Here is what I want to know from Democrats at USMB....

I am not a Democrat. But I support Sanders.

And the OP sucks as he didn't really want to talk about Sanders. He simply wanted to bash Clinton.
Actually if you think about it the Supporters of Trump are as puzzling to me as the supporters of Clinton are for you...

My opinion of Hillary Clinton supporters and why they hesitate to support Bernie Sanders is because they fear being called a Socialist or sexist.

Well I can explain why people are supporting Trump. It is because a certain segment of conservative Republicans are sick and tired of being ridiculed and scorned by the establishment GOP who seem to think they know better on what makes a good Republican. In 2010, the Tea Party essentially gave the GOP both houses of Congress and they promptly pissed it away by capitulating everything to Obama and flicking a bird to the Tea Party. This is payback for that.

I don't buy your theory on why Dems are supporting Hillary over Bernie either because they didn't fear being called Socialists or sexist when she ran against Obama in 2008. You speculate on what if Hillary were a male but what if Bernie were young and black? I don't think Hillary's vagina would save her. So could it be that they don't like Bernie because he's an old white guy? :dunno:
People like corruption, lies, deceit, slush funds, failure etc I suppose :dunno:

People like well paved roads
People like the police to be funded well to keep those roads safe
People like seeing their nation a first world science power
People like clean air and water

The republicans have lied and failed for the past 40 years so don't kid yourself.
Oh my gosh. Where was I? I thought sure we had paved roads, police, science and clean air and water before 2008! How did I miss all that chaos?
Careful, Boss

The Dem primaries is slowly replicating the 2008 primaries.

By the way, Hillary poll numbers is indicative of her popularity with Democrats. They are not solid and all you need is some liberal to challenge her and the weakness in her support begins to show.
Hillary's best job is the decay of her persona to being a viable candidate with her screw ups at the State Dept.....
So, no one has come out swinging for HillBilly yet? I personally was surprised to see her in the race in the first place. She was passed over eight years ago and had lots of baggage even then. Must be slim pickins on that side of the fence.
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable
How the left wing supports and outright liar is simply amazing to me. I too would like an explanation of how they came to anoint Mrs. Clinton. How they get past her very proven lie about Bosnia is simply breath taking.

They kind of remind me of Bush defenders in 2008. It smells like desperation to defend the democratic party's frontrunner. They have to defend her because it is their only canidate.

Mrs. Bengazi will be the democratic candidate.
Actually if you think about it the Supporters of Trump are as puzzling to me as the supporters of Clinton are for you...

My opinion of Hillary Clinton supporters and why they hesitate to support Bernie Sanders is because they fear being called a Socialist or sexist.

Well I can explain why people are supporting Trump. It is because a certain segment of conservative Republicans are sick and tired of being ridiculed and scorned by the establishment GOP who seem to think they know better on what makes a good Republican. In 2010, the Tea Party essentially gave the GOP both houses of Congress and they promptly pissed it away by capitulating everything to Obama and flicking a bird to the Tea Party. This is payback for that.

I don't buy your theory on why Dems are supporting Hillary over Bernie either because they didn't fear being called Socialists or sexist when she ran against Obama in 2008. You speculate on what if Hillary were a male but what if Bernie were young and black? I don't think Hillary's vagina would save her. So could it be that they don't like Bernie because he's an old white guy? :dunno:

Not to derail your thread either, but my question always has been-----> why no other Democrats entered the field?

Was it a deal with Hillary and Bill after 08? It is more than obvious that Democrats wanted, and begged Warren. I mean seriously, knowing everything we are all aware of, what are the odds that Hillary would be the easiest to elect between her, Warren, Biden, and a few other prominent Democrats?

I am telling you.....the last thing we want is to get Hilly out of the race until late October, if at all! She is by far the easiest big name Democratic candidate to beat, except for Sanders!
Actually if you think about it the Supporters of Trump are as puzzling to me as the supporters of Clinton are for you...

My opinion of Hillary Clinton supporters and why they hesitate to support Bernie Sanders is because they fear being called a Socialist or sexist.

Well I can explain why people are supporting Trump. It is because a certain segment of conservative Republicans are sick and tired of being ridiculed and scorned by the establishment GOP who seem to think they know better on what makes a good Republican. In 2010, the Tea Party essentially gave the GOP both houses of Congress and they promptly pissed it away by capitulating everything to Obama and flicking a bird to the Tea Party. This is payback for that.

I don't buy your theory on why Dems are supporting Hillary over Bernie either because they didn't fear being called Socialists or sexist when she ran against Obama in 2008. You speculate on what if Hillary were a male but what if Bernie were young and black? I don't think Hillary's vagina would save her. So could it be that they don't like Bernie because he's an old white guy? :dunno:

Sorry, double post.
Bernie is growing on me. Some of his stuff is a little too far right .

His age concerns me .
The only two people further left than Bernie are Mao and Stalin and they're both dead

lol, that's the line of attack that nuts like Frank thought would beat Obama in 2008.

No, Honey Boo Boo, Juan McCain never confronted his "good friend" Barack Hussein about his radical ideas. Obama was allowed to pretend that he was a political moderate and fiscal Conservative


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