Here is a Radical Idea - make college more affordable!

I disagree sir. an educated society is a better society. If you have a family or care about people at all, you want them to be educated and ready to help move society in a positive direction.

Secondly, education is always "necessary" to a good life.
A community college can offer up the same courses at 1/10th the cost and live at home free or at parents charge.
Why should I or any other taxpayer pay for an adult's room and board, particularly when that adult will go on to likely make more money than the people who don't go, yet have to pay for their housing?

Here is a more radical idea. How about make college less necessary, which for most jobs it simply isn't needed?
I am unsure if they will go on to make more seeing a plumber make a shit load of money if properly trained ( yes, pun intended! ) while someone that teaches will make less…

Now as for paying for someone free room and board, well that is what the parent is for and if the parent can’t join the Military…
I think we could make Community Colleges free or nearly free
The State Government should offer free on-line courses that are universal in basic College courses. English, Accounting, Economics, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Computers

This would allow students to complete the first two years relatively cheaply.

Community college tuition is already inexpensive, and a lot cheaper than going to Harvard or other Clown Colleges.

Why do you think reducing the price even more would make it significantly more popular with the children?
I think we could make Community Colleges free or nearly free
The State Government should offer free on-line courses that are universal in basic College courses. English, Accounting, Economics, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Computers

This would allow students to complete the first two years relatively cheaply.

If this plan could reduce the number of other state colleges by channeling the students into institutions which are cheaper for a couple of years and where the taxpayers wouldn't be on the hook for as much salary to professors, I'd agree that this would be a good idea.

But I don't see it. I think this idea would likely just be an extension of high school and just keep more kids in the public education system longer.
Of course no one will ever recognize student debt and huge increases in the cost of education over the past 30 years as a Cloward-Piven plot.

I paid a total of $20,000 for my bachelors degree (1995-1999). Now? It's probably about $90,000.
I could have went to college for free, but I didn't because I had better things to do with my time, like become a productive member of society and support my children, rather than waste my time listening to idiots for hours on end.

With few exceptions, such as STEM classes, college has become mostly a way for kids to avoid/delay becoming responsible adults and be indoctrinated by LWNJ communist moonbats.
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You just crushed one of the left's institutions. The left operates on scams, so of course the college system they run is too. The reason it costs so much is because it's a left institution. The reason for useless educations are because it's a left institution, and the reason for miseducation is because it's a left institution.

That and fuck those who have made poor decisions and "can't" meet their loan obligations to their liking. Only the left rewards people for poor decisions and dispositions.
Here's a thought, put a couple of years in the Military and receive the G.I. bill. Otherwise make gas more affordable before you worry about a generation of selfish kids.
Community college tuition is already inexpensive, and a lot cheaper than going to Harvard or other Clown Colleges.

Why do you think reducing the price even more would make it significantly more popular with the children?

It is a question of accumulated debt
Four years is more than two
I disagree sir. an educated society is a better society. If you have a family or care about people at all, you want them to be educated and ready to help move society in a positive direction.

Secondly, education is always "necessary" to a good life.

No, it's not.

I didn't go to college, yet I live a life which many find enviable.

Some of the dumbest people I've ever known have been some of the most educated. I would much rather hire a high school graduate with common sense than a complete dolt with a sheepskin on his wall. That's pretty meaningless to me...
I could have went to college for free, but I didn't because I had better things to do with my time, like become a productive member of society and support my children, rather than waste my time listening to idiots for hours on end.

With few exceptions, such as STEM classes, college has become mostly a way for kids to avoid becoming responsible adults and be indoctrinated by communists.
or plan insurrections against their parents.
No, it's not.

I didn't go to college, yet I live a life which many find enviable.

Some of the dumbest people I've ever known have been some of the most educated. I would much rather hire a high school graduate with common sense than a complete dolt with a sheepskin on his wall. That's pretty meaningless to me...
Well said
Here's a thought, put a couple of years in the Military and receive the G.I. bill. Otherwise make gas more affordable before you worry about a generation of selfish kids.

The only issue I have with that is that a person needs to understand that the purpose of the military, and his or her role in it, is not to earn mooney for college and receive G.I. benefits. If need be, a person's role in the military is to be willing to die for his country. If that willingness is absent, that person has no business joining...
You just crushed one of the left's institutions. The left operates on scams, so of course the college system they run is too. The reason it costs so much is because it's a left institution. The reason for useless educations are because it's a left institution, and the reason for miseducation is because it's a left institution.

That and fuck those who have made poor decisions and "can't" meet their loan obligations to their liking. Only the left rewards people for poor decisions and dispositions.
maybe take classes for a career where the money's at?
Have the state pay for room and board… have idea professional auditors review the books and cut cost. Have college cost no more the. $5k a semesters, so $10k a year.

And did go sakes only have classes that matter! Stop the meaningless degrees!

Don’t cancel student loans, or make college free. Make it affordable!
No way, they would have to fire tons of the useless Dimmer professors who can only teach.

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