Here is what I want to know from Democrats at USMB....


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
People like corruption, lies, deceit, slush funds, failure etc I suppose :dunno:

People like well paved roads
People like the police to be funded well to keep those roads safe
People like seeing their nation a first world science power
People like clean air and water

The republicans have lied and failed for the past 40 years so don't kid yourself.
People like corruption, lies, deceit, slush funds, failure etc I suppose :dunno:

People like well paved roads
People like the police to be funded well to keep those roads safe
People like seeing their nation a first world science power
People like clean air and water

The republicans have lied and failed for the past 40 years so don't kid yourself.
Is it bad that my typical "retard GIF" doesn't seem fitting enough for you? Dumbfuck
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:

I am supporting Gary Johnson, so I am not voting for Hillary Clinton but if I was voting Democratic it would be for Sanders over her...

Also why are so many on the right supporting Trump?

He is close friends with the Clinton's and he is a New York conservative which mean he is a moderate Liberal at best...
The fascination with Hillary is generated by the Media, they need fodder to fuel the machine, sells papers, provides pundits with scandals to attract viewers and she will provide that and then some. America deserves the likes of the Hag, it has become so corrupt it fits.
People like corruption, lies, deceit, slush funds, failure etc I suppose :dunno:

People like well paved roads
People like the police to be funded well to keep those roads safe
People like seeing their nation a first world science power
People like clean air and water

The republicans have lied and failed for the past 40 years so don't kid yourself.

Too many people want those things yet don't pay the type taxes that fund many of them. I want well paved roads and pay the taxes that fund them. Same with the rest on your list.

I want to eat, have a place to live, clothes on my back, healthcare, and see my kids go to college. I pay for each and every one of them. Too many don't and expect the rest of us to pay taxes they don't pay to fund them.

If you think they should get for nothing what the rest of us pay for, you have lied and failed in life.
People like corruption, lies, deceit, slush funds, failure etc I suppose :dunno:

People like well paved roads
People like the police to be funded well to keep those roads safe
People like seeing their nation a first world science power
People like clean air and water

The republicans have lied and failed for the past 40 years so don't kid yourself.

Did Bill give Arkansas all those things?
Bernie is growing on me. Some of his stuff is a little too far right .

His age concerns me .
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:

Who says I'm not?
Also why are so many on the right supporting Trump?

You'll have to ask people who support Trump. This thread is about the Democrat nominee.

So what's the deal here? Are Democrats not completely sold on their left-wing ideology? Or do you just enjoy keeping it hid from view until you unleash it on the rest of us a little at a time? Let's elect Hillary who believes all the same things as Bernie but doesn't say it... so we don't have to defend against it until she gets ready to unveil it.... is THAT the idea?
I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything.

democrats are able to support either of their candidates unlike republicans that have only offered poor and devicev choices.

the demo's have the luxury as the process proceeds to chose the better candidate that proves to have the best chance for victory in Nov.

Also why are so many on the right supporting Trump?

You'll have to ask people who support Trump. This thread is about the Democrat nominee.

So what's the deal here? Are Democrats not completely sold on their left-wing ideology? Or do you just enjoy keeping it hid from view until you unleash it on the rest of us a little at a time? Let's elect Hillary who believes all the same things as Bernie but doesn't say it... so we don't have to defend against it until she gets ready to unveil it.... is THAT the idea?

Actually if you think about it the Supporters of Trump are as puzzling to me as the supporters of Clinton are for you...

My opinion of Hillary Clinton supporters and why they hesitate to support Bernie Sanders is because they fear being called a Socialist or sexist.

Yes, I do believe most of her support has to do with her being a female, and had she been a male her nomination would be as dead as Jim Webb run on the Democratic Party.

Her supporters don't really care about her record of what she once supported, and just care about getting her elected because they remember the 1990's but what they forget is Newt Gingrich had as much to do with the government as Bill Clinton did, so I wish they would remember that, but they will not.

Now what is perplexing to me why the Trump supporters support Hillary Clinton friend?

I believe if both political parties wanted to run a candidate that reflected their true party core then it would be Ted Cruz for the Republican party and Bernie Sanders for the Democratic party, and I still would vote for Gary Johnson...

Not trying to derail your thread but pointing out the crazy nonsense from both sides and how neither Hillary nor Donald should be the leading candidate of their political party...

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