Here Are The Facts On The Jeff Sessions Controversy

So you don't know what they talked about, and you're just ignoring the fact that Sessions was on the Foreign Relations Committee.

This is the same silliness the Republicans tried to pull on Obama: Take a kernel of truth and just make the rest up for political advantage.

This is why partisans have zero credibility.

I don't know what they talked about but here is what I do know:

1. Sessions intentionally misled the congress, there is not a single other explanation of what happened that makes any fucking sense. He didn't misunderstand the question, he knew that congress certainly was interested to hear of ANY meetings, in whatever capacity between him and the Russian and he clearly mislead everyone that heard his testimony to think that he never met with Russian operatives during campaign

2. At the time Sessions and Kislyak meetings Russians had ONE PRIME AGENDA - the campaign for the next president of the United States, this bullshit about how Kislyak contacted no one else on the Armed services Committee except for the person at the core of Trump's campaign and did so to chit-chat about number of planes or something is reason defying.

3. Sessions was not the only one lying, there also Flynn who ALSO was lying in very similar matter about the meetings with Russians. It is VERY tough to not start seeing that there is a highly conspicuous REASON for the lies.
Sessions used precisely the same word - "surrogate" - as Franken did. There was no obfuscation, and Franken was satisfied with the answer. At least until this "controversy" came up. Sessions' answer was clear and in context. It was a little lawyer-speaky, but that's par for the course in DC.

Yes, on the spectrum, this leans toward being fishy. And I'd certainly like to know why these Russia connections keep popping up. But that doesn't make everything these people say is a lie. I would want to be considered innocent until proven guilty, so would you, and there's not enough proof yet - outside of the lowered standards of partisan politics.

Let's not forget the constant screaming of the Republicans over every last fucking possible thing during the Obama administration. It just became noise after a while, a joke. I know how much the two ends of the spectrum love to emulate each other, but it really isn't helpful.
Franken was satisfied and so was the world, including me, is because SESSIONS LIED and said he did not have any contact, ZERO CONTACT, with any Russian connected to the Russian government/Putin.

IF Sessions had not LIED and said he had met with the Russians TWICE, there would have been more questions by the Senate on it, and more things he would have neded to answer and depending on those answers, MAY NOT HAVE BEEN GIVEN CONSENT of the Senate to become ATTNY General of the USA.

IF their discussion was completely appropriate, there would be no reason to not disclose them.

IF it wasn't, would there would be EVERY reason to avoid getting questioned about those conversations about it under OATH.

Sessions was avoiding.
He answered a direct question directly.

He was under no obligation to bring up meetings that involved topics outside the parameter of the context of the question.

If a lawyer defended a Democrat under those same standards, you would agree, and you would be right.

He didn't, with so many questions of people meeting with Russians around that time, Sessions could not have misinterpreted the questioning as something other congressional interest on why Russians would be meeting with people involved with Trump campaign.

In his answer he did not disclose the mettings or what he was discussing with the Russians. To call his testimony as straight forward and direct takes a big stretch of imagination.

And keep in mind these hearings are going on before Flynn got caught lying, had congress known of Flynn lying the questioning would be MUCH more intense and not laid off from as soon as Sessions denied having meetings with Russians.
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one Trump guy at this critical time for campaign, just as Russians were conducting hacking of the DNC, you don't find that interesting?
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What other Ambassadors, from other Nations, met with the Trump team during his campaign and during the convention? NONE? None but the Russians?
First of all, there's no “controversy.” He hadn't even been named by Trump as the front runner for Attorney General. Second, he was on a committee where members routinely meet ambassadors. It's part of their job.

I fought to listen to Schmumers rant, sensing he's far more ignorant than Dingy Harry ever was.

He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Read more @ Here Are The Facts On The Jeff Sessions Controversy | Weasel Zippers
Well they should investigate all sides not just one side of every meeting between every advisor and every single foreign leader/delegate...
there always is a double standard with the politically correct…
Would anyone ELSE like to address the following statement, in bold?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Sessions met with Kislyak in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and not on behalf of the Trump campaign. She says Sessions had 25 such meetings with envoys from foreign powers during that period, including the Sir Peter John Westmacott, the British ambassador, and Kenichirō Sasae, the Indian ambassador.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Until that is resolved, simply screaming over and over again that "HE LIED, I TELLS YA!" doesn't really do anything but waste air. Sessions says that's what he was responding to and it's up to the accusers to prove otherwise.
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one guy who happens to be important piece of Trump campaign, you don't find that interesting?
Lefties have yet to hear the full exchange between that fucking idiot Franken and Sessions, since their DNC media outlets have yet to air it.

Can't fix stupid.
What other Ambassadors, from other Nations, met with the Trump team during his campaign and during the convention? NONE? None but the Russians?
Wrong question. It should be, what other Ambassadors, from other nations, met with members of the Armed Services Committee during the 2016 campaign season?
So are you saying that if the Trump team met with Russian govt related people during the campaign, but the meetings were about building some hotel somewhere in Moscow, that Franken would NOT have expected Sessions to tell him about these meetings because it was not about the campaign...?


Please, no one is that stupid to think that.... why are you playing dumb? Why? I can understand if you are playing Devil's advocate, to see what you can flush out, but that to me, is beyond reason Mac.
Would anyone ELSE like to address the following statement, in bold?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Sessions met with Kislyak in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and not on behalf of the Trump campaign. She says Sessions had 25 such meetings with envoys from foreign powers during that period, including the Sir Peter John Westmacott, the British ambassador, and Kenichirō Sasae, the Indian ambassador.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

And, even his meeting as a Senator from the Armed Service Committee as he stated....

Out of ALL THE MEMBERS of the Armed Service Committee, why did the Russian Ambassador CHOOSE Sessions to meet with and NOT any of the other Armed service committee senators?

Could it be that the Russian Ambassador chose Sessions BECAUSE Sessions was PART pf the Trump team? YOU BETCHA!

And at this time of the meeting, all over the news was the Russians hacking the DNC....yet Sessions chose to meet with the Russian SPY anyway...yes, the Ambassador was a KNOWN spy to us.
Supposition is now proof?
So are you saying that if the Trump team met with Russian govt related people during the campaign, but the meetings were about building some hotel somewhere in Moscow, that Franken would NOT have expected Sessions to tell him about these meetings because it was not about the campaign...?


Please, no one is that stupid to think that.... why are you playing dumb? Why? I can understand if you are playing Devil's advocate, to see what you can flush out, but that to me, is beyond reason Mac.
You're assuming that they met to talk about building something in Moscow. Why does it have to be anything more nefarious than normal Senate dealings with foreign diplomats? Everyone in the room when that question was asked understood that a member of the Armed Services Committee is going to meet with foreign diplomats. It's part of the job, so no, he wasn't expecting Sessions to detail contacts he had with Ambassadors as part of his job.
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one guy who happens to be important piece of Trump campaign, you don't find that interesting?
Lefties have yet to hear the full exchange between that fucking idiot Franken and Sessions, since their DNC media outlets have yet to air it.

Can't fix stupid.

And everything you just said is blatantly false.

Video and text of the exchange was posted numerous times in this thread and of course shown many times in the media.

Trump is really rubbing off on you.
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one guy who happens to be important piece of Trump campaign, you don't find that interesting?
Lefties have yet to hear the full exchange between that fucking idiot Franken and Sessions, since their DNC media outlets have yet to air it.

Can't fix stupid.

And everything you just said is blatantly false.

Video and text of the exchange was posted numerous times in this thread and of course shown many times in the media.

Trump is really rubbing off on you.
BS....DNC TV (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN and others) have yet to show the full transcript...this is why you don't know what the fuck you are posting.

Stop getting your information from the DNC. You wouldn't get your news from the why accept it from the DNC?
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one guy who happens to be important piece of Trump campaign, you don't find that interesting?
Lefties have yet to hear the full exchange between that fucking idiot Franken and Sessions, since their DNC media outlets have yet to air it.

Can't fix stupid.

And everything you just said is blatantly false.

Video and text of the exchange was posted numerous times in this thread and of course shown many times in the media.

Trump is really rubbing off on you.
BS....DNC TV (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN and others) have yet to show the full transcript...this is why you don't know what the fuck you are posting.

Stop getting your information from the DNC. You wouldn't get your news from the why accept it from the DNC?

Bullshit, found this in 2 seconds:

Sessions reacts to reports he met with Russia - CNN Video

Video includes full exchange on this matter between Franken and Sessions during the hearing..
OK, maybe some conservatives here can help me understand something.

Here's the quote from Sessions' conversation with Franken:

Franken: "But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

From what I can tell, 1) Sessions talked to the Russian ambassador and 2) Sessions was affiliated with the Trump campaign at that time. Even if Sessions only discussed senatorial stuff, it still sounds like lying under oath. Franken didn't ask if Sessions coordinated Trump's campaign with Russia -- he only asked if there was communication, which there was.

Why do y'all feel this is not lying? (I swear that I'm trying to understand and this is not bait or something similar.)
I voted against Trump, and I'm still pretty horrified by the guy, but this is what I think:

His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Unless it is proven that their meeting was indeed about the campaign, then there is no there there. If there is video or audio or meeting notes, then all there is, is conjecture. And it will look political in nature.
Hey, big thanks for taking a chance and not just yelling at me because I'm not conservative. Seriously, I appreciate that. :)

OK, so even though Franken's question did not ask if Sessions met the guy as a Trump campaign official, you feel the unsaid context put the question in that frame? That "any reasonable person" would understand Franken's question was about Session working as a Trump campaign surrogate?

Good point about the lack of evidence. Given that, would you be open to a probe or investigation of Sessions instead of demanding his resignation like many liberals are screaming for?
Hey, I'm not a conservative either, so yer off the hook!

Yes, investigate, for sure. That's exactly what we need so we can get past this. I think I heard the FBI is on it, so let 'em do their stuff.
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one Trump guy at this critical time for campaign, just as Russians were conducting hacking of the DNC, you don't find that interesting?
Of course that's what Franken wanted. That's what he asked. That's what Sessions answered. That's my whole point.

Sessions said he did not meet with the Russians, and within the context of both the question and the answer, not as a Trump surrogate. Both guys used that word.

If they find evidence that they talked about the campaign instead of foreign relations, then great, nail Sessions. But not until then.
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one guy who happens to be important piece of Trump campaign, you don't find that interesting?
Lefties have yet to hear the full exchange between that fucking idiot Franken and Sessions, since their DNC media outlets have yet to air it.

Can't fix stupid.

And everything you just said is blatantly false.

Video and text of the exchange was posted numerous times in this thread and of course shown many times in the media.

Trump is really rubbing off on you.
BS....DNC TV (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN and others) have yet to show the full transcript...this is why you don't know what the fuck you are posting.

Stop getting your information from the DNC. You wouldn't get your news from the why accept it from the DNC?

Bullshit, found this in 2 seconds:

Sessions reacts to reports he met with Russia - CNN Video

Video includes full exchange on this matter between Franken and Sessions during the hearing..
Those are not the full exchange silly.

Here it is. Fox News is the only network to show it all....all DNC news outlets have yet to show it. This is why you and all on the left are usual.
Sessions Hearing Franken - Bing video
Would anyone ELSE like to address the following statement, in bold?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Sessions met with Kislyak in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and not on behalf of the Trump campaign. She says Sessions had 25 such meetings with envoys from foreign powers during that period, including the Sir Peter John Westmacott, the British ambassador, and Kenichirō Sasae, the Indian ambassador.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Until that is resolved, simply screaming over and over again that "HE LIED, I TELLS YA!" doesn't really do anything but waste air. Sessions says that's what he was responding to and it's up to the accusers to prove otherwise.
Yep, and there's already more than enough air being wasted in American politics.
First of all, there's no “controversy.” He hadn't even been named by Trump as the front runner for Attorney General. Second, he was on a committee where members routinely meet ambassadors. It's part of their job.

I fought to listen to Schmumers rant, sensing he's far more ignorant than Dingy Harry ever was.

He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Read more @ Here Are The Facts On The Jeff Sessions Controversy | Weasel Zippers
The PBS News Hour ran the tape of Sessions lying to Congress.

There can be no doubt anymore.

Will the GOP agree with the DEM's to impeach him is the only remaining question.
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one Trump guy at this critical time for campaign, just as Russians were conducting hacking of the DNC, you don't find that interesting?
Of course that's what Franken wanted. That's what he asked. That's what Sessions answered. That's my whole point.

Sessions said he did not meet with the Russians, and within the context of both the question and the answer, not as a Trump surrogate. Both guys used that word.

If they find evidence that they talked about the campaign instead of foreign relations, then great, nail Sessions. But not until then.

No they did not both use it.

There is no language from Franken about CAPACITIES. He is asking about any of surrogates meeting with Russians. Sessions submits himself as an example of a surrogate and states that he hasn't met with Russians with absolutely no disclaimer or clarification about capacity.

If he specifically said - I didn't meet with Russians AS A SURROGATE, you'd have much better case, but he didn't. And if he did do that Franken just may have picked up on the misdirection and could have followed up with a question clarifying in which capacity DID he meet with them.
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His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one Trump guy at this critical time for campaign, just as Russians were conducting hacking of the DNC, you don't find that interesting?
Of course that's what Franken wanted. That's what he asked. That's what Sessions answered. That's my whole point.

Sessions said he did not meet with the Russians, and within the context of both the question and the answer, not as a Trump surrogate. Both guys used that word.

If they find evidence that they talked about the campaign instead of foreign relations, then great, nail Sessions. But not until then.

No they did not both use it.

There is no language from Franken about CAPACITIES. He is asking about any of surrogates meeting with Russians. Sessions admits himself as an example of a surrogate and states that he hasn't met with Russians with absolutely no disclaimer or asterisk clarification about any capacity.
Good gawd. They both used the word "surrogate". That was the point of the question. That was the point of the answer.

Jeez, never mind. I'll wait for actual proof.

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