Here Are The Facts On The Jeff Sessions Controversy

The USSR used to own the Democrat Party. In 1984, Ted Kennedy sold it to them to help beat Reagan. After the USSR collapsed they had to sell everything including their interest in the Democrat which Soros picked up for a few cents on the dollar
The USSR used to own the Democrat Party. In 1984, Ted Kennedy sold it to them to help beat Reagan. After the USSR collapsed they had to sell everything including their interest in the Democrat which Soros picked up for a few cents on the dollar
This is 2017 Frankie, Sessions lied UNDER OATH to Sen Franken and to all the American people.

He's top cop in this Nation, we don't need or want a perjurer, and weasel as our top cop.....
Surprisingly fact-free thread
Is there something incorrect about the Flores quote?.
Yes there is, ABSOLUTELY there is controversy and it is about the blatant lying, lying again, about RCs.
You didn't address any part of the quote. I keep asking for specifics from the Dems on this, and I just can't get them.

Rediculous, I directly addressed The quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement
Surprisingly fact-free thread
Is there something incorrect about the Flores quote?.
Yes there is, ABSOLUTELY there is controversy and it is about the blatant lying, lying again, about RCs.
You didn't address any part of the quote. I keep asking for specifics from the Dems on this, and I just can't get them.

Rediculous, I directly addressed The quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement
Actually, in the post I quoted, you called it a "fact free thread".

Now, again, what is wrong with Flores' quote, precisely?
The USSR used to own the Democrat Party. In 1984, Ted Kennedy sold it to them to help beat Reagan. After the USSR collapsed they had to sell everything including their interest in the Democrat which Soros picked up for a few cents on the dollar
This is 2017 Frankie, Sessions lied UNDER OATH to Sen Franken and to all the American people.

He's top cop in this Nation, we don't need or want a perjurer, and weasel as our top cop.....

There was no perjury. You can say it as many times as you want, but all it proves is your mental disorder.

Hell, read the OP. Even Shumer says you lie.
Surprisingly fact-free thread
Is there something incorrect about the Flores quote?.
Yes there is, ABSOLUTELY there is controversy and it is about the blatant lying, lying again, about RCs.
You didn't address any part of the quote. I keep asking for specifics from the Dems on this, and I just can't get them.

Rediculous, I directly addressed The quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement

The only controversy is that you don't understand the truth.

That's your problem, we can't help you.

Seek the appropriate help. You'll sleep better.
First of all, there's no “controversy.” He hadn't even been named by Trump as the front runner for Attorney General. Second, he was on a committee where members routinely meet ambassadors. It's part of their job.

I fought to listen to Schmumers rant, sensing he's far more ignorant than Dingy Harry ever was.

He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Read more @ Here Are The Facts On The Jeff Sessions Controversy | Weasel Zippers
This is not about facts for liberals....
Surprisingly fact-free thread
Is there something incorrect about the Flores quote?.
Yes there is, ABSOLUTELY there is controversy and it is about the blatant lying, lying again, about RCs.
You didn't address any part of the quote. I keep asking for specifics from the Dems on this, and I just can't get them.

Rediculous, I directly addressed The quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement
Actually, in the post I quoted, you called it a "fact free thread".

Now, again, what is wrong with Flores' quote, precisely?

Rediculous, I directly addressed the quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement.

If you can't improve on what you say, by responding to what I say, then I will just keep repeating it until you find some way to true up.
Is there something incorrect about the Flores quote?.
Yes there is, ABSOLUTELY there is controversy and it is about the blatant lying, lying again, about RCs.
You didn't address any part of the quote. I keep asking for specifics from the Dems on this, and I just can't get them.

Rediculous, I directly addressed The quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement
Actually, in the post I quoted, you called it a "fact free thread".

Now, again, what is wrong with Flores' quote, precisely?

Rediculous, I directly addressed the quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement.

If you can't improve on what you say, by responding to what I say, then I will just keep repeating it until you find some way to true up.
So you're just not going to answer my question, which cuts to the heart of this whole matter.

Okay. That's all I've been getting on this issue anyway.

And it's "ridiculous".
Surprisingly fact-free thread
Is there something incorrect about the Flores quote?.
Yes there is, ABSOLUTELY there is controversy and it is about the blatant lying, lying again, about RCs.
You didn't address any part of the quote. I keep asking for specifics from the Dems on this, and I just can't get them.

Rediculous, I directly addressed The quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement

The only controversy is that you don't understand the truth.

No, that is again fact free statement.

There is ongoing lying by the administration about Russian connections, absolutely it is controversial.

Flynn lied about it and was fired by Trump and now Sessions got caught up doing same thing UNDER OATH. To say there is no controversy here is simply willing disregard of reality.
Last edited:
Would anyone ELSE like to address the following statement, in bold?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Sessions met with Kislyak in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and not on behalf of the Trump campaign. She says Sessions had 25 such meetings with envoys from foreign powers during that period, including the Sir Peter John Westmacott, the British ambassador, and Kenichirō Sasae, the Indian ambassador.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

First of all, there's no “controversy.” He hadn't even been named by Trump as the front runner for Attorney General. Second, he was on a committee where members routinely meet ambassadors. It's part of their job.

I fought to listen to Schmumers rant, sensing he's far more ignorant than Dingy Harry ever was.

He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Read more @ Here Are The Facts On The Jeff Sessions Controversy | Weasel Zippers
Is this from Pam Geller? Oh no, it is from Weasel Zippers, another respected source.
You see bias on the part of Pam Geller, but can't see it in the DNC media.

WTF man!!!
The USSR used to own the Democrat Party. In 1984, Ted Kennedy sold it to them to help beat Reagan. After the USSR collapsed they had to sell everything including their interest in the Democrat which Soros picked up for a few cents on the dollar
This is 2017 Frankie, Sessions lied UNDER OATH to Sen Franken and to all the American people.

He's top cop in this Nation, we don't need or want a perjurer, and weasel as our top cop.....

There was no perjury. You can say it as many times as you want, but all it proves is your mental disorder.

Hell, read the OP. Even Shumer says you lie.
watch it POP, it's only a minute and a half


there is no getting around's on tape, Pop

AND it was INTENTIONAL, with purpose to deceive, so he could gt consent of the Senate.

Yes there is, ABSOLUTELY there is controversy and it is about the blatant lying, lying again, about RCs.
You didn't address any part of the quote. I keep asking for specifics from the Dems on this, and I just can't get them.

Rediculous, I directly addressed The quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement
Actually, in the post I quoted, you called it a "fact free thread".

Now, again, what is wrong with Flores' quote, precisely?

Rediculous, I directly addressed the quote by specifying that OP's claim that there is no controversy is fact free statement.

If you can't improve on what you say, by responding to what I say, then I will just keep repeating it until you find some way to true up.
So you're just not going to answer my question, which cuts to the heart of this whole matter.

Okay. That's all I've been getting on this issue anyway.

And it's "ridiculous".

I did answer your question.
Would anyone ELSE like to address the following statement, in bold?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Sessions met with Kislyak in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and not on behalf of the Trump campaign. She says Sessions had 25 such meetings with envoys from foreign powers during that period, including the Sir Peter John Westmacott, the British ambassador, and Kenichirō Sasae, the Indian ambassador.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Flores is LYING

Would anyone ELSE like to address the following statement, in bold?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Sessions met with Kislyak in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and not on behalf of the Trump campaign. She says Sessions had 25 such meetings with envoys from foreign powers during that period, including the Sir Peter John Westmacott, the British ambassador, and Kenichirō Sasae, the Indian ambassador.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Flores is LYING

Okay, what did Sessions and the Russian guy talk about when they met?

If we have some proof, then we'll know Sessions and Flores are lying.
Would anyone ELSE like to address the following statement, in bold?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Sessions met with Kislyak in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and not on behalf of the Trump campaign. She says Sessions had 25 such meetings with envoys from foreign powers during that period, including the Sir Peter John Westmacott, the British ambassador, and Kenichirō Sasae, the Indian ambassador.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Flores is LYING

Okay, what did Sessions and the Russian guy talk about when they met?

If we have some proof, then we'll know Sessions and Flores are lying.

Would anyone ELSE like to address the following statement, in bold?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Sessions met with Kislyak in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and not on behalf of the Trump campaign. She says Sessions had 25 such meetings with envoys from foreign powers during that period, including the Sir Peter John Westmacott, the British ambassador, and Kenichirō Sasae, the Indian ambassador.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Flores is LYING

Okay, what did Sessions and the Russian guy talk about when they met?

If we have some proof, then we'll know Sessions and Flores are lying.

Wait wait,
Would anyone ELSE like to address the following statement, in bold?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Sessions met with Kislyak in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and not on behalf of the Trump campaign. She says Sessions had 25 such meetings with envoys from foreign powers during that period, including the Sir Peter John Westmacott, the British ambassador, and Kenichirō Sasae, the Indian ambassador.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Flores is LYING

Okay, what did Sessions and the Russian guy talk about when they met?

If we have some proof, then we'll know Sessions and Flores are lying.


So you don't know what they talked about, and you're just ignoring the fact that Sessions was on the Foreign Relations Committee.

This is the same silliness the Republicans tried to pull on Obama: Take a kernel of truth and just make the rest up for political advantage.

This is why partisans have zero credibility.

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