Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

You've forgotten how the courts work, Skippy?
I have to laugh at what you called evidence and what you accepted has evidence. pathetic
Difference between you and me is the fact you wore a gun and was an LEO, your bias is blatant and could affect others lives and probably did.

What did the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing have to do with a court?

Explain to me the Rules of Evidence. Your comment suggests you know what is and what is not evidence - so tell me and the other readers.

Have you ever sat in a criminal or civil trial? Have you ever been in the Jury Box? I doubt it:

There are four general types of evidence:
  • Real evidence (tangible things, such as a weapon)
  • Demonstrative (a model of what likely happened at a given time and place)
  • Documentary (a letter, blog post, or other document)
  • Testimonial (witness testimony)
I demonstrated in another thread how ignorant you are on this issue.

An accusation is hot evidence whether sworn or not . An accusation is an accusation and cannot be evidence of it;s own validity.

Presumption of evidence applies outside of court as well it is a principle not just a law

Ford and the others had no evidence of any kind whatsoever and massive evidence disputed them

To progressives like Wry Catcher, accusations means it happened. Its fascinating. You can always tell people who live in a bubble with no real responsibilities in life. They done navigate in the real world as most of us do where you see this stuff going on in the workplace.

STATEMENT: To progressives like Wry Catcher, accusations means it happened.

RESPONSE: Your accusation has no merit, it has no evidence to support it.

STATEMENT: "You can always tell people who live in a bubble with no real responsibilities in life."

RESPONSE: How do you conclude someone lives in a bubble and has no responsibilities in life? Once again, no merit.

STATEMENT: "They done navigate in the real world as most of us do where you see this stuff going on in the workplace."

RESPONSE: Once again, no merit. It seems kook's world was formed solely between his ears, and most of what he sees as reality are delusions.
Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

You've forgotten how the courts work, Skippy?
I have to laugh at what you called evidence and what you accepted has evidence. pathetic
Difference between you and me is the fact you wore a gun and was an LEO, your bias is blatant and could affect others lives and probably did.

What did the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing have to do with a court?

Explain to me the Rules of Evidence. Your comment suggests you know what is and what is not evidence - so tell me and the other readers.

Have you ever sat in a criminal or civil trial? Have you ever been in the Jury Box? I doubt it:

There are four general types of evidence:
  • Real evidence (tangible things, such as a weapon)
  • Demonstrative (a model of what likely happened at a given time and place)
  • Documentary (a letter, blog post, or other document)
  • Testimonial (witness testimony)
You know what my take away from your rambling is? You didn't deny that your bias interfered with your job....twice you had the opportunity.

The testimony was not credible at the hearings. You NEED CREDIBLE testimony and it wasn't there.
Now, you have another one that ISN'T stepping forward because she stated she can't recall the incident. You want that as evidence?

One would think they'd get weary of looking like fool's.

Unless they really don't realize they look like fools

Not if you are a fool.

So the rebuttal by those above of my comments are nothing more than personal attacks. One fool claimed their takeaway was my rambling - facts and definitions are not rambling.
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

We don't toss people overboard unless we have proof of their actions.

He's seated, get over it.
The alleged 'victim' says she has no recollection of the incident.
End of another NYT fucking lie!

LIAR ^^^

She remembered the attack, not where and not the date. Trauma can impact recall.

You are a liar sir the alleged victim of the new accusation does not remember the attack at all

Her lack of memory is not limited to time and place she has no memory of it at all which was an ommission the NYT was forced to correct
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

We don't toss people overboard unless we have proof of their actions.

He's seated, get over it.

Sure you do, metaphorically. Right wingers like you toss everyone under the bus if they don't agree with you.

I happen to believe Kavanaugh is unfit to be a supreme court justice. His demeanor during the confirmation hearings was inappropriate; his rant in his opening statement was sufficient to not confirm him, for he exposed his biases and temperament for all the world to see.

Kavanaugh says he's victim of 'revenge on behalf of the Clintons'
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Even Dimocrats favorite morning show, Morning Joe, rips the NYT tabloid piece.

Joe Scarborough Can’t Believe the NY Times Ran Salacious Brett Kavanaugh Essay With ‘Glaring Omission’

Joe Scarborough expressed the sort of disappointment one might expect between a father and his beloved child who made a significant mistake on Monday morning, following the New York Times clarifying salacious allegations revealed in an opinion piece about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The opinion piece, written by Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, was part of a promotion for an upcoming book The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation, that looks into the veracity and Congressional handling of allegations of sexual misconduct that came about during Kavanaugh’s highly contentious and eventual Supreme Court nomination.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski introduced the segment with a news report by noting that “more than a day after the article was published, the Times updated the argument to include a key element of the book’s account that were quote, the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode.”

Joe Scarborough: Glaring Omission in NY Times Kavanaugh Post
Even Dimocrats favorite morning show, Morning Joe, rips the NYT tabloid piece.

Joe Scarborough Can’t Believe the NY Times Ran Salacious Brett Kavanaugh Essay With ‘Glaring Omission’

Joe Scarborough expressed the sort of disappointment one might expect between a father and his beloved child who made a significant mistake on Monday morning, following the New York Times clarifying salacious allegations revealed in an opinion piece about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The opinion piece, written by Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, was part of a promotion for an upcoming book The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation, that looks into the veracity and Congressional handling of allegations of sexual misconduct that came about during Kavanaugh’s highly contentious and eventual Supreme Court nomination.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski introduced the segment with a news report by noting that “more than a day after the article was published, the Times updated the argument to include a key element of the book’s account that were quote, the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode.”

Joe Scarborough: Glaring Omission in NY Times Kavanaugh Post
This shit stinks. The NY Times has no, repeat NO credibility at all, and obviously no integrity either. It's disgusting.
This is much more damaging to the NYT than it is to Kavenaugh.
Is the NYT now destined to be alongside People Magazine, the National Enquire, etc at the supermarket check-out stands ?
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

We don't toss people overboard unless we have proof of their actions.

He's seated, get over it.

Sure you do, metaphorically. Right wingers like you toss everyone under the bus if they don't agree with you.

I happen to believe Kavanaugh is unfit to be a supreme court justice. His demeanor during the confirmation hearings was inappropriate; his rant in his opening statement was sufficient to not confirm him, for he exposed his biases and temperament for all the world to see.

Kavanaugh says he's victim of 'revenge on behalf of the Clintons'
Of course, you would believe it because you're a wingnut, fool.
The baseless attacks Kav took was no more than a political game by your own Feinstein.
Then he defends himself from leftwing lies, and you get your panties all in a wad. No surprise.
If it was in a court of law, you know it would have been thrown out.
Lie away, cupcake.
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

We don't toss people overboard unless we have proof of their actions.

He's seated, get over it.

Sure you do, metaphorically. Right wingers like you toss everyone under the bus if they don't agree with you.

I happen to believe Kavanaugh is unfit to be a supreme court justice. His demeanor during the confirmation hearings was inappropriate; his rant in his opening statement was sufficient to not confirm him, for he exposed his biases and temperament for all the world to see.

Kavanaugh says he's victim of 'revenge on behalf of the Clintons'

Of course, you would believe it because you're a wingnut, fool.
The baseless attacks Kav took was no more than a political game by your own Feinstein.
Then he defends himself from leftwing lies, and you get your panties all in a wad. No surprise.
If it was in a court of law, you know it would have been thrown out.
Lie away, cupcake.

"Of course, you would believe it because you're a wingnut, fool."

Methinks you are the wingnut and a biddable fool [trading ad hominems isn't my choice, but I'm sick of jerks like you]

Did you find Kavanaugh truthful, and did he maintain the decorum of what is to be expected of a judge? Yes or No.

Have you ever sat through a trial, watched each witness closely?

Did anyone, Kavanaugh included, provide any exculpatory evidence?

What did the vicitims hope to accomplish by making the claim that Kavanaugh was sexually inappropriate?

Why did Grassley refuse to provide documents, and the few he did were held back until the evening before the hearings?

Why did the committee limit the extent of the investigation of Kavanaugh past?

Grassley ran a Kangaroo Court, something reminiscent of a Soviet Trial during the 30's in Russia.
Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

We don't toss people overboard unless we have proof of their actions.

He's seated, get over it.

Sure you do, metaphorically. Right wingers like you toss everyone under the bus if they don't agree with you.

I happen to believe Kavanaugh is unfit to be a supreme court justice. His demeanor during the confirmation hearings was inappropriate; his rant in his opening statement was sufficient to not confirm him, for he exposed his biases and temperament for all the world to see.

Kavanaugh says he's victim of 'revenge on behalf of the Clintons'

Of course, you would believe it because you're a wingnut, fool.
The baseless attacks Kav took was no more than a political game by your own Feinstein.
Then he defends himself from leftwing lies, and you get your panties all in a wad. No surprise.
If it was in a court of law, you know it would have been thrown out.
Lie away, cupcake.

"Of course, you would believe it because you're a wingnut, fool."

Methinks you are the wingnut and a biddable fool [trading ad hominems isn't my choice, but I'm sick of jerks like you]

Did you find Kavanaugh truthful, and did he maintain the decorum of what is to be expected of a judge? Yes or No.

Have you ever sat through a trial, watched each witness closely?

Did anyone, Kavanaugh included, provide any exculpatory evidence?

What did the vicitims hope to accomplish by making the claim that Kavanaugh was sexually inappropriate?

Why did Grassley refuse to provide documents, and the few he did were held back until the evening before the hearings?

Why did the committee limit the extent of the investigation of Kavanaugh past?

Grassley ran a Kangaroo Court, something reminiscent of a Soviet Trial during the 30's in Russia.
It was nothing but a political game, you buffoon. It wasn't hard to figure that out
with how they played and brought it out the last minute for maximum impact.
If you can't see that, then you are stupider than your posts.
None are so blind than those who will not see.
When Democrats take power the FBI needs to be asked to finish the investigation into blackout Brett's rape allegations that Trump blocked.

The FBI did the investigation with many people who were named by Kavanaugh and Ford, and Ford didn't turn over some of her "evidence" to the Judiciary committee. she insisted they be given to the FBI who had already finished their investigation, who would have given it to the committee anyway. Ford was playing games on it, which is why she has nothing but bullcrap left to offer.

They found NO support to her allegations.

Meanwhile why do you leftists keep ignoring the part that Ford can STILL file a lawsuit against Kavanaugh, claiming she was sexually assaulted, what is holding her back?

The alleged sex crime event never expires in Maryland, thus even after 35 years, she can still sue....,

How come you don't consider her silence on it, as an indication she doesn't want a lawsuit but to harass him with obvious politically based bullcrap?

Ford -
Even her Father did not believe her, and supported Kav.
She admitted it was abortion based - not it actually happened based.
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

This idiot claims to have been a cop and demands that a negative be proven. Kavanaugh has undergone over half a dozen FBI background investigations and NOTHING resembling this was uncovered. Considering your belligerent and ignorant rants here, you would be disqualified as a witness in any case. The man was upset over being labeled a gang rapist and a having his family put through this crap by proven liars and other Dem scum. Personally I would have told those Dim committee members (especially the ignorant female Dims) exactly where to shove their crap. Nobody was ignored. OPINIONS from classmates jealous of Kavanaugh were not worth the time to get. Funny they clammed up when reminded about the felony perjury charges for lying.

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