Here is a colonel you'll never see on TV again

The independence is real. If Ukraine can give up seeking NATO membership and compromise on the Donbas border Ukraine will achieve independence on other matters.

The choice is between war and occupation on one side and neutrality and independence on the other.

The globalists are ready to sacrifice many Ukrainians. The globalists will pursue their goals to the last Ukrainian.
If you are forbidden to do something at gunpoint, you're not independent.

You're a subject.

Like a lot of things, Russians are forced to accept a facade to cover up the authoritarianism. They want to extend that tragedy to other countries too.
If you are forbidden to do something at gunpoint, you're not independent.

You're a subject.

Like a lot of things, Russians are forced to accept a facade to cover up the authoritarianism. They want to extend that tragedy to other countries too.
Independence with a caveat (no NATO membership) is surely better than the alternative: invasion and possibly WW III.
Independence with a caveat (no NATO membership) is surely better than the alternative: invasion and possibly WW III.
There will be no WW3. Ukraine is not so important to Putin that he is willing to engage in combat with western powers. His military is barely functional as it is trying to invade a far weaker opponent.

People value actual independence. They submit to Russian authoritarianism now, it doesn't end.
There will be no WW3. Ukraine is not so important to Putin that he is willing to engage in combat with western powers. His military is barely functional as it is trying to invade a far weaker opponent.

People value actual independence. They submit to Russian authoritarianism now, it doesn't end.
Maybe you overestimate your mind-reading powers. Maybe we should be a bit cautious when discussing a war that could kill hundreds of millions of people. We don’t know what’s exactly on Putin’s mind and we shouldn’t gamble with so many lives.
Maybe you overestimate your mind-reading powers. Maybe we should be a bit cautious when discussing a war that could kill hundreds of millions of people. We don’t know what’s exactly on Putin’s mind and we shouldn’t gamble with so many lives.
Feel free to hide in your closet. I don’t think acquiescing to people you claim could be this deranged is any better than the false pease you desire.
Feel free to hide in your closet. I don’t think acquiescing to people you claim could be this deranged is any better than the false pease you desire.
You are hiding from reality.

Is Putin deranged? Many Russian leaders have opposed NATO expansion. Many Russian and American leaders adhered to MAD, mutually assured destruction.

We all lived with this policy for forty years during the Cold War. I think we can all live with a limited NATO without too much anguish.
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Another tantrum. If you don’t stop you’ll get a time out.

Ukrainians can start WW III the same way Serbians started WW I.

Now please be still while the grown ups discuss attempts to avert a mass holocaust that will consume civilization.
You still sound like a fucking idiot. Ukraine gets attacked by Russia = Ukraine starting WW3? What kind of fool would say something this undefendable? You backed yourself into a corner that you have no chance of escaping. :cuckoo:
View attachment 611417
at the signing of the constitution, notice all men, wealthy. The men want to go back to the constitution, where women are 2nd class citizens and blacks (although republicans are ok)
As I look at that picture I see a group of men who were a lot smarter than the people we have representing us in Congress today.
You still sound like a fucking idiot. Ukraine gets attacked by Russia = Ukraine starting WW3? What kind of fool would say something this undefendable? You backed yourself into a corner that you have no chance of escaping. :cuckoo:
That’s it! You get a time out! Think about your naughty behavior. Naughty boy.

That lunatic Zelensky is demanding a no-fly zone over Ukraine, This will lead to direct military conflict between NATO and Russia. We avoided that during the Cold War for a very good reason, it can easily lead to WW III!

It should be obvious even to a stupid drooling dangerous irresponsible toddler like Godboy that Zelensky‘s antics could lead to a mass nuclear holocaust.
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That’s it! You get a time out! Think about your naughty behavior. Naughty boy.

That lunatic Zelensky is demanding a no-fly zone over Ukraine, This will lead to direct military conflict between NATO and Russia. We avoided that during the Cold War for a very good reason, it can easily lead to WW III!

It should be obvious even to a stupid drooling dangerous irresponsible toddler like Godboy that Zelensky‘s antics could lead to a mass nuclear holocaust.
ZELENSKY'S "antics".???

He's fighting for his survival

And HE doesn't have nukes. Your boss does
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Would that be a trigger that makes PUTIN engage in nuclear war?
You ignored my question, yes or no?

We seem to agree that Zelensky and Putin would both bear some responsibility. Let’s remember that many Russian leaders have opposed NATO expansion.

Zelensky is just a puppet of corrupt oligarch Kolomoisky who seems to want to incinerate Ukraine, Russia, and the West.

The goal should be a Ukraine outside NATO but independent of Russia.

Wow a lot of people are being fooled by the corporate media. Do we all know that the Ukrainians have also committed atrocities against the Russians? We should all focus on ending this stupid war.
That’s it! You get a time out! Think about your naughty behavior. Naughty boy.

That lunatic Zelensky is demanding a no-fly zone over Ukraine, This will lead to direct military conflict between NATO and Russia. We avoided that during the Cold War for a very good reason, it can easily lead to WW III!

It should be obvious even to a stupid drooling dangerous irresponsible toddler like Godboy that Zelensky‘s antics could lead to a mass nuclear holocaust.
Why do you suppose he needs a no fly zone, retard? Do you even think before you type?
The Kremlin has stated the invasion will end if Ukraine gives up joining NATO, recognizes Crimea as part of Russia, and recognizes the independence of two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine.

These conditions are I think reasonable. The three regions have large Russian populations.

I hope both sides show restraint and a cease fire is achieved
Not to worry: A blatant Putin apologist will ALWAYS have air time on Fox and the rest. There's a decent chance he'll end up with his own show!

"Russia just wants a neutral Ukraine"

"The Russians are not seizing territory, they're destroying Ukrainian forces"

That's all! No biggie!

How many faded Ukraine flag t shirts are ya gonna buy from the views online store ?
How many faded Ukraine flag t shirts are ya gonna buy from the views online store ?
I don't know, Boris. It won't be as many as you have of these:


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