Here is an X ray of my back

I am broken down at age 45 ??
What will I be like at age 55 ?? Dead
My life could be over
If things get worse

Quit talking like that, there are many competent doctors who have seen this before. I never recommend surgery, especially back surgery, but if you have to get it fused (or whatever they have to do) then you'll have to do it.

I had to have a tumor removed under my T12 vertebrae, luckily it wasn't cancerous, and the damn thing was right on my spinal cord. It was preventing me from walking. The doctors got it out and I'm not paralyzed, but now walk with a limp because of lost feeling in my right foot. Nerve damage.

But it beat the alternative, which was not walking, and using a colostomy bag. No thanks!
My life could be over
If things get worse

Quit talking like that, there are many competent doctors who have seen this before. I never recommend surgery, especially back surgery, but if you have to get it fused (or whatever they have to do) then you'll have to do it.

I had to have a tumor removed under my T12 vertebrae, luckily it wasn't cancerous, and the damn thing was right on my spinal cord. It was preventing me from walking. The doctors got it out and I'm not paralyzed, but now walk with a limp because of lost feeling in my right foot. Nerve damage.

But it beat the alternative, which was not walking, and using a colostomy bag. No thanks!
Was the Doctor Jewish??
The statistical chances of successful back surgery are not promising. The richest athlete in the country has had several back surgeries, presumably performed by the best surgeons that money can buy, and he is not entirely satisfied.

The rational thing to do is to (a) do what is most likely to help (physical therapy), (b) stop doing the things that aggravate the situation, and (c) look into one or more of the pain relief products that are all the rage ("Relief Factor dot com). Just might help. Back surgery is not something to do lightly. Only after everything else has failed, if the pain is intolerable.

Tangentially I will add that many humans give up riding their beloved motorcycles because of back problems, aggravated by going over bumps and into pot-holes on the bike.
My life could be over
If things get worse

Quit talking like that, there are many competent doctors who have seen this before. I never recommend surgery, especially back surgery, but if you have to get it fused (or whatever they have to do) then you'll have to do it.

I had to have a tumor removed under my T12 vertebrae, luckily it wasn't cancerous, and the damn thing was right on my spinal cord. It was preventing me from walking. The doctors got it out and I'm not paralyzed, but now walk with a limp because of lost feeling in my right foot. Nerve damage.

But it beat the alternative, which was not walking, and using a colostomy bag. No thanks!
Was the Doctor Jewish??

How the fuck would I know? Oh wait, he prayed with me before we went into surgery, he was a Christian, so no, he wasn't Jewish, not that I gave a damn either way.
The statistical chances of successful back surgery are not promising. The richest athlete in the country has had several back surgeries, presumably performed by the best surgeons that money can buy, and he is not entirely satisfied.

The rational thing to do is to (a) do what is most likely to help (physical therapy), (b) stop doing the things that aggravate the situation, and (c) look into one or more of the pain relief products that are all the rage ("Relief Factor dot com). Just might help. Back surgery is not something to do lightly. Only after everything else has failed, if the pain is intolerable.

Tangentially I will add that many humans give up riding their beloved motorcycles because of back problems, aggravated by going over bumps and into pot-holes on the bike.

That's also why recumbent bikes have become so popular, people can still ride and keep up with traditional road bikes, I ride with guys who can fly on those things.
My life could be over
If things get worse

Quit talking like that, there are many competent doctors who have seen this before. I never recommend surgery, especially back surgery, but if you have to get it fused (or whatever they have to do) then you'll have to do it.

I had to have a tumor removed under my T12 vertebrae, luckily it wasn't cancerous, and the damn thing was right on my spinal cord. It was preventing me from walking. The doctors got it out and I'm not paralyzed, but now walk with a limp because of lost feeling in my right foot. Nerve damage.

But it beat the alternative, which was not walking, and using a colostomy bag. No thanks!
Was the Doctor Jewish??

How the fuck would I know? Oh wait, he prayed with me before we went into surgery, he was a Christian, so no, he wasn't Jewish, not that I gave a damn either way.
I can tell by the name ??
My life could be over
If things get worse

Quit talking like that, there are many competent doctors who have seen this before. I never recommend surgery, especially back surgery, but if you have to get it fused (or whatever they have to do) then you'll have to do it.

I had to have a tumor removed under my T12 vertebrae, luckily it wasn't cancerous, and the damn thing was right on my spinal cord. It was preventing me from walking. The doctors got it out and I'm not paralyzed, but now walk with a limp because of lost feeling in my right foot. Nerve damage.

But it beat the alternative, which was not walking, and using a colostomy bag. No thanks!
Was the Doctor Jewish??

How the fuck would I know? Oh wait, he prayed with me before we went into surgery, he was a Christian, so no, he wasn't Jewish, not that I gave a damn either way.
I can tell by the name ??

What's the deal with Jewish doctors? Do you think they are better because they are Jewish? That's not how you judge doctors, however, one way to know if you've got a good neurologist is the number of brain surgeries they do. My neurologist was the best brain surgeon at the hospital, so I felt good with him doing my back surgery (nothing wrong with my spine)
My life could be over
If things get worse

Quit talking like that, there are many competent doctors who have seen this before. I never recommend surgery, especially back surgery, but if you have to get it fused (or whatever they have to do) then you'll have to do it.

I had to have a tumor removed under my T12 vertebrae, luckily it wasn't cancerous, and the damn thing was right on my spinal cord. It was preventing me from walking. The doctors got it out and I'm not paralyzed, but now walk with a limp because of lost feeling in my right foot. Nerve damage.

But it beat the alternative, which was not walking, and using a colostomy bag. No thanks!
Was the Doctor Jewish??

How the fuck would I know? Oh wait, he prayed with me before we went into surgery, he was a Christian, so no, he wasn't Jewish, not that I gave a damn either way.
I can tell by the name ??

What's the deal with Jewish doctors? Do you think they are better because they are Jewish? That's not how you judge doctors, however, one way to know if you've got a good neurologist is the number of brain surgeries they do. My neurologist was the best brain surgeon at the hospital, so I felt good with him doing my back surgery (nothing wrong with my spine)
I am sorry this is just my “ eccentric sense of humor “ . Many of them have been Schmendricks and I rather have a good Christian doctor that can actually perform home repairs and fix a car
I have already loss function in my frontal lobe
I have loss function in my low back
My jaw is screwed up and only opens 2/3
And I have lost huge feelings in my schmuckster
I have not loss my will and I am very resilient
My life could be over
If things get worse
It is depressing but you get used to it. I had to stop being Mr. Universe when I lost my lower back to collapsing disc that melted away what with my special disease I inherited...I don't get into trouble as much as I used to.
I am going to keep on training in mma until it’s impossible
I finally had to stop lifting weights at 59 I just can't do much anymore and the pain is too intense.
I have not loss my will and I am very resilient
Have you had your Covid jab yet?
I had mine and am glad to report that I didn't feel a thing.
Though 65 I'm in the 'special category' and it was the Astra Zenica.
They said this first jab will give me about 55% protection so even if I do contract covid I should only get mild to moderately sick. They're not giving the second jab for 12 weeks so as to give as many people some protection.

Side effects?
My sister rang up at 9 pm to ask how it went and I told her I didn't have any side effects but later realised she woke me up and I'd been asleep for 6 hours which I never normally do. Then I remembered that I had woke up earlier and felt very sick. Ran to the bathroom thinking I was going to throw up buckets but after about ten minutes of trying only got a thimble full. I have felt sick about 3 times more since but a lot milder and now it's passed. That though could have been the meat & potato pie I ate on the way home. I couldn't taste any meat so dissected it only to find it was cheese and onion.
Cheese holds a lot of bacteria and it may have interfered with the vaccine. I haven't felt sick since.
I also remembered after waking up a second time I had a strange feeling of euphoria and thought that I've never been so happy or so lucky to be sat in such a beautiful living room in such a wonderful bungalow in such a brilliant village in such a wonderful country. I then went to the window and looked out on the tree in the garden and thought how magnificent it looked and how fantastic its branches were and how they reached up to heaven.

Are you asleep yet?

Anyway the moral of the story is that I did have some side effects but they weren't that bad. I have since looked back at the tree which I hardly noticed before and thought what was so wonderful anyway it hasn't even got any leaves. The sky's grey, it's pissing down and the garden is muddy and waterlogged. It just shows that however elated or overwhelmed you feel is just a play of the mind.

Is the glass have full or empty?
It’s not an MRI caliber

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