Here We Go Again ==> Leonard Pitts: Hillary Clinton was right about those ‘deplorables’

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
It's great this guy brings this up at this time.

The country is really divided and the hate continues to grow.

Galvanizing the right is important so that they don't lose out to the deadbeats and illegals on the left.

And we need this kind of rhetoric to do that.

Thank you Leonard for helping get Trump re-elected.

Leonard Pitts: Hillary Clinton was right about those ‘deplorables’

Not that the guy makes any kind of argument at fact the article is very pooly written and has no cohesion.

But it does finish with this:

Maybe if it were a one-off, you could ignore it. But from his disinterring of Frederick Douglass to the creative spellings of his tweets to his geographic gaffes (We just got back from the Middle East," he once announced — in Israel) Trump produces daily, glaring and incontrovertible evidence of his intellectual dullness.


So once again, we are deplorables (just why has never been explained satisfactorily).

Who the fuck is Leonard Pitts, and why does anyone give a fuck what he thinks?
Leonard Pitts is black so more can't be expected of him. The best thing Hillary ever did for Trump was the deplorables comment. The uneducated Trump supporter is a fiction that democrats tell themselves to make them feel better. Superior even. It takes a lot of effort to maintain the fiction. The left has to stop conservative groups from forming on college campuses. They have to expel conservative students and silence conservative speakers. Now they have made themselves correct. Now they can be comfortable. The rest of us laugh at them.
Not Deplorable = Democrats stealing from the American taxpayer

Deplorable = investigating Democrats for stealing from the American taxpayer
49% approval rating....what is it about that the dems don't get?....keep pissing the people off dembos....

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