Here is a picture of the new wall at the Southern Border!!!

Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.

I am glad they replaced it with better fencing.
Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.
Wall, fence, same thing. TDS loser.


Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

Would it be less than the $100 billion per year that we're currently paying the brown cockroaches to fuck the place all up?

There is no valid evidence that illegal immigration is costing taxpayers $100 billion per year, and MUCH evidence that they contribute much more to the economy than they take out, 15% withholding, contributions to GDP, consumer spending in the local economies where they live, etc., etc., but you fools ignore all of this because the alt-right has to keep you blaming "others" for your own inability to compete in today's economy.

You just keep lying to yourself Guadalupe....meanwhile us sane folks will continue to connect the dots.
A dirty wetback earning $10 dollars an hour off the books with four child cockroaches and a wife cockroach weighing down our healthcare and education systems can't contribute to this economy...they are a huge liability.....thirdgraders can work the arithmetic out in their head real bleeding heart ignorant fools on the other hand.....well.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

Would it be less than the $100 billion per year that we're currently paying the brown cockroaches to fuck the place all up?

Logic is not the Leftists thing, they just are about Muh Feelings and they see UNLIMITED amounts of those brown cockroaches and get warm and fuzzy feelings about PROTECTING them and in typical Altruistic fashion want to GIVE them EVERYTHING YOU have because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism. They do not think in a logical way as to how many multiple BILLIONS paying for that crowd costs, they think that YOU SHOULD pay, that YOU have a MORAL DUTY to pay for the brown cockroaches to compensate in some insane way for what YOUR Ancestors did NOT do to the Native Americans or what YOUR Ancestors did NOT do to some ship full of creatures in chains from Ghana 200 years ago or whatever. As YOU are White you SHARE the Collective Guilt and therefore you SHOULD just sit down and STFU and allow UNLIMITED amounts of Third Worlders from Third World Shit Holes to enter Illegally YOUR nation to turn YOUR nation into a BANKRUPT Third World Shit Hole.

And if you do NOT agree with ALL of that then you are a Racist/Nazi/Bigot/KKK POS who deserves to DIE in the most excruciating way you WHITE DEVIL.
Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.
Wall, fence, same thing. TDS loser.
A loser is a person who does not know or refuse to admit the difference between a fence and a wall. Actually, it is very cowardly to refuse to admit a wall is not a fence, but we have gotten accustomed to Trump and his supporters being cowardly. He and they have no integrity or shame. Lying is Trump's everything.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

I thought solar and wind was free?

You think that Trump would use either of those to electrify the border? He thinks that windmills cause cancer, and he hates solar energy and says it's a waste.

And, if the border wall WAS electrified, it would cost a massive amount of money every year to keep the juice flowing.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

I thought solar and wind was free?

You think that Trump would use either of those to electrify the border? He thinks that windmills cause cancer, and he hates solar energy and says it's a waste.

And, if the border wall WAS electrified, it would cost a massive amount of money every year to keep the juice flowing.

Texas is the leader in wind power in the nation.
And with our sunny days on our southern border I dont see a problem going green,with our power usage and NVG's.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

I thought solar and wind was free?

You think that Trump would use either of those to electrify the border? He thinks that windmills cause cancer, and he hates solar energy and says it's a waste.

And, if the border wall WAS electrified, it would cost a massive amount of money every year to keep the juice flowing.

Texas is the leader in wind power in the nation.
And with our sunny days on our southern border I dont see a problem going green,with our power usage and NVG's.

Again..............with all the dislike that Trump has against green energy, do you really think he would do that?

But then again, if the pundits on FAUX Nooze told him to, he might.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.
Will you pay the cost of medical attention and suicides of guards/soldiers who man the machine guns and mow down innocents, including children.

I say we pepper spray the fuck out of the filthy brown cockroaches with and all. Cause and effect bitches!
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Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.
Will you pay the cost of medical attention and suicides of guards/soldiers who man the machine guns and mow down innocents, including children.

IF they are Patriots they would be proud to be PROTECTING their nation by ANY MEANS from Illegal Invaders and so they would NOT have Muh Guilt about doing their Patriotic Duty. The situation is that you would enlist Patriots NOT Leftist Bedwetters who are ALL about Muh Feelings.
refurbishing 43's fence - there is no "new wall"

Goldilocks could crap on the living room carpet, call it a WALL and his idiot drones would believe it ...
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.
Will you pay the cost of medical attention and suicides of guards/soldiers who man the machine guns and mow down innocents, including children.

I say we pepper spray the fuck out of the filth brown cockroaches with and all. Cause and effect bitches!

You HAVE to send them the message in the most EXTREME way you can, the message that they are NOT WANTED and to stay in their OWN Third World Shit Hole and IF they disobey this order then they will be RISKING their life and the lives of their children including. You have to send the message that to ATTEMPT to Illegally cross a Sovereign Border = POTENTIAL DEATH.
They added some razor wire to the existing Bollard Fencing and are trying to pass it off as newly constructed "wall",
Ok can you make it over it and through both strands of razor wire?
We told you a wall was a waste. We were right. Now you are just too cowardly to admit we were right so you lamely call a fence a wall. We have been using fencing on our southern border for decades.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

I thought solar and wind was free?

You think that Trump would use either of those to electrify the border? He thinks that windmills cause cancer, and he hates solar energy and says it's a waste.

And, if the border wall WAS electrified, it would cost a massive amount of money every year to keep the juice flowing.

Texas is the leader in wind power in the nation.
And with our sunny days on our southern border I dont see a problem going green,with our power usage and NVG's.

Again..............with all the dislike that Trump has against green energy, do you really think he would do that?

But then again, if the pundits on FAUX Nooze told him to, he might.

Why not? He enacted prison reform when barry and all past presidents didnt.

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