Here are some numbers for you Clintonites who think she should have won..because of the popular vote

If not for a couple of squeakers in swing states .....

U.S. Totals
Clinton (D)... 65,316,724........48.2%...Clinton Plus 2 percent
Trump (R).... 62,719,568.........46.2%

13 Swing States
Clinton (D) 21,417,654 ...46.6%
..Trump (R) 22,237,861.. 48.3% ..Trump plus 1.7 percent

Non-Swing States

Clinton (D) 43,899,070 ...49.0% ..Clinton Plus 3.8
Trump (R). 40,481,707... 45.2%
I haven't personally verified these numbers, but after looking at the red/blue map of the county by county votes across the nation, I do not doubt a bit of it. Trump won because most of the nation wanted him to him.
If not for a couple of squeakers in swing states .....

U.S. Totals
Clinton (D)... 65,316,724........48.2%...Clinton Plus 2 percent
Trump (R).... 62,719,568.........46.2%

13 Swing States
Clinton (D) 21,417,654 ...46.6%
..Trump (R) 22,237,861.. 48.3% ..Trump plus 1.7 percent

Non-Swing States

Clinton (D) 43,899,070 ...49.0% ..Clinton Plus 3.8
Trump (R). 40,481,707... 45.2%
Before California came in Trump was up in the popular vote by over 1 million.

Take a look at the figures ....Trump is a minority white male President ...its as though in the Super Bowl only points scored in certain areas of the field count ...
Wrong he won the election because he carried the most States with the most Electoral votes. Just because there are stupid people in California that voted for a loser doesn't change how our elections work. Further it is a forgone conclusion that as many as 3 million illegals voted.
Trump for: 62.5 million
Trump against: 73.0 million

You are ignoring what's in the corner waiting for you.
If not for a couple of squeakers in swing states .....

U.S. Totals
Clinton (D)... 65,316,724........48.2%...Clinton Plus 2 percent
Trump (R).... 62,719,568.........46.2%

13 Swing States
Clinton (D) 21,417,654 ...46.6%
..Trump (R) 22,237,861.. 48.3% ..Trump plus 1.7 percent

Non-Swing States

Clinton (D) 43,899,070 ...49.0% ..Clinton Plus 3.8
Trump (R). 40,481,707... 45.2%
Again for the SLOW and stupid, with out California Trump had a million more votes then Hillary. You don't get to claim because one State was heavily Democratic it over rules all the other States.
I haven't personally verified these numbers, but after looking at the red/blue map of the county by county votes across the nation, I do not doubt a bit of it. Trump won because most of the nation wanted him to him.
If not for a couple of squeakers in swing states .....

U.S. Totals
Clinton (D)... 65,316,724........48.2%...Clinton Plus 2 percent
Trump (R).... 62,719,568.........46.2%

13 Swing States
Clinton (D) 21,417,654 ...46.6%
..Trump (R) 22,237,861.. 48.3% ..Trump plus 1.7 percent

Non-Swing States

Clinton (D) 43,899,070 ...49.0% ..Clinton Plus 3.8
Trump (R). 40,481,707... 45.2%
Before California came in Trump was up in the popular vote by over 1 million.

Take a look at the figures ....Trump is a minority white male President ...its as though in the Super Bowl only points scored in certain areas of the field count ...
Wrong he won the election because he carried the most States with the most Electoral votes. Just because there are stupid people in California that voted for a loser doesn't change how our elections work. Further it is a forgone conclusion that as many as 3 million illegals voted.
Trump for: 62.5 million
Trump against: 73.0 million

You are ignoring what's in the corner waiting for you.
Ahh so 8 million people voted other then Hillary that means her Numbers are similar, but thanks for playing.
If not for a couple of squeakers in swing states .....

U.S. Totals
Clinton (D)... 65,316,724........48.2%...Clinton Plus 2 percent
Trump (R).... 62,719,568.........46.2%

13 Swing States
Clinton (D) 21,417,654 ...46.6%
..Trump (R) 22,237,861.. 48.3% ..Trump plus 1.7 percent

Non-Swing States

Clinton (D) 43,899,070 ...49.0% ..Clinton Plus 3.8
Trump (R). 40,481,707... 45.2%
Before California came in Trump was up in the popular vote by over 1 million.

Take a look at the figures ....Trump is a minority white male President ...its as though in the Super Bowl only points scored in certain areas of the field count ...
Wrong he won the election because he carried the most States with the most Electoral votes. Just because there are stupid people in California that voted for a loser doesn't change how our elections work. Further it is a forgone conclusion that as many as 3 million illegals voted.
Trump for: 62.5 million
Trump against: 73.0 million

You are ignoring what's in the corner waiting for you.

A clear majority voted against Hillary too, so where does that leave us, Jakie Pie?
land does not vote, people vote.
It should be one person, one vote, and the president elected by majority vote, not by counties.

Government 101, 1st day of class...immediately following roll call - America is a Republic. America is not a Democracy. Pure Democracy in a large society = tyranny. PERIOD.
The electoral college sole purpose is to give a voice across the country to prevent the cities from determining the outcome of elections every single time. The breadth of Americans would have zero representation and America would be similar to China where the cites are glorious empires with high standards of living - and the rural areas are still literally living in the dark ages.
Our brilliant forefathers designed the electoral college specifically to prevent this very thing.

Your "guy" lost. So now you cry and cry "unfair"...bullshit. If the shoe was on the other foot you would be saying the exact opposite and we all know it.
Every state can allocate is electoral votes as it see fit (by congressional district). If the voters in CA, NY and IL are unsatisfied, they may do so freely. Let them set the example, please.
Trump won because he rigged enough states to get their electoral votes.

But he can count on his opponents giving him the same chance as did Obama's opponents.

He rigged it huh?

I've been looking for that evidence, seriously, I have been.

I am thinking you may be right. Ever since I found out they had H.R. 6393 ready to go, I'm thinking the whole thing was a set up.

Do you have any evidence that the election was rigged?
I am using the Reince Priebus point that not having evidence does not make a point false.

We all know that Trump cheated.

My signature reinforces the inevitable failure of the Trump debacle as president of these poor USA.

Zeus above. . .

Reince Priebus is evil. Why would you use one of his points? First Hillary, now Reince, why not just suck Cheney's dick while your down there?
Personal attack = post failure, as you well know. Priebus is a betrayal of the Alt Right as will be too many of Trump's appointments.

Disney, Wal-Mart CEOs picked to advise Trump administration
land does not vote, people vote.
It should be one person, one vote, and the president elected by majority vote, not by counties.

Government 101, 1st day of class...immediately following roll call - America is a Republic. America is not a Democracy. Pure Democracy in a large society = tyranny. PERIOD.
The electoral college sole purpose is to give a voice across the country to prevent the cities from determining the outcome of elections every single time. The breadth of Americans would have zero representation and America would be similar to China where the cites are glorious empires with high standards of living - and the rural areas are still literally living in the dark ages.
Our brilliant forefathers designed the electoral college specifically to prevent this very thing.

Your "guy" lost. So now you cry and cry "unfair"...bullshit. If the shoe was on the other foot you would be saying the exact opposite and we all know it.
Clinton is gone: good. The republic will remove the president-elect constitutionally before the end of his term.
I haven't personally verified these numbers, but after looking at the red/blue map of the county by county votes across the nation, I do not doubt a bit of it. Trump won because most of the nation wanted him to him. The Electoral College performed exactly as intended....protected the rural working areas from the urban welfare clubs.

Interesting Numbers... Finally, the Electoral College explained so anyone can understand the need for it.

The best explanation of why the Founders had unbelievable wisdom in designing the Electoral College.

It also illustrates that the Democratic Party does not represent the country, just the heavily populated east and west coast mega cities which are out of touch with the vast majority of the country.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.

Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.

Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens)

Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties, Trump won Richmond)

Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those that encompass a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Wrong, fuckwit. ZERO evidence for your bullshit, made-up FAKE news claim.


FACT CHECK: Trump Won 3,084 of 3,141 Counties, Clinton Won 57
IOW. . . . you're full of shit.
You are looking in the mirror and projecting.

Or you are. . .

Now you think you are Mandy Patinken. You are a loon, but you are fun to watch: like a lab rat thinking it can take on a python. Go for it.
Shit buddy, you don't even know who you are in that metaphor. You are in some seriously deep shit. :badgrin:
says the rat :lol: but since you are deep in Trump's ass, you can't see or smell anything else

I'm immune to the iocane powder. . . . YOU apparently aren't.

I know what Trump is, and I know what Clinton is. I never bought the MSM bullshit, likewise, I've always known that Wikileaks is run by the intel. establishment.

I'm willing to bet you voted for one of them, and now you think it made a difference.

I know better, thus, I really didn't give a shit, nor did I bother wasting time to vote.

I'm the pirate here to watch them both. I'm here to expose their malfeasance to one and all.

You're the one that is the drunk sell-sword.

It wouldn't surprise me if you were fool enough to actually vote for Clinton, it's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass.

You're under the delusion that I did care, or that I did vote. I'm sure you voted for her thinking it would change things you wart faced baboon.
You are looking in the mirror and projecting.

Or you are. . .

Now you think you are Mandy Patinken. You are a loon, but you are fun to watch: like a lab rat thinking it can take on a python. Go for it.
Shit buddy, you don't even know who you are in that metaphor. You are in some seriously deep shit. :badgrin:
says the rat :lol: but since you are deep in Trump's ass, you can't see or smell anything else

I'm immune to the iocane powder. . . . YOU apparently aren't.

I know what Trump is, and I know what Clinton is. I never bought the MSM bullshit, likewise, I've always known that Wikileaks is run by the intel. establishment.

I'm willing to bet you voted for one of them, and now you think it made a difference.

I know better, thus, I really didn't give a shit, nor did I bother wasting time to vote.

I'm the pirate here to watch them both. I'm here to expose their malfeasance to one and all.

You're the one that is the drunk sell-sword.

It wouldn't surprise me if you were fool enough to actually vote for Clinton, it's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass.

You're under the delusion that I did care, or that I did vote. I'm sure you voted for her thinking it would change things you wart faced baboon.
Why are you talking about Clinton? She is gone, dude, which is great, since I did not vote for her. One down, and Donald is number two, unless he can shut up on culture, protect the safety net, and provide jobs. If he can't do that, he will not make it to the end of the term: resignation or forced out. Far more oppose him than support him.
Last edited:
Or you are. . .

Now you think you are Mandy Patinken. You are a loon, but you are fun to watch: like a lab rat thinking it can take on a python. Go for it.
Shit buddy, you don't even know who you are in that metaphor. You are in some seriously deep shit. :badgrin:
says the rat :lol: but since you are deep in Trump's ass, you can't see or smell anything else

I'm immune to the iocane powder. . . . YOU apparently aren't.

I know what Trump is, and I know what Clinton is. I never bought the MSM bullshit, likewise, I've always known that Wikileaks is run by the intel. establishment.

I'm willing to bet you voted for one of them, and now you think it made a difference.

I know better, thus, I really didn't give a shit, nor did I bother wasting time to vote.

I'm the pirate here to watch them both. I'm here to expose their malfeasance to one and all.

You're the one that is the drunk sell-sword.

It wouldn't surprise me if you were fool enough to actually vote for Clinton, it's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass.

You're under the delusion that I did care, or that I did vote. I'm sure you voted for her thinking it would change things you wart faced baboon.
Why are you talking about Clinton? She is gone, dude, which is great, since I did not vote for her. One down, and Donald is number two, unless he can shut up on culture, protect the safety net, and provide jobs. If he can't do that, he will not make it to the end of the term: resignation or forced out. Far more oppose him than support him.

Why? Because you are sitting here supporting a change to the way we elect a president the would disfranchise roughly 90% of the nation, and you can't seem to see anything wrong with that.

Far more oppose ALL the oligarchs running the system.

He is only but a symptom, not a cause. Just like she was.
Now you think you are Mandy Patinken. You are a loon, but you are fun to watch: like a lab rat thinking it can take on a python. Go for it.
Shit buddy, you don't even know who you are in that metaphor. You are in some seriously deep shit. :badgrin:
says the rat :lol: but since you are deep in Trump's ass, you can't see or smell anything else

I'm immune to the iocane powder. . . . YOU apparently aren't.

I know what Trump is, and I know what Clinton is. I never bought the MSM bullshit, likewise, I've always known that Wikileaks is run by the intel. establishment.

I'm willing to bet you voted for one of them, and now you think it made a difference.

I know better, thus, I really didn't give a shit, nor did I bother wasting time to vote.

I'm the pirate here to watch them both. I'm here to expose their malfeasance to one and all.

You're the one that is the drunk sell-sword.

It wouldn't surprise me if you were fool enough to actually vote for Clinton, it's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass.

You're under the delusion that I did care, or that I did vote. I'm sure you voted for her thinking it would change things you wart faced baboon.
Why are you talking about Clinton? She is gone, dude, which is great, since I did not vote for her. One down, and Donald is number two, unless he can shut up on culture, protect the safety net, and provide jobs. If he can't do that, he will not make it to the end of the term: resignation or forced out. Far more oppose him than support him.

Why? Because you are sitting here supporting a change to the way we elect a president the would disfranchise roughly 90% of the nation, and you can't seem to see anything wrong with that.

Far more oppose ALL the oligarchs running the system.

He is only but a symptom, not a cause. Just like she was.
You don't listen. I did not support or vote for HRC. I support the EC. We need to bust up how the political parties are operating. You are not very bright.
It is relevant in the sense that because of the added weight given in EVs to small flyover states, a Democrat has to win 53% of the vote to reach 270

wrong, a dem has to win Ca, NY, and a couple more states, the path is much harder for a republican since Ca and NY are always blue and have lots of EC votes. Trump beat the odds and the media who said he had no path to 270. The American voters shoved it up the media's ass.

You are partially correct

But California has as many EVs as ten low population Red States, even though California has three times the population

OK, so lets apportion the EC votes in every state, Trump still wins. Whats your point?

If you only point is that you are butthurt that the hildebeast lost, fine, but its time to move on to something that matters.

No he doesn't. If you divide the EC votes proportionately, Clinton wins by a margin comparable to her margin in the popular vote.

No. Trump would hae still won

"I calculated the vote allocation using the Webster/Sainte-Laguë method (based on results as of November 9, 2016) applied to each individual state:

  • Clinton 263
  • Trump 262
  • Johnson 10
  • Stein 2
  • McMullin 1
In the spirit of the Electoral College giving less populous states a boost in the vote, I altered the formula to award 2 votes per state to the winner of the popular vote, and the remainder allocated via Webster/Sainte-Laguë:

  • Trump 269
  • Clinton 259
  • Johnson 7
  • Stein 2
  • McMullin 1
For comparison, here I applied Webster/Sainte-Laguë to the entire United States population without splitting them based on state:

  • Clinton 256
  • Trump 255
  • Johnson 17
  • Stein 1
  • McMullin 1
  • Other 8 (these were not separated in the data source)

I calculated the vote allocation using the Webster/Sainte-Laguë method (based on results as of November 9, 2016) applied to each individual state:

  • Clinton 263
  • Trump 262
  • Johnson 10
  • Stein 2
  • McMullin 1
In the spirit of the Electoral College giving less populous states a boost in the vote, I altered the formula to award 2 votes per state to the winner of the popular vote, and the remainder allocated via Webster/Sainte-Laguë:

  • Trump 269
  • Clinton 259
  • Johnson 7
  • Stein 2
  • McMullin 1
For comparison, here I applied Webster/Sainte-Laguë to the entire United States population without splitting them based on state:

  • Clinton 256
  • Trump 255
  • Johnson 17
  • Stein 1
  • McMullin 1
  • Other 8 (these were not separated in the data source)"
Who would have won the presidency if all states' electors were allocated proportionally?

Given that to be elected would still require 270 EC votes it would have gone to the House regardless of the outcome. Since Republicans currently hold the House, Trump would be the victor.

good analysis. However, what you missed is that if the EC votes were apportioned, the candidates would have been forced to campaign in CA and NY, and there is no telling how those voters would have reacted to seeing the candidates in person. In general it seemed that the more the voters saw of Hillary the less they liked her and just the opposite with Trump.

Bottom line: Trump won, Clinton lost. The EC will be with us for a long time to come and the disappointed dems will just have to live with the fact that they ran a bad candidate.

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