Here come the mandates.

Logic reveals the truth......

1). Democrats have protected the source from the beginning (China)

2). Most of America's largest Leftist corporate interests are deeply in bed with China (Profit above country)

3). These same entities have been pushing "Sustainability" (code name for population control) for some time.

4). Democrats vehemently defend abortion (population control)

5). Democrats have repeatedly created fear mongering in order to frighten Americans into submission and compliance.

6). Suspect "rewards" have been made to entice more to receive the vaccine. A step that reveals a determination beyond norms for the death rate in question.

7). It would therefore go against Democrats playbook for the vaccine to save lives.
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The days of vaccine lotteries are waning. Here come the mandates.​

Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
Sat, July 24, 2021, 6:00 AM
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine in summer 2021 could have given you a shot at a million dollars. Soon, not getting one could cost you your job.
Health officials and politicians have tried to stay positive in recent months as vaccination rates plummet, turning to ad campaigns touting giveaways and lottery drawings. And then the ultra-contagious delta variant arrived.
Now health officials say the nation's lagging vaccine rates are creating a spiraling public health crisis as the unvaccinated rapidly get sick and the protective power of vaccines is given a "stress test." A growing chorus of voices say people who resist vaccinations should face pressure — and consequences.

Yeah, it was only matter of time before the China flu purpose would truly be revealed.

The article talking about non-governmental requirements (businesses, schools, hospitals, etc ...) rather than state issued mandates. I have no problem with people saying "I won't work with people who aren't vaccinated" or the like. But I'd be adamantly opposed to any government mandates on the matter.
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The article talking about non-governmental requirements (businesses, schools, hospitals, etc ...) rather than state issued mandates. I have no problem with people saying "I won't work with people who aren't vaccinated" or the like. But I'd be adamantly opposed to any government mandates on the matter.
Dangerous to allow a business to mandate an unapproved injection as a condition of employment IMO. And we certainly can’t mandate it for children without knowing the long term effects of the vaccine. Especially since COVID isnt a serious threat to children.

The days of vaccine lotteries are waning. Here come the mandates.​

Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
Sat, July 24, 2021, 6:00 AM
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine in summer 2021 could have given you a shot at a million dollars. Soon, not getting one could cost you your job.
Health officials and politicians have tried to stay positive in recent months as vaccination rates plummet, turning to ad campaigns touting giveaways and lottery drawings. And then the ultra-contagious delta variant arrived.
Now health officials say the nation's lagging vaccine rates are creating a spiraling public health crisis as the unvaccinated rapidly get sick and the protective power of vaccines is given a "stress test." A growing chorus of voices say people who resist vaccinations should face pressure — and consequences.

Yeah, it was only matter of time before the China flu purpose would truly be revealed.

What is wrong with you? Are you brainwashed? Evil? Stupid? All of the above?
Dangerous to allow a business to mandate an unapproved injection as a condition of employment IMO. And we certainly can’t mandate it for children without knowing the long term effects of the vaccine. Especially since COVID isnt a serious threat to children.

It's a good thing your opinion doesn't carry any authority or credibility to anyone but the easily led and easily brainwashed. See post #20 above.
Dangerous to allow a business to mandate an unapproved injection as a condition of employment IMO.
Allow?? They have to ask government for permission? Gimme a break.
And we certainly can’t mandate it for children without knowing the long term effects of the vaccine. Especially since COVID isnt a serious threat to children.
Yeah. I'm definitely opposed to any state mandates. Again, that's not what the article was talking about. And I haven't really heard any serious discussion about it. I think we can handle this without getting the police involved.
Let's get one thing clear - businesses can't issue mandates. All they can do is make requests. We're always free to say no.
They might be trying to push this through very, very fast, before most Americans realize that the vaccines are at best ineffective and at worst, detrimental. As I have posted in many places, Israel and the UK, which are ahead of us both in vax rates and in Delta spread, are seeing this in spades.

page 19, compare hospitalizations and deaths between vaxxed and unvaxxed:

From the Jerusalem Post:

Fifteen of the 20 people who died this month were fully vaccinated.

It's still working really really well, as the article explains...deaths and hospitalizations are way down, a tenth o r less of what they were during original covid peaks, even with this much more infectious Delta variant.

In layman's terms,

Mutation variants can only develop when the virus is spreading in a host....lots and lots of hosts....most variants fizzle out, and never take hold in community spread....and the variant that is spreading stays as the dominant strain....

until the virus mutates in to a variant that is more infectious than the present dominant this Delta variant... reportedly having 1000 times the viral load of the previous virus variant.... Now Delta, is the dominant virus mutation variant....

If a very high percentage of people are vaccinated all at once, it slows spread enough to give the corona virus less hosts for the virus to create the next new variant that will be stronger than the 1000 times more virulent load in the Delta strain!!! Since Delta is so strong, it's like we are starting at square one.... A new vaccination dose, strong enough to combat the infection rate of the new Delta, (a booster for those vaccinated already is likely), and we'll embark on another second chance of trying to get around 90% of the adult population vaccinated all at once....

And then embark on getting all other nations too.

We can do this! We've done it before with small pox and polio and measles....etc...!
Let's get one thing clear - businesses can't issue mandates. All they can do is make requests. We're always free to say no.
Business can mandate; it is private property and signs (No shirts, No Shoes and now no masks) are perfectly legal and the owners have the right to protect their business, employees and customers.

Local, State and Federal Governments also have the right to close the doors to those who seek to reject common sense and try to enter public buildings to protect their employees and visitors.
"Unfortunately, they're not as simple-minded as we are, so that shit won't work." Is what I think you meant to say....... you're welcome.
Agreed. You guys are just too smart and informed for me.

Business can, it is private property and signs (No shirts, No Shoes and now no masks) are perfectly legal and have the owners have the right to protect their business, employees and customers.
If a business owner ask you to wear a mask - that's a request, not a mandate. Even if they say, "If you don't wear a mask then you're not invited to shop or work here" - that's not a mandate.

We have this HUGE problem in this country were morons, on both the left and the right, can't seem to distinguish between the power that businesses have and the power government wields. It's a very simply distinction. If you defy a business, you might not get to buy what they're selling, you might not be able to work for them, but that's as far as it goes. If you defy the government, you go to jail - or worse.
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Agreed. But what motivates these kooks? That is the question.
Well, they exist in their own separate, fully functioning, closed circuit reality.

I'm being neither facetious nor hyperbolic.

They're being told things, constantly, that are foreign to the rest of the planet.
Dangerous to allow a business to mandate an unapproved injection as a condition of employment IMO. And we certainly can’t mandate it for children without knowing the long term effects of the vaccine. Especially since COVID isnt a serious threat to children.

Stop with the lies.

Tell this mother who had to endure her 5 year old child dying in her arms from covid that it isn't a serious threat to children.

Tell the mother of this first grader who died of covid that it isn't a serious threat to children.

Stop with the lies.

It's impossible to predict how an individual body will react to the virus. We are all different. So to make that blanket statement is very irresponsible.

Children can die from covid. Some already have.
It's still working really really well, as the article explains...deaths and hospitalizations are way down, a tenth o r less of what they were during original covid peaks, even with this much more infectious Delta variant.

In layman's terms,

Mutation variants can only develop when the virus is spreading in a host....lots and lots of hosts....most variants fizzle out, and never take hold in community spread....and the variant that is spreading stays as the dominant strain....

until the virus mutates in to a variant that is more infectious than the present dominant this Delta variant... reportedly having 1000 times the viral load of the previous virus variant.... Now Delta, is the dominant virus mutation variant....

If a very high percentage of people are vaccinated all at once, it slows spread enough to give the corona virus less hosts for the virus to create the next new variant that will be stronger than the 1000 times more virulent load in the Delta strain!!! Since Delta is so strong, it's like we are starting at square one.... A new vaccination dose, strong enough to combat the infection rate of the new Delta, (a booster for those vaccinated already is likely), and we'll embark on another second chance of trying to get around 90% of the adult population vaccinated all at once....

And then embark on getting all other nations too.

We can do this! We've done it before with small pox and polio and measles....etc...!

The problem is this was never small pox, polio or measles. Right out the gate you are dealing with a virus that has a 99% survivability rate, and a vaccine that made a lot of people really very sick and made some people have very, very bad side effects. Even death.

If you think you were EVER going to get 90% for that idk what you were thinking, frankly

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