Here It Is---Trump's New Food Stamp Plan: A Basket Of U.S. Food, Direct To Your Doorstep!

Yeah says the stockholder in coke sales. Diabetes is such a nice luxury. You superficially sound so thoughtful of the poor. (Vomit)

I'd rather they buy mangos & New York steak...artichoke hearts or Brie than soda or chips as their luxury.

Sorry, I don't own any stock in anything. I invested in myself and retired from the military. And, sorry, but they aren't going to drink 2 liters of soda per day. If soda helps to make them happy, and they can afford some each time, I say let them have it.
Nope. No nutritional value or proven health hazards don't qualify for the food stamp program.

Got a link to back up your claim? Or, is this just more partisan bullshit you're pulling outta your ass? If soda doesn't qualify for the food stamp program (in your opinion), then why doesn't the government take it off the SNAP approved list?

In the Shopping Cart of a Food Stamp Household: Lots of Soda

I didn't ask for a link to show what they were buying, because I already posted one.

You said that soda doesn't qualify for the SNAP program because it has no nutritional value. I asked for a link from you showing that SNAP can't be used to buy soda because of your claim. You have yet to provide one by the way.

As far as buying soda? Well, this is from your link.....................

The findings show that the No. 1 purchases by SNAP households are soft drinks, which accounted for 5 percent of the dollars they spent on food. The category of ‘sweetened beverages,’ which includes soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks and sweetened teas, accounted for almost 10 percent of the dollars they spent on food. “In this sense, SNAP is a multibillion-dollar taxpayer subsidy of the soda industry,” said Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University. “It’s pretty shocking.”

It says that soda accounts for only 5 percent of the dollars they spend. Know how much 5 percent is of 125.00 (the average monthly SNAP allowance)? Around 6.25, and considering the cost of soda, that will only buy about three 2 liter bottles.

It also says in your link that if they expand that to include all sweetened beverages, including juices (healthy), energy drinks (questionable), and sweetened teas (possibly healthy, depends on what it is sweetened with), that percentage only increases to 10 percent, which of a 125.00/mo allowance is only 12.50/mo. Considering the costs of those things, 12.50/mo on sodas and sweetened drinks ain't that much. I like Starbucks coffees in the little glass bottles, and they run about 2.50 each, which for someone on assistance would be only 1 of those drinks every 3 days.

Apparently, you don't have much of a heart when you scream about them spending money on small comforts.

When I get to a forum I usually read the last post first and work my way up so I don't repeat or post what somebody else did. That's why I posted the link; I didn't see yours until later.

No, I didn't say anything about SNAP's not covering drinks; you were discussing that with somebody else.

Growing up we seldom had sodas. We were not on food stamps, but Mom made sure what little money we had stretched a long way. For beverages, it was a pitcher of Kool-Aid which if I remember correctly, was 10 cents per packet at the time plus sugar, so we didn't have those "small comforts" either as a working family.

The article also points out that we spent 78 million on food stamps last year, and 10% of 78 million is close to 8 million dollars a year.
You know, for all you people screaming that people on SNAP are buying lobster and steak, here is what they are REALLY buying, as shown by surveys of actual stores. Know what the number one meat is? Hamburger. Know what the second most popular meat is? Chicken breasts.

No, they are not dining like kings. Yes, the top item bought is soda, but they are also buying regular food, and not the luxury items you people are screaming about.

People on Food Stamps Buy These Items the Most at the Grocery Store
They should not be able at all to buy foods with little to no nutritional value. Otherwise we might as well give them vouchers for meth for all the good those products don't do for the body.

try to control yourself------who is going to DECIDE WHAT THEY SHOULD EAT-----if you ask my mom---
no one eat a potato chip?

No, we don't decide what they should eat.
We decide what we will give them to eat.

Two different things. They can eat whatever they want.
But we will only give them certain things. If they want something different than what they are given, they are free to find a way to get it themselves.
The Coming Food Stamp Cut Will Hit 900,000 Veterans
Bryce Covert Oct 29, 2013, 1:00 pm


Benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, will automatically drop come Friday thanks to the loss of additional funds from the 2009 stimulus bill. That cut will hit about 900,000 of the country’s veterans, according to an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

“Nationwide, in any given month, a total of 900,000 veterans nationwide lived in households that relied on SNAP to provide food for their families in 2011,” CBPP writes. The number varies state to state, with over 100,000 veterans in households that rely on the benefits in Florida and Texas each.

The coming cut will range from $36 a month for a family of four to $11 a month for a single person. Food stamps will average less than $1.40 per person per meal next year with the cut. Benefits were already sparse, at just $133 a month on average.

Veterans can face a lot of challenges finding work when they return from service. While overall the unemployment rate for veterans is 6.5 percent, those who have served since 2001 to the present have an unemployment rate of 9.7 percent. Nearly one in 10 veterans with disabilities were without employment in 2010. They are also disproportionately likely to live in poverty and to be homeless. In 2010, nearly a million veterans ages 18 to 64 had experienced poverty over the past year.

As of 2011, nearly one in seven homeless adults was a veteran and more than four in ten homeless veterans were without shelter. They are therefore heavily impacted by cuts to the social safety net.
I support the SNAP program
And I imagine it supports you.

Good one

Have you even bothered to consider the logistics in doing something like this? Home delivery of food baskets? Who's gonna deliver them, and how often?

I actually work in direct mail; it's really not that complicated or expensive
to ship over night delivery? perishables...milk, cheese, meats would have to be next day delivery....and that ain't cheap at all!
You know, for all you people screaming that people on SNAP are buying lobster and steak, here is what they are REALLY buying, as shown by surveys of actual stores. Know what the number one meat is? Hamburger. Know what the second most popular meat is? Chicken breasts.

No, they are not dining like kings. Yes, the top item bought is soda, but they are also buying regular food, and not the luxury items you people are screaming about.

People on Food Stamps Buy These Items the Most at the Grocery Store

You're making the mistake of taking their posturing seriously. This is like the drug testing for welfare nonsense. It's not about improving outcomes. It's about expressing opposition to welfare, by targeting its victims.

We aren't targeting the victims of welfare, though you are right...welfare does create victims.
We're trying to eliminate the victims of welfare, and stop creating more welfare victims.

And the best way to do that is to stop the welfare.
Have you even bothered to consider the logistics in doing something like this? Home delivery of food baskets? Who's gonna deliver them, and how often?

I actually work in direct mail; it's really not that complicated or expensive
to ship over night delivery? perishables...milk, cheese, meats would have to be next day delivery....and that ain't cheap at all!

Amazon is already all over that shit.
The Coming Food Stamp Cut Will Hit 900,000 Veterans
Bryce Covert Oct 29, 2013, 1:00 pm


Benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, will automatically drop come Friday thanks to the loss of additional funds from the 2009 stimulus bill. That cut will hit about 900,000 of the country’s veterans, according to an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

“Nationwide, in any given month, a total of 900,000 veterans nationwide lived in households that relied on SNAP to provide food for their families in 2011,” CBPP writes. The number varies state to state, with over 100,000 veterans in households that rely on the benefits in Florida and Texas each.

The coming cut will range from $36 a month for a family of four to $11 a month for a single person. Food stamps will average less than $1.40 per person per meal next year with the cut. Benefits were already sparse, at just $133 a month on average.

Veterans can face a lot of challenges finding work when they return from service. While overall the unemployment rate for veterans is 6.5 percent, those who have served since 2001 to the present have an unemployment rate of 9.7 percent. Nearly one in 10 veterans with disabilities were without employment in 2010. They are also disproportionately likely to live in poverty and to be homeless. In 2010, nearly a million veterans ages 18 to 64 had experienced poverty over the past year.

As of 2011, nearly one in seven homeless adults was a veteran and more than four in ten homeless veterans were without shelter. They are therefore heavily impacted by cuts to the social safety net.

Disabled vets aren't going to lose their snap. They're exempted from ABAWD requirements.

Nice try, though.
And the myth that the crazy homeless people are all old's horseshit.

And 9/10 of the *vets* that are panhandling that you flip a few pennies to...aren't veterans.
Commies and freedom haters get all worked up when you talk about removing government control from food dispersements.
The homeless may have a doorstep but not a kitchen.

Homeless people are not on the SNAP's program; nowhere to send their cards to.
Yes homeless people are on snap. A LOT of homeless people are snap. they just use general delivery. EBT cards are issued in the office.

I had to look that up. According the the feds, you can get SNAP's if you live in a homeless shelter.
The homeless may have a doorstep but not a kitchen.

Homeless people are not on the SNAP's program; nowhere to send their cards to.
Yes homeless people are on snap. A LOT of homeless people are snap. they just use general delivery. EBT cards are issued in the office.

I had to look that up. According the the feds, you can get SNAP's if you live in a homeless shelter.

You can be homeless and living in the street, you just have to have a mailing address. And the mailing address can be general delivery.
Have you even bothered to consider the logistics in doing something like this? Home delivery of food baskets? Who's gonna deliver them, and how often?

I actually work in direct mail; it's really not that complicated or expensive
to ship over night delivery? perishables...milk, cheese, meats would have to be next day delivery....and that ain't cheap at all!

I'm a truck driver, and trust me, they make trucks and trailers with refrigerators in them.
Have you even bothered to consider the logistics in doing something like this? Home delivery of food baskets? Who's gonna deliver them, and how often?

I actually work in direct mail; it's really not that complicated or expensive
to ship over night delivery? perishables...milk, cheese, meats would have to be next day delivery....and that ain't cheap at all!

I'm a truck driver, and trust me, they make trucks and trailers with refrigerators in them.
My niece sends me huge boxes of beef every year at Christmas.

Yes, Virginia, food can be shipped and fast in the US.

And Amazon is going to be integral to Trump's plan. Invest in Amazon Fresh. It's going to make markets obsolete.
The homeless may have a doorstep but not a kitchen.

Homeless people are not on the SNAP's program; nowhere to send their cards to.
Yes homeless people are on snap. A LOT of homeless people are snap. they just use general delivery. EBT cards are issued in the office.

I had to look that up. According the the feds, you can get SNAP's if you live in a homeless shelter.

You can be homeless and living in the street, you just have to have a mailing address. And the mailing address can be general delivery.

The link doesn't say that. It only mentions shelters. That's beside the fact of where would a homeless person put all that food unless they were at the store every day or so?

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