Here is a Radical Idea - make college more affordable!

You just crushed one of the left's institutions. The left operates on scams, so of course the college system they run is too. The reason it costs so much is because it's a left institution. The reason for useless educations are because it's a left institution, and the reason for miseducation is because it's a left institution.

That and fuck those who have made poor decisions and "can't" meet their loan obligations to their liking. Only the left rewards people for poor decisions and dispositions.

Most of these people just don't WANT to meet their obligation, of course they "can".

How many of these deadbeats still have the money to drive their own car, use an iphone, drink, smoke grass, etc?

Few of these delinquent borrowers are in line at the local soup kitchen or out on the corner asking for spare change.
Some people just can't seem to grasp the notion that there is no "free."

Some people have thier heads so far up their asses they can’t figure out reality from fiction.


“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting in the 1930s listing important events related to this transformation. Is the repugnant act of burning the American flag more damaging to our nation’s political integrity than letting the Soviets into our classrooms, in person, on video, or through U.S.-Soviet jointly developed curricula?

Download the PDF: Soviets in the Classroom

For background information see: United States-Russian Merger: A Done Deal?
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Some people have thier heads so far up their asses they can’t figure out reality from fiction.


“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting in the 1930s listing important events related to this transformation. Is the repugnant act of burning the American flag more damaging to our nation’s political integrity than letting the Soviets into our classrooms, in person, on video, or through U.S.-Soviet jointly developed curricula?

Download the PDF: Soviets in the Classroom

For background information see: United States-Russian Merger: A Done Deal?
Here come the conspiracy theories!
No, it's not.

I didn't go to college, yet I live a life which many find enviable.

Some of the dumbest people I've ever known have been some of the most educated. I would much rather hire a high school graduate with common sense than a complete dolt with a sheepskin on his wall. That's pretty meaningless to me...
As a group, those with college degrees do better in life than those without

That is disputable

You May have done better in life if you had gone to college
I say the better idea is to tell people to pay attention before you agree to borrow money and be responsible.

If college is so terrible then people will start being more smart and the schools will have to change their student loans to attract more people.

Teaching people to be responsible and force them to think usually solves most problems. Not teach them "you fucked up, but don't worry we will force others to adjust for you" that is never the right answer.
lower the cost won't solve the problem of poor quality and ridiculous degrees.
These kids do not need college.
Most of these people just don't WANT to meet their obligation, of course they "can".

How many of these deadbeats still have the money to drive their own car, use an iphone, drink, smoke grass, etc?

Few of these delinquent borrowers are in line at the local soup kitchen or out on the corner asking for spare change.
correct, they just want to ignore their responsibility. I would deny them a mortgage if they can't live up to a commitment.
As a group, those with college degrees do better in life than those without

That is disputable

I agree. That is absolutely disputable.

Nice to see you coming around...

You May have done better in life if you had gone to college

Hard to imagine, honestly. I'm healthy, wealthy, I'm well-invested, I won three homes (two of which are paid for)

That's kind of a silly argument. That's no different than telling a college grad that he might've done if he didn't go to college. After all, I'm in a much better place, financially, than most of the college grads I know. In fact, the wealthiest people I know didn't spend a day college.

Don't get me wrong, I would never suggest that someone shouldn't go to college if that's what they feel they need to do. But anytime someone says I would've done better had I gone to college, I just have to laugh...
I agree. That is absolutely disputable.

Nice to see you coming around...

Hard to imagine, honestly. I'm healthy, wealthy, I'm well-invested, I won three homes (two of which are paid for)

That's kind of a silly argument. That's no different than telling a college grad that he might've done if he didn't go to college. After all, I'm in a much better place, financially, than most of the college grads I know. In fact, the wealthiest people I know didn't spend a day college.

Don't get me wrong, I would never suggest that someone shouldn't go to college if that's what they feel they need to do. But anytime someone says I would've done better had I gone to college, I just have to laugh...
You are obviously a go getter

Only difference is you would have been a go getter with a degree
Have the state pay for room and board… have idea professional auditors review the books and cut cost. Have college cost no more the. $5k a semesters, so $10k a year.

And did go sakes only have classes that matter! Stop the meaningless degrees!

Don’t cancel student loans, or make college free. Make it affordable!
One way or another someone has to pay.

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