Zone1 Here Are The Old Testament Passages Describing The Foretold Jewish Messiah

....and yet remains illiterate. All these years and I've on run into 2 people who believe that way. You are dismissed.

Wrong and incomplete. Yes, they are "fortune tellers." But, you don't obviously know the definition of a fortune teller. Prophets are communicators with God, seers of the future and revelators giving new information on past, present and future.
Prophets did observe and go to the Lord with concerns. Then, the Lord spoke to them to what should be said to the people. Unfortunately, too many times the religious scholars of their time would decide how to interpret their words and reject them. Some were stoned as well. Many people simply don't like to be told that they are sinning and become violent to silence them. Same exact thing happened with Joseph Smith. And, today, even members of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reject the current prophet's words and accept the scholars and wickedness they have brought upon us.
Sorry, they were inspired teachers reminding the people of God's will. It's not some hokey magic.
Are you seriously trying to tell Jews what our texts mean? You can't even read them properly.

Christians searched the writings for some prophecy of Jesus. They reinterpreted a phase here and there to mean Jesus instead of Israel or Hezekiah. It's as if Jesus needed to be embellished instead of being enough on his own.
Christians searched the writings for some prophecy of Jesus. They reinterpreted a phase here and there to mean Jesus instead of Israel or Hezekiah. It's as if Jesus needed to be embellished instead of being enough on his own.
well---you are almost right ----but don't blame Jesus----he would turn over in his grave
were he to know what got written about him in Constantine's book---which does
pervert Jesus into a Roman emperor ass licker
well---you are almost right ----but don't blame Jesus----he would turn over in his grave
were he to know what got written about him in Constantine's book---which does
pervert Jesus into a Roman emperor ass licker

Why would I blame Jesus?
Who says Jesus was the Jewish Messiah? A handful of renegade Jews a few thousand years ago? What did teh overwhelming majority of Jews at the time think of those claims?
They did exactly what the Prophets said they would do, reject him, torture him and murder him.
well---you are almost right ----but don't blame Jesus----he would turn over in his grave
were he to know what got written about him in Constantine's book---which does
pervert Jesus into a Roman emperor ass licker
Jesus isn't in a grave.
Sorry, they were inspired teachers reminding the people of God's will. It's not some hokey magic.
Here's a partial list of seering of Isaiah into the future

Isaiah 7:7-8
The northern kingdom of Israel would cease to exist

Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah foreshadowed the virgin birth of Jesus

Isaiah 9:1-2
The Messiah would appear in Galilee, be a light to Gentiles

Isaiah 9:6-7
There would be a son called God

Isaiah 11:1-10
Nations would seek the counsel of Jesse's descendant

Isaiah 13:17
Babylon would be attacked by the Medes

Isaiah 13:19
Babylon's kingdom would be overthrown, permanently

Isaiah 14:23
Babylon would be reduced to swampland

Isaiah 25:4
Nuclear Bomb in War Time

Isaiah 26:19
Isaiah prophesied about resurrection

Isaiah 27:12-13
God promised to restore the Jews

Isaiah Chapter 29
God would bring forth a new book in the last days

Isaiah 35:1-2
The land of Israel would be restored

Isaiah 35:4-6
He would perform miracles

Isaiah 39:5-7
The southern kingdom of Judah would be conquered and the people would be exiled

Isaiah 40:1-5,9
The Messiah would be preceded by a messenger

Isaiah 42:1-9
The Messiah would be a light to Gentiles

Isaiah 45:1
Babylon's gates would open for Cyrus

Isaiah 49:6
God's salvation would reach the ends of the earth

Isaiah 49:13-17
God will never forget the children of Israel

Isaiah 50:6
Jesus was spat upon and beaten

Isaiah 53:1-3
The Messiah would be rejected

Isaiah 53:4-6
God's servant would die for our sins

Isaiah 53:7
God's servant would be silent before his accusers

Isaiah 53:9
God's servant would be buried in a rich man's tomb

Isaiah 53:12
God's servant would be "numbered with the transgressors"

Isaiah 61:1-2
Isaiah foreshadows the ministry of Jesus

Read it.. Isaiah talks about the suffering servant referencing Israel and you think he suddenly switches to Jesus? God constantly talks about Israel as his son and servant. And, in Hosea... out of Egypt I called my son.
Here's a partial list of seering of Isaiah into the future

Isaiah 7:7-8
The northern kingdom of Israel would cease to exist

Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah foreshadowed the virgin birth of Jesus

Isaiah 9:1-2
The Messiah would appear in Galilee, be a light to Gentiles

Isaiah 9:6-7
There would be a son called God

Isaiah 11:1-10
Nations would seek the counsel of Jesse's descendant

Isaiah 13:17
Babylon would be attacked by the Medes

Isaiah 13:19
Babylon's kingdom would be overthrown, permanently

Isaiah 14:23
Babylon would be reduced to swampland

Isaiah 25:4
Nuclear Bomb in War Time

Isaiah 26:19
Isaiah prophesied about resurrection

Isaiah 27:12-13
God promised to restore the Jews

Isaiah Chapter 29
God would bring forth a new book in the last days

Isaiah 35:1-2
The land of Israel would be restored

Isaiah 35:4-6
He would perform miracles

Isaiah 39:5-7
The southern kingdom of Judah would be conquered and the people would be exiled

Isaiah 40:1-5,9
The Messiah would be preceded by a messenger

Isaiah 42:1-9
The Messiah would be a light to Gentiles

Isaiah 45:1
Babylon's gates would open for Cyrus

Isaiah 49:6
God's salvation would reach the ends of the earth

Isaiah 49:13-17
God will never forget the children of Israel

Isaiah 50:6
Jesus was spat upon and beaten

Isaiah 53:1-3
The Messiah would be rejected

Isaiah 53:4-6
God's servant would die for our sins

Isaiah 53:7
God's servant would be silent before his accusers

Isaiah 53:9
God's servant would be buried in a rich man's tomb

Isaiah 53:12
God's servant would be "numbered with the transgressors"

Isaiah 61:1-2
Isaiah foreshadows the ministry of Jesus

Isaiah 7 is about Hezekiah. Nothing in Isaiah refers to Jesus.

Deal with the scripture... standing alone, not commentary about the scripture.
Read it.. Isaiah talks about the suffering servant referencing Israel and you think he suddenly switches to Jesus? God constantly talks about Israel as his son and servant. And, in Hosea... out of Egypt I called my son.
Isaiah doesn't say the suffering servant is Israel.
Who says Jesus was the Jewish Messiah? A handful of renegade Jews a few thousand years ago? What did the overwhelming majority of Jews at the time think of those claims?
Isaiah chapter 53 says that the majority would reject him for he did not come to conquer the Romans. He came to atone for our Sins and to start the Resurrection process that we all will have as His grace (gift). As Isaiah also said that he would not leave our bodies in the graves. That together with him we will rise again. Isaiah 26:19, "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth ..."
Isaiah 7 is about Hezekiah. Nothing in Isaiah refers to Jesus.

Deal with the scripture... standing alone, not commentary about the scripture.
You haven't had the time to read them all. And, even if one of them or more were about his time, they were still prophecy of future events that had not happened. But, most I listed were about the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Sorry, they were inspired teachers reminding the people of God's will. It's not some hokey magic.

Godly people have no need of redefining words.


: an inspired utterance of a prophet

: the function or vocation of a prophet
specifically : the inspired declaration of divine will and purpose

: a prediction of something to come
Isaiah chapter 53 says that the majority would reject him for he did not come to conquer the Romans. He came to atone for our Sins and to start the Resurrection process that we all will have as His grace (gift). As Isaiah also said that he would not leave our bodies in the graves. That together with him we will rise again. Isaiah 26:19, "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth ..."

Don't add commentary. Read what it says.
Read it.. Isaiah talks about the suffering servant referencing Israel and you think he suddenly switches to Jesus? God constantly talks about Israel as his son and servant. And, in Hosea... out of Egypt I called my son.

"Our Rabbis with one voice accept and affirm the opinion that the prophet is speaking of the King Messiah, and we shall ourselves also adhere to the same view." - Rabbi Moshe Alshekh, 16th century.


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