Here It Is---Trump's New Food Stamp Plan: A Basket Of U.S. Food, Direct To Your Doorstep!

You know, for all you people screaming that people on SNAP are buying lobster and steak, here is what they are REALLY buying, as shown by surveys of actual stores. Know what the number one meat is? Hamburger. Know what the second most popular meat is? Chicken breasts.

No, they are not dining like kings. Yes, the top item bought is soda, but they are also buying regular food, and not the luxury items you people are screaming about.

People on Food Stamps Buy These Items the Most at the Grocery Store
They should not be able at all to buy foods with little to no nutritional value. Otherwise we might as well give them vouchers for meth for all the good those products don't do for the body.

You know, I don't begrudge poor people being able to buy soda with SNAP. Why? It's probably one of the few "luxuries" they can afford.


I think the poor should be able to buy what they wish...If they're stupid with the limited amount of food stamps = they starve.

You know, there was one time in my life that I remember being on food stamps. My mother was in the process of getting a divorce, and money was really tight, so she went on food stamps.

No. She didn't buy any "luxury" food, she bought the bare essentials of what we needed to live. I remember having hamburgers during that time that weren't on hamburger buns, but rather were made with sliced Wonder bread.

You are right, damn near everyone on food stamps knows they have to manage their SNAP, because otherwise they starve for the last week or so. 125.00/mo isn't as much for chow as most people would think. Shoot, when I go to the store, I end up dropping around 200 to 250/mo. on groceries alone. But then again, I am not on assistance, and my retirement covers my bills fine. And, there is the fact that I like stuff like brisket, and various deli meats and cheeses.
You know, I don't begrudge poor people being able to buy soda with SNAP. Why? It's probably one of the few "luxuries" they can afford.
Yeah says the stockholder in coke sales. Diabetes is such a nice luxury. You superficially sound so thoughtful of the poor. (Vomit)

I'd rather they buy mangos & New York steak...artichoke hearts or Brie than soda or chips as their luxury.
Once again, Trump is doing the right thing!

Getting actual food to the people that really need it and reducing the opportunity for fraud and theft in one fell swoop.

Progressives will, of course, complain about this and find fault

Why do our friends on the left want poor people to go hungry?

Have you even bothered to consider the logistics in doing something like this? Home delivery of food baskets? Who's gonna deliver them, and how often?

My grandparents got monthly commodities when at home during the either picked it up at a local location or they delivered it if need be.
------------------------------ THATs What i was going to say , i knew of an old Mother , her husband died in the early 20s . The good lady had 10 kids , she cleaned office buildings and got RELIEF supplies / food staples from Government to feed herself and the kids . Stuff was delivered to her door .
You know, I don't begrudge poor people being able to buy soda with SNAP. Why? It's probably one of the few "luxuries" they can afford.
Yeah says the stockholder in coke sales. Diabetes is such a nice luxury. You superficially sound so thoughtful of the poor. (Vomit)

I'd rather they buy mangos & New York steak...artichoke hearts or Brie than soda or chips as their luxury.

Sorry, I don't own any stock in anything. I invested in myself and retired from the military. And, sorry, but they aren't going to drink 2 liters of soda per day. If soda helps to make them happy, and they can afford some each time, I say let them have it.
And the delivered food would be good food , known by all to be healthy and nutritious Rosie .
You know, I don't begrudge poor people being able to buy soda with SNAP. Why? It's probably one of the few "luxuries" they can afford.
Yeah says the stockholder in coke sales. Diabetes is such a nice luxury. You superficially sound so thoughtful of the poor. (Vomit)

I'd rather they buy mangos & New York steak...artichoke hearts or Brie than soda or chips as their luxury.

Sorry, I don't own any stock in anything. I invested in myself and retired from the military. And, sorry, but they aren't going to drink 2 liters of soda per day. If soda helps to make them happy, and they can afford some each time, I say let them have it.
Nope. No nutritional value or proven health hazards don't qualify for the food stamp program.
You know, I don't begrudge poor people being able to buy soda with SNAP. Why? It's probably one of the few "luxuries" they can afford.
Yeah says the stockholder in coke sales. Diabetes is such a nice luxury. You superficially sound so thoughtful of the poor. (Vomit)

I'd rather they buy mangos & New York steak...artichoke hearts or Brie than soda or chips as their luxury.

Sorry, I don't own any stock in anything. I invested in myself and retired from the military. And, sorry, but they aren't going to drink 2 liters of soda per day. If soda helps to make them happy, and they can afford some each time, I say let them have it.
Nope. No nutritional value or proven health hazards don't qualify for the food stamp program.

Got a link to back up your claim? Or, is this just more partisan bullshit you're pulling outta your ass? If soda doesn't qualify for the food stamp program (in your opinion), then why doesn't the government take it off the SNAP approved list?
^^. Pismo. Probably from the local farmers right down the street too.
-------------------------- maybe at that time but nowadays it'd come from Supermarkets Food warehouses and delivered to doors by employees that may have been on food stamps at one time Silhouette .
Once again, Trump is doing the right thing!

Getting actual food to the people that really need it and reducing the opportunity for fraud and theft in one fell swoop.

Progressives will, of course, complain about this and find fault

Why do our friends on the left want poor people to go hungry?

Have you even bothered to consider the logistics in doing something like this? Home delivery of food baskets? Who's gonna deliver them, and how often?

My grandparents got monthly commodities when at home during the either picked it up at a local location or they delivered it if need be.
A neighbor of mine got monthly commodities. She didn't like the powdered milk, powdered eggs or lard. She gave them to me. I gave her a bag of cookies or gumdrops.
You know, I don't begrudge poor people being able to buy soda with SNAP. Why? It's probably one of the few "luxuries" they can afford.
Yeah says the stockholder in coke sales. Diabetes is such a nice luxury. You superficially sound so thoughtful of the poor. (Vomit)

I'd rather they buy mangos & New York steak...artichoke hearts or Brie than soda or chips as their luxury.

Sorry, I don't own any stock in anything. I invested in myself and retired from the military. And, sorry, but they aren't going to drink 2 liters of soda per day. If soda helps to make them happy, and they can afford some each time, I say let them have it.
Nope. No nutritional value or proven health hazards don't qualify for the food stamp program.

Got a link to back up your claim? Or, is this just more partisan bullshit you're pulling outta your ass? If soda doesn't qualify for the food stamp program (in your opinion), then why doesn't the government take it off the SNAP approved list?

In the Shopping Cart of a Food Stamp Household: Lots of Soda
You know, for all you people screaming that people on SNAP are buying lobster and steak, here is what they are REALLY buying, as shown by surveys of actual stores. Know what the number one meat is? Hamburger. Know what the second most popular meat is? Chicken breasts.

No, they are not dining like kings. Yes, the top item bought is soda, but they are also buying regular food, and not the luxury items you people are screaming about.

People on Food Stamps Buy These Items the Most at the Grocery Store
They should not be able at all to buy foods with little to no nutritional value. Otherwise we might as well give them vouchers for meth for all the good those products don't do for the body.

You know, I don't begrudge poor people being able to buy soda with SNAP. Why? It's probably one of the few "luxuries" they can afford.


I think the poor should be able to buy what they wish...If they're stupid with the limited amount of food stamps = they starve.

You know, there was one time in my life that I remember being on food stamps. My mother was in the process of getting a divorce, and money was really tight, so she went on food stamps.

No. She didn't buy any "luxury" food, she bought the bare essentials of what we needed to live. I remember having hamburgers during that time that weren't on hamburger buns, but rather were made with sliced Wonder bread.

You are right, damn near everyone on food stamps knows they have to manage their SNAP, because otherwise they starve for the last week or so. 125.00/mo isn't as much for chow as most people would think. Shoot, when I go to the store, I end up dropping around 200 to 250/mo. on groceries alone. But then again, I am not on assistance, and my retirement covers my bills fine. And, there is the fact that I like stuff like brisket, and various deli meats and cheeses.

Hamburgers on white bread? That's what I'm having for dinner tonight.

Maybe it''s the luck of the draw,, but anytime I get a food stamp lady in front of me, she weights at least 300 lbs and has three or four kids.

A friend of mine works at a place where they use a lot of temp help. He said during lunch they usually sit together. The most common subject for them to talk about his how much they sold their food stamp cards for. Some of those ghetto corners stores will buy those cards for 50 cents on the dollar.

This idea is a step in the right direction if the goal is to cut down on fraud. It's a deterrent except for those who really want real food.
You know, I don't begrudge poor people being able to buy soda with SNAP. Why? It's probably one of the few "luxuries" they can afford.
Yeah says the stockholder in coke sales. Diabetes is such a nice luxury. You superficially sound so thoughtful of the poor. (Vomit)

I'd rather they buy mangos & New York steak...artichoke hearts or Brie than soda or chips as their luxury.

Sorry, I don't own any stock in anything. I invested in myself and retired from the military. And, sorry, but they aren't going to drink 2 liters of soda per day. If soda helps to make them happy, and they can afford some each time, I say let them have it.
Nope. No nutritional value or proven health hazards don't qualify for the food stamp program.

Got a link to back up your claim? Or, is this just more partisan bullshit you're pulling outta your ass? If soda doesn't qualify for the food stamp program (in your opinion), then why doesn't the government take it off the SNAP approved list?

In the Shopping Cart of a Food Stamp Household: Lots of Soda

I didn't ask for a link to show what they were buying, because I already posted one.

You said that soda doesn't qualify for the SNAP program because it has no nutritional value. I asked for a link from you showing that SNAP can't be used to buy soda because of your claim. You have yet to provide one by the way.

As far as buying soda? Well, this is from your link.....................

The findings show that the No. 1 purchases by SNAP households are soft drinks, which accounted for 5 percent of the dollars they spent on food. The category of ‘sweetened beverages,’ which includes soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks and sweetened teas, accounted for almost 10 percent of the dollars they spent on food. “In this sense, SNAP is a multibillion-dollar taxpayer subsidy of the soda industry,” said Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University. “It’s pretty shocking.”

It says that soda accounts for only 5 percent of the dollars they spend. Know how much 5 percent is of 125.00 (the average monthly SNAP allowance)? Around 6.25, and considering the cost of soda, that will only buy about three 2 liter bottles.

It also says in your link that if they expand that to include all sweetened beverages, including juices (healthy), energy drinks (questionable), and sweetened teas (possibly healthy, depends on what it is sweetened with), that percentage only increases to 10 percent, which of a 125.00/mo allowance is only 12.50/mo. Considering the costs of those things, 12.50/mo on sodas and sweetened drinks ain't that much. I like Starbucks coffees in the little glass bottles, and they run about 2.50 each, which for someone on assistance would be only 1 of those drinks every 3 days.

Apparently, you don't have much of a heart when you scream about them spending money on small comforts.
How about actual stamps for certain foods you use as a coupon? Bread, milk, eggs, cheese, canned fruits and veg
One-time-shot Plastic Debit Cards are a helluva lot cheaper than 'stamps' - closer to being fraud-proof, as well... stamps don't have mag-stripes for validation...

True, but what they are doing now is finding a new way to beat the system.

A few months ago I was in my grocery store line and a lowlife approached me. He asked if he could buy around $30.00 of my food using his food stamps, and I would purchase my items back from him after we check out for $20.00.

He gets the 20 and I save ten bucks. Of course I told him to go pound a salt bag, but he found somebody in the line next to me willing to save the ten bucks.
There are ways to scam any system, and I'm happy to concede that such things take place.

Before we go and turn the calendar back 40 years for 1970s-style USDA cheese and eggs and peanut butter, etc., I'd like to see some reliable numbers on the extent.

If we're spending $1000 to fix $1 worth of fraud (relatively speaking), then it's a non-starter.
spoiled-cans-22.jpg + 7dc575d97a4fa5c1849c9270691a9f69.jpg+ ry=400.jpg ===fdea26cb6823c28f121f2d77978bd04a.jpg !!!OK Maybe now I can go for this plan since I figured out how it could be a home delivered FACIAL from the feds (gimmee):
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For chrissakes Mr. Trump, you're a fucking billionaire. Find something better to do with your time than dream up insane schemes to fuck with the poor people.

What does him being a billionaire have to do with him doing the job of a President?
Since he's a billionaire he might know how to get things done and liberals only want wailing about what's being done to them

That and he's the most pragmatic President we've had in quite a while. Usually politicians make decisions based on politics.
How about actual stamps for certain foods you use as a coupon? Bread, milk, eggs, cheese, canned fruits and veg
One-time-shot Plastic Debit Cards are a helluva lot cheaper than 'stamps' - closer to being fraud-proof, as well... stamps don't have mag-stripes for validation...

True, but what they are doing now is finding a new way to beat the system.

A few months ago I was in my grocery store line and a lowlife approached me. He asked if he could buy around $30.00 of my food using his food stamps, and I would purchase my items back from him after we check out for $20.00.

He gets the 20 and I save ten bucks. Of course I told him to go pound a salt bag, but he found somebody in the line next to me willing to save the ten bucks.
There are ways to scam any system, and I'm happy to concede that such things take place.

Before we go and turn the calendar back 40 years for 1970s-style USDA cheese and eggs and peanut butter, etc., I'd like to see some reliable numbers on the extent.

If we're spending $1000 to fix $1 worth of fraud (relatively speaking), then it's a non-starter.

According to the article, delivering food would save us billions in the coming years. I don't know how Trump or whoever came up with that estimate, but if true, it's certainly a step in the right direction.

We spent 78 billion dollars on food stamps last year and he only wants a third of that annual spending for his wall, but the Democrats refuse to give that to him.

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