Here is a moment where I disagree with Tucker Carlson.

I do not make fun of people in general unless people go out of their way to provoke me. I find it unhelpful and uninteresting. Generalizing your experiences towards all the left therefor seems not at all that well thought through. This is something that kind of makes it hard to get along don't you think. When you have no qualms about generalizing all the left?

I have to say though. You disagree with Carlson on a single item but still think him the best thing on the news?
Would it surprise you to know that he's been sued and got out of the lawsuit by his lawyers stating, The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "?
Would it further surprise you that the Dominion lawsuit has shown that basically the entire FOX opinion side including Carlson knowingly lied to their viewers in order to protect their market share?

So, my question is why you believe Tucker Carlson is in the news business at all, when his lawyers literally are saying he isn't, and court filings show he's willing to lie to his viewers?
My issues with the far left. I am a Democrat….
There are still those on the left like one of the councilman I believe Raymond Lopez a democrat of Chicago who is saying the right things he’s talking about standing up to cancel culture.

I disagree with you about your viewpoint of Tucker Carlson. What you’re talking about is innuendo and you’re talking about internal issues in news corporations… that is an issue on both the left-wing media and the right wing media.

It’s not like the 1950s or even 1990s anymore we have to deal with the best of what we have and even though there can be issues with Tucker Carlson he is the best that we have. He is the one guy seemingly at least the main guy in primetime news who disagrees with for example saying that Ukraine is the greatest thing ever. There’s clearly issues in Ukraine and Tucker Carlson shows this. Tucker also stands up to Black Lives Matter which is a racist organization by its very name.

What I have heard from CNN is far worse than anything really Fox News has said in the past four years. Just watch CNN they use the word white supremacists almost every day multiple times per hour. It is offensive it is divisive and it reminds me of how years ago Fox News would constantly use the term radical Islam or Islamic supremacy nobody wants to hear that it doesn’t make sense. There are criminals from all races and from all religions…but a religion itself cannot commit a crime there’s no such thing as radical Catholicism or radical Islam for example. And now I hear democratic politicians using the term “radical Catholics” to describe patriotic American Christians who disagreed with abortion.
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Out of curiosity what media do you watch, the liberal or the conservative?

I seriously believe the liberal media does its best to ignore examples of Biden having memory difficulty and the conservative media goes out of its way to show examples.

I have watched Biden over the years and he definitely is not as sharp as he once was.
I watch quite a few YouTube news channels like Patrick bet David and the Valuetainment channel. I will watch Glenn Greenwald from time to time on his YouTube channel. And I do still tune in to CNN to see what they have to say but it’s very hard to watch when they are constantly using the term white supremacy. I used to watch PBS NewsHour but they have gone to the far left. I used to listen to NPR radio but they have gone to the far left.

The most non-biased news channel of my opinion is C-SPAN. Especially the Washington journal because American citizens can call into the show and provide their opinion on various topics and I have actually done this I’ve called them a few times.

I’ve seen the way people like zinc warrior and the guy with the Indiana Jones avatar act it is monstrous. They claim to stand up for LGBT rights, rights for all that’s not how they act. So that’s a huge problem and they’re big time left wing fans.

The way CNN covers LGBT issues or the way far left Democrats even on this form talk about LGBT issues is insane. They’re out of their minds we live in a country where there are equity jobs like major corporations and the federal government giving people jobs based on their sexuality and skin color. And yet we still have LGBT people complaining that they are targeted they are coming off as not only whiners but is anti-American and very much hurtful to the country.

most Americans LGBT people , white people , Black people they see what’s going on and they are standing up to the far left but it’s just the far left and this is inclusive of all types of Americans they are very much problematic and they hopefully can change their ways.

But for the reasons I have stated in this thread and in many threads tucker Carlson is the best we have when it comes to left-wing news or right wing news. He is on the right wing but he’s also somebody I vehemently disagreed with perhaps six or eight years ago. But people change their political outlooks and I did mine because the Democrats have lost their minds in the last five years. They changed drastically and they’re putting forth policies that hurt the country. Like their equity policies, their support of BLM, their idea that there is systemic racism in this country which is offensive to regular every day American citizens.

You can also talk about the fact that the governor of New York when it was Cuomo banned plastic bags which hurt the working man. And it literally hurts cashiers because now they have to deal with Papercuts when packing groceries using paper bags. And the fact that democratic politicians and even for that matter Republicans have allowed destruction of historical statues in this country ….nobody has built them back and put them back up yet so that last point is a criticism of both parties and their weakness. And the response from Democrats is all “those historical people were racist” but they don’t give a shit about the fact that when white people owned slaves so did Black people and Indians.

The coverage of January 6 was pretty much the nail in the coffin for me ….CNN and the left-wing news completely disregarded the BLM riots and how they attacked government institutions. It is disgraceful. It doesn’t matter that it’s the capital building a government institution is a government institution. An attack on our way of life and attack on our government whether it’s in the Minnesota Police building or whether it’s BLM attacking policeman or murdering 25 innocent people or attacking people for wearing Trump hats… there is no example on the right of white Trump supporters going around on pick up trucks attacking Black people it doesn’t exist. But every day if you watch “the view” or if you watch CNN they find a way to insult white people and we should reject that.
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My issues with the far left. I am a Democrat….
There are still those on the left like one of the councilman I believe Raymond Lopez a democrat of Chicago who is saying the right things he’s talking about standing up to cancel culture.

I disagree with you about your viewpoint of Tucker Carlson. What you’re talking about is innuendo and you’re talking about internal issues in news corporations… that is an issue on both the left-wing media and the right wing media.

It’s not like the 1950s or even 1990s anymore we have to deal with the best of what we have and even though there can be issues with Tucker Carlson he is the best that we have. He is the one guy seemingly at least the main guy in primetime news who disagrees with for example saying that Ukraine is the greatest thing ever. There’s clearly issues in Ukraine and Tucker Carlson shows this. Tucker also stands up to Black Lives Matter which is a racist organization by its very name.

What I have heard from CNN is far worse than anything really Fox News has said in the past four years. Just watch CNN they use the word white supremacists almost every day multiple times per hour. It is offensive it is divisive and it reminds me of how years ago Fox News would constantly use the term radical Islam or Islamic supremacy nobody wants to hear that it doesn’t make sense. They are criminals from all races and from all religion religion cannot commit a crime there’s no such thing as radical Catholicism more radical Islam for example. And now I hear democratic politicians using the term radical Catholics to describe patriotic American Christians who disagreed with abortion.
A defense put forth by his lawyers and internal communications attained by discovery isn't inuendo. Unless of course you are willing to state that Dominion is lying in court filings? Something that is easily contested by any defense lawyer. Or for that matter that his lawyers didn't state in open court that Tucker is giving opinions and shouldn't be taken literally?

If you want to talk about Ukraine, I'm fine. I know for a fact that Putin... you know the guy who attacked another sovereign nation likes it, but I suggest we first go through Carlson reliability issues. As I showed I didn't rely on any press but rather gave you the actual court filings.

So, I'll ask again how can YOU trust a source that admits it's not actual reporting news and admits he's willing to lie? And no, "I don't trust CNN" is not satisfactory since the only thing you are saying is that you don't trust a source while giving absolutely no explanation why you would trust another.

Oh, and calling yourself a Democrat is insulting to both yours and my intelligence. I'm sorry but it simply is.
Because people like to be told what to think.

They are just giving the people what they want.

Well, to the extent that’s true, it makes the news broadcasters a bunch of unscrupulous and awfully hypocritical jerk-offs.

I’m old enough to remember the (now quaint) notion of “journalistic ethics.”
Unlike those on the far left of the far right most of us Americans think for ourselves and we do not rely on looking up to people in the media or politicians for everything. That’s what makes America unique and yes great.

On last nights lead of Tucker Carlson or perhaps it was two nights ago he was criticizing Joe Biden for his age. Now I disagree with Joel and his policies. But I do not think he has dementia but furthermore the point is that even if somebody is above the age of 80 they are mentally fit to lead our country and I know to 80 year old plus people who are in way better shape than some of the youngest Americans in this country. We got so many young American zonked out on fast food and dope. And then we got these 80-old guys who are bench pressing, they’re out there running there as young as could be.

BTW I’m going to say this one more time to the far left people on this board who continue the action of deranged matter. I have a physical disability and there are maybe some typos here and there …,you have a problem with it that you are a joke and you are willingly acting as a troll. It takes a ton of energy for me to go back and use my hands to correct minor typos. I work harder and I have more success than all of you people who mark disabled people. Those of us with spinal cord injuries like myself and many other Americans rise up every day we rise up every day and prove the world wrong. And I continue to see far left Democrats mocking people for the way they look and perhaps if they’re in a wheelchair or something. That’s how lowlifes act.

I am in my 30s and I recognize it is vitally important to learn from our elders. And most especially from the World War II generation.

Tucker Carlson remains the best thing on the news in my opinion but it just goes to show you we could have disagreements in this country and still get along with each other.
You have mental issues as well.
A defense put forth by his lawyers and internal communications attained by discovery isn't inuendo. Unless of course you are willing to state that Dominion is lying in court filings? Something that is easily contested by any defense lawyer. Or for that matter that his lawyers didn't state in open court that Tucker is giving opinions and shouldn't be taken literally?

If you want to talk about Ukraine, I'm fine. I know for a fact that Putin... you know the guy who attacked another sovereign nation likes it, but I suggest we first go through Carlson reliability issues. As I showed I didn't rely on any press but rather gave you the actual court filings.

So, I'll ask again how can YOU trust a source that admits it's not actual reporting news and admits he's willing to lie? And no, "I don't trust CNN" is not satisfactory since the only thing you are saying is that you don't trust a source while giving absolutely no explanation why you would trust another.

Oh, and calling yourself a Democrat is insulting to both yours and my intelligence. I'm sorry but it simply is.
OK sir. I have given you an explanation. You just don’t like what is being sad. Tucker Carlson is on the air. It doesn’t matter what his bosses at Fox News corporation say ….. Tucker has no control over that. So what did he his broadcast may be considered an entertainment channel. So is real time with Bill Maher but it’s also news. So now you don’t like Bill Maher?

I have outlined my position on Russia Ukraine so many times you can see it for yourself. I disagree with your approach to that situation.

No way man CNN is horrible. They’re out there constantly using the term white supremacy, supporting BLM. Would you support a group called white lives matter? Why support a group with a racial name a racist name that is?

I am a proud traditional Democrat. Today’s Democratic Party is a disgrace they don’t care about bringing back union jobs. In the 1960s 35% of all jobs were unionized now it’s only 10%. And to many democrats support big tech and electric car companies which don’t give us good jobs they don’t give us pensions.

I already said I like Ray Lopez a democrat from Chicago who stands up to cancel culture.
OK sir. I have given you an explanation. You just don’t like what is being sad. Tucker Carlson is on the air. It doesn’t matter what his bosses at Fox News corporation say ….. Tucker has no control over that. So what did he his broadcast may be considered an entertainment channel. So is real time with Bill Maher but it’s also news. So now you don’t like Bill Maher?

I have outlined my position on Russia Ukraine so many times you can see it for yourself. I disagree with your approach to that situation.

No way man CNN is horrible. They’re out there constantly using the term white supremacy, supporting BLM. Would you support a group called white lives matter? Why support a group with a racial name a racist name that is?

I am a proud traditional Democrat. Today’s Democratic Party is a disgrace they don’t care about bringing back union jobs. In the 1960s 35% of all jobs were unionized now it’s only 10%. And to many democrats support big tech and electric car companies which don’t give us good jobs they don’t give us pensions.

I already said I like Ray Lopez a democrat from Chicago who stands up to cancel culture.

OK sir. I have given you an explanation. You just don’t like what is being sad.
Maybe because what you're saying isn't actual answering my question. "I believe Tucker Carlson because I don't believe CNN" is a bullshit answer. The one has no explanatory power over the other.
Tucker Carlson is on the air. It doesn’t matter what his bosses at Fox News corporation say ….. Tucker has no control over that.
Tucker had plenty of control. Read his own texts, those of his producers, and those to his fellow opinion hosts.
So what did he his broadcast may be considered an entertainment channel. So is real time with Bill Maher but it’s also news. So now you don’t like Bill Maher?
Bill Maher isn't news. That's why when I listen to him, I consider him a comedian. Something he would agree with I'm pretty sure. By the way are you aware of the concept of strawmen? As for your "so what". I think someone who you claim is "reporting news" being willing to actual stand by his reporting is pretty important if you want him to be considered truthful. The fact that to you it apparently doesn't matter seems kind of a you problem.

I personally care if my information is correct. Just goes to show that people value different things.
Maybe because what you're saying isn't actual answering my question. "I believe Tucker Carlson because I don't believe CNN" is a bullshit answer. The one has no explanatory power over the other.

Tucker had plenty of control. Read his own texts, those of his producers, and those to his fellow opinion hosts.

Bill Maher isn't news. That's why when I listen to him, I consider him a comedian. Something he would agree with I'm pretty sure. By the way are you aware of the concept of strawmen? As for your "so what". I think someone who you claim is "reporting news" being willing to actual stand by his reporting is pretty important if you want him to be considered truthful. The fact that to you it apparently doesn't matter seems kind of a you problem.

I personally care if my information is correct. Just goes to show that people value different things.
Ok brother I value equality all you have to do is watch the view, watch CNN or MSNBC. Watch joy Behar or joy Reid and how they constantly demean white people.

I’ve heard before people say that the Republican Party is the party of white supremacy. This comes from CNN, this comes from MSNBC. So that is as divisive as it gets.

mainstream Democrats are the ones supporting Black Lives Matter and they support equity clauses to give people jobs based on their skin color and their appearance. It doesn’t seem like you have a response for this which is a massive point, it is probably the most important thing in our country right now how far left Democrats are trying to wreck this country how they are changing for the worse.

Tucker Carlson is the Bravest reporter on the news …he is the leading person to challenge BLM and to challenge the far left Democrats. He’s got the best ratings around ….the American people speak their minds my friend. I love how Tucker Carlson criticizes fox reporters for not asking the tough questions, he is also taking over for Sean Hannity is the primetime guy and that is incredible. Because there’s a lot of things that disagree with Sean Hannity on. So Tucker Carlson is your man. And I think eventually people like you will come around and appreciate Tucker. They should give Tucker Carlson the 8 PM to 10 PM hours. He deserves two hours.

Just look at the Fox News YouTube channel…. Sean Hannity gets 1/10 of the views that Tucker Carlson gets. People like Lindsey Graham and other Republican politicians refuse to go on Tucker Carlson because they know they will be asked tough questions as opposed to softballs that Sean Hannity serves up to them.

Say whatever you want about Tucker Carlson. He stands up to BLM. Sure he could be a bit abrasive at times but actually far less so than left-wing news reporters.

I provided my response to you you just don’t like it apparently. So what that some corporation or some entity considers tucker Carlson entertainment.

As you know Bill Maher is extremely popular among many Americans and he is a news source. So what that he is a comedian he is a news source. He reports on the news as part of his one hour program it’s not just a stand up or train. Even as part of his intro his five or 10 minute stand up intro he talks about modern day current events and politics. So I have to disagree with you on this one.

You could say the same thing about the daily show with Trevor Noah or even the late night report with Stephen Colbert. These are all left-wing entities whether that be Stephen Colbert or Trevor Noah and they get involved in politics clearly we saw this with their insulting of Donald Trump. …

Btw I think Bill Mayer sometimes is centrist which is good .. some 15 years ago I saw a stand up special live by Bill Maher. Wow to think about 15 years ago ….how better our country was…

So I respect the guy and even he knows the danger of cancel culture he is actually criticizing it from time to time.

The Democratic Party used to be centrist and for the workingman. Now they are extremist far left they have politicians who “take a knee” they have politicians who wear BLM T-shirts and hate . If you can’t see a problem with this I don’t know what to tell you.
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I do not make fun of people in general unless people go out of their way to provoke me. I find it unhelpful and uninteresting. Generalizing your experiences towards all the left therefor seems not at all that well thought through. This is something that kind of makes it hard to get along don't you think. When you have no qualms about generalizing all the left?

I have to say though. You disagree with Carlson on a single item but still think him the best thing on the news?
Would it surprise you to know that he's been sued and got out of the lawsuit by his lawyers stating, The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "?
Would it further surprise you that the Dominion lawsuit has shown that basically the entire FOX opinion side including Carlson knowingly lied to their viewers in order to protect their market share?

So, my question is why you believe Tucker Carlson is in the news business at all, when his lawyers literally are saying he isn't, and court filings show he's willing to lie to his viewers?
Wow so a millionaire celebrity in Karen McDougal can’t handle criticism. And sone far left people agrees with it. ? What a joke what a joke

OK when somebody is a popular celebrity and they are in the public eye they have to be able to handle criticism. That’s just how it’s always been oh wait we live in a different era…. The era of insanity were multi millionaires who take offense people like Valerie Jarrert by the way Can get somebody canceled like Roseanne. Thankfully American people are standing up to it Roseanna’s back in Tucker Carlson is still on the air. Democracy prevails freedom prevails my friend.
Yup Maddow did the same. There is a reason I don't watch Rachel Maddow. I'm not aware about anything about Don Lemon besides that is that he actually get's sanctioned by his network when stepping out of bounds (meaning saying something offensive) as far as I can tell nobody of the people quoted in the Dominion lawsuit suffered any adverse consequences.

It's also irrelevant in my opinion. If somebody I believe gets out of a lawsuit by stating he wasn't being factual. From that point forward I no longer trust that person. If I find an entire network is willing to lie for ratings I will no longer trust that network to be truthful. Be it Rachel Maddow or Tucker Carlson. MSNBC, or FOX. That's the reason I source the actual lawsuits and not the articles telling me what's in those lawsuits. The OP, and I'm guessing you do not seem to draw the same conclusions. That says something about you in my opinion.
OK Don Lemon is gay and black and supportive of BLM. So he got a slap on the wrist when other people for example on local radio here in Buffalo this guy the jigster made a similar comment and he was fired.

just a few years ago look at the example of Roseanne getting canceled. She made a comment similar to Don Lemons…. sure it was controversial and offensive to some people. But this is a country where we have freedom of speech. But you see the major networks and major cable companies are corrupt and they do not treat people the same.
Meister at least addressed the topic. You went immediately to Tucker Carlson lawsuits and such that had zero to do with the topic.
These types of far left people constantly bring up the lawsuit against Carlson in the same statements they make about him about what some corporation says about him. Like they do it in every thread with a Tucker Carlson video it’s a joke. It’s like they are robots. The American people don’t care about it let them speak their minds with the ratings.

But there is of course plenty of valid responses to be made when they deflect as well. Like pointing out the racism of CNN and MSNBC. We don’t have to go by innuendo and what we think our text messages between Fox News hosts. All we have to do is watch CNN and you can see the racism every single day like when they had Van Jones A paid CNN contributor and host say all white people have a virus. Guess what nothing happened to him he wasn’t fired. If some white guy said all Black people have a virus on CNN they would fire his ass so fast. And this is what people on the left here either don’t care about or they simply are ignorant to it or they see it and they agree with it which is the worst.
Neat. Put your money where your mouth is lips, what part of this random topic from Carlson wrong?

That was one hell of a lead by Tucker. He showed the corruption of Merrick Garland. How the heck does Merrick Garland become our Attorney General.?
Fox News won a court case by 'persuasively' arguing that no 'reasonable viewer' takes Tucker Carlson seriously

I have zero interest in listening to or giving any credence to an admitted serial liar.
This is the same robotic response every time from far left Democrats when there’s a thread about tucker Carlson. But they don’t give a darn that Van Jones of CNN can say “all white people have a virus” and nothing is done about it.

That’s why the American people speak their minds and Tucker Carlson‘s ratings are way better than anything CNN has to offer.
Well, to the extent that’s true, it makes the news broadcasters a bunch of unscrupulous and awfully hypocritical jerk-offs.

I’m old enough to remember the (now quaint) notion of “journalistic ethics.”

They are wrong to give the people what they want? They are just a business after all

Here is a moment where I disagree with Tucker Carlson.​

Tucker Carlson is literally in the OP title.
This was his closing paragraph.

I answered it very SPECIFICALLY.

But hey since the OP isn't replying I will leave you to your trolling.
The OP is NOT about Tucker Carlson. It is about disagreement with Tucker Carlson's opinion on one specific issue. I swear some people really need a crash course in reading comprehension.
Unlike those on the far left of the far right most of us Americans think for ourselves and we do not rely on looking up to people in the media or politicians for everything. That’s what makes America unique and yes great.

On last nights lead of Tucker Carlson or perhaps it was two nights ago he was criticizing Joe Biden for his age. Now I disagree with Joel and his policies. But I do not think he has dementia but furthermore the point is that even if somebody is above the age of 80 they are mentally fit to lead our country and I know to 80 year old plus people who are in way better shape than some of the youngest Americans in this country. We got so many young American zonked out on fast food and dope. And then we got these 80-old guys who are bench pressing, they’re out there running there as young as could be.

BTW I’m going to say this one more time to the far left people on this board who continue the action of deranged matter. I have a physical disability and there are maybe some typos here and there …,you have a problem with it that you are a joke and you are willingly acting as a troll. It takes a ton of energy for me to go back and use my hands to correct minor typos. I work harder and I have more success than all of you people who mark disabled people. Those of us with spinal cord injuries like myself and many other Americans rise up every day we rise up every day and prove the world wrong. And I continue to see far left Democrats mocking people for the way they look and perhaps if they’re in a wheelchair or something. That’s how lowlifes act.

I am in my 30s and I recognize it is vitally important to learn from our elders. And most especially from the World War II generation.

Tucker Carlson remains the best thing on the news in my opinion but it just goes to show you we could have disagreements in this country and still get along with each other.
There is no such animal that says he thinks for himself and listens to Tucker Carlson. That maybe the ultimate oxymoron. Love the humor though.
Still not answering.....

"What Carlson stated was fact, and the proof has been seen on many news outlets."
So go ahead and deflect away. :rofl:
I don't even know what you are talking about or what the issue you say this piece of shit Carlson is saying but I can arbitrarily say it is a lie and I bet I will be correct, and you will be found comically wrong. You people are like shooting ducks in a barrel
Dosen't Madcow do the same, forkup?
How about Don Lemon?

What Carlson stated was fact, and the proof has been seen on many news outlets.
So go ahead and deflect away.
The answer is no.
Real journalists do not do the same.
This is the same robotic response every time from far left Democrats when there’s a thread about tucker Carlson. But they don’t give a darn that Van Jones of CNN can say “all white people have a virus” and nothing is done about it.

Not a Democrat BUT I don't watch CNN either.

That’s why the American people speak their minds and Tucker Carlson‘s ratings are way better than anything CNN has to offer.

Lots of gullible people. Tucker admits to lying to you for ratings and you eat it up.

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