Here is why you can't trust the Media to be honest

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I plead guilty for blaming the media for a hell of a lot of bad things. Such as making stuff up about the election of 2020. Hell they made it up prior to that too. Such as they claim that voter tampering happens only to blacks. They refuse to admit it happens to whites. They call it voter suppression. But where is the proof?

Watch how this reporter is dealt with by Senator Kennedy. This is way more common than some care to admit.

I plead guilty for blaming the media for a hell of a lot of bad things. Such as making stuff up about the election of 2020. Hell they made it up prior to that too. Such as they claim that voter tampering happens only to blacks. They refuse to admit it happens to whites. They call it voter suppression. But where is the proof?

Watch how this reporter is dealt with by Senator Kennedy. This is way more common than some care to admit.

These people are brainwashed.

Anything nasty anyone says about Republicans....they'll believe it.

They don't even care that most Democrats are the most racist assholes in America, and always have been.

They don't care that Democrats have gotten us into almost every war in American history.

They claim that all of the Southern Democrats switched to the GOP. Total BS.
The media being dishonest????? SHOCK HORROR!!!!! Say it isn't so!!!!:omg:


I plead guilty for blaming the media for a hell of a lot of bad things. Such as making stuff up about the election of 2020. Hell they made it up prior to that too. Such as they claim that voter tampering happens only to blacks. They refuse to admit it happens to whites. They call it voter suppression. But where is the proof?

Watch how this reporter is dealt with by Senator Kennedy. This is way more common than some care to admit.

The media rarely lies but certainly misleads the public in 2 ways.
First, they feature guests who voice opinions that have no validly in fact.
Second, they repeat it over and over until the public accepts it as truth.

Whether intentional or not media repeats stories over and over and over, often because of lack of any real news. And with repetition, the public begins to believe because they hear it so often. Minor problems become big problems in the mind of the public.

In a city in which I lived years ago, a candidate for major campaigned almost exclusively on the serious crime problem in the city. A local station, who obviously supported the candidate ran crime stories every night often featuring victims. They repeated it on the late news and the morning news and if there was no other big crime story they ran it again the next night. Long before the election, our crime problem had become crime wave. Was the station lying? Nope, every story was true, all 6 times they ran it.
The problem is that when people bend the truth or apply their efforts to conform to a pre determined narrative, it undermines debate and reality. Reality is the answer to every question, that is, if we in the West want to thrive and survive in the new global world.

I've always watched spy documentaries and war documentaries in my lifetime, learned a great deal about how diabolical some can be, many treasonous, self serving people. Of late I have been revisiting the dire, evil efforts of people like Goebbels. They convinced people to believe what wasn't fact. No goading necessarily but simply controlling the narrative without questioning.

This was done when Twitter silenced dissent be it during covid or Russia, Russia etc. Ditto for other social media. Did this serve the public?

Musk is right when he cursed the advertisers who threatened to pull their funding and hurt Twitter as he said to these advertisers "let's see how earth responds to that (boycott which destroys the company)". It is a broad statement that basically suggests that they will be hurting the very principles that allowed their corporations to thrive. For society to remain free and prosperous.

In the end the more people see their reality diverting from media-driven "news", the less traditional media will be trusted, the more people will in turn boycott these companies and/or support those who have their best interest at heart. Furthermore, it will drive a more contrarian social media industry as people will desire facts, even if inconvenient; over more comfortable deceit that makes them feel good but does nothing for their plight.
The media rarely lies but certainly misleads the public in 2 ways.
First, they feature guests who voice opinions that have no validly in fact.
Second, they repeat it over and over until the public accepts it as truth.

Whether intentional or not media repeats stories over and over and over, often because of lack of any real news. And with repetition, the public begins to believe because they hear it so often. Minor problems become big problems in the mind of the public.

In a city in which I lived years ago, a candidate for major campaigned almost exclusively on the serious crime problem in the city. A local station, who obviously supported the candidate ran crime stories every night often featuring victims. They repeated it on the late news and the morning news and if there was no other big crime story they ran it again the next night. Long before the election, our crime problem had become crime wave. Was the station lying? Nope, every story was true, all 6 times they ran it.
theres a third,,
they withhold relevant information,,

which is a lie a lie by omission,,
The media rarely lies but certainly misleads the public in 2 ways.
First, they feature guests who voice opinions that have no validly in fact.
Second, they repeat it over and over until the public accepts it as truth.

Whether intentional or not media repeats stories over and over and over, often because of lack of any real news. And with repetition, the public begins to believe because they hear it so often. Minor problems become big problems in the mind of the public.

In a city in which I lived years ago, a candidate for major campaigned almost exclusively on the serious crime problem in the city. A local station, who obviously supported the candidate ran crime stories every night often featuring victims. They repeated it on the late news and the morning news and if there was no other big crime story they ran it again the next night. Long before the election, our crime problem had become crime wave. Was the station lying? Nope, every story was true, all 6 times they ran it.
Frankly I believe we are on the same page of the same book. By book I mean our ideas.
I watched Sunday AM on TV Meet the Press. She, Margaret Brennan focuses on things SHE believes helps only Biden. She does a lot of damage to Trump. And not for good reason. She really likes Biden. Clearly based on her, her guests and her dialogue, she does not like Trump and really likes Democrats. She of course is the gospel to many Democrats, even though she lies.
The problem is that when people bend the truth or apply their efforts to conform to a pre determined narrative, it undermines debate and reality. Reality is the answer to every question, that is, if we in the West want to thrive and survive in the new global world.

I've always watched spy documentaries and war documentaries in my lifetime, learned a great deal about how diabolical some can be, many treasonous, self serving people. Of late I have been revisiting the dire, evil efforts of people like Goebbels. They convinced people to believe what wasn't fact. No goading necessarily but simply controlling the narrative without questioning.

This was done when Twitter silenced dissent be it during covid or Russia, Russia etc. Ditto for other social media. Did this serve the public?

Musk is right when he cursed the advertisers who threatened to pull their funding and hurt Twitter as he said to these advertisers "let's see how earth responds to that (boycott which destroys the company)". It is a broad statement that basically suggests that they will be hurting the very principles that allowed their corporations to thrive. For society to remain free and prosperous.

In the end the more people see their reality diverting from media-driven "news", the less traditional media will be trusted, the more people will in turn boycott these companies and/or support those who have their best interest at heart. Furthermore, it will drive a more contrarian social media industry as people will desire facts, even if inconvenient; over more comfortable deceit that makes them feel good but does nothing for their plight.
I have noticed that even in Australia, they complain about this same issue. They discuss that their leaders spread lies. Biden lies a lot. But the Media treats him as were he honest.
I have noticed that even in Australia, they complain about this same issue. They discuss that their leaders spread lies. Biden lies a lot. But the Media treats him as were he honest.
Politicians lie, this is baked into the cake now and most of thinking public understands this.

What shouldn't be occurring is media fawning over them. Believing they are special because they get to hang out at cool media parties and get exclusive access. That is Goebbels type activities that hone in on the weak nature of people, especially obedient media.
These people are brainwashed.

Anything nasty anyone says about Republicans....they'll believe it.

They don't even care that most Democrats are the most racist assholes in America, and always have been.

They don't care that Democrats have gotten us into almost every war in American history.

They claim that all of the Southern Democrats switched to the GOP. Total BS.
And when did they switch? They allege in 1964. But that is a huge lie. I was in 1964 a very loyal Democrat. So loyal i voted for JFK, then Johnson and in fact only Democrats including Carter. Carter soured me on Democrats. I did not judge him for being a nice man. I judged him as president. He ripped America a new asshole. It was so awful my industry under him lost half of the agents. Yes Democrats have got us into most wars. I do not blame them for the Civil war. I blame Lincoln. Why? He rallied a huge army and sent then to invade. That commenced the war. Sumter was a sideshow. No Union troop was killed by the South. The only death at Sumter was due to a celebration of the flag falling that went bad. To blame the South for poor cannon fire strikes me as crazy. Also Abe did not say he went to war over Sumter.
The media rarely lies but certainly misleads the public in 2 ways.
First, they feature guests who voice opinions that have no validly in fact.
Second, they repeat it over and over until the public accepts it as truth.

Whether intentional or not media repeats stories over and over and over, often because of lack of any real news. And with repetition, the public begins to believe because they hear it so often. Minor problems become big problems in the mind of the public.

In a city in which I lived years ago, a candidate for major campaigned almost exclusively on the serious crime problem in the city. A local station, who obviously supported the candidate ran crime stories every night often featuring victims. They repeated it on the late news and the morning news and if there was no other big crime story they ran it again the next night. Long before the election, our crime problem had become crime wave. Was the station lying? Nope, every story was true, all 6 times they ran it.
Perfect example is they'll swear on a stack of Korans that Trump is a racist and hates Gays.....but they don't have a single shred of evidence that this is true.
They just assume that anyone who thinks of America first has to be a racist and homophobic.
Perfect example is they'll swear on a stack of Korans that Trump is a racist and hates Gays.....but they don't have a single shred of evidence that this is true.
They just assume that anyone who thinks of America first has to be a racist and homophobic.
When Trump named countries he banned travel from, the media alleged he banned 100 percent of Muslims. Trump corrected them but the Media kept the lie rolling along like thunder. Trump was talking of the citizens in VA at Charlottesville by saying a good many of them were good citizens. The media twisted it to sound like he said the group he liked were the haters. Trump had excluded those people. But the media lied.
When Trump named countries he banned travel from, the media alleged he banned 100 percent of Muslims. Trump corrected them but the Media kept the lie rolling along like thunder. Trump was talking of the citizens in VA at Charlottesville by saying a good many of them were good citizens. The media twisted it to sound like he said the group he liked were the haters. Trump had excluded those people. But the media lied.
Democrats will believe any lie they make up about him.
That's why they spent his entire 4 years trashing his character.

My niece believes he raped E. J. Carroll because she relies on public assistance. She'll believe any nasty thing they accuse Trump of.
Anything that we find out about Biden doesn't matter, because they already have a target to hate.
Many voters are single-issue voters.....and the Dems simply push their buttons.
It doesn't have to be true to work because most people aren't paying attention.
Democrats will believe any lie they make up about him.
That's why they spent his entire 4 years trashing his character.

My niece believes he raped E. J. Carroll because she relies on public assistance. She'll believe any nasty thing they accuse Trump of.
Anything that we find out about Biden doesn't matter, because they already have a target to hate.
Many voters are single-issue voters.....and the Dems simply push their buttons.
It doesn't have to be true to work because most people aren't paying attention.
It truly makes me upset to have to say it like this but I am getting close to 86 and a lot these people know nothing much about I know a lot. They never went to germany after WW2 like I did. They only associate Nazis with Hitler. They do not understand why he was adored by Germans. Well I know why he was adored. He operated like he was an American Democrat. Yes some of my family are Democrats and my goal is to protect them. But they believe in the crap Democrats believe. It's very tough to defend them.
It truly makes me upset to have to say it like this but I am getting close to 86 and a lot these people know nothing much about I know a lot. They never went to germany after WW2 like I did. They only associate Nazis with Hitler. They do not understand why he was adored by Germans. Well I know why he was adored. He operated like he was an American Democrat. Yes some of my family are Democrats and my goal is to protect them. But they believe in the crap Democrats believe. It's very tough to defend them.
Democrats tell you what you want to hear, not what you need to hear.

The fact is, most voters never pay attention.

They don't like when they vote, they're always misinformed.
Democrats tell you what you want to hear, not what you need to hear.

The fact is, most voters never pay attention.

They don't like when they vote, they're always misinformed.
There are millions of Americans who do not bother to Vote. They do not believe in Voting.

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