Here is why capitalism needs major progressive reform

Well, fuck you and your pretentious Marxist claptrap about "reforming" capitalism.....You have less than no idea what you're blabbering about.
I get that you don’t understand nuance on any level so you think I am talking about Marxism but you should probably actually educate yourself on what Marxism actually is.
Republicans are under the delusion that all far lefties want to get rid of capitalism altogether. While some misguided liberals do express this, for the most part that isn’t what we want. I mean this sure as hell is not what democrats in office want - not even close.

There’s no denying that capitalism is essential for any nation’s economy to be successful. A private market itself is important. Hell most nations know this anyway. I mean contrary to popular belief, Venezuela has a private market. The government is simply incompetent so that’s why it is a failed state.

To me, capitalism in America in the 50’s is the dream. Capitalism now in America? It’s a complete joke. Unfettered capitalism sounds good on paper, but it simply isn’t in practice.

Let me sum up how corporations today view labor:

“Okay so how much can we pay our employees to at least keep them productive and keep a steady flow of applicants? Turnover isn’t a big deal so long as new people come in a steady flow. Obviously we aren’t concerned about paying them a wage they can live off of. We just meed to maximize profit.”

This is where the government needs to step in.
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So you want the government to have the power to tell a privately owned business what wages they should pay what kind of benefits to give the employees and basically how to run their company. Sure because nothing bad could come from the government having that kind of power because if there is one the government has proven over and over its they won’t abuse there power.(sarcasm)
So you want the government to have the power to tell a privately owned business what wages they should pay what kind of benefits to give the employees and basically how to run their company. Sure because nothing bad could come from the government having that kind of power because if there is one the government has proven over and over its they won’t abuse there power.(sarcasm)
Think of it this way. Wages are way behind on inflation (even inflation before this current issue) and have reminded mostly stagnant in comparison. Corporate profits are at an all time high despite all of this. What is YOUR solution to fixing this problem?
Think of it this way. Wages are way behind on inflation (even inflation before this current issue) and have reminded mostly stagnant in comparison. Corporate profits are at an all time high despite all of this. What is YOUR solution to fixing this problem?
Get skills and training that makes you a more valuable employee. There is a reason jobs that don’t require any special skills and training are low paying. I consider this a far better and more realistic option than counting on the government to look out for you.
Raising the minimum wage. Give workers stake in profits to some extent. Make unions stronger. Work towards guaranteeing good benefits for any full time workers.

Corporate profits are at an all time high by the way. Many corporations can afford these reforms on a long enough timeframe of implementation.
When you say unions, are you talking about the corrupt unions of the past when they were stronger? :cuckoo:
Republicans are under the delusion that all far lefties want to get rid of capitalism altogether. While some misguided liberals do express this, for the most part that isn’t what we want. I mean this sure as hell is not what democrats in office want - not even close.

There’s no denying that capitalism is essential for any nation’s economy to be successful. A private market itself is important. Hell most nations know this anyway. I mean contrary to popular belief, Venezuela has a private market. The government is simply incompetent so that’s why it is a failed state.

To me, capitalism in America in the 50’s is the dream. Capitalism now in America? It’s a complete joke. Unfettered capitalism sounds good on paper, but it simply isn’t in practice.

Let me sum up how corporations today view labor:

“Okay so how much can we pay our employees to at least keep them productive and keep a steady flow of applicants? Turnover isn’t a big deal so long as new people come in a steady flow. Obviously we aren’t concerned about paying them a wage they can live off of. We just meed to maximize profit.”

This is where the government needs to step in.
And YOU are why we need to round up all the commies and execute them.
Get skills and training that makes you a more valuable employee. There is a reason jobs that don’t require any special skills and training are low paying. I consider this a far better and more realistic option than counting on the government to look out for you.
This solution is good for a certain individuals. It is not a good solution on macro level. It’s impossible on a macro level. Bad paying jobs far outnumber good paying jobs. That means it is mathematically impossible for MOST workers to rely on this. If you work a shit paying job, you also likely do not have the time or MONEY to learn new skills. A lot of people are stuck in the cycle of poverty regardless of ambition.

Let’s say all workers did this though. Who would be left behind to do all those service jobs vital to the economy?
Think of it this way. Wages are way behind on inflation (even inflation before this current issue) and have reminded mostly stagnant in comparison. Corporate profits are at an all time high despite all of this. What is YOUR solution to fixing this problem?

Think of it this way. Wages are way behind on inflation (even inflation before this current issue)

Yeah, Biden and the Dems are fuckups.

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