife To The Fight, We Bring A Gun” like Obama did that time.

That might have turned out icky.
Guess what, whatever Obama said didn't result in a storming of the Capitol and the death of several people. So by all means try to draw these stupid equivalencies.

That's ok. There will be plenty of time to bring the guns at the capitol protests in every state, during the inauguration.

it's gonna be some fun.
He did incite the riot.
"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
You whimpering simpering snowflake. There isNothing there inciting violence. There is a request for affirmation of American values which you libs find offensive

No. It was a goading to march to the Capitol and do his dirty work of strong-arming politicians to overturn the election for him. The entire speech was a match tossed in a pool of gasoline.
He exercised his free non violent speech rights but you only want speech that quells your aberrant emotions. Again, abdication of Your responsibilities and placing that on others which is the core of liberal disintegration

No. I want the President to accept his loss and go quietly into the sunset. He's had his recourse attempts. So finally, he stooped to strong-arming his VP. The man that's been the most loyal to him. And when said VP said no, Trump threw him under the bus. Then stood up in front of the crowd to whip them into a frenzy. So they frenzied. And committed sedition and treason. For that, Trump is likely to face charges, especially if he keeps running his mouth.
And yesterday, day before, everyday, but now it's bigly. What I mean is, why exactly has mass PROG-view come to the conclusion Trump incited the "riot" at the Capital & subsequent impeachment etc.?

Just a thought, if Trump did something to hang a hat on, wouldn't this "SIEGE" of Democracy and such come by more than a few hundred crazies, Trump supporters, non-Trump supporters, project managers (cough!), anarchists, spectators and that? I mean after all, Trump has his supporters, they came out in the millions while Biden entertains his basement & nobody shows up anyhow. How many people were outside the capital that day anyway, I've yet to read about it, have you?

And yesterday, day before, everyday, but now it's bigly. What I mean is, why exactly has mass PROG-view come to the conclusion Trump incited the "riot" at the Capital & subsequent impeachment etc.?

Just a thought, if Trump did something to hang a hat on, wouldn't this "SIEGE" of Democracy and such come by more than a few hundred crazies, Trump supporters, non-Trump supporters, project managers (cough!), anarchists, spectators and that? I mean after all, Trump has his supporters, they came out in the millions while Biden entertains his basement & nobody shows up anyhow. How many people were outside the capital that day anyway, I've yet to read about it, have you?
Trump has taken up residence in these morons demented minds. He lives there and they will never get him out. LOL. Entertainment coming when they find out that CCP Joe, Kameltoe, Piglosi and Sen. Good-for-Nothing Bum have sold them to the Chinese and they can't say TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP. HaHaHaHa
Trump said "be strong" and "have a trial by combat"?
He said that they had to fight like hell and if they didn’t the country was over.

There was indeed fighting.
‘They Got a Officer!’: How a Mob Dragged and Beat Police at the Capitol

The fighting hasn't even started yet. The Capitol protest was just a warmup for what's coming, and it's foolish to believe it's going to end when Trump's gone.
So how many more cops are you hoping to kill?
Trump said "be strong" and "have a trial by combat"?
He said that they had to fight like hell and if they didn’t the country was over.

There was indeed fighting.
‘They Got a Officer!’: How a Mob Dragged and Beat Police at the Capitol
You dont seem to know that fight has definitions other than physical confrontation.
Good luck with that excuse.

Trump said to fight. They fought. Case closed.
Trump said "be strong" and "have a trial by combat"?
He said that they had to fight like hell and if they didn’t the country was over.

There was indeed fighting.
‘They Got a Officer!’: How a Mob Dragged and Beat Police at the Capitol
Democrat Capitol Police MURDERED an UNARMED, US AIR FORCE VETERAN because she was filming a protest. If that isn't enough, research BLM/Antifa violence, looting, vandalism and yes MURDER, summer 2020 Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Detroit, NYC, DC, Baltimore--nope, they're not violent. BTW, that cop committed suicide, moron.
Trump said "be strong" and "have a trial by combat"?
He said that they had to fight like hell and if they didn’t the country was over.

There was indeed fighting.
‘They Got a Officer!’: How a Mob Dragged and Beat Police at the Capitol
You dont seem to know that fight has definitions other than physical confrontation.
Good luck with that excuse.

Trump said to fight. They fought. Case closed.
democrat insurrectionists.jpg
Democrat Capitol Police MURDERED an UNARMED, US AIR FORCE VETERAN because she was filming a protest.
Uh no. This woman was part of a violent mob who had smashed through the doors leading immediately to where members of Congress were sheltering from the violence.

She was one of unknown rioters who outnumbered the Capitol police charged with protecting Congress.

Tell me, what do you think Secret Service would have done if there were only a handful of agents between the president and a mob of violent rioters?
And yesterday, day before, everyday, but now it's bigly. What I mean is, why exactly has mass PROG-view come to the conclusion Trump incited the "riot" at the Capital & subsequent impeachment etc.?

Just a thought, if Trump did something to hang a hat on, wouldn't this "SIEGE" of Democracy and such come by more than a few hundred crazies, Trump supporters, non-Trump supporters, project managers (cough!), anarchists, spectators and that? I mean after all, Trump has his supporters, they came out in the millions while Biden entertains his basement & nobody shows up anyhow. How many people were outside the capital that day anyway, I've yet to read about it, have you?
We came to this conclusion after he first questioned the election result for 2 months, choose to hold a rally where he and his surrogates on mass said to these people to go to the capitol and "be strong", "have a trial by combat", and to those in the Capitol to "be a hero, because otherwise, they would come to their backyard". As a response, those supporters went to the Capitol and had that trial by combat.

Using violence in order to stop the confirmation of a Democratically elected leader in order for another leader to take his place is called an insurrection. If the person that goaded on those people just happens to be the leader they wanted to be installed; that leader is culpable, hence the impeachment.

Trump said "be strong" and "have a trial by combat"?

Mercy me. I'm sure glad Trump didn't say “If They Bring A Knife To The Fight, We Bring A Gun” like Obama did that time.

That might have turned out icky.
Guess what, whatever Obama said didn't result in a storming of the Capitol and the death of several people. So by all means try to draw these stupid equivalencies.
No Obama and the democrats did that around the country with their commie/fascist BLM/Antifa minions for the last four years. Obtuse moron!
Democrat Capitol Police MURDERED an UNARMED, US AIR FORCE VETERAN because she was filming a protest.
Uh no. This woman was part of a violent mob who had smashed through the doors leading immediately to where members of Congress were sheltering from the violence.

She was one of unknown rioters who outnumbered the Capitol police charged with protecting Congress.

Tell me, what do you think Secret Service would have done if there were only a handful of agents between the president and a mob of violent rioters?
Clean your stomach window and quit getting your news from Piglosi and Sen. Good-for-Nothing Bum. She was UNARMED and filming--you know like all of those criminals were doing during the last four years during the BLM BS. HaHaHa, you're a moron who worships a bunch of communist democrat cowards.
Democrat Capitol Police MURDERED an UNARMED, US AIR FORCE VETERAN because she was filming a protest.
Uh no. This woman was part of a violent mob who had smashed through the doors leading immediately to where members of Congress were sheltering from the violence.

She was one of unknown rioters who outnumbered the Capitol police charged with protecting Congress.

Tell me, what do you think Secret Service would have done if there were only a handful of agents between the president and a mob of violent rioters?
Clean your stomach window and quit getting your news from Piglosi and Sen. Good-for-Nothing Bum. She was UNARMED and filming--you know like all of those criminals were doing during the last four years during the BLM BS. HaHaHa, you're a moron who worships a bunch of communist democrat cowards.
Do you at least agree she was climbing through a shattered window of a barricaded door?

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