"Here I am not a negro but a human being for the first time in my life."

No, you are wrong. His view was that he was treated better in the USSR than he was in the USA. That is a judgement that only he could make.

Your reaction to that is strange. You seem to beliieve that if you dont like something you should run away. He chose to come back and work to improve the US. As a proud American patriot you should respect that attitude.

Every day I read multiple threads on here fom people unhappy with the way that the US is being run. But none of the posters suggest that they have had enough and they are never asked when they are leaving the country.

Why should Paul Robeson move ? America belongs to him as well.
He was treated better there because he was being used as a propaganda tool. He only saw and was only exposed to the people Stalin wanted him to. Haven’t you ever heard of a Potemkin village?
Maybe he could sit at the front of the bus in Moscow.eat and drink where he wanted. Live where he wanted and fuck who he wanted.
Thats basic stuff. I have always had that freedom. Robeson not so much.
Yeah, he was allowed to eat and drink in the nice places average Russians were banned from. The USSR wasn’t a bad place if you were a member of the ruling elite with access to the special stores filled with food and all types of western produced goods. In the USSR, people couldn’t leave their neighborhood, village or town without a special passport issued by the government. I bet Robeson was never shown that. Every apartment building had a “minder” that reported the actions of the residents to the NKVD (secret police) I bet Robeson was never shown that. The NKVD could and did knock on doors and disappear residents, never to be heard from again. I bet Robeson was never shown that. Beria, the head of the NKVD, would have young girls picked up off the streets for his pleasure and then disappeared. I bet Robeson was never told about that. In Russia, he would have had far less freedom on where to live, he would only be allowed to associate with, let alone fuck, whom the government allowed him to. He would only be allowed to travel where the government wanted him to. In short, he had far more freedom in the USA than he would have had in the USSR.
I think you need to consider it from his standpoint. Why did the Soviet Union appeal to him so much ?
The answer seems obvious when, according to a previous post, the FBI was taping him when he was fucking.
And you don’t think the NKVD was doing that and more to him in Russia?
Well the soviets were our allies at the time. But you dodge the point Why woulldnt Robeson look kindly on them ? What did he have at home that was so great ?
In 1934 the Soviets were NOT our allies. In fact they were doing everything in their power to overthrow capitalism. Up until Germany reneged on its alliance and non-aggression pact with the USSR, Germany and the USSR were working both overtly and covertly against the west. The USSR was giving Germany assistance in weapons design and access to remote areas for Germany to develop its tanks, aircraft and military doctrine in violation of the Versailles Treaty. I know you don’t remember, but the USSR and Germany cooperated in the invasion and dismembering of Poland in 1939. The USSR provided the fuel and much of the food that supplied the blitzkrieg that defeated the British and French armies and conquered France.
Well you have given us your view. Do you not think that Robeson would have had a different view based on what he experienced ?
He goes to Russia and is treated well. Comes back home and is treated like shit.
Would that not affect your opinion ?

If he was treated so great in Russia why did he leave?

In the South. In the North and West there were few restrictions on blacks. Even if there were discriminatory laws on the books, they were ignored. I was born in the early fifties and lived in Ohio and California. There was no de jure segregation in either state. Blacks could legally live anywhere they wanted except for a few neighborhoods that had exclusion written into property deeds. Where were blacks living in the UK at the time? Were minorities treated as well as whites there?
This isnt true. Chicago has a long history of segregation. I suspect that this isnt an isolated instance.

Because I am a old man with all I need.

The world can go to hell around me and I will be fine.
As an international superstar Robeson probably had a lot of contractual issues that he needed to fulfil.
As a pant pissing old racist there would be no restrictions on you.
As an international superstar Robeson probably had a lot of contractual issues that he needed to fulfil.
As a pant pissing old racist there would be no restrictions on you.
Do you support the actions of the Russian government regarding the crimes committed by Britany Griner?
As an international superstar Robeson probably had a lot of contractual issues that he needed to fulfil.
As a pant pissing old racist there would be no restrictions on you.

As a leg missing, lazy, fascist, your opinion means very little to me.
Here is a man who was lionised wherever he went in the world but could not live freely in his own country. He sang in my home town once and people queued for days in order to see him. I love this picture.

RIP Comrade.

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Only leftist blacks think like this. Ask Candice Owens or Hershel Walker if they ever think of themselves as "not human."
Only leftist blacks think like this. Ask Candice Owens or Hershel Walker if they ever think of themselves as "not human."

They aren't looking for white people to save them from themselves and giving them free money. They're 'race traitors' according to Democrats.
Only leftist blacks think like this. Ask Candice Owens or Hershel Walker if they ever think of themselves as "not human."
Well we are lucky to have so many insightful posters on here.

Its amazing how you can understand Robesons thoughts better than the man himself.

If only you had been around in the 30s to explain the benefits of Jim Crow to him.

I am sure that he would have realised how lucky he was and abandoned his warm thoughts to cultures that treated him like a man.
Well we are lucky to have so many insightful posters on here.

Its amazing how you can understand Robesons thoughts better than the man himself.

If only you had been around in the 30s to explain the benefits of Jim Crow to him.

I am sure that he would have realised how lucky he was and abandoned his warm thoughts to cultures that treated him like a man.
I know how liberals of every race think. They're all pathetic and the lie to themselves.

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