Here are President Theodore Roosevelt's comment on Immigration. Wake up Americans.

Ah 1907. When race riots and lynchings were everyday affairs (and then documented as postcards) -- when the European colonizers of America had subdued and virtually exterminated the last holdouts of its indigenous population and turned its wrath on newer European arrivals like Italians. Gosh Jeepers, those were the daze.

What a great ideal to emulate. What could possibly go wrong doing that-- I can't think of a thing, can you?


My god am going to compliment you, I can't think of a thing either.

Being familiar with your posting, you have again missed my point as OP, and that of President Theodore Roosevelt.

"...Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...."

President Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most popular Presidents and beloved by both political parties in 1907 and today. Roosevelt is an extremely powerful source to quote, which is why you have no real comeback Pogo. You have not figured out that illegal Mexicans and Muslims have been labeled as evil enemies of the American way of life.

Let Obama have his little love-fest with Mexicans and Muslims because he is gone in two years. I made a mistake voting for Obama twice. The reality of the situation is that Congress and EVERY candidate for President is anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim. Read what Hillary Clinton had to say about illegal Mexicans in the 1990s. Deportation, pathway to citizenship, and the current immigration system are all roadblocks to Mexicans and Muslims. It will never change, and the American people have had it with freeloaders and terrorists. Time to get down to the actual killing, because that is the intention of both groups toward real Americans.


I understand only intelligent people grok sarcasm. It will have to be an inside joke for us adults.

If you spent half as much time looking up your own history instead of these goofy-ass Google images you mightn't come off perpetually looking like a seven-year-old.
Didn't take long for bitchboy to show his true idiot/coward/psycho/bullshitter colors. he's certainly NOT an American, and i wonder how many who rushed to associate themselves with the little worm are now having second thoughts.

There are two kinds of people in this world.

No, there are many kinds, you worthless little dipshit.

Still a little slow when you get on the boards, eh? We can break groups down any way we want. Christians and non-Christians. How about bicycle riders, automobile drivers, and those who use other ways of getting around.

Let's get down to the facts. Your previous posts always seem to have the same theme, American taxpayers should give more to the freeloading Mexicans. Face it for the last few years you have seen Mexicans become more and more deportable to the American taxpayer. Now, with TR's comments you realize the end is near not only for illegal Mexicans in the United States, but those UnAmerican U. S. citizens who wave the Mexican flag. I have been elated about the prospects for a number of years. The first ones to sell everything and pack it up to leave will get the best deal. I personally am looking forward to buying real estate for 25 cents on the dollar in a barrio.

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Your previous posts always seem to have the same theme, American taxpayers should give more to the freeloading Mexicans.

That has never been the theme of any post of mine, you lying little shit-stain. Chewing up bandwidth on stupid, over-sized pics won't make you any less a ridiculous, ignorant fool.
Didn't take long for bitchboy to show his true idiot/coward/psycho/bullshitter colors. he's certainly NOT an American, and i wonder how many who rushed to associate themselves with the little worm are now having second thoughts.

There are two kinds of people in this world.

No, there are many kinds, you worthless little dipshit.

Still a little slow when you get on the boards, eh? We can break groups down any way we want. Christians and non-Christians. How about bicycle riders, automobile drivers, and those who use other ways of getting around.

Let's get down to the facts. Your previous posts always seem to have the same theme, American taxpayers should give more to the freeloading Mexicans. Face it for the last few years you have seen Mexicans become more and more deportable to the American taxpayer. Now, with TR's comments you realize the end is near not only for illegal Mexicans in the United States, but those UnAmerican U. S. citizens who wave the Mexican flag. I have been elated about the prospects for a number of years. The first ones to sell everything and pack it up to leave will get the best deal. I personally am looking forward to buying real estate for 25 cents on the dollar in a barrio.


I agree. Illegals whether they be Mexican or not need to go. I hope our elected officials have the guts to implement e-verify and deny any benefits for them up to and including changing birthright citizenship for their kids. With no means to support themselves many if not most will leave. I hope we can finally get back to putting some respect back into our borders and immigration laws.
Oldglory1 said
BS! Most immigrants aren't coming here for freedom. They already come from free countries. They come here for economic opportunities whether it be jobs or handouts. I don't care what culture one practices in the privacy of one's own home but out in mainstream act American and assimilate. The salad bowl concert is what is being encouraged today not the melting pot that it once was. Stay in your own country if you want to practice your native culture all over the place. Why come here if you don't want to assimilate into our society? We are just a cash cow to so many of them today.

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I don't care what culture one practices in the privacy of one's own home but out in mainstream act American and assimilate...Stay in your own country if you want to practice your native culture all over the place. .

Fuck you; you understand nothing of America. Free, law-abiding people in this country never have and never will be restricted to only hiding behind the curtains lest they offend fools like you. America has ALWAYS been a land of many peoples, cultures, and languages. It is a testimony to the strength of America that the Melting Pot still functions as it always has.

How people act and speak "out in mainstream America" is none of your fucking business if they are not interacting with you personally or breaking any laws. Grow a pair and get a clue.

Which brings us nicely back to President Teddy Roosevelt, and one flag the American flag.

"....But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American….There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...."


This is so easy, and Mexicans refuse to accept it because it goes against what these freeloaders want to do in our country. Just because we know how to make baby humans does not mean we should over-populate. I am tired of these overactive Mexican vaginas. We should help them make birth control their reality. Cut their tubes after two children. Or better yet, do as the Chinese do and abort the second child automatically for them. How many manual laborers and criminals do we need?
Didn't take long for bitchboy to show his true idiot/coward/psycho/bullshitter colors. he's certainly NOT an American, and i wonder how many who rushed to associate themselves with the little worm are now having second thoughts.

There are two kinds of people in this world.

No, there are many kinds, you worthless little dipshit.

You can break demographics into as small or large of a grouping as you want.

For example: There are 3 kinds of people, left handed people, right handed people, and ambidextrous people.

It all depends on how you are breaking that down. And you can't really grasp what he was talking about, and don't even have a rudimentary understanding of how statistics work.

Try and be smarter next time, thanks.

Thank you for agreeing with me, and then attacking what I said. So much for the graduates of the Universidad de Tijuana.

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Operation Wetback How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico Political Vel Craft

President Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

‘In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.

But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American….There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.’

President Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Hispanic immigrants assimilate at about the same rate as most immigrants. Data shows that pretty much all 2nd generation immigrants speak english just fine and by the 3rd generation they identify far more with America's culture than with their family's culture. Just like every immigrant that's ever come into this country.

Time Out!

I have no hang-ups about Hispanic Americans, but I do agree with TR that until they become simply "Americans" they are enemies of our culture, and should be deported. Period, no discussion. There are many who would like to move here, and accept us just as we are. America does not need or want a makeover by Mexicans or Muslims. They either get with the program, or get out.

I live in two southwestern states, and I am tired of hearing "Hispanic," "Latina," "Latino," and "Migrant." I am just as tired of "Wetback," "Beaner," and "****." However, they brought those last labels onto themselves, by stealing.

In the border states everyone who uses Spanish as their main language is called a "Mexican." We do not need or want to hear, "I am from Honduras." No, you are a Mexican. If they entered the United States illegally, we address them as "illegal Mexicans" right to their face.

Now you are correct there are some Hispanic people with very American lifestyles. Muslims as well. We want to see them get rid of their Halloween costumes, and replace them with Crocs, Levis and T-shirts. They want to be Americans, it is our way or the highway.


Does this circus look like the United States to you? Over my dead body.​

Honduras and Mexico are different countries, Dumbass.

What we really need to do is to deport the Ignorami. Problem is, we haven't found a place stupid enough where they'd fit in.

Naw, if they speak Spanish as their first language and they are illegal, or don't salute the stars and stripes, they are "Mexicans," "Wetbacks," or "Beaners."

Your previous posts always seem to have the same theme, American taxpayers should give more to the freeloading Mexicans.

That has never been the theme of any post of mine, you lying little shit-stain. Chewing up bandwidth on stupid, over-sized pics won't make you any less a ridiculous, ignorant fool.

Sounds like a personal attack on me. Can't defeat my arguments so you attack me. Well, it is all you got.

Being inferior and knowing it must be difficult.

Imagine this bunch as your new neighbors. Surprise, they are!

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Let's look at some of the posts illegal Mexicans and Muslims have ignored because they have no response.

Beachboy, post: 11164913, member: 43372"]
Ah 1907. When race riots and lynchings were everyday affairs (and then documented as postcards) -- when the European colonizers of America had subdued and virtually exterminated the last holdouts of its indigenous population and turned its wrath on newer European arrivals like Italians. Gosh Jeepers, those were the daze.

What a great ideal to emulate. What could possibly go wrong doing that-- I can't think of a thing, can you?


My god am going to compliment you, I can't think of a thing either.

Being familiar with your posting, you have again missed my point as OP, and that of President Theodore Roosevelt.

"...Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...."

President Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most popular Presidents and beloved by both political parties in 1907 and today. Roosevelt is an extremely powerful source to quote, which is why you have no real comeback Pogo. You have not figured out that illegal Mexicans and Muslims have been labeled as evil enemies of the American way of life.

Let Obama have his little love-fest with Mexicans and Muslims because he is gone in two years. I made a mistake voting for Obama twice. The reality of the situation is that Congress and EVERY candidate for President is anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim. Read what Hillary Clinton had to say about illegal Mexicans in the 1990s. Deportation, pathway to citizenship, and the current immigration system are all roadblocks to Mexicans and Muslims. It will never change, and the American people have had it with freeloaders and terrorists. Time to get down to the actual killing, because that is the intention of both groups toward real Americans.

Let's look at some of the posts illegal Mexicans and Muslims have ignored because they have no response.

Beachboy, post: 11165617, member: 43372"]
Whatever happened to republicans hatred of Teddy? Are we just forgetting about that for right now?

You desperately need to turn off your computer, and read some history.

Let's look at some of the posts illegal Mexicans and Muslims have ignored because they have no response.

"Beachboy, post: 11165727, member: 43372"]
Didn't take long for bitchboy to show his true idiot/coward/psycho/bullshitter colors. he's certainly NOT an American, and i wonder how many who rushed to associate themselves with the little worm are now having second thoughts.

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who live in a fantasy world of "Do unto others......" and those who understand the hard-ball politics of running a democracy in a world full of terrorists, freeloaders, and wannabes.

Check out this clip from A Few Good Men. You see contrary to the scripting, Cruise is wrong, and Nicholson is correct. Try a little truth for a change, and then get back to me.

White people fuck the Indians and now the white people are getting fucked, most hilarious, and it's their capitalist over lords that are wanting the illegals to come, cause you US citizens are second class workers...
Let's look at some of the posts illegal Mexicans and Muslims have ignored because they have no response.

"Beachboy, post: 11170864, member: 43372"]
I don't care what culture one practices in the privacy of one's own home but out in mainstream act American and assimilate...Stay in your own country if you want to practice your native culture all over the place. .

Fuck you; you understand nothing of America. Free, law-abiding people in this country never have and never will be restricted to only hiding behind the curtains lest they offend fools like you. America has ALWAYS been a land of many peoples, cultures, and languages. It is a testimony to the strength of America that the Melting Pot still functions as it always has.

How people act and speak "out in mainstream America" is none of your fucking business if they are not interacting with you personally or breaking any laws. Grow a pair and get a clue.

Which brings us nicely back to President Teddy Roosevelt, and one flag the American flag.

"....But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American….There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...."


This is so easy, and Mexicans refuse to accept it because it goes against what these freeloaders want to do in our country. Just because we know how to make baby humans does not mean we should over-populate. I am tired of these overactive Mexican vaginas. We should help them make birth control their reality. Cut their tubes after two children. Or better yet, do as the Chinese do and abort the second child automatically for them. How many manual laborers and criminals do we need?
Didn't take long for bitchboy to show his true idiot/coward/psycho/bullshitter colors. he's certainly NOT an American, and i wonder how many who rushed to associate themselves with the little worm are now having second thoughts.
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Going out to cocktails and dinner tonight in Hollywood at the site of the first Academy Awards in 1929. No more time to educate terrorists and freeloaders today. Got to go raise money to protect the elephants from ivory profiteers.


Well now we all know you're a loon beachboy

Got to love USMB. A person is a "loon" if they disagree with you, and you have no verbal comeback. Families like mine have owned this country since before the American Revolution. Loons like we will continue to run this planet in the future. This means we will do things the American way.


Perhaps I will meet some of you angry Mexicans tonight when you serve my chicken cordon bleu.
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Let's look at some of the posts illegal Mexicans and Muslims have ignored because they have no response.

"Beachboy, post: 11170864, member: 43372"]
I don't care what culture one practices in the privacy of one's own home but out in mainstream act American and assimilate...Stay in your own country if you want to practice your native culture all over the place. .

Fuck you; you understand nothing of America. Free, law-abiding people in this country never have and never will be restricted to only hiding behind the curtains lest they offend fools like you. America has ALWAYS been a land of many peoples, cultures, and languages. It is a testimony to the strength of America that the Melting Pot still functions as it always has.

How people act and speak "out in mainstream America" is none of your fucking business if they are not interacting with you personally or breaking any laws. Grow a pair and get a clue.

Which brings us nicely back to President Teddy Roosevelt, and one flag the American flag.

"....But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American….There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...."


This is so easy, and Mexicans refuse to accept it because it goes against what these freeloaders want to do in our country. Just because we know how to make baby humans does not mean we should over-populate. I am tired of these overactive Mexican vaginas. We should help them make birth control their reality. Cut their tubes after two children. Or better yet, do as the Chinese do and abort the second child automatically for them. How many manual laborers and criminals do we need?
Didn't take long for bitchboy to show his true idiot/coward/psycho/bullshitter colors. he's certainly NOT an American, and i wonder how many who rushed to associate themselves with the little worm are now having second thoughts.

Going out to cocktails and dinner tonight, coincidently at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. Named for TR, and site of the first Academy Awards in 1929. No more time to educate terrorists and freeloaders today

Part of the problem is that they are mainly Catholics that don't believe in birth control. Another problem is that our government guarantees to care of their kids until they are of age. That goes for all people who breed too many kids not just Mexicans. Their culture however believes in large families and in this day and age it just isn't practical and many times it becomes a burden to taxpaying Americans. It also contributes to our population growth getting out of control. Some of these Mexicans are of the reconquista mindset and they think by outbreeding us here they can take over the U.S.

Racism has nothing to do with wanting our immigration laws enforced and to limit the number of legal immigrants into our country. FYI, it isn't just whites that are racist either. Many of whom you deem worthy of coming here are among the worst racists there are. If it's not racist to put ones ethnic group above our immigration laws then I don't know what is.
White people fuck the Indians and now the white people are getting fucked, most hilarious, and it's their capitalist over lords that are wanting the illegals to come, cause you US citizens are second class workers...

Those people are all dead now so it has nothing to do with anyone alive today. How dare you call Americans second classed workers you anti-American POS! Those who hire illegal aliens are greedy, lawbreakers only looking to increase their profits by paying them less and regular law abiding Americans want them stopped! Don't you EVER make a false, lying statement like that in here again! I guess it's ok for these illegals to f*ck over black Americans workers also then? Because they are f*cking us all not just whites.

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