Here is why capitalism needs major progressive reform

If you work a shit paying job, you also likely do not have the time or MONEY to learn new skills. A lot of people are stuck in the cycle of poverty regardless of ambition.

Why don't we let tens of millions of low-skill illegal aliens sneak across the border to compete
with these Americans?
I get that you don’t understand nuance on any level so you think I am talking about Marxism but you should probably actually educate yourself on what Marxism actually is.
This solution is good for a certain individuals. It is not a good solution on macro level. It’s impossible on a macro level. Bad paying jobs far outnumber good paying jobs. That means it is mathematically impossible for MOST workers to rely on this. If you work a shit paying job, you also likely do not have the time or MONEY to learn new skills. A lot of people are stuck in the cycle of poverty regardless of ambition.

Let’s say all workers did this though. Who would be left behind to do all those service jobs vital to the economy?
Raising the minimum wage. Give workers stake in profits to some extent. Make unions stronger. Work towards guaranteeing good benefits for any full time workers.

Corporate profits are at an all time high by the way. Many corporations can afford these reforms on a long enough timeframe of implementation
So your suggestion is Government intervention to cap profits and force corporations to provide more benefits to employees… Great idea if you want to push corporations of the country or out of business.

The Union I belong to has maintained good relations with my employer by understanding we need to work together, not against each other. Your proposal does exactly that - pitting employees against the company.
How about all the illegals coming across the border? Of course they would then need to be paid more than the job is worth which would allow them to improve their skills and move up which would bring us back to the problem of who does these low skill jobs. The reality is there will always be some people stuck in these low skill low paying jobs for whatever the reason bad luck, bad life choices, poor education that’s life it’s not always fair and there are some things the government can not fix and this is one of them.
Republicans are under the delusion that all far lefties want to get rid of capitalism altogether. While some misguided liberals do express this, for the most part that isn’t what we want. I mean this sure as hell is not what democrats in office want - not even close.

There’s no denying that capitalism is essential for any nation’s economy to be successful. A private market itself is important. Hell most nations know this anyway. I mean contrary to popular belief, Venezuela has a private market. The government is simply incompetent so that’s why it is a failed state.

To me, capitalism in America in the 50’s is the dream. Capitalism now in America? It’s a complete joke. Unfettered capitalism sounds good on paper, but it simply isn’t in practice.

Let me sum up how corporations today view labor:

“Okay so how much can we pay our employees to at least keep them productive and keep a steady flow of applicants? Turnover isn’t a big deal so long as new people come in a steady flow. Obviously we aren’t concerned about paying them a wage they can live off of. We just meed to maximize profit.”

This is where the government needs to step in.

Here's a thought. Move to CA, start a business there and get back to us when you've been signing the front of paychecks for at least 5 years. You know, a practical test of your theories.

Republicans are under the delusion that all far lefties want to get rid of capitalism altogether. While some misguided liberals do express this, for the most part that isn’t what we want. I mean this sure as hell is not what democrats in office want - not even close.

There’s no denying that capitalism is essential for any nation’s economy to be successful. A private market itself is important. Hell most nations know this anyway. I mean contrary to popular belief, Venezuela has a private market. The government is simply incompetent so that’s why it is a failed state.

To me, capitalism in America in the 50’s is the dream. Capitalism now in America? It’s a complete joke. Unfettered capitalism sounds good on paper, but it simply isn’t in practice.

Let me sum up how corporations today view labor:

“Okay so how much can we pay our employees to at least keep them productive and keep a steady flow of applicants? Turnover isn’t a big deal so long as new people come in a steady flow. Obviously we aren’t concerned about paying them a wage they can live off of. We just meed to maximize profit.”

This is where the government needs to step in.
So, you would spend ten times more for a moderate level flatscreen television made in America. From one hundred dollars to a thousand dollars. To keep the employees living a good life. You do know that back in the 1960's people paid a minimum of a few hundred dollars back then for a nice American made TV. A few hundred dollars minimum in the 1960's would cost several times more today.
So your suggestion is Government intervention to cap profits and force corporations to provide more benefits to employees… Great idea if you want to push corporations of the country or out of business.

The Union I belong to has maintained good relations with my employer by understanding we need to work together, not against each other. Your proposal does exactly that - pitting employees against the company.
I have no idea what you’re saying about “capping profits”. There wouldn’t be any limit to the money they make besides these implementations. It’s not like they would get a point in their business growth and the government says “stop making money”. Why would I propose something like that?
I have no idea what you’re saying about “capping profits”. There wouldn’t be any limit to the money they make besides these implementations. It’s not like they would get a point in their business growth and the government says “stop making money”. Why would I propose something like that?
When you suggest that the Government force companies to spend more money on their employee salaries and benefits thst sounds like you’re suggesting those companies are making too much money.
Republicans are under the delusion that all far lefties want to get rid of capitalism altogether. While some misguided liberals do express this, for the most part that isn’t what we want. I mean this sure as hell is not what democrats in office want - not even close.

There’s no denying that capitalism is essential for any nation’s economy to be successful. A private market itself is important. Hell most nations know this anyway. I mean contrary to popular belief, Venezuela has a private market. The government is simply incompetent so that’s why it is a failed state.

To me, capitalism in America in the 50’s is the dream. Capitalism now in America? It’s a complete joke. Unfettered capitalism sounds good on paper, but it simply isn’t in practice.

Let me sum up how corporations today view labor:

“Okay so how much can we pay our employees to at least keep them productive and keep a steady flow of applicants? Turnover isn’t a big deal so long as new people come in a steady flow. Obviously we aren’t concerned about paying them a wage they can live off of. We just meed to maximize profit.”

This is where the government needs to step in.
The triple zeroes in Billy's username indicates his net worth after years of living in his Mom's basement. Please Billy tell us all about "Capitalism".
Maybe the ignorant left has socialism confused with fascism. At any rate the best solution to the alleged corporate criminality is to educate kids about the Constitution and the freedoms guaranteed by the greatest Country in the world. Once kids figure out how the Country works they are prepared to elect the best people to do the job of representing the values they want to promote.
When you suggest that the Government force companies to spend more money on their employee salaries and benefits thst sounds like you’re suggesting those companies are making too much money.
Um no it’s not about them. It’s about their employees. With these requirements in place, why would anyone care about keeping them from making more money otherwise?
Um no it’s not about them. It’s about their employees. With these requirements in place, why would anyone care about keeping them from making more money otherwise?
Companies are NOT in business to support their employees. They are in business to maximize profits. Forcing companies to spend more on their employees is just going to force them to raise prices or cut staffing to ensure the same level of profits. Seems counterproductive to me.

I’ve literally seen this first hand with my employer. When the DPU failed to approve a rate increase the company cut ALL non-billable maintenance work and got rid of roughly 1,500 management jobs (about 25% of the non-represented staff) to meet a dividend they had guaranteed investors the previous year.
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Companies are NOT in business to support their employees. They are in business to maximize profits. Forcing companies to spend more on their employees is just going to force them to raise prices or cut staffing to ensure the same level of profits. Seems counterproductive to me.

I’ve literally seen this first hand with my employer. When the DPU failed to approve a rate increase the company cut ALL non-billable maintenance work and got rid of roughly 1,500 management jobs (about 25% of the non-represented staff) to meet a dividend they had guaranteed investors the previous year.
I’ll concede that for some smaller businesses, they shouldn’t be held to these exact standards. If the small business can’t afford this and their business would flop, then the government can provide it instead. This isn’t ideal for any business. You’re right. As far as the government spending would go in this situation, we could easily cut some defense spending (that’s bloated) and make sure corporations pay the OFFICIAL tax rate and not the EFFECTIVE tax rate like they have been doing. Keep in mind that if these changes were implemented, there would be no use for TANF and SNAP for able bodied individuals.

I’ll admit implementating these changes would need to be done over time. It can still be done.

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