Here Are The Facts On The Jeff Sessions Controversy

First of all, there's no “controversy.” He hadn't even been named by Trump as the front runner for Attorney General. Second, he was on a committee where members routinely meet ambassadors. It's part of their job.

I fought to listen to Schmumers rant, sensing he's far more ignorant than Dingy Harry ever was.

He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Flores said.

Read more @ Here Are The Facts On The Jeff Sessions Controversy | Weasel Zippers
He was on the VP shortlist, and his story is fishy
Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one guy who happens to be important piece of Trump campaign, you don't find that interesting?
Lefties have yet to hear the full exchange between that fucking idiot Franken and Sessions, since their DNC media outlets have yet to air it.

Can't fix stupid.

And everything you just said is blatantly false.

Video and text of the exchange was posted numerous times in this thread and of course shown many times in the media.

Trump is really rubbing off on you.
BS....DNC TV (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN and others) have yet to show the full transcript...this is why you don't know what the fuck you are posting.

Stop getting your information from the DNC. You wouldn't get your news from the why accept it from the DNC?

Bullshit, found this in 2 seconds:

Sessions reacts to reports he met with Russia - CNN Video

Video includes full exchange on this matter between Franken and Sessions during the hearing..
Those are not the full exchange silly.

Here it is. Fox News is the only network to show it all....all DNC news outlets have yet to show it. This is why you and all on the left are usual.
Sessions Hearing Franken - Bing video

Which relavant part is missing from CNN's clip?
This is a PATTERN of LYING by the Trump people and Trump himself.

Over and over Trump SAID no one from his team met with the Russians, when the Republican platform was CHANGED on their position towards Russia and the Ukraine, Trump said, DUH, I was no part of that happening, I don't know how or why it happened yadadadadah.... And Pence comes out saying no one from the Trump team members spoke with the Russians...ever

And then we have Flynn meeting with them at the convention, Jarrod Kushner meeting with the Ambassador at Trump tower, and Flynn lying about his conversations with the Ambassador on the day of the new sanctions, now sessions also lying about meeting with the Ambassador....

HOW CAN ANYONE not see this pattern of DECEIT...?
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one Trump guy at this critical time for campaign, just as Russians were conducting hacking of the DNC, you don't find that interesting?
Of course that's what Franken wanted. That's what he asked. That's what Sessions answered. That's my whole point.

Sessions said he did not meet with the Russians, and within the context of both the question and the answer, not as a Trump surrogate. Both guys used that word.

If they find evidence that they talked about the campaign instead of foreign relations, then great, nail Sessions. But not until then.

No they did not both use it.

There is no language from Franken about CAPACITIES. He is asking about any of surrogates meeting with Russians. Sessions admits himself as an example of a surrogate and states that he hasn't met with Russians with absolutely no disclaimer or asterisk clarification about any capacity.
Good gawd. They both used the word "surrogate". That was the point of the question. That was the point of the answer.

Jeez, never mind. I'll wait for actual proof.

Good gawd NIETHER used the word capacity which what you are using to parse this. which means conversation was about any surrogate having any meeting with Russians. Sessions was a surrogate, he met with Russian operatives, but said he didn't.
His point in answering Franken's question - which was clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russian guy as a Trump surrogate - was that he met with the Russian guy in the capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. That holds up perfectly well to reason.

Mac, do you honestly think Franken didn't want to hear about Sessions meeting with Russians during campaign?

OF COURSE he wanted to hear about it, as did many others. Sessions could not have not known about that with all the Russian happenings.

26 people on Armed Committee, Russian ambassador only met with this one Trump guy at this critical time for campaign, just as Russians were conducting hacking of the DNC, you don't find that interesting?
Of course that's what Franken wanted. That's what he asked. That's what Sessions answered. That's my whole point.

Sessions said he did not meet with the Russians, and within the context of both the question and the answer, not as a Trump surrogate. Both guys used that word.

If they find evidence that they talked about the campaign instead of foreign relations, then great, nail Sessions. But not until then.

No they did not both use it.

There is no language from Franken about CAPACITIES. He is asking about any of surrogates meeting with Russians. Sessions admits himself as an example of a surrogate and states that he hasn't met with Russians with absolutely no disclaimer or asterisk clarification about any capacity.
Good gawd. They both used the word "surrogate". That was the point of the question. That was the point of the answer.

Jeez, never mind. I'll wait for actual proof.

Good gawd NIETHER used the word capacity, which means conversation was about any surrogate having any meeting with Russians. Sessions was a surrogate, he met with Russians, but said he didn't.
Okay. I'll wait until I have the whole story. This is pointless.
My concern in all this is how Trump and his people have repeatedly lied about contact with Russian officials.

Trump, Pence, and Spicer have all said that their campaign did not speak to Russia. How did that turn out?
  • Paul Manafort did. He had to quit.
  • Michael Flynn did. He had to quit.
  • Jared Kushner did.
  • Roger stone did.
  • JD Gordon did.
  • Carter Page did.
  • Jess Sessions did.
If this brou-ha-ha over Sessions and the Russian ambassador/spy was an isolated incident, I probably wouldn't be so concerned. As people have said, Sessions *can* speak to foreign officials in his capacity as a US senator.

But it's the repeated falsehoods (or lies) that makes me believe there's much more to Sessions' meetings than a chance encounter or a Senate duty. True, we still need to wait for more evidence to come out. But anyone who says there's nothing to see here is being naive at best.

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