Here is a picture of the new wall at the Southern Border!!!

Isn't it amazing how the Leftards on here immediately try to poke holes in the achievements of our president?

big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

No fucking clue what that is so no.

What I don't approve of is that instead of Mexico paying for a wall, we are paying for less fencing and border security hiring than Obama in the same period of time was able to hire and erect and somehow that's a win.... Like the weakest president on border security in decades here. But he tweets tough so there's that. Lol

It's almost like he wants more open borders to find more employees for his businesses to bring in. Remember he is the guy who was sued and settled for hiring illegals to do the work of Americans.
Total bullshit! Trump is fighting politically correct Democrats, Republicans, and activist judges who are attempting to thwart his every move building it. He's only two years in so he'll surpass Obama building it by the time he's at the end of his second term.
Not based on what he's even proposing now will he get close to Obama. How sad is that. His primary campaign topic. Now his goal is "I'll build less fencing than Obama". Fucking hell. How pathetic
Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.
Wall, fence, same thing. TDS loser.
A loser is a person who does not know or refuse to admit the difference between a fence and a wall. Actually, it is very cowardly to refuse to admit a wall is not a fence, but we have gotten accustomed to Trump and his supporters being cowardly. He and they have no integrity or shame. Lying is Trump's everything.
There is no effective difference, TDS loser.
Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.
Wall, fence, same thing. TDS loser.
A loser is a person who does not know or refuse to admit the difference between a fence and a wall. Actually, it is very cowardly to refuse to admit a wall is not a fence, but we have gotten accustomed to Trump and his supporters being cowardly. He and they have no integrity or shame. Lying is Trump's everything.
There is no effective difference, TDS loser.


Sure was according to Trump....

But when you lose you end up saying instead of building a new international space station like you promised, a bus depot in Omaha is the same thing lol.

And that this con works on some people is the most hilarious bit of that.
refurbishing 43's fence - there is no "new wall"

Goldilocks could crap on the living room carpet, call it a WALL and his idiot drones would believe it ...

Replacing a barbwire fence with a 30 ft barrier is building the wall.

Lol. This whole thing was about taking the Obama/Bush design of a steel slat bollard fencing and building LESS of it than they did?

Damn. He could crap in people's hands and con them into thinking they've got chocolate pudding for dinner.

He's putting up the wall despite you leftist shitheads attempts to stym him at every turn.
Get used to it.
refurbishing 43's fence - there is no "new wall"

Goldilocks could crap on the living room carpet, call it a WALL and his idiot drones would believe it ...

Replacing a barbwire fence with a 30 ft barrier is building the wall.

No it isn't... It's renaming the design of fence Obama put up (steel slat bollard style).

Then putting up hundreds of miles less of that fence than Obama.

Then conning people that's something new.

This is too funny.

Fence= able to see through.

Hold up I need to open the gate in my chain link wall to let my dog out.

Refer to my last post......
But i'll reiterate,first of all the Border Patrol wanted a see through wall so they can see whats going on on the otherside.
This is common knowledge.
And I find it funny you want to complain about Trump not building the wall fast enough when you dickheads are doing everything you can to stop it.
You're actions speak volumes.....and they dont reflect love of Country.
Isn't it amazing how the Leftards on here immediately try to poke holes in the achievements of our president?

big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

what the hell is inter-generational welfare?
The Illegals who come here and give birth to the next generation of lawn mowers.
I see them all over Nassau County.
They don't do any better here than their parents.

And the same goes for the families collecting welfare for 50 years.
big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

No fucking clue what that is so no.

What I don't approve of is that instead of Mexico paying for a wall, we are paying for less fencing and border security hiring than Obama in the same period of time was able to hire and erect and somehow that's a win.... Like the weakest president on border security in decades here. But he tweets tough so there's that. Lol

It's almost like he wants more open borders to find more employees for his businesses to bring in. Remember he is the guy who was sued and settled for hiring illegals to do the work of Americans.
Total bullshit! Trump is fighting both Democrats, Republicans, and activist judges who are attempting to thwart his every move building it. He's only two years in so he'll surpass Obama building it by the time he's at the end of his second term.

So much for the art of the deal right?

Can't get his promise for Mexico to pay.

Can't get his own party in two years to agree with the idea.

16 of the 18 congressmemers on the border oppose his dumb idea.

Now stuck there trying to tell us a fence is a wall, building less of it than any president since before Reagan, and hiring less border security than Obama.

All talk and his inability to actually do anything is clear. xxxxxxxx
You mean you're stupid enough to believe that politicians want Trump in politics?
Are you that fucking stupid?
Isn't it amazing how the Leftards on here immediately try to poke holes in the achievements of our president?

big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

what the hell is inter-generational welfare?
The Illegals who come here and give birth to the next generation of lawn mowers.
I see them all over Nassau County.
They don't do any better here than their parents.

And the same goes for the families collecting welfare for 50 years.

That is clearly a bad thing and a major problem with our system that was meant to be a safety net, not a way of life.
Isn't it amazing how the Leftards on here immediately try to poke holes in the achievements of our president?

big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

No fucking clue what that is so no.

What I don't approve of is that instead of Mexico paying for a wall, we are paying for less fencing and border security hiring than Obama in the same period of time was able to hire and erect and somehow that's a win.... Like the weakest president on border security in decades here. But he tweets tough so there's that. Lol

It's almost like he wants more open borders to find more employees for his businesses to bring in. Remember he is the guy who was sued and settled for hiring illegals to do the work of Americans.
I hate to tell you this, shitstain, but Obama inherited a shitty economy where even us White folk couldn't hire Illegals.
So they went home.
But they were replaced by the laid off H1-Bs that were supposed to be sent back to India.
big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

what the hell is inter-generational welfare?
The Illegals who come here and give birth to the next generation of lawn mowers.
I see them all over Nassau County.
They don't do any better here than their parents.

And the same goes for the families collecting welfare for 50 years.

That is clearly a bad thing and a major problem with our system that was meant to be a safety net, not a way of life.
Well, guess what?
Both parties have made it a way of life and it's only getting worse because slums don't want police to make a better environment to grow up in and build a career.
And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

what the hell is inter-generational welfare?
The Illegals who come here and give birth to the next generation of lawn mowers.
I see them all over Nassau County.
They don't do any better here than their parents.

And the same goes for the families collecting welfare for 50 years.

That is clearly a bad thing and a major problem with our system that was meant to be a safety net, not a way of life.
Well, guess what?
Both parties have made it a way of life and it's only getting worse because slums don't want police to make a better environment to grow up in and build a career.

one more downfall of the duopoly
Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.
Wall, fence, same thing. TDS loser.
A loser is a person who does not know or refuse to admit the difference between a fence and a wall. Actually, it is very cowardly to refuse to admit a wall is not a fence, but we have gotten accustomed to Trump and his supporters being cowardly. He and they have no integrity or shame. Lying is Trump's everything.
There is no effective difference, TDS loser.


Sure was according to Trump....

But when you lose you end up saying instead of building a new international space station like you promised, a bus depot in Omaha is the same thing lol.

And that this con works on some people is the most hilarious bit of that.
Fence or a wall will wok just as well, tds loser.
Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.
Wall, fence, same thing. TDS loser.
A loser is a person who does not know or refuse to admit the difference between a fence and a wall. Actually, it is very cowardly to refuse to admit a wall is not a fence, but we have gotten accustomed to Trump and his supporters being cowardly. He and they have no integrity or shame. Lying is Trump's everything.
There is no effective difference, TDS loser.


Sure was according to Trump....

But when you lose you end up saying instead of building a new international space station like you promised, a bus depot in Omaha is the same thing lol.

And that this con works on some people is the most hilarious bit of that.
Fence or a wall will wok just as well, tds loser.

not according to Trump. He literally ran his campaign saying that there's a huge difference.

but hey I guess some people just want somebody who builds less fencing than Obama...
refurbishing 43's fence - there is no "new wall"

Goldilocks could crap on the living room carpet, call it a WALL and his idiot drones would believe it ...

Replacing a barbwire fence with a 30 ft barrier is building the wall.

No it isn't... It's renaming the design of fence Obama put up (steel slat bollard style).

Then putting up hundreds of miles less of that fence than Obama.

Then conning people that's something new.

This is too funny.

Fence= able to see through.

Hold up I need to open the gate in my chain link wall to let my dog out.

Refer to my last post......
But i'll reiterate,first of all the Border Patrol wanted a see through wall so they can see whats going on on the otherside.
This is common knowledge.
And I find it funny you want to complain about Trump not building the wall fast enough when you dickheads are doing everything you can to stop it.
You're actions speak volumes.....and they dont reflect love of Country.

Actually when Trump was running for president the border patrol said walls don't solve the problem.

what you have to do is go after people like Trump who continuously hire illegals and stop them from regarding illegal immigration...

Obviously Trump is not going to throw himself in jail. So we have this instead.
refurbishing 43's fence - there is no "new wall"

Goldilocks could crap on the living room carpet, call it a WALL and his idiot drones would believe it ...

Replacing a barbwire fence with a 30 ft barrier is building the wall.

No it isn't... It's renaming the design of fence Obama put up (steel slat bollard style).

Then putting up hundreds of miles less of that fence than Obama.

Then conning people that's something new.

This is too funny.

Fence= able to see through.

Hold up I need to open the gate in my chain link wall to let my dog out.

Refer to my last post......
But i'll reiterate,first of all the Border Patrol wanted a see through wall so they can see whats going on on the otherside.
This is common knowledge.
And I find it funny you want to complain about Trump not building the wall fast enough when you dickheads are doing everything you can to stop it.
You're actions speak volumes.....and they dont reflect love of Country.

He literally ran on the promise that in week 1 he would be working to stop the repatriation of money back to Mexico to force them to fund his wall.

He didn't lift a finger even once to get that done.

But yeah let's blame others because he didn't even try
refurbishing 43's fence - there is no "new wall"

Goldilocks could crap on the living room carpet, call it a WALL and his idiot drones would believe it ...

Replacing a barbwire fence with a 30 ft barrier is building the wall.

Lol. This whole thing was about taking the Obama/Bush design of a steel slat bollard fencing and building LESS of it than they did?

Damn. He could crap in people's hands and con them into thinking they've got chocolate pudding for dinner.

He's putting up the wall despite you leftist shitheads attempts to stym him at every turn.
Get used to it.

Actually not 1 inch of his wall has been built...

And I'm fine with order security. Which is why I'm pissed that Trump rewards illegals for coming into the US . Then tweets left and right and instead builds less border fencing in border security than Obama.

And people buy this con... So sad.

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